Thanks for the quick reply. the problem is that i'm running it on Windows. The file you got after compiling the C extension is "Bundle" and mine a source, I don't know if there is a difference for SketchUp.
I saw your topic but I don't understand how you solved your problem?
RE: Ruby C++ extension crashes SketchUp
Ruby C++ extension crashes SketchUp
Hi everyone, I have a very weird problem to solve. I've programmed a C++ extension for a sketchup project. What I do :
-I compile it with extconf & make -> it works
-I test the source file on ruby console with irb and other commands -> it works
-I put require 'mytest' and include CallModule at the beginning of my ruby script and I put the source file into the plugin directory with the ruby script.
-I launch SketchUp and it crashes instantly.I made a lot of test and I'm sure SketchUp crashes because of my source file .so resulting of the compilation of my cpp file "mytest.cpp". I tried to remove the line "require 'my test" at the beginning of my ruby script and sure it crashes because of source file I put in the plugin directory. Moreover I tried to make a C version of my extension and I get the same problem.
Hope you can help me because I don't know what can I do. I'm on Windows XP Pro.