Green Toaster's Car Sketches
. . . iccchhh . . .
. . . mo sketchin' . . .
nice, really nice
thank you
. . . I have no idea where this one came from . . . next time, I'll remove the blindfold before I start sketching . . .
. . .
. . . yeah, yeah, yeah, I know - too chiseled . . . just a quick study w/proportions . . .
Not bad at all, I quite like the Wagon/Van and the Pick-up/ute. Nothing wrong with a bit of classic design to really inspire. Thats why I started to model my Ford Cortina style car. I have always loved the design and I wasnt worryed about it looking out of place because its a beautiful car.
Cant wait to see more!
. . . if you only have a couple of minutes . . . it's better to sketch something than nothing at all . . .
. . . well, maybe . . .
. . . quick sketch . . .
Not to be the party pooper in your 45 page counting brain fart, but wouldn't it be nice to finish or work out one of your models? From the first to the last page there is little to no progress
Why don't you try adding stuff like mirrors, headlights you know? Some detail... Or try different versions of one car? Might keep things interesting for us too
This is, by the way, meant as constructive criticism and I hope you will see it as that.
HFM, I personally think GreenToaster has improved a lot. The details have increased and the models are looking cleaner and more pro.
From my experience with what his models are like they arenβt meant to be high detail and professionally presented and thatβs what many people use SU for.I see that your criticism is constructive but I think GreenToaster is doing perfectly well.
Keep up the great work!
Personally i think going form this:
to this:
is pretty good progress.
Its been interesting learning about the multitude of different techniques brads used, as well.
. . . ? . . . I always thought the forte of SketchUp was to enable users to create quick concept sketches - I guess I'm missing something - oh well . . .
mabey you should go back to your first post and edit the name of the thread to "GreenToaster's models" or something on the lines of that, the name of the thread doesn't quite match the quality of your current models
Do you have any renders?
Or maybe you could post the skp. files of some of your cars, so I could render them, the ones on that last page look really nice. -
This is a car I have students create - ugly and boring, but provides them with a quick lesson to help them "see" proportions. Of course, we start out with simpler objects - this is an activity for intermediate users.
It's easy to change everything on this car very quickly so proportions can be considered. I want them to look at the model and know when it's "just right" - or close enough will do.
I provide them with wheels, tires, wells & a brief tutorial - it's a four minute project and has worked very well in the past.
can i be ur student too? sometimes im not to good with proportions
I got this book last night for some inspiration:
It's got some phenomenal cars - cars I've never even knew existed. Pretty amazing stuff.
. . . another quicky WIP . . .
 . . .")
Sometimes I think . . . if I just knew what I was doing, I could do some cool stuff . . .
. . . happy Sketching . . .