Modeling question
I was browsing through the net and found this picture.Tried using soapskin but the result was not even close.Any ideas from the pros on how can i model this.
mmm...thoughts, clipmaps(or image with alpha channels)'s render
then using FFD to splash sphere or cube with sub-subd. to get this form(or look at incredible buildings by fbartels...geometric-formula meshes)
uv-mapping - Urgen's tricks from art-sketch... -
I reckon the method you use will really depend on how accurate you want the model. If accuracy sint too important, you could probably just model a skin and then apply a PNG texture with some transparency to get the gaps in the surface.
If you want a more physically accurate model, i tihnk youd be much better off with a modelling program such as topmod:
I havent uset it myself, but i think you could probably produce some pretty good results, looking at other models that people have made. -
I'll try and write up a quick way to do this.
Its pretty close.Ill w8 for the tut
It was doing my head in writing a tute. Hopefully you'll be able to work it out from that.