Organizer.rb error on sketchupConnector.dll
Error Loading File organizer.rb
126: The specified module could not be found. - C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/sketchupConnector.dllany help?
the file is located in the correct folder.
What file is requiring the .dll? Is it in a subfolder?
no it's right there in the folder it's looking for it in.
That was two separate questions
Generally, required files must be in the Plugins folder, even if the file doing the requiring is "organized". This can be changed in one of two ways:
hardcode a relative path in the "require" line. Ex:
require "./mysubfolder/filename.rb" -
softcode a relative path in the "require" line. Ex:
path = File.dirname(FILE).split("/").last
require "./#{path}/filename.rb"
I thought about including this in the rewriting portion of the plugin, but decided against it because of the abundance of 'require "sketchup.rb"' and similar lines that shouldn't be changed at all. True, those can be filtered out, but I decided against it for now. I may change my mind later
I'm almost done reworking the separate Organizer files into a class contained in one file. It also adds a "test" method to verify where required files should be located.
I would assume it's the organizer looking for it. but maybe not... I'm not familiar with connector.
I'll send you the troubleshooting file. It will read the scripts, find the dependencies, and provide a list of files that should be relocated.
you're awesome... that trouble script is the foshizzle