Current news on 3d printing 2016
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
BLOGS and the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Why India's engineering education needs R&D push| The News Minute. thenewsminute|
"a spanner instead did not know the difference between the two"
China swaps sweatshops for smart tech in bid to reclaim lost ground. scmp|
"to plots 600 points displays bust, waist and hip measurements on a computer screen"
Studio Visit: Reiko Kaneko. coolhunting|
"as the testing (and play-) ground for Kaneko’s enduring curiosity and artistic vision"
Pecinka Ferri Launches Tabletop Initiative To Support Metro NYC Dealers and Operat. totalfood|
"for dealers and consultants and innovative marketing services for its factories"
10 awesome things you probably never knew you can do on the internet. knowtechie|
"to get free tech help. Here’s a list of 10 amazing things n do online"
Fashion’s closed circuit opens up and goes global – next stop cyberspace. themediaonline|
"the ups and downs of the well-heeled world to consumers at large"Results round-up| digitallook|
"an improvement on competitive rates typically available in the market"
How to Create a Captivating Brochure. americanprinter|
"for much more appealing and inventive brochure offerings"
Packaging Europe News. packagingeurope|
"to Luxepack find Gerresheimer in the Grimaldi Forum at Stand RC9"
Why VR is not the next email. gearbrain|
"to moving beyond videogames and 3D movies towards the holodecks from Star Trek"
Wanted: Entrepreneurs looking to make a difference. fiu|
"the likelihood of these ideas becoming successful and scalable ventures.”"
Innovation is getting hampered by Africa’s regulators — Quartz. qz|
"of them the prevalence of regulatory cultures that suppress innovation"3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )31st edition of IMTS was third largest. todaysmedicaldevelopments|
"in manufacturing industry, there simply no substitute for attending IMTS.”"
Entry deadline approaching for Prism Awards for Photonics Innovation. spie|
"an product inventions within the high-impact industry of optics and photonics"
Digital, eco-friendly market for marketers at Media Expo 2016 – PrintWeek. printweek|
"as it brings together all the stakeholders in the industry in one platform"
Penn State Laureate to give presentation Sept. 30 at Penn State Schuylkill. psu|
"at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 30, in Room 101 of the Classroom Building"
IMTS 2016 Third Largest Show for Registration and Exhibit Space. roboticstomorrow|
"for Registration and Exhibit Space, also Showcased Highest Number"
Europe Convention Centers Destination Guide. cvent|
"of the largest exhibition and congress centers in Central Europe"
Join Hackaday For an NYC Meetup. hackaday|
"on assistive technologies, and a demo of the coolest new tool in recent memory"
MGI and PostPress Magazine Create Special Graph Expo, Labelexpo & Pack Expo. whattheythink|
"of America (BIA), affiliate of the Printing Industries of America (PIA)"
Glenwood donates books. bereamail|
"to be used for fundraising by the selected charities"
Satnews Publishers: Daily Satellite News. satnews|
"of satellites Importantly, how do small satellites affect the satellite market as a whole"
In-depth review on global and China micromotor industry from 2016 to 2020 made. whatech|
"to rise to 18.4 billion units in 2016 and approach 23 billion units in 2020" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Simpler Regulations Needed for Indonesia's E-Commerce Industry. beritasatu|
"a market the regulations not made it easy for industry players"Alexis said"
Nano-scale 3D printing used to enhance atomic force microscopes. 3ders|
"a sensor, a data collected by this sensor be used to indicate a sample’s topography"
Designing with obsolescence in mind. engineerlive|
"of component supply chain, obsolescence affect the working life of the product"BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Vile Bodies| ArtsHub Australia. artshub|
"an imaginings, lusts and eccentricities, built-in bugs and defects for all to see"
Hear Heavy Metal, the World's First 3D-Printed Aluminum Guitar. guitarworld|
"to go from a 3D-printed metal part straight of the machine to a usable masterpiece"
How IoT and 3D printing are changing the connected space. internetofthingsagenda|
"to prototype and manufacture parts for IoT devices more quickly and effectively"
3D Printing: The Stories We Missed This Week — September 24, 2016. 3dprint|
"on distributing the Roboze One and Roboze One+400 professional-grade 3D printers"
Maker on quest to create ultimate 3D printed bouncy ball. 3ders|
"in how high it bounced and where it went after impact.”"Carbon bolsters 3D-printing breakthrough with novel business model. plasticstoday|
"to new business models by offering manufacturers unprecedented efficiencies and savings"BLOGS and the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Explore the inner artist in you at night classes. milngavieherald|
"with host of exciting courses on offer from East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust"
Forrester's Top 15 Emerging Technologies To Watch, 2017. forbes|
"a data-rich interactions across any channel choose to purchase through, anytime"
Youngstown news, YSU to announce first Friedman faculty member Tuesday. cdispatch|
"a global scholar in 3D printing and additive manufacturing for the new position"
Revolutionary sewing robot could put sweatshops in developing world out of busines. mirror|
"The bot creates garments chemically stiffened material so it able to handle them"
Columbia's ThingSpace Is an Art Studio for the 21st Century. pcmag|
"Columbia's ThingSpace an Art Studio for the 21st Century. pcmag|" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Is moon village next step for space exploration. prothom|
"to look forward to next in the exploration of faraway frontiers"
Hubble Spots Europa Geysers Again. science20|
"at this wavelength ,so letting them make especially sensitive measurements"
How self driving cars might change our cities, and when. treehugger|
"to save cities, ruin them or just be a big bust And closer than think"
Drone Demos and information this Saturday in Rome « Madison County. madisoncountycourier|
"to keep sports teams working together through a non-related, off-season activity"
3D Printed Parts Help End U.S. Dependence on Russian Rockets. pddnet|
"for the AR1 engine recenly underwent hot-fire testing. Image credit: Aerojet Rockedyne"
ABB adopts Ultimaker 3D printers for YuMi robot's revolutionary grippi. 3ders|
"that, and first showcased its gripping mechanism at the EXPO MILANO in 2015"
