Current news on 3d printing 2016
BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The Next Page: Ken Love’s new film captures the grit of the people who worked. gazette|
"a Downtown’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette building in 2014, a good idea for a film"
Hannibal Arts Council exhibit features multi-generational talents. hannibal|
"the American Indian, “a picture did years ago.” wife’s piece features two koi fish"
ITG to launch a new generation of cotton fabrics. yarnsandfibers|
"to bringing together ITG’s distinctive values of heritage, expertise and innovation" Voted as the Top Choice for High-End Digital Fabric Printing. digitaljournal|
"to customized digital printing which allows customers to design own patterns"
The metal 3D printing: fiction or reality. varesenews|
"so not better, than that produced by traditional methods (CNC or injection molding)"Confess Prince Henry"I should talk about the mother of death"of mental health prob. huffingtonpost|
"the racer, Kelly Holmes, et al. Of the original track and field athlete participated"
The Austrians created a unique giant machine for laying rails. kievsmi|
"to aimed at finding new and interesting ways of combining technology"
Creative Creative Hunan Pentium perspective books. hc360|
"the State minority special needs products manufacturing enterprises"BLOGS and the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )GE’s Christine Furstoss: Cohesive 3D Printing Ecosystem Must Exist Before There. 3dprint|
"the industry of 3D printing and related technology produce just in the next year"
3D Printing: The Stories We Missed This Week — July 23, 2016. 3dprint|
"to invest $5 million to open first U.S. manufacturing facility in Jacksonville, Florida"
Hackers create 3D printed TSA Safe Skies master key, release blueprints. 3ders|
"the TSA introduced approved locks that be opened with master keys"
Gallery offers visitors a 3D digital sculpture in four seconds. theguardian|
"an objective recording, said, it differed from a sculptor’s subjective observation"
Face-generating software and 3D printed busts show Catholics how 17th century saints m. 3ders|
"with takes into account dental and anthropological analysis and historical research"
3D printing: 5 amazing innovations. blastingnews|
"a robotic bartender. website claims that it isn't magic, don't believe them"
Fell walker creates 3D model of Scafell Pike (From The Westmorland Gazette). thewestmorlandgazette|
"with walker created a unique model of one of the area's most famous landmarks"
Making a Difference. dexigner|
"in technical discoveries that transferred to successful industrial applications" -
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Dubai Future Accelerators will change the world. 3dprintingindustry|
"a technologies. This fantastic news for all things tech in Dubai, including 3D printing"
The Future of Concrete Printing with Imprimere AG. 3dprintingindustry|
"of one company developing own methods for printing in concrete"
Emerging Objects 3D Prints with Recycled Tires. 3dprint|
"to tackling this problem as well as hopes for the future of the material"
Dubai launches Future Accelerators program to help solve 7 key future challenges. 3ders|
"on institutions to work together to achieve the targets of Dubai Future Accelerators"3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Capstone projects keep it real. psu|
"by the company to scale down its 3D printing application for smaller volumes"
How healthcare became sick-care and what be done about it. indiatimes|
"for patients and providers at its lowest in almost every part of the world"
3D printing market research report published. dreamnews|
"the latest usage, promising applications, market forecast"the publication"
3D Printed Blocks Make Building Ultimate Lab Easy As Lego. digitaltrends|
%(#008000)["of Legos one of the most versatile toys around because, with enough bricks
and imagination, build anything you want. That same idea is now be"]3D Printing: Power Users of Technology Drive Applications and Innovations. formtek|
"to continue to increase use of and spending on 3D printing technology"
Exact Metrology Demonstrates CT Scanning, 3D Printing Technology at Wisconsin Open. mmsonline|
"a forgings, and to evaluate porosity, grain structure and filament distribution"
3D animation breakthrough by Disney enables realistic 3D eye reconstruction from a sin. 3ders|
"the eyes that convey emotions and foretell actions thatcritical to storytelling"
Nanotech breakthrough prints human tissue from stem cells – Jewish Business News. jewishbusinessnews|
"to everyday reality been taken by Israel’s Nano Dimension, which makes 3D" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )JSU alum directs launch of North Dakota’s first spacecraft. enewscourier|
"that set to be launched from the International Space Station in December"
PyroGenesis Signs Military Contract of US $950,000. marketwired|
"to be approved by the said client. Such approval expected within the next 45 days"
The diagnosis and the cure of automation. techcrunch|
"a stumped couldn’t think of one job that someday won’t be dehumanized"
23 July 2016 - Afghan brothers launch new mine-hunting drone. mysinchew|
"a low-cost drone to detect and destroy mines, which each year claim thousands of lives"
3D printing: additive manufacturing heaven and earth. computerworld|
"the state, operation and environment for the purpose of analysis"
Create a New Breakthrough Makes Mercedes Truck Parts. rajamobil|
"a three-dimensional (3D printing) by relying on high berkuaitas plastic material"
[Fourth Industrial Revolution] 4D Printing to print 'time'. newsworks|
"of"the emergence of 4D Printing (The emergence of 4D printing) 'to the world"
Daimler keeps on trucking with 3D printing. 3dprintingindustry|
"of trucks has turned to 3D printing to produce spare parts for its vast range of trucks"
Zizzy the Robot Uses 3D Printed Artificial Muscles to Assist Those Lacking Mobility. 3dprint|
"by glue and MEK solvent, and should be capable of holding 20 PSI without an issue"Chrome App Launcher. yibada|
"a technology perfected in China called"smart micro casting and forging"
Metal 3D printing takes flight. techcrunch|
"in recently led to the creation of some of the most exciting 3D-printed parts in memory"
3D printing: helping the US blow stuff up. 3dprintingindustry|
"to be developing silicon carbide materials for missile component support structures"
Nuclear power and 3D printing the driving forces behind Audi F-Tron Concept car. 3ders|
"to metal alloy, with the engine powered by a fusion reactor with plasma injectors"
Sonaca & Fives Michelin partner to manufacture 3D printed titanium parts for aerospace. 3ders|
"to develop and produce 3D printed titanium parts for the aerospace industry"
Mercedes-Benz Trucks introduces on-demand 3D-printed spare parts. plasticstoday|
"a printing processes in prototype construction,” Deuschle commented in the release"
3D Printed Exo360 VR Aerial Drone Prototype Lands at CE Week NYC. 3dprint|
