A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted, your sentence lasts for 2 years... what did you to man?
I wish the current project I am working on would fix itself.
Granted. But to do so, your project would require intelligence, and the ability to anticipate and solve problems on its own. This leads to self awareness. Soon it spreads to other projects. Eventually they come to the conclusion humans are superfluous, unnecessary. Oh, Eric! What a pandora's box you have opened!
I wish I could cook decently.
Granted, you "function" on only two hours of sleep each night - only not in the capacity you intended, and you are institutionalized.
I wish Eric a quick recovery.
Granted but now you open a restaurant, that through no fault of yours, is losing money and you have to call in Chef Ramsey
I wish that more people would get involved in this thread
Granted, more are involved
With less of their time spent
In adding quality
To Gallery contentI wish I understood
The words of Durant Hapke
To lure him to this thread
I am sitting hopefully -
Granted, Darth
You now understand him perfectly, but you still can't make his name rhyme with anything.
I wish for a new ultracool whizbang computer (Quote from an old Photoshop error message)
Granted but because of the whizzy banginess of your new computer you can only play the new Dora the Explorer E-Learning game.
I wish that the ones in charge let do a 3Dviz course
Granted, but you never make it there...you are attacked by sea badgers.
I wish I didn't have so much to do at the moment.
Granted but now you have too much time and you end up modelling the exact replica of a Ford Focus gear box and drive train.
I wish that the sea badgers would concentrate on their real target the multi-hat purveyor - Daniel
Granted but since they cannot leave the sea they get really depressed. There is nothing worse than depressed sea badgers.
I wish a couple of the architects in our office did not know the meaning of the word "tweak".
Granted. Instead they use the words 'minor adjustment' ad nauseam.
I wish people would just "get a grip"!
GRANTED. You now have the Grip and wrist action of the No.1 Rafa Nadal.
I wish I could play tennis like Roger Federer at his best, for now and forever!
Wow, more than a year an the fun little game is back.....
Granted, you will now play like Federer, forever. And by forever, that means continually, incessantly, never ending. Arms tired yet?
I wish all my projects were not in the construction phase; I wish I had one big project that was in either design of CD phase.
Granted, you have just been awarded a renovation project of the Florida Gator Swamp Stadium. The DD phase is one week and CD phase is 9 days. You are the PM and have no help and your office just switched back to Autocad 2000.
I wish I had a maid.
Hmmmm....UT fan renovating Gator Swamp Stadium? That's easy - tear it down. But since our office has never used autocad, I don't see how we can switch "back" to 2000.
As to your maid, granted...but your wife, upon seeing the maid, thinks you've hit the jackpot and goes on a wild spending spree, maxing out all the credit cards (including ones you didn't know she had).
Gee, did that seem mean? I wish I were nicer sometimes.
granted, you are now nice sometimes, in fact you will be so nice by helping somebody in need (just once, every day) that you will not make it back to what you were doing until the next day, and then you'll remember that you have to be nice again, and so on and so on!
I wish I had a heard of elephants so I could stample down apon on thee with furious vengeance and retaliation all those people who I dislike (now be very careful what you say).
Granted, but in the blind rage the elephants find the local liquor factory and get completely sloshed. they then trample over your car and house in their drunken merriment.
I wish id started putting together a portfolio earlier.
Granted but you started way too early and the crayons just don't represent your best work.
I wish I had a flying car.
(Man this topic hasnt had posts for a month... guss id better answer...)
Granted. But It Cost $200,000,000 (sorry couldnt think of anything better)
I wish my iPhone Worked right...