Nun's Island Gas Station
Perfect modeling render and post-pro combination like the night mood
Thanks mimarhamza these have no post production they are straight out of maxwell using a B&W film response.
Agree with all! Congratulations! Nice theme and design too. I just feel it's all too perfect. Maybe having some film noise with such low light conditions would pump up realism...
But who cares about "absolut" realism when you have everything else!
Yeah Maxwell has the noise i just let it clear overtime, i often find resolving images have that photographic look. I take it you guys are entering the comp ?
Easy rider!
@chedda said:
Yeah Maxwell has the noise i just let it clear overtime, i often find resolving images have that photographic look. I take it you guys are entering the comp ?
I didn't know there was a comp... I'm not taking it... the comps I take on usually provide a buiding to be built in the end!
Fair enough JQL there are no prizes, its for fun and to get some appreciation for Mies's work.
@chedda said:
Fair enough JQL there are no prizes, its for fun and to get some appreciation for Mies's work.
Though that's what I do, I really like seeing the work you top arch viz guys throw up in those competitions I've learnt a lot in the past year just taking a peek at what you guys do!
Beautiful images. But where are the penguins?
Penguins ?
Slang for nun
@chedda said:
You can find it here in sketchup .3ds and obj:
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Nice work, but be forewarned, after I clicked on the link given it would not let me go. Had to exit my browser and start over. Not a big thing, but annoying
The link works for me hellnbak. I suspect you are an isolated case because no one else has mentioned it. You can find the group on Facebook by a traditional search method. It's called show share learn. I take it your interested in entering he comp ?
@chedda said:
The link works for me hellnbak. I suspect you are an isolated case because no one else has mentioned it. You can find the group on Facebook by a traditional search method. It's called show share learn. I take it your interested in entering he comp ?
Yeah, I've been an isolated case most of my life
No, not gonna enter the competition, I did my thing modeling a gas station a while back, that's enuf architecture for me (was going to put a "wink" here, but they've changed it to one of the really ugly new-style smilies, and I won't use them)
Lovely model Simon, you'll get some great renders from it, love B&W images
@chedda said:
The link works for me hellnbak. I suspect you are an isolated case because no one else has mentioned it. You can find the group on Facebook by a traditional search method. It's called show share learn. I take it your interested in entering he comp ?
I would take a very very wild guess that hellnbak is not on facebook. I'm assuming you have to log in to access the page that you link to.
I do like your renderings, maybe you should post some of the other entries here as the competition winds down.
Here is the direct link to the models, the model download links are found within the PDF:
I hope some of you guys enter the comp. I actually prefer the sketchucation community to Facebook most of the time. If you don't have an account maybe you can use a family members one to enter the comp ?
Thanks for the comments John & Andy.
@andybot said:
I would take a very very wild guess that hellnbak is not on facebook. .
Actually I am on Facebook. Only joined it to be able to do something, can't remember what now, a few years back. Minimal profile, just never got around to deleting the thing.
See, I am "social" (NOT)
That's it. I quit.