Current news on 3d printing 2015
3D 3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Polymaker and Covestro Co-Develop a New Line of Polycarbonate-. Virtual-Strategy Magazine|
"with industrial 3d printers, or a very niche set of extrusion-based desktop 3d printers"
Intel Edison-Containing mostfun Pro 3D Printer Blows Past Initial Kickstarter. 3DPrint|
"to reward backers with stretch goals, and provided us more information about machine"
SYS to demonstrate Stratasys additive manufacturing capabilities at TCT. TCT Magazine|
"of stratasys and additive manufacturing systems at TCT show + personalize later this month"
3D Printed Colors Shine Brightly at DyeMansion as They Welcome New. 3DPrint|
"at allcan often be a challenge, and especially with laser sintered 3D parts"
3D Printed Pugtato the Result of a Successful Collaboration. 3DPrint|
"of the most popular dog breeds in the us these days"
Iconic Image of Afghan Girl Turns 30 and Becomes 3D. 3DPrint|
"on to appear on one of national geographics most famous and iconic covers"
TurboSquid Partners with 3D Hubs to Unlock Their Digital Models for 3D. 3D Hubs|
"the 3D community with models of just about anything since being established in 2000"
3D Printing SPEEDRUN Competition. Let's see how fast your printer is!. Reddit|
"an average speed of 200mm/sec, which would mean a layer time of 6.7 seconds"
Demystifying 3D Printing. Duke Events Calendar|
"to evenly take place at the innovation co-lab innovation studio, 118 telcom building"
3D Printing & Stem Cells Challenge FDA. ASH Industries|
"to the regulations struggle to keep up"
3D Printing Instructor - City Centre Community Association. Craigslist|
"to teach how 3D printing works hands on experience with the 3D ditto pro printer"
Voestalpine to open new test centre for 3D printing metals. 3Dfabprint|
"to printing metals in a facility that be opened in dsseldorf, germany, in the course of 2016"
Ultimaker joins Perpetual Plastic Project to turn waste plastic into 3D printing. TCT Magazine|
"to reduce the worlds plastic waste by repurposing would-be throwaway plasti"3D Printing Electronics Conference Adopts the Fuseami Networking app. 3D Printing Electronics|
"with other professionals that most relevant to at this conference"
3D printing. Industrial Machinery Digest| fabtech
"to national and regional trade shows each year giving our clients maximum exposure market"
MecklerMedia Inside 3D Printing Conference & Expo: Virtual Reality Summit. 3DPrint|
"for countless devices to be created affordably and with infinite customizations"
Airing This Week: SciTech Now Explores the Inside 3D Printing Conference. 3DPrint|
"to wait another month to there: pbs be airing an episode of popular"
MecklerMedia's Virtual Reality Summit Launches to Explore Innovation Trends. CNNMoney|
"to the wide range of complementary options offer one another"
China's Liqui Moly racing team utilize 3D printing to enhance their Formula.|
"of 3D printed parts into its design, as well as its advanced design concepts"
MakerBot Replicator Desktop 3D Printer. PC Magazine|
"the extruder positioned so that it's hard to accidentally burn oneself on it" -
Welcome: The current 3d printing news listings Monday
Wednesday and Friday
Current news on 3d printing 2015 ::
BLOGS and WEB: Wednesday
3D Printing Expo: Q&A Talk Trade show Announcements Events Forum Magazine Press
New 3D industry: Stores Retails Farms factory Business Funds Selling or Jobs
3D Printing update: Daily News 9:00 am Pop New Tends Art Fashion & Revolution
3D Printing things that move: Drones Cars Plains Boats Robots or Rockets
3D texture Architectures: Buildings Structures Houses and Home Oversize Items
3D Printing STEM Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
BLOGS and WEB: Tuesday==========================================================================================
BLOGS and the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Amazing 3D printing creations. MSN|
"of some unbelievable creations rendered due to the amazing phenomenon that 3D printing"
3d printing. CodePancake| Enabling the Future: the magic
"with upper limb differences who in need of a 3D printed helping hand"
3dprinting. Stack Overflow Careers| 3D Hubs Amsterdam, Netherlands. IT
"within 10 miles of home, that's almost 15% of the world population"
3D Printing. SciTech Now|
"the week that includes coverage of aprils event in new york"CHGT. OTC Markets| View complete news release for
"the OTC disclosure & news service"
TRACE 3D PRINTER. RapidPro| Trace 3D Printer is the
"of the inspire fdm 3D-printers and the up! brand afinia"
Eirikur. Bungie| Three-and-a-half months
"to print it. in the end, autodesk magnum opus complet"
Footer Menu. Lista| According to a recent MarketWatch
"the year-earlier level during seven of the past 14 months, ending with january of this year" -
BLOGS and the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing. B9Creator| 40 Replies: 947 Views: Last
How to Choose an Infill for your 3D prints. 3D Printing|
"to go over 4 types; rectangular, triangular, wiggle and hexagonal or the honey comb"
Upcoming NYC event: Red Hook Regatta #3Dprinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"in the time allowed, and who most expertly navigate the rough seas around Valentino Pie"
A brief History of 3D printing by Marko Salopek. The 3D Printing Association|
"from digital data, that year considered to be the year when 3D printing born"African 3D printing service using Ultimaker.. Ultimaker|
"to be a part of this journey Follow this topic for updates"
How IoT Supports 3D Printing in the Factory and At Home. Analytics Center|
"to improve existing industrial processes, such as at Audis smart factory in Germany"
Registration for the UK's Biggest 3D Technologies Event Hits Record High. TCT Magazine|
"to date as registrations for the event, with just two weeks to go, hit record levels"
the future is 3D : how 3D printing will become the new battleground for the. Louder Than War|
"in the middle east and the same four teams dominating the Premiership for eternity"
3D printers near Grand Forks Nd. MakeXYZ|
