can I have a shrinkwrap script to make a shell out of any detailed model I have?
I don't have any objections
sounds kinda sweet. looking forward to it then.
@krisidious said:
can I have a shrinkwrap script to make a shell out of any detailed model I have?
If you are asking because of SketchyPhysics you dont need it. The physics engine will turn a mesh into a convex hull. Or if you really do want the shrinkwrap you could use still SketchyP. Set the meshes shape to convex hull and use the Debug->Readback collision geometry option. That will create a wireframe shrinkwrap of the mesh.
what I want is a simple way to take a complex house model and make a shell that I can build many of in a development.
or a complex car made into a simple car.
@unknownuser said:
what I want is a simple way to take a complex house model and make a shell that I can build many of in a development.
or a complex car made into a simple car.
Ah. Nevermind then.
That sounds hard to do.
I think a ray cast script would do it...
pick a point inside the model.
cast rays in every direction.
everything but the farthest point is deleted.
after an intersection command and an explode command
That would be really interesting. There are many good uses to such script.
I haven't tested the option yet, but the SU2Fryrender has a function like that to get their instancing going.
It's not exactly the same but the complex component gets substituted by a low poly version so SU doens't choke on it.
At render export it will render the Hi poly version