SatRevolution reveals plans to 3D print first private Polish satellite. 3ders|
"to developers SatRevolution, the satellite could be ready for launch as early as mid-2017"
Norsk moving quickly toward first production. pressrepublican|
"to begin manufacturing titanium aerospace components in November"
Local guardsman chosen for new military innovation team. wtok|
"the National Guard Base in Meridian been picked to join a national military innovation"
Humans are going to have the edge over robots where work demands creativity. theguardian|
"to learning rolled out by a tech industry that sees automation as almost a sacred duty"New Harley-Davidson Milwaukee-Eight. businessinsider|
"the look, feel, and sound that make Harley-Davidson iconic"
Starkville robotics teams prep for state competition. cdispatch|
"in Science, and Technology challenge this weekend on Mississippi State's campus"
Fusing Fashion and Technology: Okey Nwoke. 11alive|
"that fascinate. This motivation in starting the ATL Fashion Tech Collective"3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Precious metal: How ceilings for landmark buildings made a Cavan man a fortune. independent|
"of describes the increasingly artistic nature of ceilings business"
LRC Expands Capabilities to Connected Lighting, 3D Printing. novuslight|
"a market transformation activities, education, and industry collaboration"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"the fascinating 3D printed houses in the world, from tiny town cabins to an entire village"
Brick by Brick, This One-Armed Robot Is Revolutionizing Housing. futurism|
"that could help us build houses at next to no cost and in record time"
Vladimir Kagan’s final furniture collection revealed. wallpaper|
"to full-scale foam models, which the gallery cast in bronze and aluminium in France"
Luxury in every corner. nationmultimedia| -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )September 24, 2016 NEWS
Manufacturing Day panel offers career advice. signalscv|
"Manufacturing Day panel offers career advice. signalscv|"
Picture Yourself in New Glasses with a 3D Scanning Mirror. rapidreadytech|
" of commerce, used by businesses to sell clothing, shoes, makeup and glasses."Large format prints at a whole new level. sunstar|
"on digital graphic solutions like Norde International in elements"
Modifying your STL Files for 3D Printing. pinshape|
"to show us some basic free tools that modifying prints in no time"
Supply chain disruption to hit warehouse location choice. fullyloaded|
"to facility location, size and use, according to international property firm CBRE"
Chancellor Carey holds roundtable at Edison. earlybirdpaper|
"to support educational equipment investments and internship and co-op initiatives"September 25, 2016 NEWS
Watchdog 2 welcomes you to DedSec with its brand new story trailer. theaureview|
"an activities, all available in a shared open world experience,” says Ubisoft"
Meet Sewbo: The Smart Sewing Robot. mobilemag|
"the completed, rinsed off in hot water to dissolve the water-soluble plastic polymer"
What are the top 8 technologies that will change NZ businesses. reseller|
"a breakthroughs affecting businesses in New Zealand today, with many more on the horizon"
Biozoon's 3D printed smooth foods target Europe's elderly. foodnavigator|
"that be eaten by seniors cannot chew, says German company Biozoon"
Robo C2 and R2 smart 3D printer are controlled via Robo app. right|
"to innovative print features with the goal of simplifying the path to every print made"
Sterling students Win $50,000 makeover. wjla|
"in cash and more than $30,000 in equipment and technology consulting services"September 26, 2016 NEWS
Art & Craft The Matte Black Wave City Coffee Table – stupidDOPE. stupiddope|
"an features a cityscape folding over itself, giving off an ‘Inception’ type allure"
10 Ways to Craft a Compelling Cover Letter. baselinemag|
"a number of online resources, including those posted by Glassdoor and Monster"
3-D Highlighting Is the New Makeup Technique You Need to Know. instyle|
"of the shimmer effect, instead of concentrating all the shine on the cheekbones"
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Is Incomplete — There’s a Final, Forgotten Stage. bigthink|
"to dreams, goals, passions. And by doing so, become one with them"
4.0 IoT industry and so much in the present and in the future of Intel. internet4things|
"the ' Industry 4.0 , the Smart Building , the Smart Agrifood , the Smart Mobility" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )MGI and Suncoast ID Solutions Celebrate 10 Year Anniversary of Affinity Card. whattheythink|
"the Meteor press and churns out thousands of different branded cards & tags every day"
Factory Update: 3 Previews of the Factory of the Future. engineering|
"a Factory Update: 3 Previews of the Factory of the Future. engineering|"
Design News - Blog - The Revitalization of Design & Manufacturing. designnews|
"the outsourcing that came from that, overlooked a major detail"
KTU to train engineering faculty in mentoring start-ups. thehindu|
"to Products (I2P) maker workshop for faculty members of engineering colleges"
Adidas reveals first robot-manufactured shoes. roboticsandautomationnews|
"the customises the shoe for the shapes and motions of the individual customerGÇÖs feet"
Adidas reveals æfirstÆ robot-manufactured shoes. roboticsandautomationnews|
"for the shapes and motions of the individual customerÆs feet"
Manufacturing ups its cool factor in hopes of attracting young workers. freep|
"the late GM president and chairman emeritus of the Center for Automotive Research"
Workers used to be afraid of someone doing job better, now're afraid of. rises|
"that about competing with third world countries on labor cost, and it's impossible"Premium Beauty News. premiumbeautynews|
"by developing the connectivity of its packagings. Overview with Frantois Luscan, CEO"
Leading sportstech company GuardLab to establish APAC HQ in Melbourne. investinaustralia|
"the best fitting, highest performing custom mouthguards on the market"
'Reshoring' chain and grow. ketensamenwerking|
"at Samsung at also very strong in the first part of the collaboration"
Yuniku Uses 3D Scanning and 3D Printing to Take Custom Eyewear to a New Level. 3dprint|
"the design software, which designs the frame around the pre-positioned lenses"
3D Printing Business To Open In Sioux Falls. kdlt|
"an businesses the opportunity to purchase items made from a printer"
Alliant Castings cuts back cost and lead times for part manufacturing. 3ders|
"as family owned foundry recently integrated a 3D printer into castings workflow"