"files accepted: stl, obj, zip, step, stp, iges, igs, dxf, 3ds, wrl" -
3D Printing engineers mathematician physicist scientist
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Sanjay Joshi, professor of industrial engineering, has been named a speaker. Penn State News|
"for members of industry be held at the Knoxville Convention Center "
3D Printing Market 2015 Review, Research, Industry Analysis, Trends and. Digital Journal|
"to more accuracy, optimum usage of raw materials, while exhibiting customized manufacturing"
Manchester researches 3D printed graphene batteries. ElectronicsWeekly|
"be used for energy storage in devices from solar power generators to smartphones"
3D printing from scans or plans in the MADLab!. Gerstein Science Information- University of Toronto|
"a MakerBot Digitizer 3D scanner available for University of Toronto students, staff, faculty"
Can you recommend articles on 3D printing toxicity?. ResearchGate|
"ie toxicity PLA, ABS, and other materials which in 3d printing"
Librarians from around Idaho learn to operate, troubleshoot 3D printers for. The Spokesman Review||
"with a STEAM focus, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math"Watch: Cancer patient receives world's first 3D printed sternum and ribs. Science /AAAS|
"of fit may help to reduce any potential complications with the transplant "
NASA tests provide 3-D printed part comparison data. 3D Printing Progress|
"the same stand giving NASA engineers a direct onetoone comparison of a key rocket component"
Polymaker and Covestro co-develop polycarbonate-based material for 3D. Engineering Materials|
"with expensive industrial 3D printers, or a niche set of ExtrusionBased Desktop 3D printers"
Research delivers insight into the global 3D printing in education 2015. WhaTech|
"in the Global 3D Printing in Education: 3D Systems, Envision, ExOne and Stratasys"
Threeding Uses Handheld 3D Scanners to Create 3D Prints of Antiquities. ENGINEERING|
"of the scans for scientific and educational purposes once the project complete"
Is the Supply Chain Lagging for 3D Printing?. Engineering News - GlobalSpec|
"for some of the supply chain that supports additive manufacturing may not be quite as ready"
The 3D printer market set to boom, but don't look for Apple to make one. Apple World Today|
"in half of 2015 The research group predicts that the worldwide market reach US$202 billion" -
3D Printing Architecture, Building, Structures, Houses, Restoration, Over-size and Home furnishing
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )10 Most Important Things That Will Happen In The Next 20 Years. WhatCulture|
"in our flying cars whilst our personal house robot lays out a delicious dinner of vitamin"Finalists for NASA's 3D printed Mars Habitat Designs Competition revealed.||
"on wherever affordable housing needed and access to conventional building materials limited"
Make an entire house from the giant Wasp BigDelta 3D printer, nearly for. Pocket-lint|
"a 40foot beast that aims to tackle the problem of disaster relief by making new houses"
The Future of 3D Printing for The Interior Design Industry. Furniture World Magazine|
"a diverse crosssection of consumers Available in over 500 fine leathers and fabrics"
Canadian maker Terry Thillmann designs fantastic 3D printed drill press.||
"the complete load bearing structure made with a desktop 3D printer" -
3D Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets, NASA, Army, Robots and transportation
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Dobot: Arduino powered desktop robotic arm capable of 3D printing with.||
"a mouthful, also call it Dobot"
A 3D Strategy For Ontario. (press release)||
"on whatever emerges from a review of the Canada Transportation Act currently taking place"
Dynetics and Rocketdyne perform gas generator test using 3D printer. Space Daily|
"the component among the highest thrust levels ever demonstrated for a 3D printed part"
NASA Successfully Tests 3D Printed F-1 Rocket Engine Component. 3DPrint|
"the next designs include components with geometries far too complex to be made traditionally"Revenues from 3D Printing for Space and Defense Aerospace to Reach. MarketWatch|
"to reach around $140 million in 2016, rising to $600 million in 2022"
The Latest Technological Developments in the 3D Printing Process. Press Release Rocket|
"to grow at the highest levels over the predicted period"
Global 3D Printing Market in Education to Grow at a CAGR of 48.33% over. Press Release Rocket|
"a paradigm shift toward conventional product in industries extending aerospace to consumer"
"Voices In America" with James Earl Jones Discusses 3D Printing. Press Release Rocket|
"on the VOICES IN AMERICA program 3D printing originally made for use by professionals"
GRADD & NVBAA Kick Off "Free 3D Printing For Nevada's K-12" Program.|
"at booth in the "Drone Zone," for students to take home with them"
Blokko launches XR-35 truck of new DIY 3D printed toy series 'Era of Drones'.||
"the release of the first toy of the collection: a truck named the XR35"
3D-Printed Shelter for Astronauts on Mars Designed. NDTV|
"for astronauts on Mars that would be 3Dprinted on the red planet locallyavailable materials"
3D-Printed Shelter Designed for Astronauts on Mars. NDTV|
"to the shelter would be gained by its one long corridor, which contains an airlock"
Revolutionary glass printing 3D printer invented!. Love & Robots|
"of completely optically transparent glass That up until now"
3D print giants under threat frm smaller rivals. CRN - UK|
"to Canalys, which claims large vendors in the space struggling at the hands of smaller rivals" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904September 17, 2015 NEWS
Leading 3D artist Keith Brown transcends physical form with full-colour 3D.||
"to create mindbending 3D creations that go beyond what possible in photographic or 2D forms"
Political Satire Goes to the Dogs with 3D Printed Treats from Bone heads. 3DPrint|
"with Donald Trump as a serious candidate for candidacy, as it turns out "
Reward Yourself & 3D Print Your Very Own Taco from Space3D Printed. 3DPrint|
