The Energy Non-Crisis
Once you start messing with the oil cartels you are treading on a mine field, imagine if indeed they owned up to this? Their profits would drop as they could not justify the $ 112.00 barrel prices.
They have it just perfect right now with the price of oil so high they can sustain these profits for years to come, heck I even think they would like to see $ 150.00 before stabilizing the price. The way they see it, we will bitch and moan for a while, make the adjustment and carry on as nothing happened β¦. And they are right. -
Perosnally i dont really mind too much if oil prices go up, maybe then people will stop using their cars so much.
Personally i dont plan on gettign a car for a very long time for this very reason.
Obviously there are other big polluters (industry, china etc.) but if everyone stopped using cars, itd make a big difference.
Remus, what about folks that do not live in a place as you do that has excellent public transport?
Another thing is the UK and the USA are very quick to accuse China of being huge polluters, but they are mistaken as if you correctly equate the emmissions based per capita and not per country, China is three times lower than the USA.
I understand that my previosu statement was quite sweeping, and i suppose a better revision would be "i hope that this encurages people to look more carefully at how they use oil."
As for public transport, i dont know what it is like in the US, but where i live it isn't exactly brilliant compared to a lot of other places in europe, its still possible ot make do, though.
I didn't know that the US was the biggest polluter per capita (although it makes sense now i think aobut it) but it is still no excuse for a country to be spewing out that much crap.
They are right that we the people will do nothing about it, maybe complain for a short while then accept and continue. They know that we are more concrned about the important things in life like Britney Spears.
Lindsey Williams speaks scary stuff.
the bad thing is we have plenty of crude oil in the us our goverment only let the us people pump some much a day which is very little
An older book (circa 1992) but crucial to understanding the importance of Oil in the 20th century and the future....
@remus said:
As for public transport, i dont know what it is like in the US, but where i live it isn't exactly brilliant ...
Where I live in the UK it's crap !
wherei live in the us it is nonexistint
mike d
@mike d said:
the bad thing is we have plenty of crude oil in the us our goverment only let the us people pump some much a day which is very little
Not much of a surprise there, as the US government wants to keep Saudi money flowing into the US. Business, eh?
@unknownuser said:
Ah yes of course, and don't forget Paris Hilton's underwear.
Now you're stretching it, Coen - seeing things that aren't there ...
Scary stuff. What's the point though. I mean what power do we have. We need to work to earn money to buy groceries to eat and feed our children. What can anyone do if his theory about the IMF and the World bank are true and the date that Iran starts to flood the market with cheap oil arrives. What would happen if the us economy tanks and money becomes worthless.
eventually we would all become slave labor and products would be too expensive to buy.
Wait a minute that's were we are now.
@unknownuser said:
Scary stuff. What's the point though. I mean what power do we have. We need to work to earn money to buy groceries to eat and feed our children. What can anyone do if his theory about the IMF and the World bank are true and the date that Iran starts to flood the market with cheap oil arrives. What would happen if the us economy tanks and money becomes worthless.
eventually we would all become slave labor and products would be too expensive to buy.
Wait a minute that's were we are now.
Look at it this way, at least you're not living in Zimbabwe. Their money is truly worthless. US$1 would make you a millionaire in Zimbabwe.
Well put julian.
I guess what I'm referring to is the fact that we all have a certain set of basic needs. Food, Water, and Shelter. Yes there is a wide spectrum of peoples abilities to provide for these basics. IE some people in this world simply die from starvation or malnutrition or exposure to the elements. at the other end there are people who live in opulence and could provide the basics for themselves and many many thousands of others. So eventually if mass amounts of people have no money and will work for pennies just to buy a few crumbs to eat or will show up in food lines to get a meager amount of food for free. If his theory is true and the dollar becomes worthless then that is where we are headed. So what's the point of the IMF having trillions of trillions of dollars what do "they" expect to do. What's their big Plan. If their big plan is to kill off mass amounts of people so that a select few can inherit the earth than I'd understand. because what's the point of having a trillion dollars if they are worthless.
Quite interesting, must read the book. I would go along
with some of what he says. I do believe there are a hand
full of people that pull the strings on the Global Eccomomy.
Hey! they were not THAT smart bringing him on-boardSo
maybe there is hope yet.The up side of high oil prices is the newly found wish by
ordinary everyday people to become more in harmony with Nature,
all be it for ecconomical reason mostly, not a bad thing!
Hopefully it will continue to grow.While watching clips of Lindsey I noticed '%(#0000BF)[FREE ENERGY Home
Generator -Zero Point Energy - Off the Grid]' and
had a look at it,
I've seen these inventions come and go, but this time I may try
and check out the actual Patent Application Papers as I believe
these can be downloaded easily on the Net. Ozzies are not easiy
pushed aroundThis lead me to spotting this, 'Free Energy another Inconvenient Truth'
Again I viewed and found it interesting. Yes, I agree with
the final statement .... Who ever controls Energy also controls Power. -
Just watching Bush via CNN giving his Talk on Economic
Condition.He claims that the reason for high oil prices is because
Congress will not allow drilling on USA soil! Maybe we
could pass along Lindsey Williams' mobile number so he
could tell him about all this oil that has been tapped
in Alaska and wpuld only cost $3 a barrel to take up!Does anyone have his number?
You know, I had to laugh at all the folks who were out protesting and claiming the war in Iraq was a war for oil. Go back to the first gulf war, and they said the same about Kuwait. Shows how ignorant the protesters really are.
Go back to the 1970s when gas prices went from less than 30 cents a gallon in many places in the US up to over 50 cents a gallon and remember when the prices leveled off there. Seems there was this pipeline that the oil companies wanted to lay up in Alaska and it was being held up by the government at the behest of the environmentalists. Pocket books got involved and an oil line got put in.
G.W. was not in gasoline production, he was involved in domestic drilling and exploration. He never did want cheaper ME oil. ANWAR is what the drilling and exploration people want. More drilling off of the coast in the Gulf and the Atlantic is what they want.
How much is there? I truly don't know. The environmentalists say it would be a drop in the bucket, others like the fella on the video say it would make our current imports seem to be a drop in the bucket. Thing is, you can't really believe what any of them tell you. And don't depend on the press to tell you the truth, either. They're not interested in the truth.