Current news on 3d printing 2016
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )No Salt Required. 3D Printing is Key to Desalination. rapidreadytech|
"to invest in something, the shrill cries coming from investors seem less significant" - Airbus receives first two highly efficient LEAP-1A engines featuring 3D printed. 3ders|
"by CFM International, a joint venture of GE Aviation and engine developers Snecma (Safran)"
Russia Aims To Build A Base On The Moon. worldcrunch|
"so called"Space Race"By the end of the 1970s, the Moon long forgotten"
to friction, scratching, and other mechanical stresses that wear out metal and plastic. nextbigfuture|
"to friction, scratching, and other mechanical stresses that wear out metal and plastic"
Next Big Future: Stronger Ceramic Parts for Airplanes and industrial applications. nextbigfuture|
"to friction, scratching, and other mechanical stresses that wear out metal and plastic"
Royal Navy Tests SULSA, 3D Printed Airplane. 3dprintboard|
"to help ships navigate icy waters"This DIY robot on Indiegogo hopes to spur kids’ inegenuity. yahoo|
"to these machines to help turn children onto STEM fields at an early age"
Your space mission: Design a logo for NASA to represent In-Space Manufacturing. electronicsweekly|
"to improve space exploration and the lives of those involved"
This airline's cabin crew is gonna get lit with these LED uniforms (Tomorrow Daily 351). cnet|
"with a 3D printing pen and the control and precision of a haptic feedback robotic arm"
Drones, the FAA, and Bluebonnets. electronicdesign|
"to the Internet of Things (IoT) and 3D printing, drones the hot topic of the day"
huenneke heins. azdailysun|
"to launched rockets; learned robotics and 3D printing"
Bicycle designer races to defence of closure-threatened school. brecon|
"with 3D printed parts praised education at a closure threatened school"
GE Reports: GE started testing the world’s largest jet engine. pulse|
"in a full 11 feet in diameter (3.35 meters), a world record"
Drone World Expo Partners with Leading Industry Groups in Farming, Air Traffic. businesswire|
"with partners to ensure that serving all sectors of this extraordinary community.”"
How 3D Printing Is Creating Safer Aircraft. mfgtalkradio|
"for this incredible technology which could lead to creating safer aircraft in the future" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Boeing Files Patent for Technology to 3D Print Artificial “Ice,” Easing the Aircraft. 3dprint|
"to certification that all new aircraft safely operate in the iciest of situations"
NASA Interested in Using Russia's Vostochny Spaceport. sputniknews|
"in Russia’s new Vostochny spaceport, although NASA voiced no concrete plans" - 3D printed prototype of Aurora and DARPA's VTOL X-Plane takes flight. 3ders|
"the funding (a hefty $89.4 million) to develop innovative LightningStrike aircraft concept"
Airbus to Receive 3D-Printed Fuselage and Engine Pylon Parts from Alcoa. engineering|
"-. to add titanium to its metal additive manufacturing (AM) capabilities"
New 3-D Printing Technique Makes Ceramic Parts. technologyreview|
"to be difficult to make complex shapes out of the materials"
PHOTOS: Developed the first Chinese space 3D printe. croatian|
"with developed its first 3D printer that specifically designed for use in space stations"
Former NASA astronaut suggests building a spaceship factory on the moon. blastingnews|
"the spacecraft that explore deep space, including Mars and other destinations"Westport man designs, builds electric motorcycle. southcoasttoday|
"to launch an open-source electric vehicle company with the design"
This Company Bets That Space Systems Could Be Printed In Orbi. manufacturing|
"as Archinaut, and it could revolutionize the way space systems built"
Four ways Nasa is teaching us how to live more sustainably. bbc|
"with the round trip likely to take two years, life would be even tougher"
Drone expo brings 'Game of Drones' to Crestview. crestviewbulletin|
"a practical applications at the May 28 exhibition, said Mario Werth, inset, AAO owner and pilot"
Inside the Factory Where Robots Make Missiles and Spacecraft. popularmechanics|
"smaller one called Bumblebee. An even shorter arm dubbed DeVito"
NASA and the ASME Challenge Students to ‘Think Outside the Box’ and 3D Design for Outer Space. 3dprint|
"by include printing vouchers, software packages, accessories, and the much desired 3D printer itself"
Israeli Air Force Keeps Their Old Planes Active With 3D Printing Technology. 3dprint|
"= by with components, the AMU repairs and enhances these older fleets for modern use" - NASA researching aerosol jet tech for 3D printed densely populated electronic. 3ders|
"to perfect the smallest things, such as highly complex, densely populated electronic assemblies"
What’s Next For China’s Zero-Gravity 3D Printer Slowly, More Details Emerge. 3dprint|
"to successfully print with five different materials and two different printing technologies" -
April 20, 2016 NEWS
3D Fashion: New Research Project Wants the Fashion of the Future to be 3D Printed. 3dprint|
"the sheer number of uses for 3D printing that still being developed and perfected"
3D Printer Big Enough for Product Design. engineering|
"to build a machine to suit almost any-size build envelope requirement"
3D-printed recreation in London's Trafalgar Square. english|
"of Measuring five-and-a-half metres in height, it's two-thirds the size of the original"
Emerging Objects Lets GCode Run Wild in Extruded Clay Experimental Project. 3dprint|
"as latest GCODE.Clay project specifically centered on pneumatic extrusion of various clays" - Fictiv develops tolerance calculator along with tips to ensure your 3D prints find. 3ders|
"of f joyous relief or instead a few stumbling moments of “uh-oh’s” and “oh-no’s”"
Spellings, who has faced protesters lately, has a quiet visit to N.C. State. wncn|
"in several labs where learned about some of the school’s 3D printing projects"
UK demand for advanced manufacturing technologies drives KWSP growth. tctmagazine|
"in 2015/16, building on a similar level of growth in the previous financial period"
Digital Couture Is Now Actually a Thing. gadgets|
"by that well-known fashion brand, Apple. Last year the money came from Yahoo"
Marvel & Mouser Electronics Team Up to Bring Cap's Shield, Iron Man's Gauntlet. comicbookresources|
"students interested in STEM, and first project be to create real-life superhero technology"
Oh This Crazy VR Hype. boingboing|
"the main event schedule, too: it’s launch year for the much-touted Big Headsets"CLEDA to provide computer coding scholarships. thetowntalk|
"of Development Alliance president and CEO Jim Clinton announced Tuesday"
This crazy tiny Arduino clone nestles into a AA battery slot. pcworld|
"a load of this, makers: An Arduino clone that’s literally the size of a AA battery"
Factory of the Future Being Created Now. industryweek|
"at Shift Change Smart Services Becoming a Disruptive Force in the Manufacturing Industry"
Global 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Market 2016 : Size, Share, Trend, Growth, Analysis. fohboh|
"the market share analysis and detailed outlines of these firms, with product benchmarking"
Industrial internet research platform launched. newelectronics|
"in which businesses and researchers develop industrial internet solutions"
Sporting chance. tevonews|
"to produce three-dimensional knitted fabrics for lacrosse stick heads"
Experience : ‘Rebel Arts’ offers new focus. lmcexperience|
"on art forms like 3D printing and sculpture, would like to expand horizons"
Therefore, IT students from around the world to MITs Department of Troms__. digi|
"from around the world to find peace to complete bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )April 19, 2016 NEWS
Revolutionary 3D printed fashion to be developed. sciencedaily|
"by Loughborough University that's set to change the way shop for clothes"
Polymaker makes layer-free 3D printing a reality with PolySmooth and Polysher clean. 3ders|
"to the Polysher’s alcohol-based aerosol, this could be the solution that turns 3D"
Don't mind the critics: 3D printing is fulfilling its promise. zdnet|
"for optimism quickly gave way to a chorus of skeptics and falling stock prices"
in Micro-Optics: Femtosecond Laser Writing Allows for Improvement Using Phase Masks. 3dprint|
"the scenes, and steadily being improved with 3D printing"
3D printing industry described as healthy and growing. searchmanufacturingerp|
"with investment from large corporations and new innovations leading the way"
daniel warnecke 3D prints modern day depictions of classic portraits. designboom|
"in ripped jeans, sneakers, and track suits as opposed to usual attire"Wearable Technology Industry Trends, Analysis To 2022 by Grand View Research Inc. openpr|
"a crowd funding expected to positively impact the wearable technology market"
EWI’s Dr. Shawn Kelly will Present Keynote Speech on Laser Technology & Metal. pressreleaserocket|
"to beginning at 2:15 PM on April 26 at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta, GA"
Productively Measuring Productivity. economywatch|
"of Whether that true or not depends mostly on whom ask"
Wearable Technology Industry Trends, Analysis To 2022 by Grand View Research Inc. openpr|
"of crowd funding expected to positively impact the wearable technology market"
'High societal impact' projects at IIT Delhi's Open HouseTimes of India__. timesofindia|
"the expensive swell paper or the less durable embossing, while 3D printing technology"
'High societal impact' projects at IIT Delhi's Open House. timesofindia|
"of the annual IIT Delhi 'Open House' scheduled to begin here on April 23"
NYC Bar Mitzvah Boy Donates $76,000 for Mobile Tech Lab in Israel. jewishvoiceny|
"of own interest in 3D printing and educational technology"
daniel warnecke 3D prints modern day depictions of classic portraits. prints|
"to make a comment on the way perceive the 3D printed figurines as a form of portraiture.’"
daniel warnecke 3D prints modern day depictions of classic portraits. designboom|
"a lens, donning them in ripped jeans, sneakers, and track suits as opposed to usual attire"
Getting Started in 3D Printing Made Easy_. castleink|
"of these vendors, should be able to find a printer that meets needs"
Scandy Expands 3D Scan To 3D Printing From Mobile Device. latfusa|
"the round along with angel investors from Louisiana, Texas and Maryland" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )World’s biggest start-up accelerator coming down under. theaustralian|
"the world’s biggest start-up accelerator, MassChallenge, to Australia as part of its ‘ideas boom’"
Amp up your summer style with Casio’s new G Shock and Baby G Denim watches. ibcworldnews|
"the Denim coloring along with 3D printing of a denim textile pattern onto the case"
Inside TechShop, Your DIY Workshop To Build The Next Big Thing. hoodline|
"an touted for democratizing innovation and reviving local manufacturing"
The only way is up for Leap 100 companies. cityam|
"to help secure Britain’s place as the best place in the world to start and grow a business"
World's first development environment for the industrial Internet and 5G solutions. eurekalert|
"of 3D printing processes of its Fab Lab with the help of industrial robotics and sensors"
Photos Of The Day: The World's Largest Jet Engine. manufacturing|
"of GE Aviation spokesperson Rick Kennedy calledthe interior of jet “a closely guarded secret"IDTechEx is Recruiting: Opportunities in Japan and UK. 3dprintingprogress|
"a look at the latest positions available at IDTechEx"
Materialise and Canon Lifecare Solutions sign 3-D printing distribution agreement. dotmed|
"of software solutions from the Materialise Mimics Innovation and Care Suites in Japan"
3D Systems Displays Mass Additive Manufacturing Bot at AMUG. engineering|
"the new Figure 4 system, however, much, much more than this diagram would indicate"
3d Printing Integral to Meeting Manufacturing Challenges. industryweek|
"a faster pace. Robust 3D printing services helping to meet this demand"
3D Printed Microscope Chamber Cuts Cost by 50x. 3dprint|
"the lab, went ahead and one 3D printed — cutting costs to a whopping 1/50th the price"
Design News - Blog - Under Armour's 3D-Printed Training Shoe Breaks Barriers. designnews|
"a variety of exercises and workouts in the gym without requiring them to change shoes"
Materialise: The firm bringing 3D printing to the mainstream. opticianonline|
"for by companies that most opticians won’t yet heard of. Companies like Materialise"
Logistics sector offers 'new and exciting jobs', News, News, AsiaOne Business News. business|
"in last month's Budget, Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam said yesterday" Starting a business advice and business ideas
The UK's No.1 service for starting a business"[/color]
30 Irish start-ups named for Google's Adopt a Startup 2016. siliconrepublic|
"on support and advice on how might be able to take enterprises even further" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Shell uses 3D printing in Stones deep-water oil and gas project in Gulf of Mexico. 3ders|
"in the world: the Stones oil and gas station in the US portion of the Gulf of Mexico"
The Questions Executives Should Ask About 3D Printing. hbr|
"inpharmaceutical, medical device, automotive, and consumer electronics industries" - Caterpillar opens '3D Printing & Innovation Accelerator' at Illinois HQ. 3ders|
"to “fuel the future, driving even greater collaboration, innovation and acceleration”"
Sinopec and Farsoon High-Tech partner to develop new 3D printing materials and devi. 3ders|
"to to advance technologies as well as promote innovation in the field"
MTHESIS: Metal 3D Printing Is Ready for New Applications in the World of End-Useg. 3dprint|
"of metal 3D printing in commercial product design not as far as initially thought"
ESTsoft, the world's four production manufacturing technology exhibition 'SIMTOS 2016'. ajunews|
"for the loss of printing drawings and leakage prevention' praised by attendees"
Innovation and sharing, in Udine opens Lino's & Co. udinetoday|
"to be tested directly on the market the results of this process.“ Potrebbe interessarti"
High-Tech Zweikampf 3D Printed Soccer Shin Guards Get Kickstarted. 3dprint|
"to of them finding way into things that wear and use every day"
Hawk 3D Proto Reveals New Interactive Website Featuring Tutorials, Video Tours and More. 3dprint|
"by on customer experience by designing an interactive e-commerce website"Canon Lifecare Solutions Signs Japanese Distribution Agreement with Materialise. 3dprint|
"a perform more surgeries and save themselves and patients some money"
GrabCAD and Stratasys Education Team Up for the da Vinci Gear System Challenge. 3dprint|
"the world never seen before, likely wouldn’t see again until hundreds of years later"
Notion Systems n.jet platforms. printedelectronicsworld|
"to suit the exact requirements of the customer application"
Industrialization of additive manufacturing of metal components. pressebox|
"the technologies illuminates the new expert forum"3D Metal Printing"the Rapid"
Koh Young Technology Continues Exclusive SPI Partnership with Bosch. emsnow|
"to develop the partnership by improving printing process optimization solution together"
'Shut up': Row erupts in council chamber during grant talks Winsford Guardian. winsfordguardian|
"in Winsford Cross Shopping Centre. The money granted to pay for a 3D printer"
BMW’s Olaf Kastner to Deliver Keynote at CES Asia 2016. businesswireindia|
"of 15 product categories from 3D printing and smart home to vehicle technology and wearables" -
3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, and Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )RAPID 2016 conference to feature 3D printing insight from NASA, HP & more. tctmagazine|
"on the ground reporting live on all the latest news and conference highlights"
Inside 3D Printing Conference & Expo in Seoul to Co-locate with RoboUniverse. manufacturingtomorrow|
"by taking place alongside RoboUniverse Conference & Expo and the Virtual Reality Summit"
RIT to present ‘the father of 3D printing’ with Melbert B. Cary Jr. Award on April 21. rit|
"by partnership which includes financial commitments from New York state and Xerox Corp"
Muller Martini urges printers to put post-press first. printweek|
"on “the interactivity of things” for slicker workflows and improved productivity"
The footprint and momentum have been good in Q4: N Chandrasekaran, CEO & MD, TCS. economictimes|
"to go digital over a period of time. Edited excerpts"
With Smart Manufacturing Magazine Industry Events SME Shares Advance. manufacturingtomorrow|
"emerging processes - such as 3D printing - and the integration of new technologies"
Lewinsky, Pitbull share lessons of fame at eMerge Americas conference. miamiherald|
"the large corporations, organizations and startups enticed crowds to visit booths"
3D MakerJet Launches 2 New Models at Guangzhou/Canton Fair. businesswire|
"in, the Originator 1200 that capable of prints as big as 1200x1200x1200 mm"
RIT to Present ‘The Father of 3D Printing’ with Award. piworld|
"the chief technology officer of 3D Systems widely considered “the father of 3D printing.”"More Details Released for Inside 3D Printing, RoboUniverse and Virtual Reality Summit. 3dprint|
"the upcoming conference, a lot more been solidified in that short period of time"
Invitation: Press Talk - 3D-Printing: New Possibilities for the Industry. prnewswire|
"on growing exponentially, especially in the aerospace and automobile technologies"
Inside 3D Printing. inside3dprinting|
"the revolutionizing industries including manufacturing, medicine, architecture, aerospace"
Event showcasing local businesses using technology to be held at YSU. wkbn|
"a technology event called Make Youngstown on Wednesday and Thursday"
Youngstown news, Make Youngstown showcases maker insight. vindy|
"as the last layers of plastic laid to top off a miniature Egyptian Queen Nefertiti bust"
RAPID 2016 event to feature keynotes by additive manufacturing experts. industrial|
"on digital manufacturing, 4D printing in medical, and the future of additive manufacturing"
ALGIX to celebrate Earth Day with open house. meridianstar|
"in the Sonny Montgomery Industrial Park at 5168 Water Tower Road in Meridian"
Queen’s Award for innovative Peterborough manufacturer. peterboroughtoday|
"of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise, with special recognition for its innovative work"
With Smart Manufacturing Magazine, Industry Events, SME Shares Advanced. news|
"of materials, emerging processes — such as 3D printing — and integration of new technologies"
Arbor Day Festival set for April 30. warwickadvertiser|
"to” demonstrations making items from “plarn” – plastic bag yarn, 3D printing and prizes"
Naperville's City Notes this week with a few PN photos, etc. positivelynaperville|
"for proposed tree locations. The stake indicates a honey locust soon be planted here"
HKTDC Hong Kong Houseware Fair and International Home Textiles Fair Open. acnnewswire|
"to showcase the latest houseware, and home textiles and furnishing products"
Trinus 3D Printer: Frequently Asked Questions. all3dp|
"campaigns, predicts that Trinus finish up with over $1.3 million dollars in total" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
BLOGS and the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )New to 3D Printing. 3dprintingforum|
"for some of the information I've been able to pick up from just browsing a few threads"
How to Conduct a Tolerance Analysis for 3D Printed Parts. fictiv|
"to dimensions that guarantee the components within an assembly fit together"
Shapeways Blog - Is 3D Printing the Next Industrial Revolution. shapeways|
"the the third industrial revolution and change the, what, where and when of how goods made"
McDonald's Always Working Advert uses 3D Printing. all3dp|
"to be told quite functionally, wanted to tell the story with some charm.”"
Boeing Patents 3D Printing Technology Making Artificial Ice. 3dprintboard|
"to 3D print artificial"ice", which help alleviate the aircraft certification process"
This Bizarre 3D Printer Spins out Shapes Like a Spider Spins a Web. futurism|
"to build objects freely in space a special combination of resin and UV light"
Not so flexible, flexible filament. 3dprintingforum|
"as ridgid as PLA, ABS etc. with a surface that like a"rubbery"feeling"
3D Printing| HYPEBAE. bae|
"of 0 Comments·By Zarah Cheng ·3 Days Ago The future here"
Using 3D printing and Wearables to get rid of wrinkles WearableWednesday. adafruit|
"the production of collagen in the skin. Could this be the anti-aging innovation people"
An Explosive Explanation of How 3D Printing Works. laughingsquid|
"a donated 3D printer to create rockets powered with exploding capacitors"
Eduardo’s Guide for 3D Printing Proteins with Chimera by Munfred. thingiverse|
"on to generate 3D printable molecular models for FDM/FFF desktop 3D printers"3D printing, a controlled (r)evolution. biovox|
"a design on computer and make the object printable"
3D Printing Fashion Pieces in Your Own Home. hypebeast|
"of each body essentially zero waste produced, whereas waste inevitable with textiles"
The Gross"Modular Body"Isn’t Really 3D Printed. fabbaloo|
"to produce a hand-sized prototype to demonstrate the technology"
3D Print and Design Lab. multcolib|
"the past few days, and now we’re back with a quick SCANN3D review"
3D Printing Medical Devices. formamedicaldevicedesign|
"of the suspension which key to allowing the material to print correctly"
How should we attribute 3D printed objects. creativecommons|
"to be able to view the source design behind a physical object"
Feature Friday No. 16 - 3D Prints that improve your 3D Printer and more. dimensionalley|
"the really amazing thing about it – with own 3D printer at home"
Innovative 3D printing solutions are “taking shape” within Airbus. airbus|
"the company’s pioneering spirit to create new and better ways to fly"
NASA Encourages Students to"Think Outside the Box"with 3D Printing. afinia|
"first expandable habitat. It also celebrates the launch of the first 3D printer in space"
3D Printed Ceramic: the next big thing. 3dprintingindustry|
"of ceramic processing and enables high temperature, high strength ceramic components"
Can Your Really 3D Print a Working Robotic Lawnmower. makezine|
"of 180mm x 180mm x 60mm) and an Arduino Uno and motor shield for its brain"
World’s First Online Program for 3D Printing. class|
"the platform, and it be co-taught with industry practitioners Autodesk and Ultimaker" -
BLOGS and the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Overwatch's 3D Printed Tracer Gun with Electronics. instructables|
"a in mind the print by color assembly. In this way no painting required"
Starts printing above the table. ultimaker|
"in Cura when I save the GCode file to the SD card. What could be the problem"
Makerbot’s Guide to Proper Attribution on Thingiverse #3DThursday #3DPrinting. adafruit|
"the energy and time to create the amazing Things on Thingiverse deserve credit"
How You Can Help Creative Commons With 3D Printing Attribution. all3dp|
"on the 3D printing community and what Creative Common do to protect it"
College Student Straightens Own Teeth With 3D Printed Retainers That He Made. futurism|
"of using available 3D printer, college student Amos Dudley able to fix teeth and craft own retainer"
Palmyra's Arch of Triumph Recreated With 3D Printing Tech -. realmofhistory|
"to enjoy a budget that’s nearly unlimited; far more than actually need"
Old brooms, 3D printers and mining landfill. materialstoday|
"to replace the head 14 times through the decades and the shank maybe four times"
Pimp your 3D prints with Polymaker. 3dprintingcenter|
"to use ABS and toxic acetone Actually, it possible, there a little snag in it"
Tactile Maps Easily. touch|
"for 35 euros, about USD40), or 3D-print the map yourself at no charge"
"as these technologies apply to design. Each talk feature a Q&A afterward with the speaker"
3D Shaver – Personalize Your Shaver With 3D Printing. shapeways|
"in manufacturing a personalized product. And what could be more personal than shaving"
3d Printing Remote Controlled LED Tea Light Sconce. learn|
"a the light better, so replaced them with 3d printed cups"Siemens Spider-Bots 3D Print Together. all3dp|
"in-house. Each spider been underpinned by a modified version of Siemens’ NX PLM software"
MakerPlace - 3D Design for 3D Printing. makerplace|
"to teach students cutting edge technology in an interactive and fun environment"
UL to Present 3D Printing Workshops at Additive Manufacturing Europe. appliancedesign|
"of 3D printing and additive manufacturing workshops at Additive Manufacturing Europe 2016"
Joint UK Project Seeks to Make 3D Printed Textiles More Than a Concept. 3dprintboard|
"that be commercialized and used to manufacture customized clothing green polymer materials"
6 Simple Steps to 3D Printer Bed Leveling. pinshape|
"the bed on a new printer so it’s best to think of it as regular required maintenance"
What is the 3D printing community/group looking. element14|
"From how-to, maybe new product reviews, training course Let hear thoughts"
3D Printing Spare Parts. kuunda3d|
"for a simple small part, it may not be worth the shipping cost"
Discover Great Events or Create Own & Sell Tickets. www|
"of construction, architecture, product design or simply an enthusiast, this course a must for all"
3D printed keepsakes. makerbot|
"the Aa prints became the perfect accent pieces for this uniquely edgy atmosphere" -
3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )A Next-Generation Service for the Next Generation of 3D Printing Technology. 3DPrintingArticles|
"as a whole indisputably in a state of rapid expansion"
Intertronics brings UV post-cure to 3D SLA polymer printing technology. openpr|
"that does not drain away in the build or growth process completed cured"
MEMS InkJet Heads - Global Strategic Business Report 2016 - 3D Printing Through Multi Jet. einnews|
"of company profiles primarily based on public domain information including company"
IT Sligo Research and Development helping SME's grow. independent|
"the biomass heating; waste reduction and re-use and 3D prototype printing"
3D Printing, Cancer Research Exhibits At Devonshire Mall. windsorsquare|
"a few of the things learn more about at the Devonshire Mall this weekend"
3D printing helps Polish cybernetics researchers create fully functional artificial__. 3ders|
"of Technology been 3D printed heart models for research purposes"
Highly accurate, laser guided industrial robot developed by Spanish researchers. 3ders|
"of a laser guided system, within minus 0.4 mm when working on a 100 meter long part"
Domestic 3D Printing Research paper launched : Melbourne Networked Society. networkedsociety|
"the technology, the very idea of 3D printing grown and spread over time"
Carbon M1. engineering|
"the heat-activated element to chemistry of the resins results in additional strength as well"3D printed circuit carrier prototyped on demand. electronics|
"to prototype 3D printing together with laser structuring for metallized interconnects"
3D Laser Printing Used to Build Micron-Scale Optics with Superior Performance. azom|
"of instruments and gadgets used in sensing to telecommunications applications"
Scientists develop 3D heart tissue that can reduce the cost of diagnosis. thehealthsite|
"on for drug testing because do not properly predict how a drug affect adult heart cells"
High speed transistor suits roll to roll production. newelectronics|
"a transistors with wireless capabilities on rolls of flexible plastic"
Mouser Electronics, Marvel and Grant Imahara Present New Empowering. roboticstomorrow|
"by the newest products and technologies from Mouser's manufacturer partners"
3D Printing - Science to the Rescue - The Republic of East Vancouver. republic|
"by sed on that process, and designed a file format compatible with by 3D printing software"
3D Laser Printing Yields High Quality Micro-Optics. news|
"in applications ranging from sensing to telecommunications"
Berkeley Prof Calls For Integrated Approach To Printed Electronics. itbusiness|
"of the field’s most distinguished leaders told a room full of industry colleagues this week"
Circuit boards made by 3D printing. therecycler|
"to “print the substrate to the required thickness, leave and fill holes where vias required" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Airbus calls for more innovations, offers help and money. blogs|
"for innovation, where’s the mentoring, fostering and MONEY going to come from"
Why Melbourne is the design capital of Australia. theage|
"to celebrates Melbourne's role as a global capital for design and ingenuity, writes Ray Edgar"
Video: Shell unveils ultra energy efficient concept car. cardealermagazine|
"of ‘co-engineering’ whereby vehicle body, engine design and lubricants all created together"Shell Introduces Unique Concept Cars and Advanced. uploadpis|
"of “co-engineering”. In the process, the car body, engine design and engine oil made jointly"
Shell Global Uses 3D Printing for Prototyping in Stones Project. 3dprintboard|
"a complex prototype for the complex project, including a process never before done in that region"
3D Printed Quad Copter. instructables|
"of this tutorial should be familiar with the design process and learn how quadcopters function"
China’s Microgravity 3D Printer Successfully Passed 93 Parabolic Test Flights. inside3dprinting|
"with five different materials and two different printing technologies"3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )SD3D spends over 3000 printing hours on record-breaking 'The Largest 3D Printed. 3ders|
"a massive 9 by 10.5 feet (or 2.7 x 3.2 meters) in size and took more than 3,000 hours"
Fab City, sustainable & self-sufficient cities project opened its doors in Amsterda. 3ders|
"by 3D printing guru Enrico Dini and operated by construction company BAM"
Companies celebrate awards on The Queen's 90th birthday. printweek|
"of the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise – one for the third time"
Course 4 builds shape-shifting tower — News. thetech|
"on developing structures that evolve, from 3D-printing foldable structures"
Fresh Take on History in Today's World. toromagazine|
"the four historical items below bring history into the world today in unique ways"
Check out this awesome 3D printed chair - a South African maker collective project -. za|
"an the community behind it all about collaboration and sharing"
PS• + secondome curate ‘ladies & gentlemen’ exhibition hosted within historicmilanese. designboom|
"the of bygone crafts and processes re-interpreted into contemporary objects and products"
Palmyra's Arch of Triumph Recreated With 3D Printing Tech. realmofhistory|
"with aid of 3D printing technology, while the details ‘etched’ by computer-aided carving tools" -
3D Printing Transportation, NASA, Army, Drones, RC, Cars, Plains, Boats Robots Space Rockets
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )NASA Begins Studying Aerosol Jetting Technology to 3D Print Electronic Assemblies. 3dprint|
"as potentially help NASA researchers construct more densely populated electronics"
Circulate on Fridays: seaweed plastic, NASA's circular economy tech and more. circulatenews|
"to how NASA pushing tech that could help develop a circular economy here on earth"
It's Insane How Much Rocket Fuel NASA's 3D-Printed Turbopump Spits Out. popularmechanics|
"in Hearst Tower in Manhattan, with the possibility of another 6 months at the end of that period"
NASA Reveals"Hubble Bubble"for Space Telescope's 26th Anniversary. outerplaces|
"of a celestial feature describe as a"gigantic cosmic soap bubble"
NASA Wants Young Engineers to Make the Replicator from Star Trek. outerplaces|
"of the most famous pieces of tech from the beloved series become a reality" - Siemens unveils cluster of 3D printing spider robots ***|
"to work autonomously and collaboratively, and even recharge themselves"
Siemens team unveils 3D printing spider-bots. theengineer|
"a major role in the manufacture of everything from aircraft to ships"Meet the World’s First 3-D–Printed Supercar. architecturaldigest|
"in which cars built to be both environmentally friendly and beautiful"
MIT 3D prints a working robot by combining liquids and solids. geek|
"that act as working legs, and even crankshafts to actuate hydraulic transmission"
Ice, Ice, Boeing. rapidreadytech|
"the aerodynamics, putting more stress on the systems and increasing the chances of a crash"
Robot basketball Beach Bots look to dunk. tbrnews|
"of high school students from around the world convene to compete in fa"
Artificial intelligence is the future, says DHL. logisticsmanager|
"to includes intelligent supply chains that use self-learning or machine learning systems"
Shell unveils ultra energy efficient concept car. automotiveworld|
"of “co-engineering” whereby vehicle body, engine design and lubricants all created together"
China aims for deeper space with new generation rockets: scientists. news|
"to the skies later this year, and planning even bigger models"
on Gordon Murray’s T.25 city car, contains a number of 3D printed components.. 3ders|
"on Gordon on Gordon Murray’s T.25 city car, contains a number of 3D printed components"
MIT Team 3D Prints Functioning Robot in a Single Step. com|
"a printer capable of combining solid and liquid materials at once"
Shell unveils 3D printed, ultra-efficient 'Project M' concept city car based on Gor__. 3ders|
"on Gordon Murray’s T.25 city car, contains a number of 3D printed components"
Innovative 3D printing solutions are “taking shape” within Airbus. satprnews|
"on by with a an as for the on of to from at in so that at all"
DHL report says artificial intelligence will remake global logistics. fleetowner|
"to handle both the domestic and international movement of goods"
PHOTOS: 11 Carbon-Fighting Energy Technologies. energy|
"to tremendous progress thanks in part to Energy Department research and development" -
April 21, 2016 NEWS
The Texel Portal 3D scanning booth can start 3D printing within minutes. 3ders|
"by Russian startup Texel Portal, already six booths in operation"
May 3: Chicago artist to give 3D printing presentation. chicagotribune|
"The Re-Materialization of the Art Object"by Tom Burtonwood"
Famous Portraits Reimagined in 3D Print: Daniel Warnecke Updates the Classics. 3dprint|
"to Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring and to a self-portrait by van Gogh"
The Gizmo 3D Printer Suffers Delay Due to PayPal Freezing Their Account. 3dprint|
"also expected to pay fees related to attempt to patent technology"
Business Standard-Couture, printed to perfection. wap|
"to see a whole lot more of them in the not-too-distant future"
Israel gets its first 3D tech bus – courtesy of NY bar-mitzvah boy. timesofisrael|
"to inaugurate the ‘maker bus,’ which brings new technology to disadvantaged kids"3D Systems Looks to the Future of Manufacturing with Figure 4. rapidreadytech|
"on"for the technology to revolutionize manufacturing, it must get much faster"
Flagstaff High students send their work out of this world. azdailysun|
"at by with an as for the on of to from at in so that a all"
Green Transition Scoreboard Global Total Now $7.13 Trillion. csrwire|
"the COP21 climate agreements in Paris in 2015"
Changing the way we visit our GPs in Ireland. independent|
"with ___technological advances to be utilised to ensure we’re getting the care need"
Maddy Maxey Wants to Make Your Clothes Smarter. elle|
"of careers. It's confusing and maddening, and all still struggling to figure it out"
What the Internet of Things Will Mean. huffingtonpost|
"by organ replacements. Net shape and 3D printing of materials and smart composite materials"
ING Economic Bureau"Can aging Achterhoek or adapt". gelderlander|
"in the field of 3D -printing, alternative energy and robotics, mean change"
World’s first 3-D printed excavator on display at CONEXPO-CON/AGG. utilityproducts|
"o the pre-printed excavator, show attendees a second excavator printing live on the show floor" -
3D Printing Daily News 9:00 PM: Top News, New tends, maker, Art, Fashion and Revolution
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )April 22, 2016 NEWS
Six things that make Arizona's technology startup community unique. bizjournals|
"the Electronic Products and Technology Canada's Leading Electronics Website"
VIDEO: 3D-Printing Breakthrough Could Change the Way We Consume Clothing. ecouterre|
"the carbon emissions, says, it also make bespoke apparel an affordable reality"
3D-Printed Shoes and Dresses that Move on Their Own. hyperallergic|
"the of construction; still others encourage the wearer to interact with clothing"
Daniel Warnecke brings classical paintings to life with 3D printed sculptures***|
"a Van Gogh’s Self Portrait on display in three London galleries over the coming weeks"
Add Elegance & Strength to Your 3D Printed Models with Ira3D’s New Chrome Plating. 3dprint|
"by seeing how different look, transformed with shining sophistication"
3D Printing: What's Next. rapidreadytech|
"the president of Wohlers Associates, during overview of the market"
GCODE.Clay explores digital design and art through 3D printed ceramics. 3ders|
"to continued this exploration with 3D printed pottery project fittingly lay"
3D printing used to create high quality micro-optics. mumbaimirror|
"for miniaturise instruments and devices in applications from sensing to telecommunications"
PowerUp Kayaking Uses 3D Systems’ Designing and Printing Technologies. 3dprint|
"from customizing one kayak to opening a business working with a wide range of watercraft"
Layer-Free 3D Printing Becomes Reality Using Polymaker PolySmooth And Polysher. geeky|
"the Polymaker unveiled its new PolySmooth filament and Polysher 3D print polishing unit"Growth forecast for digital textile printing. tevonews|
"to more accessible technologies for manufacturers at a cheaper cost"
A New Exhibition in Milan Explores the Technological Revolution That’s Disrupting Design***|
"from 3D-printed engine components to containers grown from mycelium"
NatureWorks lends a hand to Enabling the Future initiative. plasticstoday|
"the day two keynote speaker, truly stole the show"
Tech it out - News - Siskiyou Daily News, Yreka, CA. siskiyoudaily|
"by Grenada Elementary School leading the way in technology implementation in the classroom"
Sign and Digital UK day three: Smart signage. signlink|
"the exhibited this year, discussing whether 3D printing taken off and how signage gone 'smart'"
The 6 Tech Trends to Focus on This Year. tech|
"that intertwine themselves in lives to (hopefully) make them easier"
Chinese city does the Silicon Valley act. gulfnews|
"in funding from a local real estate company seeking to diversify"
About 3D Printers. lesimprimantes3d|
"= by with the turn of the printer 3D revolutionizing everyday life"
GEMS OF SCARBOROUGH: Lots going in Scarborough to be proud of. insidetoronto|
"the Lego club last fall), and home to a unique 3D printing program"
Exhibition artist Ineke Otten in town Veere Domburg. pzc|
"of inspiration. For lamp"Something to drink received the TNO Design Award" -
3D Printing Manufacturing, Business, Profit, selling, Dealers, Stores, Retails, Labs and Jobs
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Shapeways Blog - 3D Shaver – Personalize Your Shaver With 3D Printing. shapeways|
"by, currently being offered by Philips in a limited edition trial"
Six things that make Arizona's technology startup community unique. bizjournals|
"In Arizona to be smarter, stronger, and more creative"
GE Opens $39M 3D Printing Facility Near Pittsburgh. engineering|
"on just one component, leverage all of GE’s 3D printing activities worldwide"
OctoPrint loses funding, starts a Patreon to help fund OctoPrint web interface. 3ders|
"to monitor 3D printer and 3D print jobs from virtually any browser on network"
Under Armour says digital revenue in Q1 nearly tops 2015 tally. zdnet|
"on revenue of $1.05 billion. The company also raised its 2016 revenue target to $5 billion"
3D printing comes of age in U.S. manufacturing, says PwC survey. plasticstoday|
"to produced the report in conjunction with the Manufacturing Institute"
3D Systems: Check Out The Resurgence - 3D Systems Corp. (NYSE:DDD). seekingalpha|
"from HP, Inc. stimulated optimism and company resurgence"
DVIDS - News - The Fab Lab. dvidshub|
"to allows them to create things never thought possible"
Sign and Digital UK day three: Smart signage. signlink|
"the exhibited year, discussing whether 3D printing taken off and how signage gone 'smart'"
Canadian Tech Company Talks Green Product Design and Emission Reduction This Earth. marketwired|
"in eco-friendly options now represents more than good corporate citizenship"
Plug and Play Internet of Things Selects Startups for its Fourth Batch. prnewswire|
"to selected based off of technology interests from the platforms' 10 anchor partners"
Clifford Chance - Paul Greenwood - CIO 100 2016. cio|
"to increase awareness of cybercrime issues with the firm's most senior management"
GIGTANK 365 Selects Startup Teams For Summer Accelerator. chattanoogan|
"to ready companies for the next-generation marketplace"
With more than 120 registered, he closed the call to participate in CITES Ideas 2016. elecodesunchales|
"of Criptography, 3D printing, Cloud computing and AI / Machine learning / Expert Systems"
Milan Design Week 2016: How PepsiCo Pulled Out the Stops. brandchannel|
"with blue leather treated with a special 3D “bubble effect” quilting. The Pepsi logo"Siemens previews additive manufacturing on the move with 3D-printing spider bots. gizmag|
"to manufacture complex structures such hulls of ships or the fuselage of an airplane"
Cobbler Technologies closes an equity financing round to help bring 3D printing. 3ders|
"of Technology and $25,000 from the Scratchpad accelerator pitch contest"
Shapeways Overhauls Its Designer For Hire Program with a New Marketplace Style Platform. 3dprint|
"of 3D printing technology means that skills now in more demand than ever"
GE Power opens Advanced Manufacturing Works, eyes prototyping speed. zdnet|
"to prototype products, develop new processes and parts and move them out to broader facilities"
Canadian Tire CTO Eugene Roman Outlines $400 Million Drive To Shift. itworldcanada|
"a reality store displays. A gaming lab. And a fitness obsessed tech genius based in the Ukraine"
Adidas Product Release From Plastic Waste Sea. ekoran|
"a line of shoes and clothing made from plastic waste found at sea" -
3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Girls in Technology summit empowers future leaders. loudountimes|
"a hands-on, interactive demonstrations and discussions at the Girls in Technology summit week"
Research Article. idtechex|
"at one event brings together emerging technologies developers with customers"
Why 3D printing is to manufacturing as computers were to the workplace. techrepublic|
"the last two years. TechRepublic spoke with PwC about what the results mean"
Father of 3D Printing"Humbled"to Receive Award in Rochester. wxxinews|
"the stereolithography, or 3D printing, in 1983, and founded the company 3D Systems in 1986"
Moon rocks land in Burlington with Mini Maker Faire. thetimesnews|
"on display thanks to Burlington’s Blessed Sacrament School"
Reed Sinopharm Hosts World’s Largest Healthcare Event - tHIS in Shanghai. prnewswire|
"of including genetic diagnostics, rehabilitation robotics, wearable tech, 3D printing"
PJC-Sulphur Springs Center Open House April 28. ksstradio|
"for mechatronics and 3D printing workforce programs also be on display"
Purdue open house Wed.. theohiocountynews|
"the Purdue Club of Bartholomew County be providing free hamburgers and hot dogs"
ESTsoft, 'SIMTOS 2016' document solutions, introduced a new centralized document. itdaily|
"for CAD 'and' Secure Disc for 3D Printing"also introduced together"
Science Fair Winners in Grey Bruce. bayshorebroadcasting|
"of conducting epithelial cell toxicity tests of product before prints 3D human bones"
Barcelona unveils new products at Drupa of the major players in the industry. interempresas|
"the fair, which take place in Düsseldorf from May 31 to June 10 thinking"
Essex County Council - David Wilde - CIO 100 2016. cio|
"by not only improved performance also helped secure over £100m in cost savings"
Community Briefs - Greensboro News & Record: Gnr. greensboro|
"with demonstrations in metalworking, woodworking, 3D printing, laser engraving and electronics"
Earth Day 2016: 10 3D printing projects contributing to a greener plane. 3ders|
"for almost 50 years, however, Earth Day 2016 just might be the most important one yet"Intellectual Property is a Hot Topic at Second Annual Benesch 3D Printing Conference. 3dprint|
"of “What Every Business Must Know Today About 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing."
3D Systems to Showcase Metrology and 3D Inspection Solutions at Control 2016. investingnews|
"a scanner solutions as part of its comprehensive manufacturing ecosystem"
GIGTANK 365 announces Summer 16 Cohort. nibletz|
"a"Chattanooga’s municipal power company upped the accelerator’s internet speed to 10 Gbps"
Additive Manufacturing Users Group Names Technical Competition Winners. theintelligencer|
"of Under Armour and Andrew Sliwa of Custom Prototypes Inc. winners of the competition"
Additive Manufacturing Experts Headline 2016 RAPID Keynotes. news|
"on"in Medicine on May 18; and The Future of Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing on May 19"
Delhi: IIT ‘open house’ to showcase 500 projects. indianexpress|
the 12th edition of Open House at IIT-Delhi see students display more than 500 projects"3D Printing Expo, Q&A, Talk, Shows, Announcements, Events, Forum, Magazine, Press
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Harbor Day School hosts annual Maker Faire Saturday. ocregister|
"on Saturday, April 23, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in its gymnasium"
Additive Manufacturing Users Group Awards Ten Coveted DINOs. manufacturingtomorrow|
"The awards presented at the 28th annual users group conference in St. Louis, Missouri"
Runcorn company wins prestigious Queen's Award From Runcorn. runcornandwidnesworld|
"a applications development used in 3D printing, nine years ago from kitchen table"
Versarien PLC Q&A with CEO Neill Ricketts. directorstalkinterviews|
"with a 3D printing specialist, moving closer to seeing graphene being used"
Father of 3-D printing calls RIT award 'humbling. innovationtrail|
"as 3-D printing honored with an award at Rochester Institute of Technology on Thursday night"
SA leads the way. iol|
"in veral sectors that could offer South Africa talent, new products and real contributions to growth" -
Current News On 3D Printing :: 2015 :: WEB Expo Business News Auto Architectual STEM WEB
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
BLOGS and the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )50 Microns of Gray: Introducing Our Smooth Detail Resin for Scale Modelers. materialise|
"for painting, this material what many of been waiting for let’s take a closer look"
Cool 3D-printed mathematical objects. sculpteo|
"a in the following video from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology"
Stainable Wood-Based Filament Gives 3D Printed Violin a Natural Look. based|
"on the freely-available Hovalin design, what really sets it apart the “natural” wood finish"
Phillip The Duck Walks Again Thanks To 3D Printed Feet. iflscience|
"to some 3D printing and a generous stranger,'s now able to walk comfortably again"
Pricing Info -3D Printing Service i.materialise. materialise|
"the main driver. sometimes, model surface, orientation and density also come into play"
Telescope Bluetooth Remote Focuser #3DThursday #3DPrinting. adafruit|
"of cheaper than similar commercial offerings……. Bear with while tweak various files for upload"
Inductive 3D Printed Fan. instructables|
"with resources listed 3-D printing never kept so cool"
3D printing: A ‘massive revolution’ for industry. msn|
"the new technological innovations and how products like 3D printing and augmented reality"
China Scientists Develop Space 3D Printer---Chinese Academy of Sciences. english|
"the Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization behind the two-year-long project"
Become a 3D Printing Artist with a Robot Guided Hand. all3dp|
"by controlling exactly where the pen move, meaning much better results for"
A perfect fit in 24 hours: Bespoke 3D printed clothing poised to transform fashion. factor|
"to entire garments and footwear that perfectly fit intended wearer in just 24 hours"Smooth Detail Resin 3D Printing. materialise|
"of design limited because of the additional support structure required during printing"
Buzzed Beer 3D Print Filament and Collaborative Capitalism***|
"the competition good because competition means there a market"
Future of 3D scanning and 3D printing in museums. aniwaa|
"the s impact museum policy, practice and audiences. As describes work and research projects"
Manufacturing Stories. manufacturingstories|
"in America and to help bridge the skills gap between education and the workplace"
3d Printing Integral to Meeting Manufacturing Challenges. industryweek|
"on planes as well as to lighten the load to meet fuel-efficiency targets"
The Worlds First 100% Ecological Material System for 3D Printing. 3printr|
"as expensive disposal processes. All these limitations be changed by the new material"
3D-Printing. ndigitec|
"of colors. offer 2 kinds of 3D printing solutions – ABS plastic based and powder"
Will AVOC 3D – an ultra cheap 3D printer triumph thanks to IndieGogo. 3dprintingcenter|
"from ABS and PLA, only basic stamps of AVOC 3D, which debuted on April 19th on IndieGogo"
ABS 3D Printing. ndigitec|
"a with a layer thickness (resolution) of either 178mm or 254mm" -
BLOGS and the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )BOOM - a day of 3D printing May 11. mynewsdesk|
"as the scope and possibilities of 3D printing and additive manufacturing increases"
_Hitting the right note: Design Bridge on creating a new harp icon for Guinness. creativereview|
"to make one up and not a true visual representation of a harp,” says Vary"
Digitization of the chain quickly and safely share data. time|
"en interessant. Maar hoe pak je dat nou aan 7 vragen aan een gedreven onderzoeker"
Many growth and good returns. iex|
"for above-average returns that also reflected in the returns of the trends Trend Invest"
Sigma Labs Announces First Quarter Conference Call. einnews|
"to release the Company's 2016 first quarter results prior to market open that same day"
Hot/Cold Injection Molding: Which Approach Is Best for You. ptonline|
"of some of the most newsworthy content. (For more news from the conference, see"
PyroGenesis Announces Successful Testing of Six (6) Plasma Torches for Asian. marketwired|
"of the Contract. The Client's name and origin remain confidential for competitive reasons"
Plural Additive Manufacturing Opens New Facility in Oregon. virtual|
"for a new generation of industrial 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing"
‘Grandfathered’ returns on Fox, John Stamos’ Jimmy Martino celebrates 50th birthday. ibtimes|
"so Josh Peck (“Drake & Josh”) plays the role of the sweet and nerdy 3D-printing"
Dutch 3D printing market worth €45M already, still has plenty of room for improvement. 3ders|
"as Gartner, PwC, Canalys, IDC and Wohlers – and their results are encouraging."Four industrial revolutions and an Internet of Things. memeburn|
"the materials that lighter and tougher, and manufacturing processes built around 3D printing"
Desktop Widget II #3DThursday #3DPrinting «. adafruit|
"to other informations like the weather or the time in other places of the world etc"
Scandy Turns Your 360° Shots Into 3D-Printed Spherical Photographs. petapixel|
"a company called Scandy lets hold them in hand through the magic of 3D printing"
Fictiv Team Explains How to Conduct 3D Printing Tolerance Analysis. 3dprintboard|
"a tolerance analysis, and employ professional tips and tricks to make sure that stacking"