"to make a pledge from $95 to own one of the very first pairs"
"the technology to create 3Dprinted objects with glass"
MultiFab, Bringing Multiple-Material 3D Printing to Us All. SciencePLX|
"also built for the hobbyist to create more complex objects conveniently and inexpensively"
Museum Exhibit Displays 3D Printed Mummies. 3DPrint|
"the Tombs exhibit, running in LA September 18, 2015January 18, 2016"
MyMiniFactory Hits Seedrs Goal as They Finally Allow Users to Upload. 3DPrint|
"the popular CAD program and asking users to suggest new software for MMF integration"
National Geographic exhibit puts focus on 11 female photojournalists. MyAJC|
"the metro area that fills October, opens Sept 26 at Fernbank Museum of Natural History"
3D Printing. Club SciKidz and Tech Scientific - Chesapeake| 3D Printing Ages 11+. Cost
"for prototyping, CAD development skills, and just plain fun"
Inside Sales Manager for Laser / 3D Printing Company.- Craigslist|
"machines running all over the world: from grade schools to national labs,"September 18, 2015 NEWS
Chilean firm develops multi-material 3D printing. La prensa|
"a new tridimensional printing method that adds color to techniques which been monochromatic"
3D Printed Adrenaline Dress from Chromat Knows When You Feel Stressed. 3DPrint|
"to stop being interested in alternative materials exploration for clothing bodies"CubeForme Launches 3D Printing Monthly Subscription Service. Inside 3D Printing|
"to work with to create fun or functional 3Dprinted pieces to fill the white boxes"
3D printing the future of manufacturing?. Mobile Heights|
"the large capital risks of traditional manufacturing that becomes a barrier to innovation"
HASCO combines Stratasys 3D Printing to create new low volume injection. 3Dfabprint|
"in order to test the integrity of the design before mass production"
3D Content Licensing Platform Source3 Pulls in $4 Million in Seed Funding.- 3DPrint|
"of YouTube artists to develop and earn money off of own content."
Kickstarter underway for Print+'s 3D printed, customizable headphones.-|
"with the 3D printing industry's own ideals of customization, accessibility and even sustainability."
Service Bureaus Are Still a Driving Force in 3D Printing.- DesignNews|
"the part quality not up to par with readily available off-the-shelf parts."
TurboSquid & 3D Hubs Kick Off New Partnership with 3D Printable Shark .- 3DPrint|
"to bring customers high-quality, affordable and convenient 3D printable items to doorsteps."
Formsfield - 3D Printing Boutique.- 3D Hubs| Hi all,. I want to
"of the usual mishmash of knickknacks that shoppers usually encounter upon visiting other 3D printing outlets." -
New 3D Printer Stores, Retails, Farms, Funds & Jobs
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Polymaker and Covestro develop new line of polycarbonate-based 3D printing .- TCT Magazine|
"in desktop 3D printing filaments to a director at Clariant International Ltd."
Source3 announces $4 million in Seed Funding for liscensing and distribution .- TCT Magazine|
"in Source3 and to be joined by our investment syndicate partners."
Kate Black: A Foundation For The Future Of AM.- TCT Magazine|
"that large scale AM of big, complex, multi-material products possible right now."
3D Systems to Host Webinar "A Leg That Fits" Highlighting Customization .- CNNMoney|
"of traditional business models and breaking ground in mass customization and localized production"
T.O. Plastics to Display 3D Printing Capabilities at Pack Expo.- Satellite PR News|
"a thermoformer offers quick turnaround and cost savings on plastic components and packaging."
3D Printing - How it Will Change The Hobby?.- Spikey Bits|
"at the mtv music awards. that art in question all 3D printed…"
3D Printing is Technology That's Changing the World at CES 2016.- 3D Systems|
"for CES 2016, and honored to be featured among the core examples of campaign."
Concept: 3D Printing Sentinels (Bringing Warframe To Reality).- Warframe Forums|
"a better one soon, however, a new thought occurred in addition to this project:"TurboSquid Talk.- 3D Hubs| Welcome to Talk, the online
"to make own products such as custom toys, a piece of jewelry or a beautiful product."
33 Ways 3D Printing is Changing the World.- SoliForum - 3D Printing Community|
"opinion, this probably the best infographic out there regarding 3D printing news."
3D Printing Infographic.- 3D Printing Forum|
"the fun little infographic titled, "33 ways 3D printing transforming the world"!"
T.O. Plastics to Display 3D Printing Capabilities at Pack Expo. Digital Journal|
"at Booth #S7827 at Pack Expo, Sept 2830, at the Las Vegas Convention Center"
These cool & stylish 3D printed stackable battery holders are perfect for.||
"to any garage, workshop or makerspace in which batteries always seem to be short in supply"
3D Printing Classes. Onemaker Group| A fabrication technology widely popularised
"to design errors, gather market feedback, drastically lowering business and production risks"
Formlabs Form1+ 3D Printer Training. Club Cyberia|
"to schedule training for a time other than the date and time listed"
Formlabs and 3BFAB Team Up for 3D Printer Distribution in Turkey. 3Printr. com|
"an excellent partner to bring the Form 1+ to Turkish manufacturers "
PCB 3D printer manufacturer Nano Dimension approved to trade on OTCQX.||
"With its highspeed capabilities, it ideal for the rapid prototyping of complex PCB iterations"
Florida International University opens first MakerBot Innovation Centre focused. TCT Magazine|
"the first centre to be housed in a college focused on art and design"
Meet the Shapie: 3D Makery has the Coolest Tiny Tribute to Yourself. Houston Press|
"of opinion, I'm not exactly the type that fills up his Facebook with selfies"
Prodways outlines 3D printing business success. TCT Magazine|
"to do with a technology hear a lot at TCT (theres another); NDA" -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Polymaker and Covestro develop new line of polycarbonate-based 3D printing .- TCT Magazine|
"in desktop 3D printing filaments to a director at Clariant International Ltd."
Source3 announces $4 million in Seed Funding for liscensing and distribution .- TCT Magazine|
"in Source3 and to be joined by our investment syndicate partners."
Kate Black: A Foundation For The Future Of AM.- TCT Magazine|
"that large scale AM of big, complex, multi-material products possible right now."
3D Systems to Host Webinar "A Leg That Fits" Highlighting Customization .- CNNMoney|
"of traditional business models and breaking ground in mass customization and localized production"
T.O. Plastics to Display 3D Printing Capabilities at Pack Expo.- Satellite PR News|
"a thermoformer offers quick turnaround and cost savings on plastic components and packaging."
3D Printing - How it Will Change The Hobby?.- Spikey Bits|
"at the mtv music awards. that art in question all 3D printed…"
3D Printing is Technology That's Changing the World at CES 2016.- 3D Systems|
"for CES 2016, and honored to be featured among the core examples of campaign."
Concept: 3D Printing Sentinels (Bringing Warframe To Reality).- Warframe Forums|
"a better one soon, however, a new thought occurred in addition to this project:"
TurboSquid Talk.- 3D Hubs| Welcome to Talk, the online
"to make own products such as custom toys, a piece of jewelry or a beautiful product."
33 Ways 3D Printing is Changing the World.- SoliForum - 3D Printing Community|
"opinion, this probably the best infographic out there regarding 3D printing news."
3D Printing Infographic.- 3D Printing Forum|
"the fun little infographic titled, "33 ways 3D printing transforming the world"!"
T.O. Plastics to Display 3D Printing Capabilities at Pack Expo. Digital Journal|
"at Booth #S7827 at Pack Expo, Sept 2830, at the Las Vegas Convention Center"
These cool & stylish 3D printed stackable battery holders are perfect for.||
"to any garage, workshop or makerspace in which batteries always seem to be short in supply"3D Printing Classes. Onemaker Group| A fabrication technology widely popularised
"to design errors, gather market feedback, drastically lowering business and production risks"
Formlabs Form1+ 3D Printer Training. Club Cyberia|
"to schedule training for a time other than the date and time listed"
Formlabs and 3BFAB Team Up for 3D Printer Distribution in Turkey. 3Printr. com|
"an excellent partner to bring the Form 1+ to Turkish manufacturers "
PCB 3D printer manufacturer Nano Dimension approved to trade on OTCQX.||
"With its highspeed capabilities, it ideal for the rapid prototyping of complex PCB iterations"
Florida International University opens first MakerBot Innovation Centre focused. TCT Magazine|
"the first centre to be housed in a college focused on art and design"
Meet the Shapie: 3D Makery has the Coolest Tiny Tribute to Yourself. Houston Press|
"of opinion, I'm not exactly the type that fills up his Facebook with selfies"
Prodways outlines 3D printing business success. TCT Magazine|
"to do with a technology hear a lot at TCT (theres another); NDA" -
Welcome: The current 3d printing news listings Monday Wednesday and
Current news on 3d printing 2015 ::
BLOGS and WEB: Friday
3D Printing Expo: Q&A Talk Trade show Announcements Events Forum Magazine Press
New 3D industry: Stores Retails Farms factory Business Funds Selling or Jobs
3D Printing update: Daily News 9:00 am Pop New Tends Art Fashion & Revolution
3D Printing things that move: Drones Cars Plains Boats Robots or Rockets
3D texture Architectures: Buildings Structures Houses and Home Oversize Items
3D Printing STEM Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
BLOGS and WEB: Thursday===========================================================================================
BLOGS and the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )BigRep in the Hundert. BigRep|
"Our Latest Stuff"
7 Important 3D Printing Concepts Everyone Should Know. All3DP|
"to each file And special thanks to Brian for granting us permission to share his work"
3D Printing. Entrevestor| 3D Printing. Adalay 3D uses
"for prototyping design and manufacture of corporate swag, or any other corporate modeling"
CubeForme Launches 3D Printing Monthly Subscription Service. Inside 3D Printing|
"to work with to create fun or functional 3Dprinted pieces to fill the white boxes"
3D printing the future of manufacturing?. Mobile Heights|
"the large capital risks of traditional manufacturing that becomes a barrier to innovation"
3D Printing. Zoltek| ZOLTEK PX35 Carbon Fiber for
"of costefficient structural prototypes and production parts in a variety of resin systems"3D Printing London. 3d printing service London|
"of support Thanks again to everyone that attended the MadeSolid, FlexSolid event last week"
3dprintbd-First professional 3dprinting superstore in Dhaka.- 3D Hubs|
"to be then shipped directly to home or office for immediate enjoyment. "
Doom hammer #3DThursday #3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"the chiseled stone texture Handle also fakeleather strips wrapped around it "
3D Printing Services Market: Global Trends and Forecast 2015-2019 with .- Fox 49 WTLH|
"the cost. it finds application in many industries such as fashion, manufacturing, medical and food."
Prototypes. Blue ring technologies | injection moldings | 3d printing | plastics molds| We live in a truly
"for many of our clients and the most affordable route" -
BLOGS and the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Use Cases. BigRep| Printing with BigRep ONE Designs
"the largest private bus company currently running 650 buses and employing over 1300 staff"
3D printing transparent glass. Materials Today|
"a resorting to sintering, which produces structurally weak and optically cloudy objects"
EDAG Light Cocoon. 3DPrinting.Lighting|
"the luminous power of the LEDs used by means of an active/passive cooling system"
3D Printing Sector Map Update. Venture Scanner Insights|
"the full list of 257 3D Printing companies, contact us the form on"
The Woman Behind Women In 3D Printing. Fabbaloo|
"on hopes for WI3DP? Where taking it in the future"Principles & Capabilities of 3D Printing. DVIRC|
"with regional, state and federal resources for a variety of business needs"
High-end, 3D printed fashion collection beautifully mimics sea creatures. 3ders|
"to make everything from iPhone gizmos to airplane parts"
NASA's 3D-Printed Mars Habitat Challenge Winners Have Been Announced. Bustle|
"in future decades, it looks like it might be home to some pretty snazzy living quarters" -
BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Train. MakeXYZ| 723 Train 3D models available
"Train 3D models"3D Printing & the Future of Real Estate. Canonball|
"by bringing digital designs to life"
Absolute Bodhi Citta 3D printing. Indiegogo|
"in every corner of the art of living, so unlimited surprises"
0. Thingiverse| Printed with a.2 layer
"to show how to make double sided PCBs easily, and somewhat quickly"
Filament spool roller. MakeXYZ|
"of 2020 aluminum profile used to hold filament spool, and adjust it"
Capital District Print-. TWC News|
Comerica Park Has One Of The Most Unique Fan Engaging Activities In. SportTechie|
"of the Detroit Tigers, now small 3D replicas of themselves made right at the ballpark"
Raspberry Pi security camera is 3D-. ElectronicsWeekly|
"a printed case housing and the main controller circuit a Raspberry Pi with compatible camera"
The third dimension: 3D printing in the enterprise. Information Age|
"in the technology industry tended to exceed its maturity in the market"
As 3D printing becomes billion-dollar industry, who's leading the market?. Reseller News|
"in the first half of 2015, reflecting ongoing demand among both consumers and businesses"
Company Shares of 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) Drops by -. Insider Trading Report|
"in the last 4 weeks. Investors should watch out for further signals and trade with caution" -
3D Printing engineers mathematician physicist scientist
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Breakthrough in 3D Printing May Regrow Injured Nerves.|
"the groundbreaking research on the Lip News with Margaret Howell and Jose Marcelino Ortiz"
information (PDF, 330 KB).| Invitation. Distinguished Lecture Series of
"of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering)"
Micromake 3D Printer Delta mini kossel Auto Z-probe Effector V3. Thingiverse|
"on our last version of Micromake 3D Printer, and we're open sourcing the design to everybody"
3D-Printed Pathway Helps Nerve Growth. IFLScience|
"3D-printed nerve pathways embedded with biochemical cues to promote growth"
Scientists are Using 3D Printing to Reattach Nerves. Inverse|
"on the sleeves inner surface and biochemical cues to help guide and support nerve regrowth"
Researchers Find Success in Regeneration of Nerves with 3D Printed Silicone. 3DPrint|
"to see 3D printing in areas like jewelry and apparel and really, almost everywhere"
Croatian Cancer Patient Receives First All Acrylic 3D Printed Vertebra with. 3DPrint|
"as scientists, researchers, and medical continue to break the boundaries of tradition"Science & Tech: 3D replication. New Zealand Herald|
"in the world's smallest queue at the Spark store on Queen St"
Want to Taste 3D-Printed Jianbing from Tsinghua Graduates?. The Korea Bizwire|
"of the company, Peter Pan Science Technologies, and classmates at the university in 2003"
Researchers can use MRIs to print a model heart in 3 hours. Computerworld|
"a few hours, convert into a tangible, physical model that surgeons use to plan surgery"
Dr Simon Leigh. Engineering Staff Biography| His research interests include Additive
"of network and The page checks to see if it's really sending the requests"
Breakthrough in 3D technology as new technique regenerates complex. Medical News Today|
"a custom silicone guide implanted with biochemical cues to help regenerate complex nerves"
UPS Tests a 3-D Printing Service and Delivery Business. Nasdaq|
"a fairly complete set of bones gives scientists a peek into possible new species"
Possible new dinosaur species uncovered in Montana.|
"of the animal, the researchers able to come up with a replica of the animal for display"
YOU DOCS: Anxiety over Alzheimer's risk. Vineland Daily Journal|
"the emerging needs of future and current health professionals and scientists"
San Antonio's bioscience industry could get needed dose of funding. San Antonio Business Journal|
"a chance through these camps,” said Dan Dolar, a director of the event at Sequoia Pathway"
Children learn engineering, other hands-on activities at Mini Maker Faire. chattanoogaTimes Free P|
"to throwing good money after bad by promotional tactics already proven not to work"
Daniel Kraft Medicine & Neuroscience Chair, Singularity University. Big Think|
"of the University of Maine System office as part of the Scratchpad Accelerator program"
Running With EPOXY Inc (OTCMKTS:EPXY). MicroCap Daily|
"a number of cool features which a business activate on the app"
Replica of Ava put on display at Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Center in Woodland. NY City News|
"to be one of breakthrough moments for paleontologists in Colorado" -
3D Printing Architecture, Building, Structures, Houses, Restoration, Over-size and Home furnishing
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The world's largest Delta 3D printer can print nearly zero-cost housing out. Inhabitat|
"a three-day event in Massa Lombarda, Italy"
large-scale 3D printer plans to build homes using organic materials. Designboom|
"the 12 meter big delta be creating a scenography alongside a theatrical piece"
12 metre high 3D printer produces dirt cheap houses out of dirt. GCR|
"to future co-operation between the two countries nuclear industries, among other things"
Pop-up Christmas card inspires NU's newest 3D development. Chicago Tribune|
"of areas such as semiconductor manufacturing, building construction and tissue regeneration"
3D Printable Large UK House Collection Features 18th Century Architectural. 3DPrint|
"in the newer Palladian style popular in 1734. This model the eastern Palladian front only"
Printing a Hotel Suite. Jetson Green|
"in just a few weeks, since the assembly and preparation now been figured out"
Oyster Growers Design and Submerge 3D Printed Structures for Reef Restoration. PR Web|
"of the vegetated habitat mediating boat wake effects that cause marsh banks to tidal creeks"3D printing platforms taking shape in China. WantChinaTimes|
"as an architect to found a 3D printing platform"
Oyster Growers Use 3D Printed Structures to Help Restore New England's. 3DPrint|
"of mollusks finding itself being destroyed by overfishing and man made climate change"
3D printing. Britannica| Multimedia for 3D printing. Explore
"in a cabinet roughly the size of a large kitchen stove or refrigerator"
3D Printing technologies create new opportunities for architects. Varsity|
"in height, weighs 0.8 tons, and contains an astounding 200 million surfaces"
Cad Surfer's Hub. 3D Hubs|
"of a 3d printer shop with architectural and design services at the geographic center of Mexico" -
3D Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets, NASA, Army, Robots and transportation
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3d printing in Space, don't kill the astronaut!. 3DFileMarket|
"a one ton shark flying out of the water. A now capture this moment"
Most Read Articles from Last Week September 20th. 3D Printing Industry|
"on the potential advantage that robotics hold for our future. provided many university"
3D Printing. The Chronicle of the Horse|
"in printers and maker spaces places where people gather to think creatively, invent and build"
Peugeot to Reveal Fractal Concept Car at Frankfurt Motor Show. PR Web||
"for its New 308 GTi by Peugeot Sport and showcase the Peugeot 308 R HYbrid vehicle"
Technology revolutionises UAE real estate. MENAFN|
"of the past like 3-D printing, aerial drones, and virtual reality now become reality nowadays"
Best 3d printer stocks to buy. MotorHappy|
"how inventory managed and to usher in a new world of mass customization"
Astronauts could live in this cool 3D printed bubble house on Mars. RedOrbit|
"with a bubble-shaped habitat that be 3D printed on the Red Planet"
A 3D printed bubble house to live on Mars. The Asian Age|
"The spherical shape been designed to offer high resistance to Mars’ low atmospheric density"
New library program will teach hobbies, job skills. Statesville Record & Landmark|
"to learn about robotics 3D printing, sewing, crafts, crocheting, needle art and videography"
Scientists have programmed robots to build bridges without human help. Quartz|
"which allowed them to loop, braid and knot ropes together to build the bridge"3D printing for Mars housing designs. 24dash||
"to US residents. French 3D-printing company Fabulous brought together scientists and"
3D Printed Habitat For Mars Called 'Sfero' Unveiled By French Design Firm. CrazyEngineers|
"as the raw material for 3D printing the habitat on Mars"
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn't Cover This Week September 19. 3DPrint|
"in the space industry, inevitably leading to more innovation in that growing sector"
3D-Printed Guide Helps Regrow Nerve After Injury. NDTV|
"the sensory and motor functions of complex nerves after injury"
3-D printed guide helps regrow nerve after injury. The Indian Express|
"the sensory and motor functions of complex nerves after injury"
Red Hook Regatta Features 3D Printed Boats. Rapid Ready Technology|
"to excite further attention by running a 3D printed boat race in the nearby harbor"
GSA adds special item number for 3-D printing. Federal Times|
"to make everything from iPhone gizmos to airplane parts"
Business week in review: On the rise: Retail space, liquor profits and home. Press Herald|
"the previous 10-year contract, the state said it received about $190 million"
NASA Announces the Top 30 Finalists of 3D-Printed Mars Habitat Challenge. BizTek Mojo|
"with capabilities to support humans for an extended period of time on Mars"
Even Airwolf 3D's Shipping Department Utilizes the New AXIOM. Airwolf 3D|
"the economy as a whole, also let creative geniuses prosper" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904September 19, 2015 NEWS
3D printing for custom design and manufacture of microtonal flutes. SPIE Newsroom|
"to dictate the tuning for fabrication of own bespoke instruments"
Elders come face to face with a 3D printer (VIDEO). Malay Mail Online|
"to see a 3D printer at work, and the participants' reaction to the technology"
Laura Thapthimkuna launches Kickstarter for fully 3D printed Vortex Dress. 3ders|
"by Thapthimkuna's own fascination with the galaxy, space, and specifically black holes"
Manufacturers re-envision operations, embrace the cloud.|
"of the Internet of Things (IoT) and 3D printing, vital for all manufacturers"
Cities power the way into new epoch. The Straits Times|
"the planet led earth away from the Holocene into a whole new geological epoch the Anthropocene"September 20, 2015 NEWS
"Voices In America" with James Earl Jones Discusses 3D Printing. Consumer Electronics Net|
"on the VOICES IN AMERICA program. 3D printing originally made for use by professionals"
How To Print Your Own 3D Replicas Of Homo Naledi And Other Hominin. Forbes|
"the ones that geeked out with me made frenzied printing of worthwhile"
Custom-made Lindsey Wixson doll MODOLL is world's first 3D printed 'supermodel'. 3ders|
"of a 20-inch 3D printed doll based off the real-life American supermodel"Democratizing 3D Computer Graphics. Santa Monica Mirror|
"in real time. It even makes sounds if move in a certain way"
Silversmith House of Jensen ready to open in Beijing. South China Morning Post|
"in the Chinese capital, near the Beijing Centre for the Arts"
Anomalisa Review [TIFF 2015]. We Got This Covered|
"also Kickstarter, to bring us this strange and beautiful delight called Anomalisa"
BOB DONNELLYA few more innovative ideas. Kenosha News|
"to name would fill columns for the rest of the year. Great job everybody"September 21, 2015 NEWS
An Italian company built a 40-foot tall 3D printer to help solve the global. Tech Insider|
"that a locally sourced, eco-friendly materials like clay or dirt to construct low-cost houses"
aha!3D: The bootstrapped story of Jaipur-based industrial grade 3D printer. YourStory|
"to start his own company AHA Gadgets which later rebranded to aha!3D"
Aniwaa Launches New Website to Help Users Make the Right Choices. PR Web||
"on the 3D printing landscape make it a daunting task for the user to select the right product"
Texan maker Toby Lankford 3D prints cheap Raspberry Pi-based security. 3ders|
"by veteran Texan maker Toby Lankford, who actually uses it on his farm in Amarillo, Texas"
Raleigh throngs for SPARKcon's arts, techno-fun and creativity. News & Observer|
"that ran nonstop, until he learned it almost entirely built with a printer"
PrintPut integrates simple touch and pressure sensors directly into 3D printed. 3ders|
"into 3D designs, including buttons, pressure sensors, sliders, touchpads, and flex sensor"
Modoll Project introduces Lindsey Wixson in its first 3D-printed supermodel. Venture Capital Post|
"to come up with a 3D-printed doll version of the American supermodel Lindsey Wixson"
You Can Print Your Own Homo Naledi Specimens. Gizmodo|
"of Homo naledi and several other important hominin finds"
Bend minds (not pencils) with the Pencil Puzzler 3D printed magic trick. 3ders|
"an iconic magic trick that now replicate with a few cleverly 3D printed parts" -
New 3D Printer Stores, Retails, Farms, Funds & Jobs
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D printing a StyleSwap cover. OnePlus Forums|
"Do think a 3D printed StyleSwap cover would be cool"
Thingiverse HeElders come face to face with a 3D printer (VIDEO). Malay Mail Online|
"to see countless new storage-based products unveiled from the company"
First-of-its-kind, 3D printed guide helps regrow complex nerves after injury. 3ders|
"for effective regrowth potential. Advanced 3D printing methods may now offer one solution"
Global 3D Printing Market in Education to Grow at a CAGR of 48.33% over. Digital Journal|
"a product manufacturing in industries extending from aerospace to consumer products"
UPS Tests a 3-D Printing Service. Wall Street Journal|
"by slow print speeds, small sizes and rapid technology change"
imagine that 3d retail store. Imagine That 3D| Bring Imagination to Life. Affordable
"with app and cloud connectivity make getting high-quality 3D prints easier than ever"
3D by Flow. Startupbootcamp| Not so long ago 3D-
"a local maker-space equipped to empower a grassroots community through technology"
Staples introduces new online platform for customized 3D printing. 3Dfabprint|
"The interactive 3D viewer of the platform helps users preview creation before printing it"A Guide to Powder Materials for Metal 3D Printing. Inside 3D Printing|
"the powder bed being exposed to oxygen and other contaminant"
part 2 - buying your 3D printer parts. iDig 3D Printing|
"in general the components the same across 3D printer designs"
MyMiniFactory Hits Funding Target; Changes The 3D Printing Investment. Fabbaloo|
"with the intent of raising a large amount of funds to proceed growing the company"
Europe Leading Within the 3D Printing Automotive Space. 3D Printing Forum|
"to be expected. 3D printer sales expected to rise exponentially, as well"
Danny Cabrera, CEO of BioBots | JOB HACKS. Inverse|
"Administration's new special item number (SIN) for 3-D printers could be the solution"
KC's first Techweek turns local company into People's Choice winner. Kansas City Star|
"the San Antonio entity operated until now as an angel fund"
Startups like fashion jewelry brand Ornativa struggle for lack of startup. YourStory|
"to participate in entrepreneurial workshops and seminars when a student"
Broad welcome for ambitious South East jobs plan. New Ross Standard|
"in the region, developing a financial service hub, as well as a joint"
RoBo 3D. Best Buy| R1 ABS and PLA 3D
"Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed"
Australia. 3D Printing Studios| Contents tagged with Australia. Tags:
"to buy Verbatim ABS Filament Got a broken part? - 3D Printed Replacement parts"
3D Modeling. The 3D Connectors| Do you have an idea
"that designing toys, tools or anything, that 3D modeling. It all starts with a model"
Red Hook Regatta Highlights Youth Job Training and 3D Printing in Innovative. 3DPrint|
"in a technology/3Dred3 training program ideally leading to employment in the technology sector" -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )How 3D Printing is Changing Your World [infographic]. satire|
"as just begun to see the benefits offered by 3D printing"
Biolinker: world's first biofilm 3D printer made entirely from K'nex. 3ders|
"in order to a better understanding of goals and how accomplished"
High impact 3D printing for the professional desktop. TCT Magazine|
"with the addition of Nylon 6 and a water-soluble support material, Infinity Rinse-Away"
Creative Team 3D-Prints Miniature High Fashion Models And Designer. Tech Times|
"of dolls and high fashion outfits in miniature versions exclusively with 3D-printed materials"
Big Builder Talk. 3D Hubs| Hello there! I'm currently testinga
"in beta so would love to hearideas on how make it better"
New Sketchup User & 3D Printer...Print Issues. SketchUp Community|
"to some input from all on an exact piece am working on"
And 3D Printing Too!. GreeneMiller|
"the nation that doing them.Who knew"
One of my favorite"glitch prints". Reddit|
"at such sharp angles. I'm not sure I'll ever understand what seen"
Announcing Parallel Goods my new 3D-printed consumer products company. Reddit|
"a design, also receive comprehensive instructions for printing and assembly"
MITN September 3D Printer Exhibit, Celebrating the evolution of 3D printing. MITN|
"a 3D printing event to look into the world of 3D Printing and design"Marques 2015: Brands need to 'wake up' to 3D printing threat. World IP Review|
"with regard to potential infringements that may arise from 3D printing"
Apple uses Mesos, 3D printed syringe, and more news. opensource|
"in Havana, Cuba Job: CEO of BioBots, a company that makes 3D printers"
Out with the old tech, in with the new. London Free Press|
"in pockets as do today. It definitely a different world"
A 3-D replica of your own organs. CNBC|
"of cases and think that it arises from a combination of factors"
Geek Squad spreads technology at Sequoia Pathway. InMaricopa|
"of several at the Chattanooga Mini Maker Faire Saturday afternoon"
Hardik Patel detained ahead of 'Ekta Yatra' in Surat, Gujarat. Catch News|
"to press the government for reservations for the Patel community"
33 ways 3D printing is transforming the world. Laurence Borel|
"to English speaking markets, also transcreated the infographic in French (below) and German"
3D Printing. La Papillon Noire| A few days ago a
"The 3D printed clothes look so creative and original, so think actually made waves"
Israeli designer takes 3D printed fashion to a new dimension. Jerusalem Post Israel News|
"a step further by printing entire graduate collection by 3D home printers"
CHGT Continues Expansion Plans, Now in Talks on Entering Accessory. Business Wire||
"of product visualization animations, prototyping and the production of end-user merchandise"
9 Must-See/Must-Do Events at Beijing Design Week. The Beijinger|
"of our picks to keep busy for the entire almost-two-weeks"
NORMAL After a record-breaking season, Normal manager Brooks Carey. Bloomington Pantagraph|
"a record-breaking season, manager team fully expect association to continue in 2016"
3D printers near Patra Gr 26442. MakeXYZ|
"files accepted: stl, obj, zip, step, stp, iges, igs, dxf, 3ds, wrl"
3Dprinting. Reddit| I'm looking at starting a
"by how expensive and time-consuming it to fabricate even the simplest space-grade hardware" -
Welcome to these current news listing posted on
Monday Wednesday and Friday
Current news on 3d printing 2015 ::
BLOGS and WEB: Monday
3D Printing Expo: Q&A Talk Trade show Announcements Events Forum Magazine Press
New 3D industry: Stores Retails Farms factory Business Funds Selling or Jobs
3D Printing update: Daily News 9:00 am Pop New Tends Art Fashion & Revolution
3D Printing things that move: Drones Cars Plains Boats Robots or Rockets
3D texture Architectures: Buildings Structures Houses and Home Oversize Items
3D Printing STEM Researchers: Engineers Mathematicians Physicists Scientists
BLOGS and WEB: Sunday
BLOGS and WEB: Saturday===========================================================================================
BLOGS and the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3Doodler 2.0 3D Printing Pen Pk. Amazon|
"to control the flow Redesigned nozzle delivers better performance and more accurate doodles"
3D Printing the Monster Manual: Letters Q and R. Imgur|
"to Shop Gifts on Shapeways"Printing Ideas (PI). 3D Hubs| 3D Prints From $5.00 |
"la Imprimimos bajo sistema FDM en PLA o ABS; modelamos y damos asesoramiento técnico"
Printer Heal Thyself. Instructables|
"of poetic justice, and perverseness thatprinter needs to make pieces for itself"
Is Metal Really Used With 3D Printing?. 3D Printing Channel|
"to test. this really metal? Does this change the game in metallic 3D Printing"
Cubify Sense - 3D scanner. CDW|
"of reach and enabling everyone to play, that’s what happening with manufacturing today"
3D Printing. SeniorNet Eastern Bays| Have you noticed, if you
"an sounds as good deal: a 30 minute introduction to the product, free of charge"
Anyone here own/operate a 3d printer?. Total War Center|
"for tabletop games locally... Or (with a little luck) even more euro-providing jobs" -
BLOGS and the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )About. re:3D| re:3D Large Scale Affordable
"the cost and boasts a build volume 30X larger than desktop models"
3D-Printed Artificial Reefs Positioned to Help Regrow Oyster Population. Inside 3D Printing|
"to develop artificial reefs that hopefully help regrow the oyster population"
Check out this awesome new 3D printer! It can make anything!!!. b9c|
"at times and wondered what missing its the lack of sound effects hah"
Most Significant Achievements in the Last 20 Years of 3D Printing. Mcor Technologies|
"the first installment in a 2 part blog series addressing these two questions"What if 3D printing were around in 1990?. Metal Technology, Inc|
"to do and how it be designed to do it best"
3D Printing. Mint Tek| 3D Printing has become popular
"a Technical standards generally use the term additive manufacturing for this broader sense"