please more details about this part
RE: Upholstered furniture
@alvis said:
Hello Safa. You want to modeling furniture seams with Sketchup, as in the pictures? I can cheer you. With Sketchup it is possible to do! But until now, no one does it. And no tutorial on this issue. Why? Therefore, it is very difficult. Such modeling is not worth the money. Sketchup has a different concept. Lines, lines, and primitive shapes with friendly user interface. So the question is, why you need such a level of detail?
Continues the lessons as I do it. Maybe you'll see something useful ...
Thank you for your interest. I want to learn how to do this to use in my work. I work Designer Furniture. I was drawing by hand and define all the details of the design to be implemented later. But now I want to learn using this by Sketchup .. Therefore. Can you help me .. Thanks again
RE: Upholstered furniture
@safa said:
can you make a video to learn us why you do this?
@alvis said:
A lot of video lessons are online. I have not shown anything new
sorry ,, I'm new in woodworking .. can u help me (link video or what's plugins used)