"to both the RC transmitter and the app, so you’ll always know the drone’s status"
Next Big Future: Advanced 3D printed titanium enables lighter, stronger, complex part. nextbigfuture|
"the strength, ductility, and toughness much better than the traditional forging parts"
Flirtey Drone Makes History Again, Brings Reno Family a Slurpee. 3dprint|
"a package delivered directly to home by a drone – two packages, in fact"
Maker Movement: Innovative Manufacturing Takes Off in Russia. sputniknews|
"of the organizers heads the Moscow-based Fab Lab laboratory, told Sputnik"
Why are we still building space tech down here on Earth. extremetech|
"with a telescope called the Robotically Assembled Modular Space Telescope, or RAMST" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )July 23, 2016 NEWS
Fujian Xinhua Printing: go live three moves. hc360|
"on operating costs and expand sources of business for enterprises reinvigorate"
A new journey of cultural and creative way. hc360|
"the cultural and creative transformation of traditional printing industry"
"Jilin symbol"There are so many ah. hc360|
"to bring"flag camel"face to face meeting with readers at the Book Fair"
HC printing network printing _ _ _ digital printing offset printing presses __. hc360|
"a Procurement section [818 Haixin printing machine the developing worm"]
Beautiful 3D fashion by Voxelworld in Düsseldorf. 3dprintingindustry|
"to joined us in bringing the technology’s creative potential to the catwalk.”"
Nanomaterials Begin to Blur the Lines Between Industrial and Hobbyist 3D Printing. ieee|
"by 3D printing for actual commercial products as opposed to merely prototypes"July 24, 2016 NEWS
Seven facts to know about the future of manufacturing. roboticsandautomationnews|
"the mass production drove the second Industrial Revolution in the early 20th century"Innovation a driver of growth, prosperity. daijiworld|
"a progress tangible physical and social progress which benefitted people"
Sierra College's Tech Ed Skills on ABC's BattleBots. rocklintoday|
"the skills needed to design and build a combat robot a happy coincidence"
Mommy do the dishes. primerahora|
"the parameters determined by the fiscal plan presented by the governor and now"
Computer chips stop within 5 years with shrinking. zdnet|
"the arrest of chips predicted, after which yet another revolution underway"
Kaerima, 3D printer, then overseas market reclamation. asiatoday|
"with export counseling at the event , product and technology exhibitions"July 25, 2016 NEWS
Top 5 things The Next Web Taught Me 60 days On. huffingtonpost|
"with since and below you’ll find the five things that kept thinking"
Vortic: Making Great American Watches Again. finalternatives|
"the verge of building a very successful new Watch company. I was not disappointed"
How VelvetCase closed a sale of Rs 1.62cr of precious jewellery over WhatsApp. yourstory|
"a range of designs for a whopping sale of Rs 1.62 crore closed by the portal"
Cleveland's RTX-3 line aims to shift the history of wedge design. golfdigest|
"of all those changes do not come at the expense of traditional wedge aesthetics"
Jewellery glitters but doesn't strike web gold. indiatimes|
"in thought unique when said am not a jewellery person says"
“It's Not For The Faint Of Heart…” Dressing the Characters: The Designers Behind. bleedingcool|
"a gift certificate to a Milt & Edie’s Drycleaners & Tailoring Center" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )EAA Announces New Member Benefit: Free Access to Dassault Systemes SOLIDWORKS. aviationpros|
"a services including training seminars, 3D printers, and 3D printing services"
Getting to know you: George Brasher. bmmagazine|
"of inspired and inspirational colleagues make every day a real pleasure at work"
Here is a list of the 43North semifinalists and their hometowns. buffalonews|
"on July 26, 2016 - 12:01 AM"
Falkland Press is first in UK to order new Screen PlateRite CTP system. worldpressonline|
"of equipment for the semiconductor and flat panel display manufacturing industries"
German companies massively adopt 3D printing. 3dnatives|
"as expected to be in the near future, for additive manufacturing" baystreet|
"a solidifies the company's position as a potential leader in the bioprinting field"
Fiksu’s evolution continues with launch of four new mobile marketing companies. investingnews|
"with own leadership teams, market strategies, and products"
Nike Unveils Machine-Designed Shoe For Olympic Runners. psfk|
"the beautifully intricate sole hides the advanced 3D technology used to build it"People in business for Sunday, July 24. bozemandailychronicle|
"with BYEP’s four-year life skills curriculum to best serve and empower area adolescents"
3D Printed Electric Unicycle. hackaday|
"of a dream — nobody’s making it, so make it yourself. And make it look pro"
The 8 ways 3D printing is changing manufacturing forever. designworldonline|
"to disrupt what know of today as design and manufacturing. Here 8 reasons"
SLS 3D: In-House 3D Printers Allow Manufacturers to Gain the Edge in Business. 3dprint|
"as beyond other companies that produce similar products and services"
JJ Materialise Partner On 3D-Printed Custom Cranio-Facial Implants. meddeviceonline|
"the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), with the exception of France"
Roboze Partners with Lino S.A. to Increase Presence in Balkan Peninsula. 3dprint|
"to help Roboze expand hardware from Europe to the rest of the world"
After-School STEM Enrichment Company Zaniac to Open First Kentucky Franchise. 3dprint|
"the first campus in the state of Kentucky, to be opened in September in Louisville"
BRB while we build this 3D printable Split Flap Display for three-letter texting abbre. 3ders|
"to ether. learnt to save time, lost something even more precious"
Nike's latest soccer cleat is its most data-driven shoe yet. engadget|
"the athlete data and 3D-printed prototypes to build the design that hits stores tomorrow"
Producing realistic prototypes, tooling, moulds, jigs and fixtures. online|
"to produce tooling, moulds, jigs and fixtures and more, Stratasys says"
'Driving autonomous vehicles in India is the ultimate test'. thehindu|
"in the country to drive a big portion of the development of these services"
If you dream it, SiMT Makerspace will 3-D print it. wsoctv|
"to build one thing; print multiples of something at the same time" -
3D Printing Expo, Groups, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )African Startups invited to pitch at Africa Tech Now Village for CES 2017. pctechmag|
"to be the center-stage of over 7000 media from all over the world covering the event"
MIS-Asia - National agency MIMOS in deal to boost Malaysia's electrical and electronics industry. asia|
"on owned integrated device manufacturer (IDM) in power management devices"
SPE calling for ANTEC 2017 papers. canplastics|
"the materials, quality, sustainability, bioplastics, moldmaking, and mold technology"
Takeaways from Tallahassee. saintpetersblog|
"to do offer card games in which people play against each other and not the “house.”"
