Add vertice to edge
You can kind of do this with the knife tool by splitting the line, dragging one of the new vertices at the split, connecting with a new line segment and the dragging the vertice back so they merge, then drag the new single vertice where you want, but that's a lot of steps and you must do it for each vertice you want to add or draw a new polyline
@deemn said:
You can kind of do this with the knife tool by splitting the line, dragging one of the new vertices at the split, connecting with a new line segment and the dragging the vertice back so they merge, then drag the new single vertice where you want, but that's a lot of steps and you must do it for each vertice you want to add or draw a new polyline
The Add Vertex tool on my blog should do what you want.
Usage: Plugins>SDM Tools>Edge Tool>Add Vertex
in Layout? as far as I know plugins are not accessible in Layout.
@deemn said:
in Layout? as far as I know plugins are not accessible in Layout.
Sorry but you didn't mention Layout in your post and I failed to see that the post was in the Layout forum.
From your description not sure what you want. You just, say ,have a line and want to add a vertex along it? I don't get the dragging-and-adding description. This is one of the few things that LO CAN do. Double click on line, then click on it with the option key down.