Current news on 3d printing 2015
3D Printing Architecture, Building, Structures, Houses, Restoration, Over-size and Home furnishing
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Modular 3D printed furniture is inspired by molecular links. New York Recorder|
"thing you’re making touches the skin,” says Madeline Gannon, a researcher at Autodesk"
A New Way to buy Furniture Thanks to 3D Printing. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"the device and the system were used in some 65,000 customer interactions"
Interactive Sofa Studio Uses RFID and 3D Printing to Tune the Customer Experience.|
"10 technology firms to come up with bleeding edge ideas to sharpen their business practices"
Architectuarl 3D Prints. 3D Printing Forum| Was just wondering if you guys think the resolution
"be great new tool for me. I backed the Peachy on Kickstarter ages ago"
Dutch architects show off 3D house-building prowess. Reuters|
"will spark an environmental revolution in the house-building industry. Jim Drury reports"
Autodesk planning new collaboration center for building industry in South Boston. BetaBoston|
"Park, which will also house about 200 Autodesk employees who currently work in Waltham"
3D printable shelving system for everyone to create custom shelves. 3D printing from scratch|
"will change with the appearance on the new open source 3D printable design called Moidules"
Emmanuel Touraine's and Ventury Paris Eiffel Tower-Inspired 3D Printable Chairs.|
"desktop machine is necessary unless you are making a lounge chair for your pet gerbil"
Contour Crafting Inventor Dr. Khoshnevis: Widespread 3D Printed Homes in 5.|
"guidelines seen in many nations, progress is certainly being made, and quite fast"
Ventury Paris' Amazing 3D Printed Furniture. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"pieces for the company, combining architecture and furniture with high-tech production methods"Antoni Gaudi's Sagrada Familia has been using 3D Printing for 14 years. Architecture and Design|
"reveal that 3D printing will speed up the build process of the 19th Century project"
And finally… 3D printing helps build the Sagrada Familia. Scottish Construction Now|
"2001 as a way of speeding up the prototyping of the building’s many complex components"
Dutch architects show off 3D house-building prowess. The Star Online|
"prototype walls can already be seen – and touched – on site by curious visitors"
3D printing with concrete now possible with new tech. Journal of Commerce|
"the basic methodology 3D-printing technology uses: layer-by-layer fabrication"
The Unbendable Fortificase – UK Inventor 3D Prints Reinforcements for the Bendable .|
"bendgate,” although Apple claims that it has only received a small number of complaints"
Altair optimizes 3D-printed structures for complex, lightweight designs. ArticleSAE International|
"a new technology is the first tool developed specifically for designers of lattice structures"
SuperMod, a 3D printed modular wall system. MOCO LOCO Submissions|
"through certain modules and produce glowing effects that enhance their surrounding space"
Dollhouse fan 3D printed. Instructables|
"is a small dollhouse fan 3D printed on for my 5 yr old daughter"
3D Printing: The Future of Building Construction or Not?. Hutbay Blog|
"Co has discovered a new way to build quality houses while saving time and cost"
Your next house could be 3D printed.|
"a Decoration Design Engineering is recently making headlines with 3D printed ouses" -
New 3D Printer Stores, Retailers, Dealer, Company's, Services, Ads, Opportunities, Jobs and Funding
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Experience 3D Printing: MakerBot Printer Now Available at Sam's Club. Before It's News|
"professionals, entrepreneurs and small business owners and show them the power of 3D printing"
Our Vision and Values. Gizmo 3D| Manufacture and sales of DLP 3D printers and 3D printer
"the Multi-Purpose Talking Robot Platform that was recently shared by Instructables user"
Crowdfunding Mailbox: HISmart Smart-Bag, BoXZY Personal 3D Printer/Laser . Crowdfund Insider|
"the budget option – but think about the cost if you purchased each one separately"
Caltech wants to equip phones with built-in 3D scanners. Engadget|
"that bounces off the object is then analyzed to determine its size and other details"
Company briefs. Times of Malta|
"use perhaps as a gift or as a prototype for as little as €60"