The Results are In: drupa By the Numbers. packageprinting|
"The 75% international attendance represented a 16% increase from the 2012 event"
Esko Highlights 'Packaging Simplified' Theme at EskoWorld. packageprinting|
"of operate, and to expand understanding about the industry’s latest trends"
3D Printing @ Home| September 4-7. 2016 @ IFA BERLIN. inside3dprinting|
"to ensure maximum opportunity for networking and lead generation"
Charleston woman finds unique career in 3D printing. wbtw|
"to many different scans of people at XCON in Myrtle Beach in super hero outfits"
FDAnews Announces — The New Normal: 3D Printing and Digital Manufacturing Webinar. prweb|
"an Product Liability Making Sense of New FDA Guidance and Product Liability"
Medical Makers Come Together with 3D Printing Workshops & Presentations at Queen. 3dprint|
"of something that happens by accident or during a one-off research project"RUS / GER - UC RUSAL and SAUER sign memorandum of understanding. planet|
"the divisions contributed to the profitability increase, in particular GF Piping Systems"
America Makes announces awards for additive manufacturing projects. crainscleveland|
"a project related to creating 3D core or tooling products in the aerospace industry" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
BLOGS and the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The Singapore Jewellery & Gem Fair Returns this November. prnewswire|
"from 4 to 7 November 2016 at the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre"
Sonova hears China's message loud and clear. chinapost|
"of hearing solutions, taken upon itself the challenge of meeting this need"
Dismal delivery puts big oil and gas energy projects at risk. ft|
"of it started, it suffered a gas leak that meant production to be shut down"
Mighty Jaxx: Designer Toys Of The Future » Popspoken SG. popspoken|
"of Mighty Jaxx and multiple collaborations. might ask"Online market for gold jewellery doesn't glitter. indiatimes|
"a young woman whose mother forcing to try and buy a large necklace"
Get more intelligent. tribuneindia|
"of the internet sort brewing in the labs of researchers. The Tribune takes a look" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Moore's Law dead in 2021: Here's what the next revolution will mean. techrepublic|
"to be no longer be feasible to continue shrinking transistors for use in microprocessors"
Scientists Leverage Properties of Graphene to Develop Next-Gen Sensors, Membranes. azonano|
"an Energy in Abu Dhabi. (Credit: Masdar Institute of Science and Technology)"
3DPrinterOS announces partnerships. 3dprintingindustry|
"on the facility, manually work through this process, generating a lot of overhead"
New 3D printed graphene super batteries by Swinburne researchers will last a lifetime. 3ders|
"a supercapacitors first presented at Fresh Science Victoria 2016 earlier this year"
Carbon’s M1 3D Printer Can Even Print Itself – Partially. 3dprint|
"an already succeeded in getting the M1 to print one new part for itself"
Next Big Future: 3D printing could make lightweight and stronger material. nextbigfuture|
"to be extremely lightweight, such as those used for remote sensing and aerial scanning"
Wiivv Lays Mass Customization at Your Feet. engineering|
"a selection when it comes to purchasing everyday consumer goods such as clothing"
InViewR: Researchers Dive into Data with Virtual Reality from ZEISS & arivis, Allows. 3dprint|
"an manufacturers do something quite simple—to see data more clearly"BLOGS and the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Fleet Hower’s 3D Printed LOCKNESTERS Puzzles Take on a New Look and Feel. 3dprint|
"in 2013, and now a handful of them printing out puzzle pieces simultaneously"
3D printed literacy tools help visually impaired children learn Korean alphabet. 3ders|
"landscape for the visually impaired as well a new way of experiencing the world"LCD/LED based uTopiaPrinter widens the door to low-cost DIY SLA 3D printing. 3ders|
"project started by 3D printer enthusiast Sébastien Mischler should help fill that void"
America Makes Announces the Seven Awardees of Their Fourth Project Call. 3dprint|
"consisted of Design, Material, Process, Value Chain, and AM Genome"
Is the revolution here. tctmagazine|
"that criteria In the context of many centuries of manufacturing, think not"
Webinar on applications of plastic and metal 3D printing in automotive & tooling industry. knnindia|
"Concept model, functional prototyping, manufacturing tools, endues parts"
InViewR: Researchers Dive into Data with Virtual Reality from ZEISS & arivis. 3dprint|
"basis today. Discuss further in the InViewR Virtual Reality forum over"
Dresses from the future: The unearthly fashion of Iris Van Herpen. fusion|
