Attachements removed from Sketchup Forums
I made the counter sticky with orange juice this morning - I digress, anyways why would we make this sticky then? would that be because I mention that I would offer my goods? or that people should remove thier attachements? I am just confused - I also don't want to cause controversy more than I have already and I am not too sure about making threads sticky either - don't want to junk up the forum.Shaun Tennant
Shaun, Coen, et. al.,
I removed my attachments for reasons stated in your thread on SU forum.
My intentions though are to repost my files on SketchUcation! Ready for some cool cars? (That's really not all I do).
Firkin's!!! yes I'm ready - but I don't know about Coen's Bandwidth though (yet?)
I still have a render that I was working on called "Firkin's Dismay" that I need to finish up and post for you (always a bad sign when the title is done before the image!
Glad to see you here, you are a core dude.. very giving and hard working for the community and many of us appreciate your work like crazy...
<edit - added image - finally - I didn't wanna start a new thread or post later in this one - cause that's not what this ones about I guess... here you go my friend - 2 cars you posted and that excellent parachute by AndyC>Shaun Tennant
And a note on us Dummy-Spitters and Attachment Pullers.
The positive side is that the strength of feeling exhibited regarding the 'migration' [strange choice of words] has probably resulted in this
Interesting that Google is now talking about registration by user licence.......remember how many of us begged for something like this after the freebee came out?
Regardless of what happens over there I am out, gone, finished.
Very happy here thanks -
That is very interesting! - I wonder why all of the sudden this is the way it is..?
I ran back there to check out what thier membership is doing:
Members: 5817
Activity: Low activity
I can't remember what it was the other day, but something close to that. I still haven't seen any posts on the main pages by anyone I know - except Gaius and Gully - but they are like the top posters over there... so...I did do a search for Ross Mac and found lots of posts by him though... that's comforting to anyone who wanted to head over there.I have to admit that I was a little.. um, a little, sad? about the announcement this AM to do with not posting images/components/movies etc - but y'know what - I'll definitely be glad to be here, and find other ways to do this - Coen has done more with his limited team of developers (him) his Backend "scalability" (switched to new server without a hiccup or us noticing) and lack of marketing budget in 5 days than I've seen other giant companys do
Coen is really trying to make this place awesome for us, and I know that he really cares to bring the community in, protect it. So many changes have been made, and I just looked at the change log - I wondered how long the logo tag line was like that (not too long). And the often quoted wrong name that I have been prone to use "Sketchunation" is on top with mention of @last age.. I think he wants to get it "just right".
Seriously people - how cool is this?
Too cool.
Shaun Tennant
I see that the latest announcement states that although the membership of the new forum will be limited, non-members...aka the rest of the planet...will not only be able to browse the posts (fair enough) but also help themselves to any attachments, be they skps, scripts or whatever. I know that is possible at the moment, but at least the old @Last forums are something of a backwater...not so the Google site. Maybe there was merit in pulling content after all.
BTW. I just resigned as moderator over there. I can't go into details because of legal implications, but it would seem that Google is claiming ownership of all content on the 3D Warehouse, whether it's Google-modelled or not. It would seem that you can't even model something entirely original that even LOOKS like something on the Warehouse without incurring their wrath. I just deleted all the FF freebies. I'll be compiling a list tomorrow of all models on the Warehouse (there are many) that use FF models as a base and asking for their immediate removal on grounds of copyright infringement.
oh. Oh Alan, that is really upsetting, unless I don't get it - it sounds like you gave some freebies out to the warehouse, all the sudden Google owns them now because of the "legalese" and so now you could get in "trouble" for hosting your own components... maybe I don't get it - and you can't talk about it I'm sure... but I'll say this - I never liked the idea of the warehouse. Well actually I did until I saw the stuff that was in there... I didn't even like having to post my entries into the first couple SU competitions (for which I won some sweet sox) in the warehouse.. too much garbage, the people who build these models are the people who want mine? no thanks!
Take care Alan.
Shaun Tennant
It gets "curiouser and curiouser"!
All I can say is "wow"...
@alan fraser said:
... it would seem that Google is claiming ownership of all content on the 3D Warehouse, whether it's Google-modelled or not. It would seem that you can't even model something entirely original that even LOOKS like something on the Warehouse without incurring their wrath...
I'm confused Alan. The Terms of Service at 3dWarehouse ( say this: "Your Rights: Google claims no ownership or control over any Content submitted, posted or displayed by you on or through the 3D Warehouse".You imply they say otherwise. Where?
Regards, Ross
I know Ross. I checked those terms myself some months ago...not that they are at all relevant, because the models in question never came from the Warehouse...we don't do that....and we can prove it. I don't know how many times I've made that clear. I PMed you.
grabs some potato crisps & cola watching this thread for developments - it's better than TV!
wow... y'know, now that I've come down off the ceiling and stopped sputtering like Donald Duck about this whole "migration" thingy, I was questioning my decision to pull my attachments- at least a little bit. Now, not so much.