LinkBits: 3D Printing News for the Week of April 4. 3D Printing Industry|
"we couldn’t quite fit into our complete article schedule for the week. Bon Appéprint"
Need a 3D printer or Printing service. GetHashing Crypto Forum|
"a enlarged ( I have measurements) Cyborg Beast. Willing to pay for mats"
3D printing and design work you can afford!. Craigslist|
"us and it's available to you in that you know someone with a 3D printer"
Japanese Company 3D Prints Life-sized Action Figure of Baseball Player, Daichi .|
"at least from a Madame Tussauds, life-sized figure type of approach"
Japanese Company 3D Prints MAYUPO – The Worlds Cutest Female Robot Companion.|
"will be our servants, and perhaps, according to some, even our companions"Smartphones to create high-resolution 3D images. Bangladesh News 24 hours|
"3D printer and within minutes you have reproduced an accurate replica of the original object"
Stratasys announces Extreme Redesign finalists. Aerospace Manufacturing and Design|
"evaluated based on creativity, being mechanically sound and being realistically achievable"
Pratt Whitney AM engine parts poised for entry into service. Aerospace Manufacturing and Design|
"produced using additive manufacturing. Pratt & Whitney is a United Technologies Corp. compan"
We should celebrate the decline of large scale manufacturing. OUPblog (blog)|
"and 300 BC, there were only a few ways you could do it"
Most Read Articles from Last Week. 3D Printing Industry|
"upcoming retail price of $179. The unique looking delta-style 3D printer"
PLEN2: Your 3D Printable Friend to the End. 3D Printing Industry|
"screwdriver. This little bot has plenty to offer laymen and robotic software developers alike"
3d Printing Service. Craigslist| Do you have an idea you would love to 3d
"happy to answer any questions about 3d printing and design you have just Email me"
Fifth Post : The 3D printer inspired by Terminator. Toyhouse|
"is something new that could improve medicine, aeronautics and allow printing our own sneakers" -
Welcome to these current news listing posted on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
Current news on 3d printing 2015 ::
BLOGS and the WEB Monday
New 3D Printer Stores, Retails, Farms, Funds & Jobs
3D Printing Architecture Building, Structures, Houses & More
3D Printing engineersmathematician physicist scientist
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am
BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
3D Printed RC Car & Other Cars, Boats, or Rockets
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
New 3D Printer Stores, Retails, Farms, Funds & Jobs
BLOGS and the WEB SaturdayBLOGS and the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Tom Martin Q&A: Connecting makers and machines through a 'virtual factory'. Lexington Herald Leader|
"than 25 million square feet of retail development in Kentucky, Tennessee and in Indiana"
Posted. Daz 3D| Is DAZ going to start doing 3D printing of custom
"Zbrush, totally noob at it but think I can do what you described"
3D Printed Luminaires. 3D printing lighting| News Updates on 3D Printed Luminaires
"the Possibilities with 3D Printing for the Prototyping and Manufacturing of Lighting Luminaires"
3d printing. Imgur| 3d printing. Createxd 50 mc·
"available from the Metropolitan Museum of Art available"
3D Printing Archaeological Objects As Jewelry. Open Access Antiquarianism|
"bedazzled lately (from the open access models available from the Metropolitan Museum of Art"3D Printing for Creative and Design Agencies. Make Mode|
"printing can bring highly custom objects from your desk to real life quickly and cheaply"
Has the 3D printing phenomina become a fizzer. Swaylocks|
"to our portfolio here in North America soon so someday I'm sure we'll get involved"
to watch, please login. Meerkat|
"silly when they were founded. Instagram seemed frivolous. Twitter seemed downright ludicrous"
How you can profit from 3d printing.|
"are three tried and tested ways that you can make money with 3D printing"
3D Printing. YouTube| LulzBot TAZ 4 Create Iron Man - Best 3D Printer
"LulzBot TAZ 4 Create Iron Man - Best 3D Printer for Beginner 2015"
Curiosity, parental support fuel inventor. Arab Times Kuwait English Daily|
"with large, silver cooling vents poking through the walls to accommodate his brilliant projects"
Watch Nails Come Alive with the Help of 3D Printing. Mental Floss|
