thank a lot
fantastic it is wath I need
thanks flyer
thank a lot
fantastic it is wath I need
thanks flyer
thank to all of you for your words
I started with sketchyphysics 3 but I returned back to version two.
I need to learn more because in version 3 I don't know how to define the difference between hinge, servo and motor.
may be that now I can try it again
Is it possible to find a tutor or help file for version nr.3 ?
ciao flyer
Hi to all of you
I'm new with sketchphysycs and after so many frustrating night's hours I have completed my first very simple model, but now I have to tell to somebody that , at last , it is working.
sorry to disturb your time with this simple gadget but for me it is been a big satisfation
Ciao flyer