Odd housebuilder.rb behavior
I know I'm not alone in loving this ruby. Simply amazing how talented and generous the creator is!
I am getting misplaced doors. Here is what I am doing:
-make wall
-put some reference lines where I want the edge of the door to be (I don't put these inside the wall group)
-select the wall
-click the add a door icon
-slide back and forth until it looks like it's in the right place
-click and it will often jump 1/2" to either side of where I want itI also can't reposition it to the right place. Attached is the skippy of part of the model that shows this behavior. I'm running windows xp in case it matters.
Anyone have any ideas?
I'm having trouble uploading the skp, I will try again later
does anyone else have this behavior when trying to place a door in a specific location? Is there any other place/forum to ask about the functionality of this great plugin?