"nails to make it seem like a variety of items were popping out of fingernails"
New directions in 3D printing. YouTube|
"MCOR, three unique outliers in the increasingly crowded world" -
BLOGS and the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Who needs an Apple Watch when you can have a 3D printed smart pocket watch?.|
"Pebble Technologies’ new Pebble Time smartwatch have helped propel interest in smartwatches"save failing prints. 3D Printing Blog| How To Save Prints from failing Because of Filament Jam
"just push it a bit to clear our the printing nozzle and then Resume printing"
3D Printing for Product Design. Make Mode|
"engineers, entrepreneurs to develop and prototype unique product designs across many industries"
3D Printing in Architecture. Make Mode|
"the years and are sensitive to the needs of both architecture firms and architecture students"
Getting Classy With 3D Printed Wedding Wear #WearableWednesday. Blog - Adafruit|
"WearableWednesday. WeddingClass. Oh, that beautiful lace, except that it's not lace" -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )These 3D-printed Easter eggs will hide themselves. Bits & Pieces Design World|
"unique movements of the eggs while out in the yard or scattered throughout the house"
Inside 3D Printing Conference Expo. 3D printing lighting|
"a range of industries including product development, medicine, automotive, technology, software"
Gradient Colour 3D Printing. 3D Printing Forum|
"designers and engineers to produce more realistic looking, colorful 3D printed prototypes and models"
3Devised 3Dprinting. LinkedIn|
"the unique design of the ring reflects upon a truly special year Check"
Materialise's Ideas Worth Making Announces a 3D Printing Competition, Winner .|
"microns and 56 microns on the XY-plane so its precision is quite remarkable"Workshop on 3D printing held. The Hindu|
"of Computer Science and Engineering and co-coordinator of the workshop, offered felicitations"
Imagination May Be the Only Limitation to 3D Printing at Home. Tech Cocktail|
"they promised a fascinating future – the only limitation, it seemed was our imagination"
Bacony goodness + math + 3D printing = an inedible endless Bacon Möbius strip. Network World|
"why not print a look-alike on a 3D printer? Why not indeed"
Every home should have a 3D printer – Hull entrepreneur Alex Youden. Hull Daily Mail|
"every home, creative people could make anything from tools to toys to garden furniture"
Injection Molding Adapts to a More Interconnected World. DesignNews|
"molding services typically located offshore; and rapid molders, a more recent phenomenon"
Seeing a World Beyond Black and White. The New Indian Express|
"other alternatives exist beyond just two ways of seeing a particular situation,” she says"
3D Printed Turret From Portal. Reddit|
"dicsovering it was littered with overlapping geometry that confused my slicer"
4 comments. Reddit| Can some one give me a hand and let me
"no seriously does any one know, 'cause I would like to hear from you"
Cast molding 3D printed parts.. Forums - Zortrax|
"try out casting with a 3D printed mold Below are the pictures"
3D Printing Community (3DPC). Meetup|
"speakers to address your 3d printing questions and help you make your ideas a reality"
3D Printing Workshop. Mobile Makerspace| Thursday April 16th 6-8PM we're hosting a 3D
"run out of time. Registration is required. Bring a laptop for the lab"
How to futurise Singapore. e27|
"Carter shares his visions of what a futuristic Singapore might look like within two decades"
New York Congressman Steve Israel Proposes New Bill to Ban 3D Printed Firearms.|
"at this point, but he says he’s not about to give up the fight"
3D Printing 101. 3DPrinterOS| Our classes in 3D Printing in New York have grown
"in the technology and a clear lack of resources available to teach people about it" -
3D Printing News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904April 7, 2015 NEWS
Power to the People — 3D Printing Being Used in Disaster Relief.|
"50,000 deaths had occurred, and many more individuals were grievously injured"3D printing gains traction.|
"50,000 deaths had occurred, and many more individuals were grievously injured"
This 3D Printed Smartphone Lets You Call, Text, & Share Photos.|
"making their own products—and that status is in having produced it yourself"
You Can Now 3D Print a Working Pair of Plastic Scissors.|
