The idea for "The Urban Facelift Project" came from putting our proverbial money where our mouth is. However, we are not at a point where we can buy numerous buildings and give them facelifts and physically change their appearance, but we can use our talents to show the community, as well as property owners, what a little paint, landscape, and awnings can do for a building.
We set out to photograph any buildings that we see any glimpse of potential in, i.e. good “bones”. The rules and guidelines that we have set for ourselves are that we cannot change adjacent buildings to the project, unless we are doing them all under one facelift, and that we cannot alter any city property, including street lights, which we would love to change, and sidewalks.
We also limit our time, major reason being that we are not profiting from these renderings or designs. This is down and dirty speed design. We take the photo, discuss the potential we think the building has, head back to the office and sketch out some ideas, quickly model the existing structure, and then spend about two to three hours trying to make it look like something. This process usually takes about 4-5 hours.
We would love to see residents from other city's (you guys) choose a building and do their own facelift, not just architects and designers, but anyone with a desire to be a part of the project. If the project meets our criteria, essentially the same format that we've show in the previous UFP's, we will post it to our blog. Obviously, we’d like to see some of the owners realize the potential of their investments, and the potential gain of incorporating some of the ideas shown in the facelift for their building. After all, the revisions to the exterior that we are providing are usually cost effective ways to drastically change the structure’s, and therefore the immediate community’s aesthetics.
Please see a couple examples of the Urban Facelift Project below, and for more UFP's please visit: