Most impressive 3D model I have ever seen.
Check this out: drops.
I remember seeing this linked to the "Old Forums" somewhere. Incredible work, I guess (though there were different opinions about such a work there as I remember).
Thanks Eric though for posting it here, too - this is also something like "rebuilding" the old database here (and always nice to see a "masterpiece")
I also remember this from the old Google forums. I admire the endless amounts of labor that went into it (I used to work as an architectural illustrator for a high-end visualization firm, so I feel I understand that well) but I have difficulty with the idea that this is anything other than a proof-of-concept experiment. It's my professional prejudice, I suspect: for me, computer models are only a means to an end (the real building, the real aircraft/submarine/satellite, the real whatever that exists independently of the power-on button on a computer somewhere). I can also see a great value in the digital recreation of historic architecture and environments that no longer exist intact.
I would have been much more impressed with the cathedral modelers if they had worked up a completely new cathedral to this level of detail and then proceeded to ask for bids from building contractors.
What, incidentally, does WIP mean? I'm embarrassed to acknowledge that I have no idea. --Lewis
poster-Lewis Wadsworth
WIP: Work In Progress.
"I would have been much more impressed with the cathedral modelers if they had worked up a completely new cathedral to this level of detail and then proceeded to ask for bids from building contractors."
seeing that it was built so long ago... a bid would still be interesting, seeing that labor and pricing are so different.
also, don't you drool over the number of components you could make out of that place...
ó_O' whimpers ouch, that is some heavy duty modeling there... #respect#
@mark leichliter said:
WIP: Work In Progress.
Thanks for clearing that up. I was worried:
"Weapons of Immense Potency"
"Wampas of Incalculable Pustulence" (that's a Star Wars reference)
"Wonky Infantile Politics"
"Wimpy Insecurity Plug"
"Wonderful Institution Pulverized"
"Wombats Insufferably Proliferating"
"Wildly Intersecting Proclivities"
"Wearisome Indigestible Protazoans"I was really hoping it wasn't
"Worrisome Insect Proboscis"
because that would imply that I had absolutely no grip on what this or any other SketchUp forum was about.
poster-Lewis Wadsworth