"much safer than traditional solid metal scissors, they just were not all that strong"
Wohlers Associates Publishes 20th Anniversary Edition of Its 3D. MCADCafe (press release)|
"of additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing—terms that are used interchangeably"April 8, 2015 NEWS
3DSphere Builds a Very Cool 3D Printed DJ Helmet.|
"their vision in 3D to determine the construction methods and cost estimates for the piece"
Anita Dr. Helbig GmbH Reports Cost Benefits From Incorporating 3D Printing Into .|
"development covers both the actual textiles and the tools needed to shape the customized products"
Origami antennas and packaging using 3D printing technologies. SPIE Newsroom|
"a signals arriving from different directions) and enabling operability at virtually any orientatio"
Alexis Tsipras, Angela Merkel Battle it Out in the Boxing Ring Thanks to 3D Printed. 3DPrint|
"while, we all need a good laugh; a relief from the daily grind"
Fancy owning a T-Rex skeleton replica? Print it out in 3D!. Malay Mail Online|
"a scan of a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton that can be printed in 3D at home"
Print your own T Rex. The Australian Financial Review|
"3D printing to help restore and preserve collections and make art and artifacts more accessible"
3D-printed clothes to be shown off at fashion show. SlashGear|
"a lunch break is still fantasy, some have already started dabbling with the technology"
3D Printing Events This Week. 3D Hubs|
"that We organised a bunch of new 3D printing events for you this week"
Artist Designs Vivid New Stamps That Are Based On The Theme Of 3D Printing. Design Taxi|
"of income is its creative postage stamps, which attract collectors from around the world" -
New 3D Printer Stores, Retails, Farms, Funds & Jobs
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Experience 3D Printing: MakerBot Printer Now Available at Sam's Club.|
"Now Available at Sam's Club. For lovers of technology, the most frustrating aspect is the wait "
3d Printing jobs in London EC2A. Indeed|
"in London EC2A on one search. all ... Junior 3D Printing Technician"
Anatoliy's Hub. 3D Hubs| 3D Prints From $20.00 | Background in Mechanical Engineering, currently
"Specializing in 3d modeling (Creo and Solidworks) This hub can be utilized"
BeMaker's Hub. 3D Hubs 3D Prints From e 10,00 |
"rate, customer service, community, running expenses, openness, software and value"
3d printers -Hueway Technology-. LinkedIn|
"makes it possible to print durable plastic products in various materials and colours at once"
Senvol Database of 350+ Industrial 3D Printers Updated to Include Pricing & More.|
"market research and sizing, and as of January, 3D printer and materials research"
3D Printing to boost Malaysian industry robotic usage. The Rakyat Post|
"in the AM sector in part to its strength in the integration of micro technologies into products"Here's Why 3D Systems Corporation Is Threatened By Carbon3D. Bidness ETC|
"(NYSE:DDD) gets caught at the wrong end of 3D innovation"
Roundup: Robotics Day Santiago, GFT, 3D printed artificial limbs. Business News Americas|
"Argentine academics and 3D printing company have printed an artificial knee prototype"
US Inventors create chip to convert phones into 3D scanners. TWCN Tech News|
"software and then feed it into 3D printers so that the object could be printed"
NASA Invites You to Take a 3D Printable Trip to Asteroid Vesta. 3D Printing Industry|
"general public and amateur scientists to “boldly go where no man has gone before"
3D Printer Owners: User Testing Opportunity in Vancouver. 3D Hubs|
"to give you the best possible experience when you're looking for awesome files to prin"
16 comments. Reddit| The business card is a Airfix style snap off and
"my details printed on a bit of card), the flat bit is the stand"
Zoomcity creates a set of 3D printed business cards that map out the Barcelona.|
"a terrible font and if you’re a designer don’t copy some horrible image from Google"
cube-0.1.0. Hackage| Cube is DSL for 3D printing. This indents to make
"of Cube. It allows boolean operations(and, subtruct and convolution). "
How it works. Cubify| Cubify is your home for 3D printing. Find out how
"printing inspiration? The Cubify Team are here to help, with videos and articles"
3D Printing Service. Charlotte - Craigslist| bring an idea to life? We're ready to help!