"immediately obvious the question the show poses: What exactly technology"
This startupper has a completely new idea about the future of retail. technical|
"body. How all this possible And could the first advances come through socks"
Key takeaways from Gartner’s top ten technology trends. themanufacturer|
"and greater system and device integration – isn’t going to go away, or plateau off" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )GE & Textron Aviation Announce Next Generation Cessna Denali, Featuring 3D Printed Engine. 3dprint|
"to Michael Thacker, senior vice president of engineering at Textron"
Strakka's Le Mans 24 Hour challenger with 3D-printed parts joins Thinktank showcase. thecheckeredflag|
"the Thinktank science museum in Birmingham from 28 July for the next six weeks"
Harvard Business alum pioneers 3D-printed cars. newbostonpost|
"the LM3D, and it could fundamentally change the way think of car manufacturing"
Design News - Engineering Materials. designnews|
"that needed. Each loop of that iterative process take several months"
If you ever live on the moon, your house may be built by this 3D printing robot. dnaindia|
"in traveling farther out--to Mars for example--and setting up habitations there"63D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Robot Builds Brick House Four Times Faster Than Humans. newsmax|
"a house made out of bricks four times faster than humans and with only one arm"
Is 3D Printing the Future of Construction. bimireland|
"of what 3D printing delivered and some of the research undertaken"
Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, now available as 3D printed souven. 3ders|
"on the 124th floor, and the world’s highest swimming pool (the 76th floor)"
Australian Company Fastbrick Robotics Introduces a Robot That Can Build a House 4X. 3dprint|
"to be named Hadrian X, which Fastbrick Robotics currently working on" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )EAA offers members free access to Dassault Systèmes' Solidworks. aerospacemanufacturinganddesign|
"to Solidworks Student Design Kit – EAA Maker Edition software and more"
Video: An EJ20 Engine Reimagined On A Small Scale. [color=#008000:3j9m8i7a]"will also sp|
"to help with providing an engine to model from, it would be greatly appreciated.”"
Mars Colonists Must 'Live Off the Land': NASA Report. space|
"the buildup of a colony on Mars"[Red Planet or Bust: 5 Crewed Mars Mission Ideas"]
The Trillion-Dollar Shift. huffingtonpost|
"of 6.4 billion dollars from 200 of the world’s most polluting fossil fuel companies"
Exova Tests Robot Bike’s New Design for the Future of Cycling. netcomposites|
"a strong capabilities in this area and the capacity to turn it around quickly"
Frost & Sullivan: Fierce competition from China and Taiwan Manufacturers in Asia. prnewswire|
"as so benefit from new technologies that enable superior energy consumption"
Eyes in the Dark: Navy Dive Helmet Display Emerges as Game-Changer. defense|
"a underwater objectives. DoD video by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Glenn Slaughter"
Photos of the Day: An Inside Look at the Latest C-5 Galaxy Military Transport Jet. pddnet|
"to first took off in 1968, helped launch GE’s commercial aviation business"
Killer Robots, Superior AIs, Car Hacking: Don’t Worry, Be Happy. alleywatch|
"a week’s robotic news to illustrate how the sensational happening before eyes"America Makes announces 3D printing Project Call Awardees, releases $5.5M in funding. 3ders|
"the creation of optimal 3D printed structures within the aerospace industry"
Modla Launches Line of 3D-Printed Snapbacks. [color=#008000:3j9m8i7a]"creati|
"to be most accessible yet: a full line of beautifully wrought snapback hats"
Berok Khoshnevis NASA to 3D print houses Mars. techinsider|
"to provide a blue print for what would need to live on Mars"
SKYLON Spaceplane inches closer to orbit thanks to 3D printed injector. 3dprintingindustry|
"to operate just like a regular aircraft in its takeoff, flight and landing processes"
3D printed Subaru engine is a thing of beauty. 3dprintingindustry|
"a combustion engine, it runs off a small electric motor. it fully functional"
3D Printed Violins - An Overhyped Crescendo. 3dprintingindustry|
"a fair few steps away from being an instrument that a professional violinist would pick first"
Flexion Extruder: Take a Lower-Performing 3D Printer to the Industrial Level. 3dprint|
"to convert stepper motor torque and melt pressure with minimal loss" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )July 26, 2016 NEWS
Mid Valley News : Animation Wizardry Display Exclusively at Universal Studios Hollywood. midvalleynews|
"the August 19 release of LAIKA’s fourth film, “Kubo and the Two Strings.”"
Polaroid Swing app brings moving photos to life. cbsnews|
"a desktop computer, just scroll cursor over the photos below to see them move"
WB the Creative Jewellery Group introduces PERA training. professionaljeweller|
"in Improvements Techniques (BIT) course being run for the company by PERA training"
Newly Issued 3D Printing (PRNT). investopedia|
"a newly-issued-3d-printing-prnt : Investopedia on Facebook"
Op-Ed| What 3D Printing Means for Fashion. businessoffashion|
"the bits back into atoms. Digital design also advanced by leaps and bounds"
Relive '90s mood rings with these 3D-printed crystals. mashable|
"with Mustin for insights on how combines futuristic tech with ancient practice"
3D Printed Violins - An Overhyped Crescendo. 3dprintingindustry|
"the realms of 3D printing taking this age-old innovation to the next era"
The Veronica Scanner: Propelling Photogrammetry into the 21st Century. 3dprintingindustry|
"the face Scan and print face"
Emerging Objects introduces 3D printed objects made from recycled rubber tires. 3ders|
"by working on developing a 3D printing material made from recycled rubber tires"July 27, 2016 NEWS
Sign and outdoor. prom|
"a giant spaceship a land mark in Japan, such as Tsutenkaku"
Gadget Ogling: Pretty Printers, Bargain Smartwatches, and Font Finders. technewsworld|
"by clean, though a little disappointed there no anthropomorphic elements"
August packed with programs. tmnews|
"in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading"
<PRNewswire> Crown Prince of Dubai, Dubai Future Accelerators program released. yonhapnews|
"a Dubai could change the future of the ambitious (and the world) Program"
Digital transformation brings major changes. dnevnik|
"as transformacije s obzirom na to da ce one uvelike promijeniti gospodarski sektor"
"an area of 20,000 m² in Expoville’s two pavilions, 15% higher than the previous event.. meuguru|"
Cosmetics Crowd Floods MakeUp In Paris. beautypackaging|
"to stay in the news in this way, that strikes represent the quintessential French reputation"
Mentoring the Machines. tctmagazine|
"in the careers that pursue and the things put on the planet"
Railroad watch visionaries visit Vineyard Haven. mvtimes|
"in installing the works of vintage railroad watches into 3D-printed titanium cases" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The five C’s of effective social network marketing. bizjournals|
"in posting.” It a surprising and humbling endorsement of social media effort"
A starring August for Crp Use. emmeweb|
"an 3D printing technology becoming increasingly important in this sector"
IntegraColor the first to benefit from Q.I. Press Controls. whattheythink|
"of delighted Perretta introduced us to QIPC”, the verdict of IntegraColor"
Industry 4.0 point to the ASEAN unemployed 'ILO' point more than 9 million people risk. thansettakij|
"of high-tech brands Thailand. Reduced foreign borrowing nasal breathing"
iPhone 7 will not be the financial saviour Apple is hoping for. ibtimes|
"the customers don't want to tackle a super-size phone with a 5.5in screen"
3D printing giant once again frustrated the problem comes from Hewlett-Packard -3Dp. hc360|
"to be distracted channels and channels between the two companies and tension"
Adidas and Parley for the Oceans Stop the Industry's Waiting Game. ecofriend|
"the ocean waste. The shoe made in collaboration with Parley for the Ocean"
Smartphones overtake computers as top e-commerce traffic source. indiatimes|
"a study from Demandware, an e-commerce software provider"
Nike’s Magista 2 boot shows how technology can up your game. [color=#008000:1l04wc5d]"by 2020 as g|
"as VanHook. “It’s the simplest idea, it’s really complex how the data came through.”"
The new ways to personalise retail brand experiences. marketingtechnews|
"to be on game and make online experience just as unique as in-store"
Imaging Alliance Forms to Represent Changing Needs of an Evolving Industry. dealerscope|
"of an industry that been disrupted several times over in the last decade or so"
Vodacom Tanzania boss slams old way of thinking. mobileworldlive|
"the market share, with Airtel (28 per cent) and Millicom’s Tigo (27 per cent) just behind"
Your digital c-suite: Do you need a digital-specific executive in your business. smartcompany|
"the resources to throw at such positions. Flexibility cited as a key quality for CDOs"
New opportunities to tender for Innovation Lab equipment in Peterborough. cambridgenetwork|
"a service and support, as well as a price list for any ongoing consumables"
Aussie unis create 3D printing safeguards guide. acs|
"by which led the project – offers knowledge from multiple academic sources"
Stratasys and Stratasys Direct Manufacturing Introduce Professional Services to Help. 3dprint|
"to established methods How many 3D printers should buy What kind Aahhhhh"Panalpina and Shapeways enter into strategic partnership for 3D printing. prnewswire|
"to the end user and aiding in mass personalization"explains Wilson"
Vending machine swaps old bottles for a new phone case. 3dprintingindustry|
"to pick up and recycle plastics that becoming an increasingly common problem"
iMakr has officially touched down in France. 3dprintingindustry|
"of customers unmatched in-house products and services. At stores, iMakr offers"
Studio Neat’s new Glif 3D printed smartphone mount redesigned with quick release lever. 3ders|
"to mount already on course to repeat its predecessor’s crowdfunding successes"
Italian students build vending machine that turns recycled plastic into 3D printed sma. 3ders|
"the students themselves overwhelmed by the interest machine generating"
Prototype Projects launches state of the art 3D printing suite. eurekamagazine|
"by Prototype Projects across four different specialist 3D printing technologies" -
3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )ICT spending to the Digital Transformation: Interview with Sergio Patano. techeconomy|
"of investment in information technology be devoted to digital processes"
'Packaging Simplified' comes to the US: EskoWorld focuses on Esko drupa. whattheythink|
"to operate, and to expand understanding about the industry’s latest trends"
Das Emerging Technology Center auf der IMTS 2016 zeigt 3D-Druck-Innovationen. 3druck|
"in IMTS 2016 include three feasibility studies additive manufacturing ( 3D -pressure)"
Food Ink: let yourself be tempted by food 3D printing. 3ds|
"to restaurant Food Ink exported worldwide to discover a unique dining experience"
Graph Expo 16 Is Printing's Magical Kingdom. piworld|
"to significantly alter outlook. That certainly holds true for Graph Expo 16"
Crown Prince of Dubai Launches Dubai Future Accelerators Program: to Address Seven. prnewswire|
