Links for Texture Sources
Old Paper Texture Pack Textures 01 Paper Texture Pack -
7 Hi-res Concrete Textures Concrete Textures Fantastically Free High Res Brown Paper Textures -
20+ Free Textures for your Delight
CGArena Free High Quality References Library
Thank you everyone for the links !
I don't know if this site was mentioned before:
Great source of seamless textures of fabrics, leather and wood:
@jo-ke said:
I don't know if this site was mentioned before:
Great source of seamless textures of fabrics, leather and wood:
....and 3D models too..
I've tried to post the link at the 3d models thread too but unfortunately the thread is closed.
@jo-ke said:
unfortunately the thread is closed.
I wonder why it was locked. I have now unlocked it. Thanks for the link, too. I cannot remember having seen that site yet. Some really nice materials.
Got a few good textures here:
Royalty Free Stock Photos, Videos & Vectors | Colourbox
Millions of stunning and high quality stock images, videos & illustrations | Use for anything: print, web and even Social Media | Transparent pricing and licensing
Use the search box. There are some non-watermarked images mixed in with the pay-for images.
mosaic-tiles with a special software to create your own tile-texture:
Domain im Kundenauftrag registriert
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and some more:
[quote="jo-ke"]mosaic-tiles with a special software to create your own tile-texture:
Domain im Kundenauftrag registriert
Domain registriert bei
Thanks has a S/W download that makes great JPG of custom designs.
Missed this:
Nice textures of laminates from Egger, Kaindl, Kronospan, Fundermax or wallcovers on
Just found on Web
Hi there, Just created a materials pack for wood Uploaded it to my Profile on Sketchup, the link is below.
I shall be adding more the wood pack over time but for now I am hoping to complete the collection and have a pack for brick stone fencing etc.Thanks guys and I think this forum Is great!
Added more textures to my collection so here is most of them. still tuning the ratios etc. and I hope to me adding more again soon.
vegetationp.s the metal textures.skp says "metal" for some reason,it is NOT. It is more brick texture.
thanks guys
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