I think you could do what you are asking Chris, with a minor modification. You would need to have the user perform a prior install of a script to enable to communication with the web service, but then once it was installed, that is all they would need. From then on, all scripts could be downloaded, and managed at run time from the database. In that you could store the scripts as either simple strings, and pass them to the ruby engine at run time to be executed, or maybe you could even store them as blobs in the DB and then execute them as a full script. I am not sure about the blob idea, in theory it could work, but in practice there might be hiccups along the way....but the managing them as simple strings that get passed around should work. As I go through this exercise over the next few weeks / months, I will keep you posted. If anyone out there wants to play a little and be a part of this, by all means, let me know... there is more than enough work to go around Obviously my catalog specific stuff I wouldn't be open to sharing, but anything generic like methods supporting gears, and or dynamic script loading from the db would be awesome to give back.