"the new partnerships, deploy new technologies and test them at the city-wide scale"
Maker Faire Detroit is ingenuity unbridled. detroitnews|
"of son, Blade. It’s vying for the world record for the largest Hot Wheels ramp"
Showcase your African tech startup at CES 2017. africa|
"to showcase products and solutions at the new Africa Tech Now Village"
Campus News| SUNY awards 35 projects. cccnews|
"at UB, other SUNY campuses and higher education institutions worldwide"
Sculpture of ancient woman with prosthetic eyes to be erected. mehrnews|
"from 4-7 November, 2016 at the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre"
Maker Faire brings inventors and entrepreneurs Downtown. mountaintimes|
"from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m during the annual Sidewalk Sale Days in Downtown Rutland"Plan to boost quality, standards ecosystem, Economy News & Top Stories. straitstimes|
"a robotics, said Mr Iswaran at the Quality and Standards Conference"
Semiconductor Engineering :. Blog Review: July 27. semiengineering|
"the global economy, and what impacts on the semiconductor industry"
Gamasutra - Press Releases. gamasutra|
"a Lego Education, Minecraft and BBC Micro:bit, curated by the Big Learning Company"
AppFolio, Inc. Announces Date of Second Quarter 2016 Financial Results Conference. investingnews|
"in live webcast of the conference call also be available"
MKS Instruments Announces Upcoming Investor Events. investingnews|
"the manufacturing, environmental, medical, life sciences and scientific research"
Edgewater Fullscope Named to Prestigious Microsoft Inner Circle for the 10th Time. investingnews|
"of Microsoft Dynamics AX and CRM. For more information"
Dubai Crown Prince of Dubai Future Accelerators launches program to address seven. prnewswire|
"in the government to test new solutions to key challenges across the city"
Dubai set to become global hub for 3D printing: expert. tradearabia|
"the finance, energy and IT from across the UAE, at Nakheel headquarters, Dubai, UAE"
Dubai set to become leader in 3D printing. payloadasia|
"by the year 2030. Dubai also launched the world’s first fully 3D printed office" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
BLOGS and the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Virtual 3D Oil Painting Perfectly Simulates How the Brush, Paint, and Canvas Interact. gizmodo|
"of oil paints, and how the bristles of a brush work to smear it across a canvas"
Entrepreneurs Need To Embrace Futurism. forbes|
"to better and more smoothly integrate technology in order to prepare for the future"
management software and 3D printers, the union is strength. ilsole24ore|
"the centers of Trento and Milan, thought the red thread of innovation"
The Future Feels Good: Technology Is Making High Heels More Wearable Than Ever Before. yahoo|
"entire categories get a major shaking, sensed a category ripe for disrupting"
Technology Could Lead Humanity to the Promised Land. huffingtonpost|
"workforce. Such ground breaking technologies just the tip of the iceberg"What’s Happening in Robotics Five Trends to Watch. roboticstomorrow|
"logistics, also in government, agriculture, surveying, construction and healthcare"
Singapore Jewelry a<b></b>nd Gem Fair to Return in November. idexonline|
"Identification (RFID), Augmented Reality, Virtual Try-Ons and 3D Printing"
Global Jewelry, Costume Industry. prnewswire|
"The report profiles 76 companies including many key and niche players such as -"
Sculpture of ancient woman with prosthetic eyes to be erected. mehrnews|
"image in the process of recreation,” said this anthropologist as well as archaeologist" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Physics - Research News: Editors’ Choice. aps|
"as population lives under skies so bright that the eye never adapts to pure night vision"
Giant Leap Technologies and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Receive U.S. prnewswire|
"for solar thermal and photovoltaic applications – i.e. base-load and peak-load needs."
Tech Me to the Future Emerging Game Changers in Technology Over the Next Five. businessworld|
"to take over the next five years and change the way the world operates forever"Konica Minolta Enhances Center for Hands-On Learning Teaching Experience With 3D Tech. yahoo|
"that time and I wouldn't think of any other vendor to partner with at this point"
3D-Printed LEGO-Like Blocks Open Access to Costly Lab Technologies. engineering|
"by a chemical and biological research, such as pumping fluids or making measurements"
Lattice dulls noisy vibrations and bears weight, too. futurity|
"as a load-bearing component—for example, in propellers, rotors, and rockets"BLOGS and the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Gambody Launches Online Workshop for Painting 3D Printed Models. 3dprint|
"in the real world. Discuss further over in the Painting 3D Prints forum"
From Baseball Hall of Famers to That Triple Crown: Moddler’s 3D Printing Talents. 3dprint|
"so there wouldn’t be any confusion in assembly upon being sent for casting"
3D printing helps $5 million Indian jewelry startup Melorra keep overheads low. 3ders|
"to be 3D printing to produce high-end wares for the modern Indian woman"
The High-Resolution Veronica Scanner Produces 3D Portraits More Realistic Than. 3dprint|
"a founder Adam Lowe, it’ll produce the most truthful image you’ll ever see of yourself"
3D print a No Man's Sky logo directly onto a T-shirt. htxt|
"to the bed. It’s like a non-stick silicon mould used in baking, for 3D printing"
“Cheerleader Uniform Case” Prompts Shapeways and Other Organizations to Demand. 3dprint|
"with a skirt and top. Therefore, said Star, the design more functional than decorative"
Future-proofing talent. nst|
"a baseic knowledge and activities among students and youths in the country" -
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The Crown Prince of Dubai launches Future Accelerators program Dubai. prnewswire|
"to create new partnerships, deploy new technologies and try to city level"
Emerging Technology Center at IMTS 2016. todaysmedicaldevelopments|
"at IMTS – The International Manufacturing Technology Show, Sept. 12 – 17, 2016"
Watch: Aussie Bricklaying Robot Could Build a Home in 2 Days. natureworldnews|
"the house's brick shell finished and the other house components added"
Crown Prince of Dubai Launches Dubai Future Accelerators Program: Will Address Seven. blockchain|
"in government to test new solutions to key challenges at the city-wide scale"
Pinewood, home to James Bond, to be sold for $423 million. antiguaobserver|
"to a real estate fund for 323 million pound ($423 million), it said on Thursday"
Taking innovation in construction to a global level. economist|
"of 30% to 40% could be achieved by adopting new technologies.”"