"methods, deliver improved results and empower its customers to manufacture the future now"
3Dengie's Hub. 3D Hubs| 3D Prints From $15.00 | We design and build custom
"upgrade parts. On the side we'd also like to assist with your printing needs"
3D Printing Service, Many Colors, Great Quality, Printed on Replicator 2 in Illinois. RCGroups|
"questions feel free to pm me. Happy flying, driving, and boating"
Keech uses 3D Printing to cut product development time. Manufacturers' Monthly|
"been introduced with the intention of cutting the time taken from product conception to installation" -
Welcome to these current news listing posted on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday:
Current news on 3d printing 2015 ::
3D Printing Architecture Building, Structures, Houses & More
3D Printing engineers mathematician physicist scientist
BLOGS and the WEB Wednesday
New 3D Printer Stores, Retails, Farms, Funds & Jobs
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am Wednesday
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
BLOGS and the WEB TuesdayBLOGS and the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Absolutely, positively 3D printing: the future, here now. Idealog|
"film props, shoes and dresses - what else is there? Leigh Stockton investigates"3D Printing. Adafruit Learning System| These are rather small objects with some really fine detail
"definitely recommend using SLA for higher quality prints, especially if you want the see through look"
An Introduction to 3D Printing. River Market|
"those projects are asking about 3D printing and the “Maker Movement” in general"
Kids compete in White House Easter egg roll. Detroit|
"anniversary of first lady Michelle Obama’s campaign to get kids to eat healthy and exercise" -
BLOGS and the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Customized 3D Printed Headset Handset Kit for Unique Interactive Art Exhibit. Stratasys Blog|
"production process and customized solutions for her latest interactive art exhibit"How companies will convince you to buy a 3D printer. Computerworld|
"machines and even message each other users with printable files Credit New Matte"
Taiwan's XYZprinting eying bigger share of China market. Focus Taiwan News Channel|
"major markets next year as it is making a push into that country's education sector"
Bird with missing leg given new 3D printed one. Daily Mail|
"Ozzie tech company BunnyCorp stepped in to 3D print him a new prosthetic limb"
New Altair OptiStruct Release Focuses on 3D Printing.|
"with such revolutionary technologies, it hasn’t quite lived up to all of the hype"
Ocean Software Development Framework. Ocean - Schlumberger| With the ability to print in colours
"integrate new technology and workflows into Schlumberger software platforms with Ocean plug-ins"
Organovo Announces Research Collaboration with L'Oréal USA. Inside 3D Printing|
"will negotiate an exclusive commercial supply agreement which will include license and royalty terms" -
3D Printed RC Car, Boats, Rockets, NASA, Army, Robots
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Could existing lava tunnels provide shelter for long term moon missions. National Monitor|
"lava tubes exist they might be really big said Melosh in a statement"
3d printer model airplane. Top HQ Images|
"was sharing my experiments in 3D printing plastic on different substrates"
Take this 3D Printable Solar Powered Plane Out for a Spin.|
"great educational project for students or makers new to 3D printing or creating simple circuits"
Say Hello to the TX8 — The 3D Printable Octocopter Drone, Featuring 10? Props.|
"entire 3D printed quadopters, hexacopters, and, in rare cases, even octocopters"3D Printing Series: No One Goes Into Space For The Food – Yet. Mondaq News Alerts (registration)|
"other uses of 3D printing, including the on-site preparation of meals"
Incredible Technology: Spiderlike Robots Could Build Giant Space Structures.|
"one piece at a time, the way spiders spin their webs here on Earth"
Harvest your own energy using 3D printed wind turbines and solar stirling engines.|
"career fields share projects that would otherwise take months to figure out on your own"
Japanese artist creates awesome 3D printed transforming robot.|
"chances are that many children will quickly get bored of a 3D printed toy"
3D printed Bionic ants could replace tomorrow's factory workers. Industry Leaders Magazine satire|
