That's an example of the frozen state problem, the convex hull glitch is rarer.
RE: Frozen state problem
RE: Frozen state problem
Ummm... I also tend to get convex hulls falling through the floor when models get complex. Ever heard of that?
RE: Using a Controller with SketchyPhysics 2.0 Beta 1
To make the controller work with sketchyphysics, just make your model, open the UI and select a joint you want to control. Then, in the 'controller' box, enter 'joyLX' or 'joyLY' for the left stick, or 'joyRY' for the triggers. For now the right stick on 360 controllers isn't compatible.
RE: Frozen state problem
When the car drives into the flags, they are pushed, but remain frozen in mid air afterwards. Similar thing happens with the other frozen objects in the level. I'm using vista ultimate x64, maybe that has something to do with it?
New way to make cloth!
I've made some stretchy sketchyphysics cloth using loads of universal joints and even more springs. It works really well, so I just thought I'd share it: If you want to see how it works, turn on hidden geometry and show the physics joint layer; it's really quite easy to make, just kinda time consuming. If anyone wants to make a larger piece in a sharing project, post here.
RE: Why no Vista?
I use vista... I didn't have any problems..? I'm using x64 as well, so you'd think if yours doesn't work, mine wouldn't either.
RE: Frozen state problem
Uh.. well, my driving game on the 3D warehouse has it... at least for me. I haven't heard anything about the bug in the reviews, but here's a link:
Frozen state problem
When I make very complex models, objects in the frozen state behave very strangely... they only move while they are colliding with an unfrozen, non-static object, or after they have been clicked. Does anyone else have this problem? Can it be fixed?
RE: Reversable motors?
For now you can just use two motors in opposite directions, with the opposite motor on a different controller. This allows forwards/reverse, but at half the set speed.
RE: Extended controller support?
If it helps, it's a saitek rumble P3200. Thanks
Extended controller support?
360 style controllers, with analog triggers, don't work properly, as joyRY is controlled by the triggers, and the right stick doesn't work. I reckon support for the right stick is more important, and maybe the triggers could be put on joyRZ? Something really great would be support for multiple controllers, you could put them on joyLX2 etc.