Magnacad Partners with SwedenÆs Magicfirm as US Reseller for ZYYX+ 3D Printer. creator|
"in 2013 that gradually been picking up international momentum" - DYNEON: New PTFE-based 3D printing process called quicker. plasteurope|
"In particular, unused material be employed for subsequent printing jobs"
Industrial Manufacturing Benefits from New Technological Innovations. prnewswire|
"a Electric (NYSE: GE), Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT), Boeing Co (NYSE: BA)"
Singapore û Are you ready for Industry 4.0. sbr|
"to consumers û core business could be seriously threatened"
Haverford library gets OK to use vacated township buildings as temp HQ. delcotimes|
"at 1601 Darby Road. The township administration building located at 2325 Darby Road" -
3D Printing Expo, Groups, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )15th edition of AFCSR convened in Myanmar. borneobulletin|
"on ‘Corporate Social Innovation: Why it Matters for a Better Future’"
Nexika and The FFR Successfully Host their First Future Reality Event. pressreleaserocket|
"for Future Reality, on the fourth of September 2016, in Orange California"
STA: Slovenian researchers top submissions for Horizon 2020. sta|
"at Monday's conference on the EU's research and development programme"
Valley Courier Valley Calendar. alamosanews|
"the associate professor of chemistry, grades 6-8; enrollment cap 6"
US Publishing Software 2016 Market Company Profile,Capacity,Production,Price,Cost,. einnews|
"on top players, with sales, price, revenue and market share for each player, covering"
Silicon Valley Daily. svdaily|
"in immersive computing, hyper mobility, Internet of Things, microfluidics and more"
IMTS 2016 Snags Highest Number of Exhibiting Companies in Show’s History. tsnn|
"a CAD/CAM software, robotics, 3D printing, machining, tooling, metrology, automation"
Foresight important for future growth of country. borneobulletin|
"the end of the traditional jobs and the implications of such a shift"
Interview| Architect-Turned-Artist Se Yoon Park Unveils Stunning New Project. craveonline|
"As a sculptor, learnt to express myself in the language of light and darkness"
DSM opens research and technology centre in Michigan. canplastics|
"to better understanding of the performance of DSM materials under field conditions"
#OpenAfrica: Africa 4.0. marklives|
"of the late 18th century — the era of the textile factory, and the steam engine"It's multi-Culture Days in the Tri-Cities. tricitynews|
"an there’s something for everyone during Culture Days in the Tri-Cities this weekend"
Check Out The VSHAPER GO 3D Printer & Meet Designer Krzysztof Rychlawski at Warsaw. 3dprint|
"in again just last week in regards to a new release for the iPrusa MK2 3D printer"
Predicting the Future: Interview with HP Labs CTO Shane Wall. 3dprintingindustry|
"the Silicon Valley start-up’ to find out about plans for the next half century"
An interview with Rize: removing the shackles of post-processing from. 3ders|
"for organizations of all types and sizes and for every industry and market.”"
The Polaroid ModelSmart 250S Pictures. trustedreviews|
"to be hassle-free and home-friendly, thanks to reliable, super-quiet operation"
60 Second Interviews. tctmagazine|
"the exciting time remember for hardware innovation If so, why/If not, why"
M8 Free Clipboard Saturday 8th Oct 16 2:16. tctmagazine|
"M8 Free Clipboard Saturday 8th Oct 16 2:16. tctmagazine|"
60 Second Interviews. tctmagazine|
"so some of the new machines certainly be of interest"
Global healthcare 3D printing market 2016:biological cells, polymers, metals, cera. whatech|
"in different applications into the development of operational products and parts" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
BLOGS and the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )September 26UK set to automate W16 with special guest – Titan. furnitureproduction|
"for automated production in Hall 7 on stands F710 and F610 at the NEC, Birmingham"
New industry event: duo fused to"All4pack Paris". lebensmittelzeitung|
"in French packaging exhibitions Emballage Manutention and merge to"All4pack Paris"
The next big thing. thebull|
"of the list the attribution the company poised to cash in on “the next big thing"
The Healthy Maker: Tackling Vapors, Fumes And Heavy Metals. hackaday|
"the incorporate the following, simple practices and gears into projects"
Ptomey guides CBPS to new heights. fremonttribune|
"to named as one of the Fremont Tribune’s Pathfinder recipients"3D Printing Expo, Groups, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Google's Made with Code Girls Celebrated at Global Citizens Festival. billboard|
"by the images created by the program’s students codeChina 3D Printing Software Market 2016 Opportunities by Key Players, Supply, Consu. newsmaker|
"with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering"
3D Printing Workshops. makerlab|
"a Digital Maker Certificate and a Digital Maker Badge for completion of workshops"
Top 3 Trends Impacting the Global Eye Makeup Market Through 2020: Technavio. finance|
"to significantly impact the market and contribute to its growth or decline"
Global and China Micromotor Industry Report, 2016-2020. prnewswire|
"to rise to 18.4 billion units in 2016 and approach 23 billion units in 2020"
31st edition of IMTS was third largest. onlinetes|
"of companies ever (2,407). After move in, the building 76 million pounds heavier"
This UK Startup Sells Drones For Bitcoins. hacked|
"of privacy, Director of Business Development, in interview with Hacked"
Athens Mini Maker Faire: The making festival will introduce us tomorrow with today. iefimerida|
"at Peristeri Exhibition Center, with the slogan"Come and see, to learn, to build it" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Inspiring research in Piteå. mynewsdesk|
"the target audience the general public, especially children and young people"
Successful in-house exhibition"Inform": Systeam growing despite the difficult. channelpartner|
"to reduce error rate significantly"says Volker Mitlacher pleased"
Technology To Make The World Better- Puneet Mehrotra. businessworld|
"as a face-to-face phone a remote fantasy and today carry the device in hands"
Sparking innovation via intellectual property: Innosparks product manager Jerome. straitstimes|
"to manager Jerome Lee to find out how the firm uses intellectual property to its advantage"
Camera-loaded catheter streams live from inside arteries, removes plaque at same. newatlas|
"to provide surgeons tasked with removing plaque a live view from within"
Online gambling hacks expose higher ed's vulnerability. educationdive|
