Need New Computer Advice Please
Joe, bit hard to work out exactly what the local guy is offering, but it sounds pretty good.
I can't see what Ram he is offering, should be 12GB at least.
I would ask him to redo his list with just the parts he proposes using with prices and any other costs, assembly etc.
Also what sort of warranty and whether he offers on-site repairs.The others look ok, but not as much bang for your buck.
Baz -
Baz, thanks mate really appreciate the help with this,
here's what he said-
I just did this pricing with just the parts I have for sale $550 including installation of all the parts, and windows 7 ultimate 64 bit all for $550.
As far as the amount of memory the cost to ad 4 GB more RAM to make a total of 12 GB is $23 just priced it at Fry's
As far as the parts are concerned I will give you 30 days on the parts. They are used parts after all.
I can assure you that they haven't been used that much and all parts worked perfect last time they were used. They only have about 6 months of use on them if that. But if one or all fail due to defect and not misuse or accident I will either fix replace or refund a prorated amount for what the part is worth used
I will also give you a 90 day warranty on my labor. If something is not put together right or comes lose due to my labor I will fix it at no cost to you.
So to add it all up
I am charging $550 for these itemsASUS ,1150 core i5 Motherboard.
Nvidia Geforce GTX ,260 Video Card.
8 GB of DDR-3 memory running at 1600mhz high performance clock rates.
Western Digital Black series 2 TB 7200 rpm SATA 6mb cache Hard Drive The Best they make!
i5-2500K Processor
(6M Cache, up to 3.70 GHz)
(Quad-Core processing)
Normal running speed 3.3 GHzThermaltake computer case V3 Black nice case good air flow see attached pictured.
DVDRW SATA Optical drive name brand but don't remember what brand.
Windows 7 ultimate 64 bitAll this including the installation of all the parts and Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Price $550
So if you want to buy it do it in the next few days cause I have 3 big security camera jobs a coming up starting next week and could take as long as a month before I could build your computer. -
Look good, sounds like he will take care of you well and a very good price.
I would still want a backup drive tho, either internal or better, external. Better cos its independent of the main computer and God forbid you have to run from the house, you can take it with you easily! Might be good to get the techie to set up windows backup for you. Mine is set for daily at dinner time.
30 days on parts and 90 days labour seems about right. I would spring for the extra ram, but see how you go, easy to add it later.
I reckon go for it. -
Man! I feel like a teenager who just got his first hot rod
Just got it all up and Running two days ago.
I click on a .skp file and it's open before I finish the click!
I can orbit with shadows on
I'm going to like this.
thanks baz, I got a great setup for a real good price, thanks for the hand holding!
Glad I could help Joe.
I haven't had to tweak SUps settings for so long I forget how to!
when I use the tape tool and double click, it doesn't set a guideline, and when I click and drag it doesn't show a guide,
same with protractor tool, it doesn't leave a guideline when I click and set.
I've been playing with my open gl and it hasn't helped. Then in my NVidia setting it says "Let the 3d decide".
Do you have 'Guides' ticked in 'View' menu?
Hhmmm, I don't have Guides in the View menu Baz, nor anywhere else ..
I'm using SUp 5 if that matters?
SU5 is going back a bit
But there must have been an option to show/hide guides somewhere.
You might have to consult the documentation. -
Yeah it was @Last software, I recently downloaded Ver 5 for this new computer and now it's called google SUp :-),
So where can I find the documentation? In SUp 5 when I go to Help, all those links point to dead pages.
I need to get this tape measure tool issue resolved, I can do workarounds but what a hassle.
Joe, suggest you start a new thread, one of the veterans will surely be able to help.