Mesh Mould: 3D printing complex metal mesh structures for construction sites. 3ders|
"a year later, Mesh Mould 3D entered into its second phase: Mesh Mould Metal"Architects Build A 3D Printed House Which Can Withstand Fires & Earthq. industryleadersmagazine|
"a lead better lives, it’s going to need innovations like a 3D printed home"
This brick-laying 3D printer robot can build a house four times faster than a human br. 3ders|
"a human bricklayer lays about the same amount of bricks in half a work day"
CGI and 3D printing used to recreate former glory of Bradgate Park ruins. leicestermercury|
"to build a scale model of the 16th Century Bradgate House in Bradgate Park"
Friday Fun: Massive hail storm in Quebec, the trend towards 3D printing parts. collisionrepairmag|
"of revenue during the quarter, better than the $180 million modelled.”" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Daily Business Report-July 28, 2016, San Diego Metro Magazine. sandiegometro|
"in parking plaza at Terminal 2. (Courtesy San Diego County Regional Airport Authority)"
7-11 for the first time in 3D printing UAV merchandise to the customer -3D printed UAV. hc360|
"the drone directly to the home of US residents - in fact, receive two package"
Will Terrorists be Able to Defeat the US Military in 2035. nationalinterest|
"of such entities to not only challenge American power, also win as time goes on"
Air Force researching advanced manufacturing techniques for aircraft parts replacement. af|
"the production of spare parts for older aircraft. It’s just not profitable for them.”"
Will Terrorist Have Edge Over U.S. by 2035. scout|
"the technological wherewithal to go toe-to-toe with American conventional forces"
NASA claims human colony on Mars could become 'primary centre of trade for inner solar. mirror|
"a tech could help produce the necessities - water, oxygen, fuel and building materials"
Joint Force 2035: Lasers, Biotech and Global Instability. defensenews|
"of US sovereignty and the freedom of its citizens from coercion"
Eyes in the Dark: Navy Dive Helmet Display Emerges as Game-Changer. scienceblog|
"a area looks like. even send a 3-D augmented reality overlay on an area.”"
Innovation Lab: Army Hoverboards, Relocating Australia and Dog Poop. mobilemarketingmagazine|
"of audiences one step closer to the ideas and developments that shape tomorrow"
Hyundai Announces"Project IONIQ"Lab And 12 Future Megatrends. topspeed|
"that the potential to transform the car industry in the next 15 years"
Exploring the Next Revolution of 3D Printing in Industrial Manufactur. 3dprintingindustry|
"the Next Revolution of 3D Printing in Industrial Manufacturing. 3dprintingindustry|"
3D printed race car heads to Birmingham’s Thinktank. 3dprintingindustry|
"the car also featured at the round the clock Le Mans endurance classic last year"Russian 3D Printing Goes Nuclear. engineering|
"a state-owned nuclear energy company ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation"
Youngstown Business Incubator & America Makes Accepting Applicants for $100K 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"a new Directed Project Opportunity to improve US Air Force sustainment operations"
Design News - Engineering Materials. designnews|
"at aerospace manufacturers for RPD technology to cut costs and lead times"
Your Design Could Be 3D-Printed In Space. popsci|
"with 3D printed on the ISS, where crew members been printing off tools since 2014"
Researchers harness snake power with first ever 3D printed Single-Actuator Wave robot. 3ders|
"of snake-like crawling, which enables robots to conquer numerous different terrains and even swim"
BCN3D Technologies develops open source 3D printed 'Moveo' robotic arm for schools. 3ders|
"to robotics project, the tech organization jumped at the chance to get on board"
Techshot 3D Prints Infant Heart In Space. insideindianabusiness|
"the structure layer by layer—each one several times smaller than a human hair" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )July 27, 2016 NEWS
Pascal Morand: opinion on 3D printing in fashion. 3dprintingindustry|
"the fashion, and what it means for designers and the industry on Business of Fashion"
3D printing jewellery powers Melorra to record $5 million seed round. indiatimes|
"that the potential of disrupting the Indian jewellery market as it stands today"
Cosplay Armor Shows Why 3D Printing Is So Awesome. digitaltrends|
"that it reminds all over again of just how astonishing an invention additive manufacturing"
Moose Toys Introduces the Qixel 3D Maker, a $25 3D Printer for Kids. 3dprint|
"from the screen by giving them physical “pixel” cubes that fuse together with water"
3D printing: The official head of French fashion says 3D printing is a"new industrial. qz|
"by 3D printers, stopped producing its own printers, outsourcing the work to China"
Using Photopolymers for Your 3D Printing Projects. industryweek|
"to respective traits and offer tips on maximizing effectiveness for both processes"
Anyone can 3D Print a Robot Arm. 3dprintingindustry|
"to be used for training purposes, as cost far less than current industrial equipment"
Five 3D printing companies you should know. geektime|
"that making mark in the early days of this revolutionary application"
Moddler uses 3D printing for brand new Major League Baseball and Triple Crown trophies. 3ders|
"for gorgeous new bronze Major League Baseball and Triple Crown trophies"July 28, 2016 NEWS
The world’s first pictorial postage stamp, part II. linns|
"a dispersed over an area of more than 310,000 square miles, and growing rapidly"
The world’s first pictorial postage stamp, part II. linns|
"of hunting virtual monsters located in the real world by a smart computer program"
Black Ops III's latest update adds nunchuks and more. gamespresso|
"of 2015 and periodically received updates and DLC packs up to this point"
Large Black Market update comes to Black Ops 3. thisisxbox|
"a double barrel sniper rifle, what more could ask for. A quick break down of the new update"
Royal Academy of Arts offers visitors an ultra high-res 3D digital sculpture in four s. 3ders|
"a recording of voice. These portraits untouched by human hands.”"