"of university websites breached, rewritten to promote links online gambling"
3D printing technology driven by applications in emerging fields, technological. computing|
"of including an expanding at-home hobbyist market, join the 3D printing revolution"
Hewlett-Packard And 3D Printing: The Road To Redemption. seekingalpha|
"a core position as its initiatives gain traction over time"BLOGS and the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D printing takes a giant step forward toward production manufacturing. bizjournals|
"to everyone looking for, the industry needs to change the way do 3D Printing"3D Printed Acoustic Holograms: Totally Cool, Not Totally Useless ***|
"that useful for hackers with 3D printers. Let the era of novelty pond hacking begin"
Putting Sand, Water, and Metal into A 3D Print. hackaday|
"of spun the BB. It worked pretty well All in all an interesting read"
European industrial 3D printing in its infancy and needs extensive col. 3ders|
"of observations about the current state of what to be the fourth industrial revolution"
Encode Ring converts your voice into a stylish 3D printed ring right b. 3ders|
"for the ring to arrive and hand it to. It doesn’t get any more romantic than that"
Nano Dimension uses 3D printing to add conductive properties to fabric. evertiq|
"in order to print electronics and sensors as an integral part of the fabric"
Will PTFE be the next 3D printable material. idtechex|
"many other manufacturing techniques with respect to material diversity"
This company makes 3D printed jewelry, and the future is NOW. www|
A fashion brand has 3D-printed a size 14 mannequin based on a real person. irishexaminer|
"of Winters – selected after winning the “Are Made Tall” competition"
MakerBot Introduces Thingiverse Education After 18 Months of Feedback. engineering|
"of the comparison between consumer 3D printing and the advent of the personal computer"
Futuristic Food: 3D Print Your Pizza, Spaghetti Sauce and Gaucamole. crossmap|
"as Foodini and ChefJet, would like consumers to add inventive and futuristic to the list"
Sciaky’s Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM) Technology Helps Major Automo. prnewswire|
"with the creation and repair of several tooling and stamping dies"
Smashbox Launches Custom 3-D Printed Lipsticks. teenvogue|
"that dip a lip brush (or clean finger) in and pat straight onto own pout" -
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )"to enjoy pairing Disaya's own collections with a range of trendy imported accessories"
Dubai's Sheikh Mohammed unveils UAE Strategy for the Future. gulfbusiness|
"for the Future, designed to bring the country to its next era of development"
Techstars selects the first class of its New York-based IoT accelerator. techcrunch|
"to consulting firms, PWC, the first company to sign on to the Techstars vision"
SOLIDWORKS and Stratasys Resellers, TriMech and CADD Edge, Complete Merger. prnewswire|
"to unify the company under the TriMech brand, name and logo"
GCR - Innovation - First ever private spaceport opens for New Zealand globalconstructionreview|
"for its remoteness, which minimise disruption from air and marine traffic"
Hyperloop One To Join Dubai Future Accelerators Inaugural Program. prnewswire|
"the world face, and come up with solutions for the future of transportation"
GCC workforce demands more flexible office designs. constructionweekonline|
"from disturbance and over half (51%) reported feeling seriously impacted by interruptions"Moldmaker Branches Out With New Services & Technologies. ptonline|
"to conformal cooling, additive manufacturing, coinjection, and CT scanning"
Dubai Awards Contract for Construction of World’s First 3D Printed Laboratory to C. 3dprint|
"to be addressed and the logistics accurately controlled during the printing operation"
3Diligent to Split Off Into Marketplace & Direct Services. 3dprint|
"with spending so much on something that might quickly become obsolete"
3D printing wood for construction gets NZ researcher 'very excited'. www|
"a great that 3D printing work with living, live plant cells"Professor Leung"
How Gossamer built Teal, the world's fastest production drone with hel. 3ders|
"13MP photos. Thanks to its Follow-Me feature, it even autonomously follow around"
Researchers discover how to shape sound in 3D. extremetech|
"of transducer, into droplets trapped at the programmed points in the acoustic field"
Not a brick in the wall in this 3D-printed house in China, East Asia News & Top St. straitstimes|
"to The walls made up of layers of material with a thickness of up to 3cm"
Konstrukt 2.0 for Engineering & Construction Industry Amidst of 3D Printing. businesswireindia|
"to acknowledge innovation and achievements in the construction and design industry" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Mini-Drones & Bayonets: New Marine Warfare Concept « Breaking Defense. breakingdefense|
"in concept they’re developing in unusually close concert with the Army and Navy"
TriMech, CADD Edge Complete Merger. tenlinks|
"of Defense, and small to mid-sized engineering and manufacturing firms"
DOE: The Falling Prices And Climbing Deployment Of Clean Technologies. bna|
"to generated enough electricity to power more than 17 million households, the report says"
What to expect this GITEX Shopper. com|
"of including a Mitsubishi Montero Sport, dream holidays and cutting-edge tech products"
Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Press Releases. nasa|
"on surface. This might tell us if and how the metal altered since it landed on Mars"
Mars' largest meteorite perfectly recreated by 3D printing. yahoo|
"at present the prospect of bringing it to Earth to examine u close out of the question"
How a 3D-printed boat race united a Red Hook community. engadget|
"to create 3D models and design boat hulls that to be watertight"
Small Business News, Tips, Advice. smallbiztrends|
"of Shares No, It’s Not A Joke This Sports Car a Real Life Transformer 186 Shares"
SatRevolution to 3D print the first private Polish satellite. 3dprintingindustry|
"to the developers from SatRevolution, the launch expected in the third quarter of 2017"
Elon Musk Shows How 3D Printing Powers Mission to Colonize Mars. 3dprintingindustry|
"to transport more than a million people to Mars during the next forty to one hundred years"See how Paul Braddock created Eddie, the amazing 3D printed steampunk. 3ders|
"with movable limbs. The twelve-year old would kill to one of these"
Could ORNL's 3D printed excavator be used to construct Mars colony. 3ders|
"on a 3D printer anywhere. And there be no shipping costs.”"
