regarding my last post: ok, changing AttributeDictionary from inside the callback is also unsave, because it is a part of the model, so (1)(2)(3) are no options.
So I have to create the AttributeDictionary asynchronously 
What I am going to do is to add properties to groups to describe event triggered behaviour. E.g. to make a group being a door I annotate the group with a start and a target location. The SketchUp model is linked with a VR application which plays the game then.
For editing the properties and interacting with the goup I use a non modal web dialog, which updates if the user changes the selection. The AttributeDictionary will be lazy created if the user press the save button in the webdialog. This works fine if I have one group per behaviour (e.g. the animation).
Now I want to add a behaviour which switches between groups. The user interaction causes creation and associatiation of new groups. To store the associations I need a further dictionary per group which stores an "id", a "parent" and a "children" property.
This directory must be available if the user can interact with the group via the web dialog, that means directly after the dialog has been updated caused by selecting an object by the user.
Possibly I could work around by lazy creation triggered by certain user interactions via web dialog but would like to avoid this.