"with 3D printing techniques that could probably be the future of the factory production systems"
First Jet Engine Parts Built Using 3D Printing will Enter Service this Year. Element14|
"of printed parts for mission- critical applications such as the production of jet engines"
NASA - 3D Printing In Zero-G Technology Demonstration. Geek Infinite|
"sent back to Earth in Feb aboard SpaceX’s fifth contractile resupply mission to the ISS"
ISS Sends 3D Printed Objects Back To NASA. Regal Tribune|
"show that “additive manufacturing can make a variety of parts and tools in spac"
DIY Shooting Range, Robo-Target, Uses 3D Printed Parts.|
"the Robo-Target is a project for grown-ups, but we’re saying it anyway"
Watch NASA unbox the first-ever parts 3D printed in space. VentureBeat|
"when what’s in the box is the set of the first-ever parts 3D-printed in space"
Video: NASA unboxes the first 3D-printed objects from space. Bits & Pieces Design World|
"the International Space Station. These bits and bobs are just a proof of concept"
3D printed Solar-powered toy airplane.|
"on who learned to use professional modeling software Creo Parametric especially for this projec"
Pratt, Whitney to Use 3D Printing for Some Engine Parts. Engineering News & Analysiec|
"purePower PW1500G engines exclusively power the Bombardier CSeries* aircraft family"
3D-printed objects arrive from ISS. RedOrbit|
"additive manufacturing in the microgravity environment where NASA wants to use the technolog"
US Army is Using 3D Printing to Develop Body Armor Inspired by Fish Scales.|
"is made of stiff plates while being attached to a highly flexible under-layer"
1st Parts from 3D Printer in Space About to Get a Close-Up (Video).|
"are about to start studying the first parts made by a 3D printer in spac" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904April 9, 2015 NEWS
How to Get 3D Printing Up and Running. Maximum PC|
"a proliferation of new trade/consumer events, such as the 3D Printer World Expo"
Light Soles, Made with 3D Printing, Light Curing Technology, Offer Runners.|
"from their beloved sport, as well as difficulty in using other orthotics and insoles"
Idaho Mom 3D Prints Incredible Replica Star Wars Props.|
"individuals try to replicate different objects that they see on TV or in the movies"Two Dozen 3D Printed Grandpas Will Crack You Up.|
"University. He’s also a filmmaker with an obvious respect and love for his grandfathe"
3D Print and Build Your Own Smartphone-Connected Color Meter.|
"Instructables now lets you connect right to 3D Hubs), you can complete this project"
Zazzys New Marketplace Lets You Design And Sell Your Own 3D Printed Jewelry. TechCrunch|
"serve as a way for them to add to their own collections of branded merchandise"
NSt. Margarets prints mechanical magic. OCRegister|
"the means to pay $20,000 or more for a prosthetic limb if necessary"
New Steps To Wearable Tech Through Inkjet Printing.|
"become commercially viable or feasible, a lot of sustained effort must come to pass"April 10, 2015 NEWS
3D Printed Headset/Handset Kit Lend Artist Emily Biondos Interactive Exhibition.|
"in they become actors in her high-tech-low-tech experiments"
Five Ways 3D printing Is Transforming the Supply Chain. Supply, Demand Chain Executive |
"clean, consistent and connected supplier information important for effective supplier management"
SuperMod: A 3D Printed Modular, Functional Wall Unlike Anything Youve.|
"turning the design world upside down via 3D printing, is their game"
Snowboarder Creates a 3D Printed Jet Propulsion System for His Board.|
"printing to accentuate his experience with the help of a jet mounted on his board"
South Korean Researchers Using Oxygen Diffusion Technique to Build 3D.|
"covered regions are in a parallel arrangement with the direction of the UV light"
3D printing technology presentation set at UCD. Davis Enterprise|
"Health Sciences Drive, as part of the university’s Maroney-Bryan Distinguished Lecturer series"
Separating fact from fiction in 3D Bioprinting. 3D Printing Progress|
"with it, I'm just saying what's fact based on plausible growth in technology"
Stay Away From 3D Printing - Cramers Lightning Round (4/8/15). Seeking Alpha|
"This is one of those $90s that might go to $120"
A welcome coup for Mohawks 3D printing lab. Hamilton Spectator|
"How exciting that Hamilton’s Mohawk College is at the forefront of this new technology"
Check Out This 3D Printed Motorcycle. Chip Chick|
