A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Good to hear it shura, and hello
Welcome Alexander and don't worry you are not a "computer specilist" - very few of us are here. In fact, the best thing in SU is that (apart from trouble shooting some glitches), you needn't even be one.
My friends call me Sparky. It's a long story, but amusing nonetheless. A buddy on a Jeep forum tipped me off about Sketchup during a discussion about building a trailer. So, I downloaded it and started playing around with it a few days ago. Today I started drawing up my plans for said trailer. So far so good (considering I started about 8 hours ago). Now I've come to a point where I need some pointers from the experts. Let me just state for the record that I haven't done much plan drawing since my high school drafting class, many decades ago. I've done a bit of blueprint reading in a previous job building aircraft furniture for Cessna and Raytheon bizjets. I am not computer literate, nor am I much of an artist. However, I have done quite a bit of woodworking in my own shop, building cabinets, shelves, hopechests, etc. I rarely ever followed any plans, nor drew any, just keeping the general idea in my head and building off of that. Now, on to the problems:
Since I couldn't figure out from the tutorial videos how to draw the entire trailer with the details I wanted (a friend wants plans of my finished trailer so he can build one, hence the need for detailed drawings), I have started by making a drawing of the sub frame, main frame, and the frame for the bed of the trailer. I haven't gotten around to drawing out the railings or tailgate yet, nor have I drawn the spare tire carrier, axle, tool box, or other small additions. So, what I have is three separate drawings, and now I want to put them all together into one. Eventually, after drawing up the other parts previously mentioned, I need to know how to add them to the completed drawing so that I can view the entire trailer as one whole concoction. Any help?
Hi Eric and welcome.
If you drew these parts in three separate models, you can always import an existing and saved model in several ways - the best options would be:
- File > Import > 3D model... (in this case it comes in as a "component")
- Open up the other model, select all copy (Ctrl+C), change to the "master model" and paste (Ctrl+V) - in this case it comes in as it is in your brought-in model so you may want to make it a group first(select all > right click and clickon "Make group" in the context menu) so that the parts won't "stick" to each other but you can easily position them.
If you drew the part in the same model, just group the individual parts (for the above reason), click on the Move tool and pick one to snap it into its place.
Thanks, Gaieus, I was up early (grandson woke me up at 5 am), so I've been working with it on and off all day. Got it all put together finally about 30 minutes ago. Worked well to save each part as a component, then copy and paste them into each other as a progression. I may have done some of the things the hard way, but I got them done, nonetheless!
Now I think I'll go design a scale model of a nuclear reactor, inside and out, down to the last needle and dial....or maybe I'll just take a nap.
I look forward to seeing this model
(dont tell me you chose the nap option...)
I want to learn Aguarunas SchΓΆpp to become a professional with the knowledge I am considering building "Architecture" thank you
Welcome SM and I hope you can learn a lot and quickly!
I guess here's as good as any other place. FrnchDp's the name (think sandwich). Started CADing about 8 yrs ago. I've worked different jobs, from design to architecture, and now find myself stuck in the corporate world.. for now. Played around with SketchUp about 4 yrs ago, then stopped. And now I'm self-learning using Pro 6. The idea is for me to start creating models from our stores to present to the less blue-print savvy, yet higher ups. Learning as I go, and 4 days into it, I have created 2 full size models (55+ sq ft) as well as a quick dept option for our fixtures.
I'm looking forward to learnign more as I go, and this place has already been a great help.. so thank you.
More on me - I currently reside in California (Bay Area). I grew up in France, moved to the States when I was 10, and I've lived up and down the west coast since then.
Anyways, I'll be around here, and I'm sure I'll have a laundry list of "silly" questions - but hey.. ya gotta learn somehow!
Hi Yann (if you don't mind,I won't call you "Sandwich
welcome! If you've been CAD'ding, watch out your layer in SU which won't separate geometry like in CAD apps.
hi my name is antonio, i'm an architect, i'm using su since almost one year now i'm practicing with a pro6, i'm looking around to get some new tricks.
my goal would be to find a chance to build my render by using su and some very fast learning plugin for renders.
thank's to everybodi for the helpfull topics around the forum. -
Hi Antonio and welcome.
Glad you found your way (did you get my response to your email reagrding logging in?)
Hi, I'm Marcus and I just started SU last week. Is there a way to toggle the selection tool box visible/invisible, because I can't see mine...appreciate any help.
Hello marcus,
I dont think there is a way of toggling the selection box on and off, so id say your problem is a graphics one. Could you try going window->preferences->opengl and then turn off 'hardware acceleration'?
Oh, and have you got a graphics card?
Hello everybody,
my name is Ron and i am new to SU and this community, so i thought i would drop in and say hi.
I have no background in architecture or c.a.d. so i am starting in the basement here.
I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good tut for making pvc pipe fittings.
If i could make a basic tee and 4-way, i should be able to figure out the other configurations from there.
when i place a circle and try to get the proper size, the measurements increase so quickly that i cannot get a precise measurement. I tried to place the measurements in the window myself, but it won't let me type anything.
From there, i just made a simple tube of a random diameter (simple enough), but trying to make it into a tee proved my lack of understanding. I downloaded a model of a tee which i could use, but want to learn how to do it myself. I deconstructed it to see the process of how the tee was attached and noticed that a cutout where the tee attached looked like it was drawn in freehand, then erased out.
I tried to apply the technique, but it kept erasing the side of the pipe or my cutout arc. Seeing that you can't extrude off of a round outer surface, i am stumped and probably an idiot, but i need some help.I know it's my own ignorance of the program, so a bump-start would be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Hi Ron,
Let's see. First of all; specifying a precise value (of anything - not just the radius of a circle): what you see at the bottom right is now called the "Measurements box" (previously VCB: "Value Control Box" should you come across this term in older tutorials/references in the future). What you need to get used to is not to click into it when you want to enter a value but only start typing (you will see what you type) and when ready, pres Enter. With a circle, this value is the radius by default.
Then make your tubes, position them accurately (across or just touching each other), select them, right click and in the Context menu go to Intersect > ...selected. This will create those "hand drawn like" lines and you can delete the uneeded part.
To make different kinds and shapes of pipes, you will need to learn to use the Follow me tool
Also, follow the instructions in the attached file to see what I mean (go through the scene tabs on the top. Note that the last part is shown in X-ray mode so that you can have a look "inside").
Bent cylinder - 2 ways.skp
Ah yes,before I forget; welcome to SCF! -
Hello everybody, my name is Luca, I live in Rome, Italy. I'm passionate about woodworking and I use SU for my projects. I've got a lot to learn anad I'm sure I will improve with you. See you!
Hi Luca and welcome!
Woodworkings? I have added you to the Woodworking usergroup (so you have access to the special forum "down there").
Hello everybody, my name is Tommi, I live near Milano, Italy. I am an architect and I have discovered from few the potentialities of SU.
Of sure I will need your help to know better the program.
Do I immediately take advantage for a first question of it, do you forgive me if they are not in the correct place, I can install together sketchup 6 and 7?Grazie e ciao
Welcome Tommi. I have SU6 and 7 installed on my computer with no problems.