Fitness and Training
I was speaking with Coen about training techniques and thought I would post what I've been doing daily. Mind you I'm still doing physical therapy on my right shoulder so I do not do any pushups, pullups, or plyometric Kung Fu exercises...yet!
Here's my daily routine:
7:45 am
- Qigong breathing 5-10 min
- White Crane Qigong shoulder work 5-10 min
- 250 scissor kicks on back (with hammer punches after first 100)
- 65 crunches
- 60 oblique crunches (30 both sides)
- 30 neck bridges (front and back - 10-15 rep cycles)
- 36 back extensions (18 reps each)
rubber band work: - 80 outward shoulder extensions (both arms - 20 rep cycles)
- 80 inward shoulder extensions (both arms - 20 rep cycles)
- 60 shoulder rows (20 rep cycles)
- 60 shoulder back presses (20 rep cycles)
- 40 back press arm raises - rubber band
Light kicking drills - 20 back kicks (both legs = 40)
- 20 side kicks (both legs = 40)
and a bunch of assorted stretches/punches/kicks!!
8:30 am - shower - > work
- listen to good music, keep perfect posture, drink lots of water, and green tea, smile and breathe..
12:00 pm (about 35 min)
- 240 scissor kicks
- White Crane Qigong shoulder work 5-10 min
- 100 outward White Crane Kung Fu sticky hands blocks
- 100 inward White Crane Kung Fu sticky hands blocks
- Iron Shirt strength & Qigong breathing 10 min
- assorted shoulder exercises and stretches, punches and kicks and stances
6:30 pm (music: AC/DC - Back in Black, Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith, for inspiration and timing!)
- Qigong breathing, warm up arm/leg swings 5 min, 3 minutes jump rope, light stretching
- Mountain biking - 7.57 miles, hill training circuit (247 foot elevation change for first hill, multiple hills after, repeated - gut it out full bore!)
- 10 min jump rope (immediately from bike, no break)
- 5 min speed bag punching (no breaks)
- 5 min jump rope
- 5 min speed bag punching
- 5 min jump rope (to failure)
- 5 min speed bag punching (to failure)
- 15 min of shoulder work with rubber bands
- 10 min kicking drills
- light stretching
8:00 pm - Shower, go out
11:30 pm
- 30 min stretching ...arms, legs, neck, waist
- Qigong breathing
- CraigD
Now to complete the overall body workout you need to add the wrists, hand, fingers and brain when you are working on our most anticipated version 7.
ten sets of Eyeball Rolls
might also help.
Craig, please share with us some of your personal philosophy for living that has you achieving such a level of fitness. As you know many of us do very little physical activity so it would seem we have very different philosophies for living. Perhaps you can explain what drives you. I'm not sure I can explain my relative inactivity.
Regards, Ross
PS - I like your taste in music.
Who has time for excercising with so much sketchupping to do?
@craigd said:
6:30 pm (music: AC/DC - Back in Black, Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith, for inspiration and timing!)
very good tastes, I like listening the same stuff...
Dang, Stu, we got the same diet and fitness regime! We should do videos!
Thanks Stu !
You made my day
I dont mind giving you a hand tuning that regime up stu, sounds like a good balance youve got going there.
On a more serious note (sorry to detract from the comedy) i prefer to get outside and do sport as my form of exercise.
This usually means going climbing a couple fo times a week, and the ocasional cycke ride. I also walk the mile or so to college each day, which provides a pleasant form of distraction.
I am a decent squash player and a lousy occasional jogger...
Most of the times 3 X 1.5 hours a week squash.
The running is something I want to do more, but I lack the persistence.
A competition based sport like squash is easier for me to get in to, as the competitiveness gives me wings...Running on the other hand is just basically fighting yourself.
Maybe I need to set myself a goal for the running part, like the 10 miles of Antwerp next year to get that extra motivation I need. -
Id like to get in to a bit of squash, when ever ive playeed before its been great fun, ive never found agood club though
I sit at a computer for probably 10 hours every day, less on weekends.
I work from home, so I don't even any exercise walking out to the car or into an office from a parking lot.
This time of year In 2004, I was in the best shape of my life. I was rounding out 2 years of working in the shop, on my feet. I had excellent core strength and great balance. I was working circles around other men my age, and younger, and still had energy left at the end of the day. I weighed 205 lbs at the time, 73" tall, and I was 41.
Fast forward 3.5 years of sitting on my hiney.
Just before the holidays in November and December this last year, I was up to 242 lbs, and felt and looked like what I would call a slob. I was disgusted with myself and my weight. In January, I changed my eating habits and started exercising. I go walking around the community every chance I get. I like to walk 3-4 miles a day, but with work, school and weather, I don't always have time. I've lost 1/2 the weight I need to get back to 205. I hope to be pretty close to my goal for Basecamp. With school ending tonight, (after the final - woo-hoo!), I will fill a lot of that time I spent studying with more exercise.
Well done Todd!!
If your interested I can give you a copy of my Prawn and Garlic Pizza Diet!!!
There are obviously many different fitness regimes...the important thing is to end up with buffed body, a clear, lucid, razor sharp mind and the ability to fell an adversery, if necessary, with a lightning fast, spinning kick to the jaw.
My program generally goes some thing like this:
Yesterday for example I woke at 10.30am [damn garbage truck]...lit my first Camel for the day and while waiting for the coffee to boil finished the dregs from the cask of red along with some cold left over Prawn and Garlic Pizza [seafood is very important in my diet]
I walked to the letter box and back [heavy, forced breathing]...scoffed a couple of Alkaseltsas, poured myself a stiff Scotch to clear the mind and got down to work.
At midday I jumped in the car drove down to Mackas for a couple of kingsize double cheese burgers with a family serve of chips and picked up a six pack of Fosters on the way back to wash lunch down.
Did a a bit of work but realized I needed some well earned rest so flaked out on the vibrating bed [good for circulation].
Woken about 8 that night by the dog licking my face. I realised my consumption of red wine [good for the heart] for the day was way down so sprinted the 25 metres to th local pub and got the usual 4 litre cask of plonk and by the time I got back home my regular Pizza delivery had just arrived.
After I finished the Pizzas I realised I had forgotten to get a couple of packs of smokes for the night so it was back to the pub [walking this time...more heavy breathing].
So I settled down in front of the TV for the night and finally hit the vibrating bed about 1 AM...the wine had run out anyway.
Im going to be so fit I'll be dangerous!!!