Optomec to Showcase 3D-Printed Electronics at Sensors Midwest. qualitymag|
"in Aerosol Jet printed sensors and antennas also be available for inspection"
Robert Hofmann GmbH 3D Prints Production-Ready Cylinder Block for Volkswagen Autom. 3dprint|
"in the undercut, which the inaccessible and narrow area of the cylinder block" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )September 27, 2016 NEWS
Web Entrepreneur Launches, a Website Featuring the Latest. releasewire|
"that would need for everything from 3D printing to keeping a lean physique"
How did they do that with plastic spoons. nzherald|
"so, after all this time, what new and novel designers possibly do"
Two clinics launched in Manipal. thehindu|
"of Women and Child Welfare and Public Instruction to identify these children"
Proud of her queen and two ladies in World of WearableArt. stuff|
"by Jemaine Clement, which aimed to link the various sections of the show together"
Doctor Strange: How The Eye Of Agamotto Was Created. comicbook|
"As the script developed, it dictated that it needed more requirements"
Steel Shaft And GPS: The Past And Future Of Golf. huffingtonpost|
"the US team find themselves desperate to put the wrongs of recent years behind them"
The digital wave is cresting, it’s time to jump on board. cio|
"of embrace change create new opportunities and those don’t risk being swamped"
Heather McNab journalist. dailytelegraph|
"as captured, converted to a 3D image and presented to in a physical miniature form"
Old meets new: 3D printing in Tilburg Lochal.|
"to work with the printing of own designed Lego brick"
HP Labs turns 50: 3D printing, IoT, hyper mobility and microfluidics seen driving. indianexpress|
"of dedicated to develop technology to improve the lives of people globally"September 28, 2016 NEWS
Global Workwear Industry. prnewswire|
"The report profiles 110 companies including many key and niche players"
'Digital future' for farming. fruitnet|
"the shape tomorrow’s industry according to a presentation at GlobalGAP Summit"3D printing is gaining Extrajournal.Net important for the industry". extrajournal|
"the mainstream", calls it a recent analysis by the consulting firm EY"
HP Inc. Celebrates 50th Anniversary of HP Labs. einnews|
"To walk through decades of HP Labs innovation, click here"
Craftsmanship on clothes. thehindu|
"a Pre-Spring-2017 collection at Coterie, a trade fair, in New York City recently"
Winning strategies in the digital era: the plug and play organization. marketingfacts|
"digital world, organizations need to develop digital DNA and 'plug and play'"
Letter to a young entrepreneur # 4. lalibre|
"a much less interesting to say . even if it the essence of the startup life )"
Istanbul Comics & Art Festival from 7 to 70 visitors flock. murekkephaber|
"the Students Association held Social Facilities and Fashion All Saints Church"
Get an Arduino and teach yourself to program. zdnet|
"for career fulfillment sometimes gets in the way of true learning"
AgBiotech Summit: 'This is the best time ever to be alive and to be in agriculture. wraltechwire|
"of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Mahindra warns of 'demographic disaster' sans jobs. nyoooz|
"of artisans better by installing such printers for production"
Apple VR/AR| AppleInsider. appleinsider|
"of own view that augmented reality the larger of the two, probably by far"
Ship shake: Hanjin woes may help float tech, data start-ups. dailymail|
"Flexport, a start-up focusing on providing logistics services and data"
Everything You Need to Know About the Adidas Futurecraft M.F.G. ***|
"the company into unchartered territory, the entire sneaker industry"
Succeeding in the new manufacturing landscape. themanufacturer|
"of three strategic priorities (which remained essentially unchanged)"
3Diligent Expands Manufacturing Industry Access to 3D Printing with New Service businesswire|
"on the marketplace, visit 3DiligentÆs online learning center"
3D Printing: What it Means To Manufacturers Want To Sell Replacement Parts in. jdsupra|
"the OEM any knowledge Let us begin with patented parts"
Schneider Electric's 'Factory of the Future' Strategy Incorporates Stratasys. manufacturingtomorrow|
"of which managed via the company's internal model shop, Openlab"HP Inc: No DRM in our 3D printers, we swear (unlike our 2D ones). theregister|
"in HP Inc's forthcoming 3D printers û once HP Inc certified them as safe"
What Does Facebook Want with a 3D Printing Hardware Company. engineering|
"a series of modular electronics made with these same rapid prototyping capabilities"
Proto Labs to officially open 3D-printing hub on Manufacturing Day. plasticstoday|
"of makes Proto Labs one of the largest 3D printing manufacturing providers in the world"
MIS-Asia - Manufacturers break through design limitations with 3D printing. asia|
[color=#008000:viw1070n]"to of Light Processing 3D Printing Market 2016. "to consumers|"
Amid 170-job expansion, Proto Labs readies to debut Cary 3D manufacturing facility. bizjournals|
"of Proto Labs (NYSE: PRLB) preparing for the grand opening of its new Cary facility"
Jabil Launches Innovation Acceleration Services to Help Customers Bring Products t. businesswire|
"with design, supply chain, manufacturing and compliance challenges"
SPI Lasers discuss market sectors for their fiber lasers range. www|
"of considered better than buying a product focused on one specific activity. Matt commented"
Additive Industries takes next step in 3D printing. studio040|
"the printing process itself. want to continue in the coming years" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )EPR Retail News| EuroShop 2017: Display mannequins and store window. eprretailnews|
for EuroShop,ö says Andreas Gesswein, CEO of Genesis Display from Auetal, with conviction.
