Solid Inspector² issues
Thanks for your great work as always thomthom.
Just a very small question. Is there a way to treat instances or the exact word to transform entites directly in solid form?Sketchup told me : " SketchUp's Solid Tools ans Solid Inspector² doesnt treat nested instances as a solid. ( so message is clear)
But when i create something whatever it is, i think i often use nested instances. So when i work with
Sketchup i get used now to be sur that my entities becomes some "solid group".If i told u all of this, its because i export in .smd at the end and i'm obliged to have solid group
in the other tool.Maybe there is another way or maybe not, the aim is to win time as you can imagine.
Thanks for your work
After reflection : I find a simple way for the moment, just start as a solid group and work inside him.
And have a nice day.
Yea, I see there would be use in being able to report what SketchUp would consider is a solid vs 3d printable solid.
I got a similar issue logged already:
Mind you, Solid Inspector 1 matches closer to what SU consider a solid, and should still work with newer SU versions and can be installed side by side with SI2.
Thanks for your answer a very long time later
I hadn't passed by for a long time!