"materials you can use with them, who’s to say how far out we are from that dream" -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Teenager Creates a Fully 3D Printed Vice. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"hopes to make will use stronger ColorFabb XT filament to enhance the tool's strength"
3D Printing and Disaster Relief. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"instead of relying solely on the supply chain, needed items could be made onsite"
3D Printed Working Plastic Scissors. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"to Fang's EcubMaker 3D printer, a Chinese model similar to a MakerBot Replicator 2"
3Dprinting. Reddit| The fact that I can set large prints to go
"everything he say. And boy do I also wish for an hexagonal infill option"
3Dprinting. Reddit| A cube should be your first print. permalink ... Looks
"masts torn down and all the rigging tangled. Accidental art. I love i"
Using Card Printing 3D Printers. Facebook|
"injection molded tf card high accuracy abs/pla z605 for artistic design education industry"
About the 3D Printing category. SketchUp Community|
"3D Printing, as well as using SketchUp to model things to be 3D Printed"
3D PRINTING WORKSHOP. Chincoteague Bay Field Station|
"of 3D prints as a way to document local flora and fauna of an area"
Crowdfunding is THE Strategic Enabler for 3D Printing Entrepreneurs. Europe Lacking . Inside3DP|
"US and Europe in terms of where the opportunities for 3d printing investment lie"
Europe Operations Lead. 3D Printing| Following explosive growth to a team of 100 in Boston,
"support and logistics operations that make our customer experience the best on the continent"
Culture Japan is Using 3D Printing to Develop a Four-Foot-Tall Smart Doll Android.|
"with AI that will allow her to pick up objects and bring them to you"
Even more speakers announced for 3D Printing Europe 2015. 3D Printing Progress|
"even more exhibitors in the tradeshow, to display the latest and greatest innovations"
CalTech Wants To Turn Your Phone Into a 3D Scanner. Popular Mechanics|
"letting the photons bounce back to the imager to build a sense of the object"
TCT + Personalize Asia 3D Printing Summit: UL Team Takeaways. Industries - UL|
"that at the recent TCT + Personalize Asia 3D Printing Summit in Shanghai, China"
3Dprinting. Reddit| As much as I love these for the sheer absurdity
"cheese, there's also some cool potential for things like cake frosting, lattes etc"
3D Printing Conference 2015. Manufacturing Expo|
"revolutionizing industries including manufacturing, medicine, architecture, aerospace"Print Your World – An Introduction to 3D Printing. Arts Gateway MK|
"first event will be run on the evening of Thursday 23rd April 2015 at 7pm"
Wohlers Associates Publishes 20th Anniversary Edition of Its 3D Printing and Additive . AM|
"over the past three years (2012–2014) was 33.8%"
Wohlers Publishes 3D Printing, AM Report 20th Edition. Ten Links|
"of additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing – terms that are used interchangeably"
3D Printing Asia. LinkedIn| View 3D Printing Asias professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is
"you'll join 300 million other professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities" -
Welcome to these current news listing posted on Monday, Wednesday and
Current news on 3d printing 2015 :: ( title will change in 2016 )
3D Printing Architecture Building, Structures, Houses & More
3D Printing engineers mathematician physicist scientist
BLOGS and the WEB Friday
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am Friday
New 3D Printer Stores, Retails, Farms, Funds & Jobs
BLOGS and the WEB TuesdayBLOGS and the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )4 and 1/2 3D Printing Trends You Should Know About. Make|
"complex surgeries to treat the toddler’s Tessier cleft. The actual surgery was a success"MIT Researchers 3D-Print Flexible Armor Inspired by Fish Scales. Inside 3D Printing|
"taken as the ratio between the normalized indentation and normalized bending stiffness"
3d printer test. 3D Printing Blog| Here is something interesting and fun you can print on
"the 3DBenchy boat on your device and see what you will get as a result"
3DPrinted Custom Keycaps #3DThursday #3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"a variety of pre-existing designs, or request your own for free!"