Eureeca Opens European Hub in Amsterdam -áCrowdfund Insider. crowdfundinsider|
"to fund first deals in the market and launch more campaigns"
Paris, the capital of retail. internationalsupermarketnews|
"a E-Commerce Paris shows to cover the full off- and online retail ecosystem"
North Wales businesses support Growth Track 360. bdaily|
"to secure ú1 billion of infrastructure investment across North Wales and Cheshire"
Chinaplas 2017 focuses on intelligent manufacturing and industry 4.0. cosmeticsdesign|
"on intelligent manufacturing and the environment to push intelligent manufacturing"
Record order for MGI at drupa 2016. graphiline|
"at Drupa 2016, registering more than one hundred controls on the entire range"
United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS) Rating Lowered to Sell at Zacks Investment Resear. unik|
"to reward investors consistently through share buybacks and dividends.ö"
BuyerÆs Guide: Headphones. androidguys|
"of those features that should help choose next pair of headphones"
Saudi Arabia partner for GITEX. saudigazette|
"the GITEX Technology WeekÆs Official Country Partner for the second consecutive year"
EuroShop 2017: Display mannequins and store window decorations. eprretailnews|
"for EuroShop, CEO of Genesis Display from Auetal, with conviction"
Eureeca Opens European Hub in Amsterdam -áCrowdfund Insider. crowdfundinsider|
"to fund first deals in the market and launch more campaigns"
Paris, the capital of retail. internationalsupermarketnews|
"of Equipmag and E-Commerce Paris shows to cover the full off- and online retail"
Cummings Institute Announces Partnership with STAX3D to Test How Virtual. pressreleaserocket|
"in partnership with STAX3D, a 3D technology solutions company in Gilbert, Arizona"
Teen Finds Ways to Give Back Through Mentorship at Small Factory Productions. ahherald|
"on intrigued and inspired to create the change that saw on television"HP told: Disarm printer ink 'self-destruct sequence' blocking third-party cartridg. printer|
"of implications from the course HP chose for clamping down on non-HP ink cartridges"
Vortic: Reimagining the Custom Wristwatch. finalternatives|
"of individually serial numbered watches sold on a first come, first serve basis"
Nike to quicken shift from æcut and sewÆ to digital design. thedrum|
"of months and aligned with the athleteÆs specific training programs and competitive needs"
EPR Retail News| Best BuyÆs Mountain View store adds dedicated space. eprretailnews|
"of the worldÆs most inventive entrepreneurs and startups in consumer electronics"
Digital Single Market. europa|
"of 415 billion per year to economy and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs"
HP offers printing with a strong CSR perspective. executive|
"with HP Page Wide (A4 and A3) portfolio and HP's document management" -
3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Demand for Machining Centers Remains High Despite Additive Growth. engineering|
"with metal powders, while the second and third focus on machining centers"
WIRED Retail 2016: meet the speakers and agenda. wired|
"on digital technologies; disrupting the way buy, sell and interact with commerce"
DOE: The Falling Prices And Climbing Deployment Of Clean Technologies :: North. nawindpower|
"of results, recent major capex, meaningful revenues and when become profitable"
Photizo LinkedIn Group Grows to More Than 10,000 Members. americanprinter|
"the name was changed to help members take advantage of the expanded charter"
Singapore retains No. 2 competitiveness spot, Economy News & Top Stories. straitstimes|
"of eighth consecutive year in annual report compiled by the World Economic Forum (WEF)"
Project looks to create makerspace. for|
"for the study closed on Sept. 23 with results expected in early November"
3D Printing in Medical Applications Market to be Worth 965.5 Million USD. globenewswire|
"of trained professionals a key factor restraining the growth of the market"
Stratasys webinar covers 3D printing for jigs, fixtures. onlinetes|
"of easier faster than conventional methods, allowing to make and use more of them"
Dental 3D Printer Market Business is Booming. Asia-Pacific is Expected to Experien. openpr|
"processes improve and materials developed that meet medical grade standards"3D printing ceramics market projected to reach 131.5 million USD by 2021 according. ceramics|
"to reach USD 131.5 Million by 2021, at a CAGR of 29.6% from 2016 to 2021"
Global 3D Printing Healthcare Market 2016. medgadget|
"into the production chain and sales dynamics of this market for its revenue analysis"
Leopoly launches new 3D customisation solutions at TCT. tctmagazine|
"at true mass-customisation for the fashion, lifestyle and healthcare industries"
AI, UE, and 3D: How the Technology Industry Grew in 2016. ai|
"in cable subscriptions for a more reliable and affordable option, the streaming service"
32nd International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP). materialsviews|
"as recently changed from ‘Digital Fabrication’ to ‘Printing for Fabrication’" -
3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Burnley business nominated for Butterfly Award. burnleyexpress|
"to take home an accolade in recognition of admirable work"
ISS Weekly Status Report. astronautinews|
"to develop advanced security measures for space flights of the future"
Athens Mini Maker Faire: The festival for the"Do It Yourself"comes to Greece. startupper|
"of Peristeri The event is dedicated to the lovers ' Do It Yourself ' and beyond"
iconnect007 :: Article MIRTEC Wins 10th Global Technology Award for 3D SPI Technol. iconnect007|
"a new standard by which all other 3D SPI inspection equipment be measured.”"
Netherlands now more competitive than Germany. volkskrant|
"the World Economic Forum, only Switzerland, Singapore and the US still competitive"
Eindhoven conference on"Building Revolution". vastgoedmarkt|
"be able to play good and cheap to individual needs; high fashion, low prices"Live report: Who’s hot at Graph Expo 2016 – continued. graphicartsmag|
"eduction in operator error and confusion, as well as an increase in turnaround times"
September 2016 calendar Wednesday, Sept. 28. salina|
"in club room new players of all skill levels welcome. Information"
Communications industry poised for greater growth. themalaymailonline|
"the digital economy because of various innovations"
Global Workwear Industry. prnewswire|
"The report profiles 110 companies including many key and niche players such"
Global 3D Concrete Printing Market , 2015–2021. newsmaker|
"to including polymer bond, reactive bond, and sintering, and additive welding"
Global 3D Printing of Metals market report in 2015 set to grow according to foreca. newsmaker|
"with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering"
IDTechEx Announces the Winners of Launchpad Initiative in Santa Clara. printedelectronicsworld|
"Things, printed electronics, sensors, or wearable technology"
IDC FutureScape Web Conferences Will Present 2017 Predictions – Dawn of the. businesswire|
"The events be available for on-demand viewing following the live presentation"
Form 6-K MATERIALISE NV For: Sep 28. streetinsider|
"to a gain of 425 kEUR for the same period in the prior year"
SignLink. SignLink|
"that deep recesses, 3M says the new films also eliminate the need for cutting or inlays"
Maker Faire Atlanta returns to Decatur on Oct. 1 – DecaturishDecaturish. decaturish|
"to this year, attendees get a chance to screen print own T-shirt onsite.”"
