A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Hi. I'm new to this, in the design of military CQB buildings for my uncle. I was wondering if I could get tips on how to give a building interior a shady look with plenty of twists, turns and hiding places? Nothing fancy, just getting started. Thanks!
Hi FR and welcome
What do you exactly mean by "shady look"? From your further description it would mean some detailing if I'm not mistaken?
New I just downloaded this program this morning.
I am grandmother and little bit nervous about learning a new program. I also use the program paint.net and find I'm ready for new challenge.
I have several questions. re the 3d items for components I would like to add some 3d people but not sure where to save to my computor. Please simple step by step I'm older and not a total computor geek.
thanks in advance
OMA (german for Grandmother) -
Welcome Oma. I think you might have just inherited me as your new grandson. My Oma (yes we called her that) passed away last summer.
Regarding your files, you can save the 3d people, chairs, windows etc... wherever you wish. When you want to insert them into your current drawing you can either go to File / Insert and locate them that way or you can open the file folder on top of SU and drag / drop them directly into SU.
However if you want them to show up in you component browser then you should create a new folder called 3d people (for example) and place it here (assuming you are using a PC):
C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\Components
Then you will see that folder show up in your browser. See images below:However, I prefer the drag and drop method.
I hope this helps. And if you have further questions it would be best to start a new thread here in the Newbie forum as it might get lost in this long thread.
I used SU primarily as a concept tool but from the looks of things I have been grossly underestimating its finer possibilities. I intend to learn a great deal from you guys. Thanks for the opportunity to learn.Thanks
Hi Oma and welcome. Eric seems to have taken care of you now...
Andre, welcome, too. Indeed, SU seems to be fairly simple right at the beginning and sufficient tool for basic purposes but it's much "deeper" than that of course. Just watch the videos, read the SU Guide and the tutorials spread all over the internet (and of course here), read the forums and of course, ask when you encounter something you cannot find the answer for.
hello to all
I am a new member. -
Hi Angelo and welcome!
Hi guys!
New to the Sketchup tool. I am using this for designing furniture. I build as a hobby and stress reliever. I have been doing the old school route of pencil and paper for years. Decided that this makes it a lot easier. Only been using it for a bout a day and already love it.
Hi TNTrower,
good to hear your getting on with SU
Hi TNT and welcome; I have added you to the woodworking user group so you can see their forum.
I am a newbie on this website, though I have been playing around with SketchUp for a while. I still don’t know a lot about it, but have some idea how much can be done with it.
My major interest is in boats rather than architecture and design. I would like to find out if it is possible, in SketchUp, to “straighten” a curved panel, the side of the boat, to get the flat shape of the panel.
Dories are really simple boats. Take a flat panel, bend it and tilt it at something 45° and you have the flare and sheer that makes a dory easy to build, cheap, capable of carrying lots of fish and above all, seaworthy.
The story is that I built a light displacement dory recently, working from offsets. Offsets are the X, Y, Z dimensions of the sheer and chine lines of a boat at regularly spaced stations. Traditionally frames are set up to these dimensions and the plywood attached over them.
Instead of this method I used “stitch and glue”. A sheet of plywood is cut in half lengthwise, and butted together using epoxy and fiberglass tape to give a 2’x16’ panel. Stations are marked and the height above the base line of the sheer and chine are measured off and cut out. Panels for both sides are wired together at the bow and transom, and then the bottom is stitched on. Thickened epoxy is put into the joints and covered with fiberglass tape. I used a 2x4, ripped lengthwise into four pieces for the gunwale sheer clamps. The bottom is fiberglassed for waterproofing and durability. One of these dories can be put together inside of two weeks of evenings, for less than $300. It is a good boat.
From the offsets I did my best, through trial and error as well as some long forgotten engineering drawing, to convert the offsets to the panel shape. It wasn’t too bad, but there are errors that I would like to eliminate.
I hope that SketchUp will let me get the dimensions correct.
Hello lonach,
sounds like it should be possible to do what your asking in SU.
Dont be afraid to start a thread if you start having problems.
Hi Lonach and welcome.
This boat should be quite easy to build in SU, too, not only in "real life". You need to get used to accurate modelling however. In your model, I exploded some curves and turned on the visibility of endpoints (so that they are easier to work with). Have a look at the below picture however:
I found that one of those vertical, flat panels doesn't even lie on the curve. These small glitches can be very annoying if turning out when your model is more advanced.I also like boats so please, post more and as those questions if needed.
Hi all. I am new here. I am not a professional but designing is my favorite. I tried many apps of 3D but these are very hard to understand but SU is very easy so I like it very much. I want to learn SU more and more so I am here in between you.
Hi Shah and welcome!
Never mind not being a professional - I'm not one either and still enjoy SU.
Hi, All I am a newbie SU 7. I wanna learn sketchUp fast, help me !
Hi BB and welcome. I'm sure you'll get much help when you encounter some problem.
Hi Folks,
I am another newbie to SU. I have spent the last week watching loads of video tutorials too - in no particular order, which makes the brain go a bit fuzzy!
One thing that I'd wish for is for a set of video tutorials that are in some sort of logical order, taking the newbie from the start to the end of a new project. For example, I am particularly interested in drawing construciton drawings for new houses, and need to draw 2D scaled plans for printing onto A3. Anyway, I will add it to my wish list.
In the meantime, I jumped straight into drawing a rather large building in SU, but finding it difficult to do mcuh internal work. I now know that I should have made groups, components, scenes and layers
I am now faced with either re-drawing the building, or backtracking in order to introduce all of the above.
Please open the attached file and see what I have done so far.
Very good start graham
Looking at that model i'd say youve got a fairly good grasp of the basic modelling tools, as you say grouping/componenting your model would go a long way to cleaning it up, though.
Another thing to be aware of is that you should always try and keep the front faces of your model pointing 'out.' A bit more detail: faces have a front and back side, in SU these are coloured white and blue respectively. You want to try and keep the white faces pointing out wherever possible. You can do this by right clicking a face(or selection of faces) and selecting 'reverse face.'