Green Toaster's Car Sketches
the easyest way for rising the distance of weels is to rise just some segments in the midle of the car not to strech all the car
Brothers, and Sisters,
Beauty -- this pop up batch of "cars" are all there and messing with me (in my head -- not in my hog barn -- not in my exhaust vector).
You blazing batch of SU perfecters ever hear that song "Jesus built my hot rod" by Ministry?
It rules, and I trust that would make a grand soundtrack for this thread of four wheeled nights on the "battle field."
I'm going to have to dig out that classic, crank the stereo to pain, pour a cold one, light a camel, and have my way with some of these images.
Take it rough, and feel the art.
I'm feeling mad cap power action on the horizon.
Durant "Yeah baby, love is a battle field" Hapke
. . . Okay, Durant, this one was inspired by your remarks . . . I call it "Rock Crawler II" . . . it's got a long way to go . . . but the journey has begun . . .
You are a machine Green
Gargantuian Green,
Yeah, that's funky cool.
I dig that Jack bird action!
I've been working on not working, but will likely be working at the work again.
But it's all so "blue funky" these days.
I had this total run in with the ghost of Marley over the long break and am just getting back into my head right now.
In Dickens story, and subsequent plays, and films, Scrooge hears all the bells in his house ringing before scary gray bags of dust lungs Marley arrives at his bed chamber door.
Little do most know, but old crack Marley was into toy railroading and model building (he was also a homosexual, and had a long but taxing love relationship with Scrooge -- this is in part why old chain dragging Marly came back from the far side of the river Styx to help his very cherished friend).
Yeah baby, the whispers of transmogrification.
"You can change course Mr. Jack awful Scrooge, open your self to the larger universe, and get set to drink up."
Drink in the powers of your all but forgotten dry husky heart.
I'm sure fidget fingers Marley would have been into Sketch Up.
Durant "pour out a little bell for me" Hapke
. . . okay, well back to the crawler . . . almost ready for shocks . . .
. . . I was planning on using a turbo diesel to generator to four dc brushless motors - one at each wheel . . .
. . . blah, blah, blah . . .
. . . more blah, blah, blah . . .
This is getting really interesting and exciting!
. . . I used to teach the class "Large Assembly Management" for PTC - that's coming in pretty handy for this project - same techniques, better software, ya know?
Here, I'm finishing the shock towers . . . plus, the shocks are now no longer "mirrored" . . . and finally, I spun them around to hide the spring transitions that I'm going to fix later . . . I'll also will create some variable compression rate springs . . . I haven't figured out the cost estimate for this thing yet . . . (yawn) . . . I'm sleepy . . .
@greentoaster said:
. . . I was planning on using a turbo diesel to generator to four dc brushless motors - one at each wheel . . .
I was wondering how you were going to get power to those wheels. I understand that some of the really really big dump trucks work that way. Also, there's potential for electric cars to have the motors in the hubs.
@unknownuser said:
Also, there's potential for electric cars to have the motors in the hubs.
Volvo has one like that - this certainly wasn't an original idea. Perhaps other transportation manufacturers use the same drivetrain principle?I'm calculating ~15 degrees of front-to-back swing coupled with ~15 degrees of left-to-right side swing - add with this the ~22 degree range of up & down at each pivot center to end pod and also end pod to wheel = ~44 potential up/down swing at each end - thus the ball joints for the shocks. I had to use "slider" mounts on the swing arms to compensate for the parallel arms that will twist and change distance from each other. All movement of wheels is computer controlled, of course.
Purpose: Remote search & rescue / search & destroy
Range: 2 hours of operation w/diesel engines, 30 minutes on battery only (for stealth op's)
Pods: 4 pods, each with video & 2 .50 cal machine guns (easily configurable w/variety of weapons)
Speed: 72 kmh top speed, flat surface
Est. delivery cost: ~$4.7M -
mr green what are u planning to do there an atomic bombb....
so far so good, anyway how u gonna turn the weels i didnt see any axel there?
@unknownuser said:
anyway how u gonna turn the weels i didnt see any axel there?
There are two methods which can either work together or separately:[1] - pivot arms, which pivot the drive wheels a total of ~30 degrees
[2] - drive wheels, which can operate much like a tractor (right side spin in reverse, left side spins forward - this combination makes the crawler turn right - all computer controlled)
I'll set up the crawler and post some illustrations with the pivot range maxed out - what do they say, a picture is worth 999 words?
. . . like this . . . wheel turning capability = ~7.5 degrees in either direction at each pod . . . cnc w/separate motors eliminates need for differential, tranny, et cetera . . .
. . . revisiting the stitchy front end technique . . . this is another 6 minute quick sketch during class today . . . fun, fun, fun . . .
Happy Sketching,
that looks almost as if youve sawn the top of a box van and merged it with a sportscar
. . . I've gotta start taking more time with the roofs . . . this roof & glass is awful . . . I find it very helpful to use layers when modeling new parts that intersect with others . . .
. . . another not so good roof . . . it really must be frustrating for those who are really good with this stuff to see my slow progress . . . oh well . . .
. . . this was really funny - I changed my construction technique a little and tried some new stuff but didn't model around the wheels & tires - when I put these in later (after cutting the wheel wells), the result was humorous as the wheels & tires are way small . . . of course, this is not big deal to fix, but it emphasizes the importance of proportion . . . I guess . . . without specific details (hood lines, & so forth), sometimes the "pre-smoothed" version looks best . . . there's something about that raw, chiseled look that I like sometimes as in the bottom pic . . .
Happy Sketching,