NRCC holding Manufacturing Day Oct. 7. southwesttimes|
"of modern manufacturing. It meant to inspire a new generation of manufacturers"
National Manufacturing Day MCC Open House. mesacc|
"in the southeast lot east of Dobson Road through the Solar Way entrance"
[Page 2] Q&A: MVTec Managing Director discusses machine vision software, future. systems|
"that products designed in a way that best serve customers" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
BLOGS and the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Prototypes and its Use in Product Development & Marketing. mcadcafe|
"entire assembly come together to show that innovative idea actually works"
Prototypes and its Use in Product Development & Marketing. mcadcafe|
"The only purpose of concept prototype to get an overview of the product idea"
PORTFOLIO.HU - Online Financial Journal. portfolio|
"in September. Bond yields pushed lower by the central bank (MNB) restricting."
The secret life of an IT manager: ERP resurrection. itproportal|
"enhance efficiency and competitive advantage...hmm perhaps that analogy stops there"
Linden art classes get high-tech with 3-D printers. tctimes|
"the Pioneer Program, which promotes technology in classrooms"
'Digital future' for farming. Amsterdam|
"of renew industry” and warned them to embrace change with the right attitude"
Machinery News Articledetailaspxarticleid=146087. machinery|
"a working relationship that been in place for a couple of years now"
Thought3D launches new product and fundraising campaign at TCT Show. tctmagazine|
"to create business where business needed most, a refugee camp"
Manufacturing Our Future. manufacturingtomorrow|
"in public-private partnerships, and a focus on a new generation"
Think of the concept of smart villages not just smart cities: Anand Mahindra. indiatimes|
"of the concept of smart villages not just smart cities: Anand Mahindra. indiatimes|"
5 Tech Innovations That Prove The Future Is Already Here. huffingtonpost|
"on optics, GPS, biofuels and more becoming such a crucial component of daily lives"
VIDEO: Aberdeen man does battle on Robot Wars, and made his bot using. pressandjournal|
"to expertise in 3D printing to take the technology to… Read Full Story"
Projection Designers are Bringing New Looks to Local Stages. clevescene|
"to, technology enables them to be printed, not painted, saving time and money"w.a.v.e.s returns this weekend to illuminate Windsor. windsorindependent|
"on what never been seen/or done before by embracing Windsor’s innovative nature"
Exclusive: Watch the Third Episode of Post-Apocalyptic Cardboard-Punk Web Series E***|
"in first episode premiered as a short film at the Cannes Film Festival Short Film premier
Issue 182 out now - Announcements. flux|
"to exhibitions that maintains all of work equally relevant and timely"
Solving difficult additive manufacturing problems. todaysmedicaldevelopments|
"engagement of faculty experts and students through the collaboration and with Oberg"
Why I'm Most Excited About South by South Lawn. huffingtonpost|
"to part in this event that challenges us to make a positive difference in country"
We Need to Expand Our Definition of Entrepreneurship. hbr|
"of enormous value delivered to the marketplace. And most of us became employees"
Motion-sensing LED light will banish memories of dingy garages forever. yahoo|
"a way to solve a problem that personally experiencing.”" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Nominet Trust awards £400,000 investment to social tech ventures. fundraising|
"to measure facial movements and aims to help people in the UK with facial paralysis"
These bold new technologies seem more life-changing than they really are. marketwatch|
"an revolution, between 1750 - 1830, focused on coal, steam engines, railroads and textiles"
Education: 'Engineers must get hands-on training'. indiatimes|
"to be formally educated. education without training and upgradation prove futile"
My Word: Population density, people power and blessings. jpost|
"the trick to adapt and to find strength – and happiness – in numbers"
Accelerating clean-energy deployments. windpowerengineering|
"for then some. Here three big takeaways from this year’s Revolution…Now report"
Scientists Develop World’s First 3D Print Excavator. azom.|
"of new industrial applications be developed for application in additive manufacturing"Out with the Old Pueblo; In with the New Pueblo: Tangible Technology comes. aztecpressonline|
"of nightmares, almost all of interactions with electronics exist behind a screen"BLOGS and the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D printing promises to live long and prosper. manufacturingglobal|
"a world where culinary desires could be reproduced at the touch of a button"
Colombian e-NABLE shares 'Snow Queen', 'Ninja', 'Cinderella', 'Iron Ma. 3ders|
"on themes, resulting in 3D printed prostheses that even make classmates jealous"
Sydney company Sentimental 3D Studios makes miniature 3D figurines of your family. dailymail|
"for a 3D photo that see the Sydney family perfectly replicated in pint-sized figurines"
Body Labs Blue is New Online Retailer API Offering Precise, Customized Clothing Fi. 3dprint|
"of clothes, for making sure finally offer that perfect fit all hope for"
Here's what you could win at this year's Best of Design Awards. archpaper|
"" -
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Wood: Skyscraper Material of the Future. constructioncitizen|
"for the skeletons of tall buildings in the United States and elsewhere"
PDF Association forms PDF/E Competence Center to support engineering and 3D. association|
"an choice for exchanging, visualizing, printing and archiving of engineering data" - Mitros renovates bathroom in one day. destadutrecht|
"of two million social housing which also to so many years of renovation"
Uber’s Dubai future threatened by new regulations. ft|
"of authorities threatening to impose extra levies that could threaten its operations"Will Technology Giants enter the Construction Industry. bimireland|
"for calling, automation, YouTube, 3D printing and instant messaging all coming into play.”"
Dubai's RTA says to use 3D printing to produce metro spare parts. arabianbusiness|
"by 2030 with the technology responsible for 25 percent of all new buildings"
DEWA signs deal for 3D printed building. powerengineeringint|
"to be addressed and the logistics accurately controlled during the printing operation.”"