3D Printing| 3D Printed IoT On Air Sign for Twitch Adafruit Learning. learn|
"with exotic composites like wood, metals and others. The parts listed in the tablet below"
Brace Yourself For Carbon Nanotube 3D Printer Filament. fabbaloo|
"of really interesting properties that suspect would be just what many engineers seeking"
BEEVERYCREATIVE| 3D Printing| 3D Printers. beeverycreative|
"Robot pen holder Pen holders don’t to be boring, be this cute"
Shapeways Blog - 3D Printed Fashion, Can It Save the Planet Sabina Saga’s Vision. shapeways|
"a Kazakhstan-born designer, a solution for this and believes it relies on 3D printing"
Loughborough University and Yeh Group Team to Create Sustainable 3D-P Fashion. inside3dprinting|
"to the individual wearer’s taste and needs 3D body scanning technology" -
BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Stratasys Invents 3D Printing. Again.. stratasys|
"a matter of hours. And it's knowing for sure that next big thing as spectacular as envisioned"
3D Printer Charging Effective 4/25. makerworks|
"on Apr 25, 2016. The charges be at cost, just to cover the cost of the filament only"
SketchUp 3D Printed Jewelry Challenge. materialise|
"for Valentine’s Day Then simply create some yourself in SketchUp and submit design"
How to Install a Heater Cartridge. fargo3dprinting|
"CAUTION HOT! Make sure your 3D printer is turned off and unplugged"
Stereolithography 3D Printer. element14|
"a stereolithography 3d printer build would be a very nice episode"
3D Printed Jewelry on Pinterest. pinterest|
"a 3D printed jewelry designs that I find amazing and inspiring"
The 4th dimension of print| 3D Printing Center. 3dprintingcenter|
"of a quite big group of researchers How long will we wait for the forth dimension"
How 3D printers saved a four year old girl's life. msn|
"a changing the world of surgery by providing surgeons exact replicates"
3D printing the clothes of the future. qeprize|
"at Loughborough University the manufacturing of clothing using additive manufacturing"
How to 3D print with Digital ABS. grabcad|
"to be achieved after thermal treatment in a programmable oven (see section E)"
Obtaining and creating 3D designs - Library - The University of Queensland, Australia. web|
"a Aided Design (CAD) software. Various versions of paid and free CAD software are listed below"
3D Printing: A New Technology Brings New Possibilitie. fpov|
"an Coordinator and 3D Printing Guru has been taking our requests for objects we want printed"
Weekend Watch: “Layer By Layer” Teaches Design for 3D Printing. makezine|
"the lack of those skills is incredibly frustrating when they present themselves"3D printers and astrophotography - Beginning and Intermediate Imaging. cloudynights|
"to have a couple friends that own one and are willing to help out and experiment with things"
CapCanon: PET Bottle foamdart/water canon. NERF compatible (3D Printed). instructables|
"for printing service if you don´t have one) I used Orange ABS Filament for this tutorial"
Overview 3D Printed IoT On Air Sign for Twitch Adafruit. learn|
"a broadcaster, this will let the people around know to be courteous"
OctoPrint starts a Patreon to help fund its interface for 3D printing. open|
"monitor your 3D printer and 3D print jobs from virtually any browser on your network"
3D Printer and Laser Cutter Certification. biblioottawalibrary|
"of equipment and tools An overview of policies and procedures governing the use of 3D printers"
Thunder Chrome Features 3D Printable Post-Apocalyptic-Themed Scenery. 3dprintboard|
"to make multi-level buildings, giant watchtowers or small single-story shacks"
3D Printing News Includes Mass Portal 3D Printers, Autodesk Acquires. 3dprintboard|
"a software package that is sure to make the printer attractive to 3D printing novices"
NASA's Aerosol Jet 3D Printing Experiment's Will Change Your Factory. fabbaloo|
"with Aerosol Jet 3D printing and their work could leak into other applications"
ElectroBoom's Shocking Probe Into 3D Printing Is More Than Painful. fabbaloo|
"in every single video, Sadaghdar manages to hurt himself badly, sometimes several times"
6 Fascinating Facts You Probably Didn't Know About 3D Printing. nasdaq|
"of life and industry, from healthcare, education, and entertainment to aerospace and auto" -
3D Architects: Buildings, Houses, Wall Texturing, Structures, and 3D Printed Home Items
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Shaking the Economy. nnbw|
"the difference a plan prior to an earthquake on a localized economy"
Andrey Rudenko’s 3D Printed Concrete Castle Is Complete. techworm|
"by 30 mil in width, there several other options that available with just the click of a butto"
Print an Excavator. constructionequipment|
"the second excavator will be printed via 3D technology live during the show"
A cave for the modern man. nationmultimedia|
"for installing them, architect Pitupong Chaowakul way ahead of that printed out a home"Tumbler Ridge woman puts the pop in 3D maps. vancouversun|
"to make dinosaur-head finger puppets for District of Tumbler Ridge. It almost a good idea"
The Middle East heritage debate is becoming worryingly colonial. theconversation|
"the resurrection of the ancient ruins in Syria with the help of photography and 3D printing"
3D Printed House Mood-light. instructables|
"the heart and so this miniature model let take it wherever"
SD3D and Aon Team Up to 3D Print Entire City. 3printr|
"by including automotive, construction, energy, environment, financial institutions and others"
Guy Makes a 3D Concrete Printer Prints a Castle. imgur|
"of Post Options Submit a comment 636 comments sorted by best"3D Printing Stem Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Intertronics Brings UV Post-Cure to 3D SLA Polymer Printing Technology. virtual|
"that excess polymer that does not drain away in the build or growth process completed cured"
Inventory: Five fairy-level 3D bio-printing research institutions. tech|
"a lot of people waiting for a suitable organ and tissue transplants"
High-Speed Flexible Silicon Transistor May Soon Power Wearables. techtimes|
"by a team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison"
Stratasys Unveils First Artworks Designed With New Breakthrough J750 3D Printer. businesswire|
"a series of high-profile collaborations from Stratasys as part of the company’s new J750 collection"
Dimensional opportunities flow with engineering design. chron|
"to a machine shop, waiting months and then to start over. In 10 years, every home one"
Printing Magnetic Fields. hackaday|
"of course, align the atoms back up by introducing the metal to a strong magnetic field"
Jordan French, Author at Tech.Co. tech|
"by tracking down energy-market manipulators and enforcing electric grid reliability rules"
How to Make Science Fiction Become Fact, in Three Steps. smithsonianmag|
"of Smithsonian magazine for only $12 Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter"
magnetic field printe. hackaday|
"of course, align the atoms back up by introducing the metal to a strong magnetic field"
Easy online investing in equities of renewable energy. iex|
"by means that the production of renewable energy still to grow considerably"
STEAMtrax Curriculum. the3dconnectors|
"in science, math, language arts, social studies, and art. Students engage in learning scenarios to develop"