I need to try and remember to post more here.
Anyway, thanks Meaker. I've actually seen that site before. I'm trying to strike a careful balance, by taking as few liberties with the science aspect of the series as possible, while still doing some of the specific ideas I want to see in the series. So, I want it to be more realistic then the average sci-fi you see on tv and film, but at the same time not get so bogged down by the science that the story I want to tell gets lost. So when I do step outside the bounds of science, I try to take very small steps.

This is equally true for the military aspect of the series as well. I often tend to think of this as more of a story about the military then I do it being science fiction, so in that regard I want it to be respectful of the military and not just mindless sci-fi violence.

So here's something new.
Triple Threat Defense.


From left to right

The Bulwark Long Range Missile Interception Laser Turret
The Aeroram Medium Range Missile Interception System
The Type 73 Short Range Railgun Turret