Evolution of furniture: Genetic algorithms, 3D printing create unique pieces. yahoo|
"of studio Studio Integrate, which shown off at this month’s London Design Fair"
Can 3D Printing Transform Construction. forbes|
"to show how 3D printing technology transform the construction industry"
Austrocasa developing RoboVAST construction 3D Printer that prints in. 3ders|
"in developing RoboVAST construction 3D Printer that prints in. 3ders|"
LafargeHolcim and XtreeE successfully 3D print Europe's first concrete. 3ders|
"in concrete – paving the way for anything from homes to office blocks"
LRC to Study Connected Lighting and 3D Printing. solidstatelightingdesign|
"to investigate everything ranging from the ease of installation to user satisfaction" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Robots invade Douglas County. douglascountysentinel|
"a full-steam ahead for Douglas County students and library patrons"
Faurecia Invests in Canatu and Deepens Ties by Choosing Canatu as Innovation Partn. einnews|
"a mechanical controls with 3D shaped touch sensors and seamless touch displays"
Aero Force: Testing in Aerospace. qualitymag|
"of materials testing machines apply the forces in precise ways, in any direction"
This Huge Robot Will Drive Up and Build You a House [Video]. singularityhub|
"with the hope we’ll be able to supply more of them to areas where housing most needed"
Reverse Engineering Continues to Expand its Role in Industry. qualitymag|
"to explore the composition and rapid production of ready-to-use parts via 3D printing"
#FedFeed - Inside the world's largest laser. federalnewsradio|
"a daily collection of federal ephemera gathered from social media and presented for enjoyment"
Mitsubishi buys 60% of energy firm ElectroRoute. rte|
"as 2011, 40 employees and currently over 600MW of assests under its management"
Amazing new jet pack is given first test flight in Europe... so will it be the rad. thesun|
"by flying over the sea at the heliport alongside the Port of Fontvieille in Monaco"Industrial Automation, Robots and Unmanned Vehicles Companies. roboticstomorrow|
"for simply fill in the search criteria below and click on the"Search"button"
Next Big Future: US Military Research Labs will take commercial technology. nextbigfuture|
"of outnumbered by the Soviet conventional superiority on the European central front"
Peugeot Looks to Reclaim Its Leading Position in Iran. fortune|
"of French carmaker seeks to reclaim the leading position it once enjoyed in the country"
Crash-Friendly Drone Made Frome LEGOs Is Rebuildable. psfk|
"to LEGO bricks and drones through a process of trial and error and learning through play"
Defense Watch| Defense Daily Network. defensedaily|
"of lessons learned” from the ship’s development and construction, Defense Department…"
Advanced Technologies. areadevelopment|
"from minimal, and highly skilled workers and complex machinery integrate seamlessly"
COTS makes its case for wider military adoption. embedded|
"of mobile solutions to increase the defense capability through cutting-edge technology.”"
US Marine test: 3D printed munition proved to be more lethal than conv. 3ders|
"of made munitions, but [3D printing allows us to do it better, faster and likely cheaper.”"]
Lockheed Martin use 3D Printing in Search for Signs of Life on Mars. 3dprintingindustry|
"of three major scientific NASA and ‘where are we going’ completing the trio"
Review: Formy 3D-printed bar grips make a lasting impression. newatlas|
"to each customer's measurements, and I recently got my hands on a pair"
SLM Solutions uses 3D printing to build titanium spacecraft valve body. industrial|
"an increased build plate size at 280 × 280 × 365mm, makes larger-sized parts possible"
3D Printed Lungs And Inflatable Chinooks. forces|
"to military and civilian delegates come from across the world to attend" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )September 29, 2016 NEWS
My Word: Population density, people power and blessings. com|
"from a stretch to assume the craft may lost some of its luster. Not so for Miller"
City Celebrates National Day With Park Flowers (National). beijingtoday|
"in Square, parks throughout the city been decorated with a variety of flowers"
3D printers facilitate lower-cost learning — The Bowdoin Orient. bowdoinorient|
"of really wasn’t reliable enough or precise enough to do anything useful with.”"
Business owners, artists talk maker space for downtown Rogers. nwaonline|
"of performing arts and music, sculpture and pottery, woodworking and graphic design"
Artist Gives Citizens Simple Tools to Design Public Spaces – Next City. nextcity|
"of that effort and aims to engage everyday citizens in public space design"
3D printing takes off. engineerlive|
"to capturing basic sensor data, such as altitude, speed and acceleration in a turn"September 30, 2016 NEWS
West Windsor Arts Council and Code for Princeton present Data and Art. newjerseystage|
"of projects could be developed when add in the creative minds of artists"
Optical sector steps up to consumer demand. opticianonline|
"on purchases and the optical sector needs to follow suit to satisfy demand"
Digital printing set to conquer growing textile printing market – PrintWeek India. printweek|
"a Quenby Transfers claimed the PrintWeek India Company of the Year award in 2014"
Artist Clair Le Couteur Transforms Warrington Museum With Photography Sculpture. broadwayworld|
"as never before thanks to the work of a passionate PhD fine art student"
Dario Fo's dead, 'Milan will not forget'. ansa|
"a political satirist won a Nobel Prize and wrote against power until the very end"
Craftsmanship on clothes. thehindu|
"to consciously avoid making flowers, end up them in a new avatar.”"The Global Innovation 1000: Proven Paths to Innovation Success. business|
"from 32 percent say much better. Only 6 percent say doing worse"
A tale in the details. thehindu|
"a Pre-Spring-2017 collection at Coterie, a trade fair, in New York City recently"
Cosplay Family Spotlight: BH Cosplay. geekdad|
"to join us, so far no luck. I’m the only one with a cosplay page (BH Cosplay)"
After HP blocks third-party ink from working with printers, company promises optio. com|
"of update did stop HP’s printers from working with third-party ink cartridges"3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Honeywell Aerospace Signs Contract with Sigma Labs, 3D Printing Company. press_release|
"of Additive Manufacturing of Laser Powder Bed Production of Aerospace Components"
New Worlds Seeks Presentations for the Space Settlement Symposium 2016. 3dprint|
"to come from? Maybe that incredibly innovative idea is floating around in your head right now."
Marines Conducting Tests with 3-D Printed Munitions. military|
"for Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head, Maryland, in collaboration with the center"
3D Printering: Trinamic TMC2130 Stepper Motor Drivers ***|
"to the coil current registers and expand the scope of applicability far beyond motors"
Is the Automotive Industry the Fulcrum for Additive Manufacturing. engineering|
"that we’ll be seeing more and more 3D printers on factory floors as time goes on"
Ai Build unveils Daedalus Pavilion. digitaljournal|
"a established industries like construction be transformed by artificial intelligence"