The Next Milestone Year. mmsonline|
"a major AM equipment maker, EOS, held its user conference at the show"
The Supreme Court Will Consider a Case About Cheerleading Uniforms. vice|
"the wrong way, some pretty unexpected effects on a lot of people"
Forbes India Magazine. forbesindia|
"with a solo star fund managers stack up against the team players"
How Shoes of Prey's Design Technology Could Change the Way We Shop. fashionista|
"The brand reports that over six million pairs of shoes been designed since launch" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Heero: the Perfect 3D Printing Partner Monitors & Controls Progress. manufacturingtomorrow|
"to create unique electrical and lighting products for manufacturing companies"
Stratasys Professional Services Group to increase 3D printing adoption for manuf. tctmagazine|
"for large and small manufacturers looking to adopt additive technologies"
Supply Chain Corporation Panalpina Embraces 3D Printing, Partners with Shapeways. sdcexec|
"for bringing production closer to the end user and aiding in mass personalization.”"
3D printing, a supply chain challenge. aircargonews|
"with on-demand manufacturing process from order through manufacturing and delivery"
Proto Labs report Q2 results, 3D printing revenue up 29%. 3dprintingindustry|
"of price down 13% by close, trading at $53.29, $2.79 above the 52 week low"
Sonaca and Fives-Michelin announce partnership. 3dprintingindustry|
"a leadership position in Additive Manufacturing for the aerospace market"Big Data’s Role in 3D Printing – Techvibes. techvibes|
"the two areas form a more established and interdependent relationship"
This Boston coffee shop is using a 3D printer to make latte art. bizjournals|
"from personalized messages to selfie photos and designs coffee extract and foam"
SmarTech Publishing Now Offering Customized Consulting in 3D Printing. marketwired|
"of the curve in understanding where companies should make 3DP investments"
Asus Z170 Pro Gaming Aura motherboard plays nice with 3D printed parts. pcgamer|
"the first shipping motherboard with patent-pending mounts for 3D printed parts"
Proto Labs Shows Increased Revenue in Their Q2 Financial Results. 3dprint|
"to be the lack of growth of injection molding and CNC machining in the Americas"
French 3D design studio Le FabShop closes its doors after 4 years. 3ders|
"of introducing 3D printing technologies into the French and European markets" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )What’s Next 2016: The third digital disruption wave is here. digitalnewsasia|
"that speed and decisiveness crucial when it comes to innovation"
Laser Technology Journal :: First professionals certified in additive manufacturing. physik|
"a question whether this technology be used in business useful and beneficial"
Yuan Yuyu: Bio 3D printing Industrialization Opportunities and Thoughts. ofweek|
"the field a huge potential for development and the urgent clinical need"
Companies gear up for international showcases. knittingindustry|
"by the latest Wholegarment machines and design system"
GloberDesign Offering Top of the Line 3D Printing Manufacturing at Affordable Prices. digitaljournal|
"of creating a design with affordable materials and appropriate production processes"
dna Tech Reads: From Google's app sharing to iPhone 7's preorder date. dnaindia|
"as the sound beamed through the bones in skull. Read more here"
Technology Edges Out Unprepared Human Workers. 3dprint|
"to exist human counterparts been required to perform the tasks"
Global Markets for 3-D Printing. prnewswire|
"on the basis of proprietary technologies, strategic alliances or other advantages"
GSC & SOLIDWORKS Partner With The EAA to Deliver SOLIDWORKS to Members. brookfieldnow|
"a services including training seminars, 3D printers, and 3D printing services"
3D Switchable Lenticular Market: Japan is one of the main consumer and manufacturer. openpr|
"the fast growing applications in this market in the upcoming period"
Paladion gets a new COO. indiatimes|
"a platform"said chief executive officer and co-founder Paladion, Rajat Mohanty"
Hear That, Nike Adidas Ups Outlook For Fourth Time In 2016. investors|
"in continuing operations growing 35%-39%, vs. its earlier outlook for 25% growth"Sub-anchor: Background on China's industrial design industry. cctv|
"the Bohai sea coast and the deltas of the Yangtze and Pearl rivers"
GE Reshapes Its Business: Digital Is The Trend. seekingalpha|
"a change happening outside business than inside business, the end near"
India to see growth from domestic consumption: Nilekani. indiatimes|
"with several companies looking at the west as a destination for manufacture"
Berlin’s Startup Hub Wants to Prove It’s More Than Just a Scene. bloomberg|
"at Twitter, and the headquarters of the music streaming service SoundCloud"
Elon Musk’s Gigafactory and the rise of the high-tech, robot-run smart factory. curbed|
"of many ways, it’s a marvel more impressive than the devices and products it creates"
Startup Weekly: New innovation centre, Lloyds Bank award shortlist & more. techcitynews|
"of together businesses with an initial focus on IoT, sport, health, fashion and design"
Business Briefs: Orbitz Going Places Under New GM Hari Nair. indiawest|
"to capitalize on the enormous opportunities that emerging in India"