nice concept
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RE: Nomeradona SU modeling
im traibubam from i love your job ....can i add your yahoo?
@bob james said:
This forum will simply not tolerate anyone posting photographs and claiming they are models
you are funny, I think that's a compliment, thank you
RE: Cafe and Housing
@ramy_ramroum said:
very good work i like it ! were can i find the tree in the second picture plz ? thanks
thanks , the tree in 3dwh ...
RE: Cafe and Housing
@marked001 said:
these look great, but I don't think the linework overlay is helping them at all.. try exporting it at a high 5000x__ and then size it down to fit the render.. this usually gets you thinner, cleaner lines.. and also maybe lighten up the opacity a bit.
thank you for your feedback, I will follow your guidance