Rendering software comparison
To no-ones surprise, I happen to agree with Fletch...
@unknownuser said:
Hmmm.... I can show you scene where Podium will render many times faster than Kerky.
The point I wanted to make was that this can't be true, since the engine behind Podium is Kerkythea...!!
I have high respect for the Podium plug-in, but that's only when it comes to the way TBD have made it... The ease of use, where anybody can make a nice photo realistic render, without knowing anything about renders at all...
On the other hand, I can show many renders made in Kerkythea, which can't be achieved in Podium... Reason for this being that KT have so many much more advanced settings and options, which can't be made with Podium because of the limitations made to make it much easier to use...
@unknownuser said:
OK as you have better idea maybe you should organise the setup...
Doesn't this conflict with your first statement (the one shown above..)..??
You said that you can show a scene, and now you want me to arrange the set-up..??I can show you some renders made with KT, which you can't achieve in Podium, but what's the point really...??
Good reply Fletch!
IMO the best render app is the one you enjoy and can use with ease and understanding.
Both Podium and KT are based on the same engine so the face off is pointless...if anything wait for Podium version 2 as it will not be KT based.
Happy rendering
Shall we postpone then?
Although it wouldn't be much more than some fun, it would be nice to see Podium 2.0 go up against KT Echo.
@solo said:
Good reply Fletch!
thanks, Solo
@solo said:
...wait for Podium version 2 as it will not be KT based.
are you absolutely certain about that?
@unknownuser said:
Shall we postpone then?
Postpone comparing KT to KT? I have thousands of renders comparing KT to KT if you want to see them, let me know... I can post some
Glad to see that KT has a dedicated, jealous team. Its the only render app I have touched since 3d Studio (which version was that...?), now 3ds MAX.
@unknownuser said:
Glad to see that KT has a dedicated, jealous team.
Not sure I get the point here...
We have just been pointing out the fact that the engine behind Podium is Kerkythea...
So what's there to be jealous about..?? -
@solo said:
...if anything wait for Podium version 2 as it will not be KT based.
Very interesting info indeed...
And you're absolutely sure about this..??What will be the successor..??
That is shrouded in thick layers of mistery.
I am absolutely sure, but being more of a 'Bahaman' I let the dogs out and not the cats.
@frederik said:
Not sure I get the point here...
We have just been pointing out the fact that the engine behind Podium is Kerkythea...
So what's there to be jealous about..??Frederik,
I don't mean to rub you the wrong way (or any which way for that matter). I had struggled to find the right word for what I wanted to say.
I had used the word "jealous" as an expression of possesiveness, as in a jealous girlfriend or as in the third definition in Merriam Webster dictionary:
@unknownuser said:
3: vigilant in guarding a possession <new colonies were jealous of their new independence β Scott Buchanan>
I also guessed you were uing the word in some similar sense... like "anxiously protective". But then I1m not a native speaker so sometimes I also have problems with "fine tuning" the expressions I use...
Alright... No worries...
Like yourself, English isn't my native language...
I was unsure about what you meant and just didn't get the point...
But thanks for clarification... -
The first few results for the Great Sketchup Render Test are in! I've posted the images and render times below for you to make your own comparrisons. A fuller review and explanation of methodology will be on my blog (, but I've currently just got podium written up. Basically (i.e there's more to it), I take the same scene, lit just by the Sketchup sun, and see what the results are with minimal tweaking. Hope this comparrison proves useful! Here's the first few...
So the first four are done. The results so far tabulated:
Podium 18:47
Irender 0:25
Vue Esprit 2:12
Kerkythea 3:25Remember, this test is to ascertain a benchmark for use of a renderer specifically with Sketchup, and with minimal experience and setup time, using presets where possible. These figures are to produce a "good" image with minimal tweaking, not the best possible image the software can offer. I think it's fair to say the IRender image failed this particular test since it couldn't handle global illumination i.e it's just a raytrace renderer. Vue needed a few cheats to correct the lighting and the scene needed to be re-framed within Vue because camera wasn't imported. It was the quickest and it will shine, I imagine, with exterior renders.
Podium and Kerkythea gave the most pleasing lighting for a similar amount of setting up. Both retained the Sketchup camera view which can be essential to your workflow. But the speed difference... -
This is completely irrelevant. How can you say similar amount of set up time. Podium works within SU and KT need to import scene from the SU. Same thing apply to Vue....
Also it all depends on presets. I don't know which one you used for the Podium and how does that compare to any other presets of other render engine. I am afraid this does not help as paints distorted picture. You say the best light was from Podium and KT. That KT image looks washed up (consider it a bad render) and Vue in mu mind looks better. -
This is ridiculous, how can you be equally astute with all these engines to even consider making an informed comparison? You obviously do not know how to use podium or irender well enough to even consider such a comparison.
Below are three of many Podium renders I have done recently that have taken less time to render than your very bland and simple example scene.
7 minutes
14 minutes
11 minutes
Now consider the time saved by using a program within SU without the complicated lighting, exports and material setups.
Your bias is obvious as well as your inability to use a simple app like Podium properly.
Did anyone mention Podium's ease of use yet? Not to be overlooked, I think. Ease of use = speed and effiency.
Can You post your model. I would like to ask one of our masters to render it.
This is a difficult task to compare rendering software. I think it may be a better idea to have 1 model, with 1 view, expectation on creating the same materials look, and have everyone render it out using whatever they have at thier disposal.
I use VUE (haven't for about 1/2 year though) and I would think it would be appropriate to run this with normal settings, GI settings, GA settings and HDRI settings, with stock materials. Then set it up the way you would normally set it up, using your custom materials (trying to match what the model is supposed to be) and render your choice.
Times would be also needed for this experiment - how long to set up, how long to render etc.I have often found that the strenght of VUE is that your render will look about 60% done as soon as you import it, and if you sub materials in, that jumps to about 80%... squeezing the other 20%.. well, that isn't easy, as well - Vue takes a loooong time... I personally feel that Artlantis looks too plasticy, but I've seen some cool renders done by ... Andrew? that change my mind... (forgive me, I've been away for too long). Kerky has always seemed harsh and heavy to me, but I've also seen some amazing stuff there too... and I'm sure Podium looks great when a master works...
This just seems like a lot of work to put together, and at the end.. I don't know what we really will have for comparasin..
I entirely expected to get a lot of stick over this by people backing up their favourite software. But come on, insulting me isn't going to do you or anyone any good. Posting a load of images you've done on Podium isn't going to change the fact that, for a similar quality of output, Podium was slower than Vue and KKt. If there's some obvious way to speed up Podium let me know. The scene is bland and simple for a reason.
My thanks to Shaun for a more measured response. Yes, this kind of comparison will irk some people. But it will help counless more.
Just a note about set-up times for everyone else reading this. IRender was the fastest because it has an internal material setup function. Kerkythea and Podium were about the same. Don't assume Podium sets up quicker just because it's internal to SketchUp - scenes can need a lot of tweaking. Using the SU2KT exporter to KKT is quick and hassle free, and saved time because a metal material came pre-loaded. Podium doesn't have this (yet).