I guess you probably mean other than figuring out where or how to get started on a new drawing.
Don't know if it was a struggle so much as maybe a best practice that took a bit of time to catch on to and use consistently, but making every single part into a component as soon as I have a 2D construction. Ganged components for drawers and door assemblies and the like make models much easier to use and understand. The next major advance for me was to start using layers which made getting inside a case etc to add drawer webs and other parts, or just to simplify the screen as it begins getting cluttered. For some time I thought the only way to use the Follow-Me tool was to click on the shape then drag it manually around the perimeter I wanted to extrude. Then I found a tutorial where they selected the path and then simply clicked the shape with the Follow-Me tool and voila, extruded all the way around without all the mouse acrobatics.