MsPhysics script for calculating positions for hinges
I would like to know if there is a smart way to make MsPhysics and SketchUp understand at what positions joints and inches should be placed to make a certain movement.
I would like to create a component with a position A, then move it and rotate it to position B and have something, perhaps a ruby script, to calculate what lengths on rods to support the turning.
Is there any program already doing this?
Have a look at this for inspiration -
Not sure but I think Animator might be a better option for this type of animation. In addition to moving objects you can also scale objects as part of the animation so you do not have to calculate things.
Do not have access to my laptop to create an example.
Thanks for the tip about Animator. I tried googling "Animator" but can't find anything relevant. Do you have a link please?
I just saw a clip about an amazing program built in html, css and javascript called MotionGen. Unfortunately this is only for 2D but a very good start
Check for yourself here: would have been fantastic with this functionality in 3D
You can find it by searching for Animator in the SketchUcation PlugIn Store but here is a link to it: Animator plugin
I will have a look at your link.
I think I have found a solution to my own question and I feel that for now it solves what I was wondering. Watch the link below for a video clip on how to draw a Path in and then it is automatically calculated at which positions the Joins should sit and how long the support arms should be. I would like to know now is how to export from here and import into SketchUp but that will be the next future question...
Thanks for all the support from everyone involved
BR / Gรถran
The Skechup extension Animator is good to use when you know all the points where objects should pass through.