Mig-31 Foxhound
Mig-31 Foxhound
Sketchup & Maxwell Render.
Yes i never do post production, i can make the materials more reflective quite easily however i believe most aircraft bodies are quite matt in appearance. Thanks for the comment yes Maxwell can output all ranges of images and depths i have the full suite i assume the plugin alone also has these features. The free version has some limitations like resolution.
Nice, but your materials need some extra reflection I guess.
You religiously avoid postproduction? Does Maxwell for SU output 32bit?
http://alieneye.livejournal.com/124723.html -
I made the fuselage parts of my next post a touch more reflective RV.
I just used a texture and a normal map i didn't use a specular i think it would help.
In Su-47 case, do you put some bitmaps in reflection slot?
http://www.neilblevins.com/cg_education/flat_metallic_surfaces/flat_metallic_surfaces.htmAnd usually it's a good idea to put reflective pass (blending mode and opacity- by your taste) above beauty pass in the Post.