Lock toolbars
Julian, why dont you get rid of all your toolbars and jsut use keyboard shortcuts? it takes a bit of getting used to but its a lot faster
Remus, thanks for the concern. The answer to your question / suggestion is because I prefer toolbars to keyboard shortcuts.
as good a reason as any
I made this video back in February. It gets less funny every time it happens. There's a lot of talk about V7 features, but if all it does is fix the toolbars, I'd be happy.
Poetic justice: my window has been messed u the last 2/3 times i opened SU
there is a little trick to help you, once you are happy with your toolbar arrangement, close sketchup (the UI gets saved internally). anytime your screen gets resized, or messed up, or your toolbars change - don't close sketchup, open another instance of sketchup - this one opens with the original UI. then close both windows but make sure that you close the clean and tidy @last
this way your clean UI gets saved as last overwriting the messy one (since all instances of sketchup share one UI setting)
Thanks for that little trick, I'll keep it in mind.
My wish still stands though.
Haven't had this problem until this weekend...
Apart from the Subdivide/smooth plug-in, I haven't installed anything that would/should make this happen and I haven't even resized SU... -
The least they could do was to add a Reset Toolbars/Windows button somewhere for the poor things who have lost their Shadows dialog or some other feature while messing around with dual screens or screen resolutions or other features.
I'd be happy if they allowed us to add / remove individual icons from the toolbars. You know, like every other software package has done since the introdution of Windows 2.1
...except office 2007
ANd yes, being able to customise toolbars would also be a nice feature.
@anssi said:
The least they could do was to add a Reset Toolbars/Windows button somewhere for the poor things who have lost their Shadows dialog or some other feature while messing around with dual screens or screen resolutions or other features.
@genma saotome said:
I'd be happy if they allowed us to add / remove individual icons from the toolbars. You know, like every other software package has done since the introdution of Windows 2.1
@remus said:
...except office 2007
ANd yes, being able to customise toolbars would also be a nice feature.
I believe that would constitute a new wish, thus creation of a new thread in the wishlist.
And fly-out toolbars would be great.
@unknownuser said:
I've had to arrange my toolbars for the third/fourth time today. Really annoying! I hope this will be fixed soon so one can lock your tools (menu top and left) in position so in the even of something happening you don't have to rearrange them afterwards.
I think this has been mentioned (requested) in the wishlist before, hope it gets the attention it deserves.
I'm with you Julian and all, very annoying. I tend to use minimum toolbars to the top and 'float' the Large tooset to the left of the screen....
Custom toolbars would be great also; I notice that MAC SU has an undo / redo toolbar by itself. [please correct me if I am wrong] PC SU has it in the 'Standard' toolbar which takes up valuable screen. Would be great to have a separate toolbar instead of Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y...
Andrew, ive got a feeling the toolbars are completely customisable in macSU, although i might be wrong as ive never actually tried it. It would cetainly be nice to have this feature for windows, would certainly help to maximise working space.
you bet Remus, let's hope!!
me too
Add my request to the wishlist.