3D Printed DIY Speaker. Blog - Adafruit|
"be significantly faster than most of its competitors"
Playing Portal with DIY 3D Printed OculusRift. Blog - Adafruit|
"satisfying, robust machine for the permanent generation of electrical energy"
3DBenchy. Thingiverse| #3DBenchy -- is a 3D model specifically designed for
"post them as makes with a short description of your 3D-print settings"
Come Say Hello at AWP, See the First 3D-Printed Broadside!. Poetry Foundation|
"beautifully designed and printed by Tom Burtonwood and the poem was translated into Braille"
3DPlusMe Converts "Halo 5: Guardians" Fans Into Spartans Using 3D Printing. PR Newswire|
"their "Halo 5: Guardians" Spartan soldier to be shipped to their home"
Check out these awesome 3D printed/zinc cast owls.|
"However 3D printing opens a lot more doors in terms of design and prototype development"
Altair Releases Version 13.0 for OptiStruct, Part of the HyperWorks Suite, Allowing.|
"to offer their customers never before heard of options in terms of building lattice structure" -
BLOGS and the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Brooklyn studio uses music to make beautiful, playable 3D printed sculptures.|
"printed Daft Punk helmets. But today we’re writing about something a little more abstract"
Meet SpotiBear - A 3D printed toy-bear that can play music from Spotify | 3D Printing from scratch|
"of the latest examples of a fine project produced with 3D printing is the SpotiBear"
3D Print LED Knuckle Jewelry #AdafruitWeekendProject. Blog - Adafruit|
"approach. You can easily show ASCII characters or scroll messages to make custom tags"
Inside One Of The First 3D-Printed Fashion Shows In America. Awaken|
"printed as a single part flexible enough to slink and vamp with a woman’s body"The 3D Printing Market: Shifting Into A Higher Gear. Inside3DP|
"lives that they could hardly remember what the world was like before it came along"
USD enjoys boom in engineering. U-T San Diego|
"opening design and fabrication laboratories that were created with the help of industry"
Halo 5: Guardians Uses 3DPlusMe and Lets Players See Themselves in the . Celebeat|
"craze from 3DPlusMe called "retailtainment" and were treated to a free 3D printed"
30 Years of Innovation for Michelin at the Shell Eco-. 3BL Media (press release)|
"will receive $5,000 from Michelin to benefit a charity of their choice - See more at"
SAP Insider: Integrated SAP Solution Set - Product and Demand Networks..|
"attendees can get into weeds to understand SAP’s current product line and future strategy" -
3D Printed RC Car & Other Cars, Boats, or Rockets
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Could existing lava tunnels provide shelter for long term moon missions. National Monitor|
"cosmic radiation that would make the surface dangerous for a long-term human presence"
3d printer model airplane. Top HQ Images|
"excited when you realize we are not far off from the reality of that scenario"
Take this 3D Printable Solar Powered Plane Out for a Spin.|
"great educational project for students or makers new to 3D printing or creating simple circuits"
Say Hello to the TX8 — The 3D Printable Octocopter Drone, Featuring 10? Props.|
"entire 3D printed quadopters, hexacopters, and, in rare cases, even octocopters"
3D Printing Series: No One Goes Into Space For The Food – Yet. Mondaq News Alerts (registration)|
"other uses of 3D printing, including the on-site preparation of meals"
Incredible Technology: Spiderlike Robots Could Build Giant Space Structures.|
"various technologies required to pull off such an ambitious vision"Harvest your own energy using 3D printed wind turbines and solar stirling engines.|
"career fields share projects that would otherwise take months to figure out on your own"
Japanese artist creates awesome 3D printed transforming robot.|
"Chances are that many children will quickly get bored of a 3D printed toy"
3D printed Bionic ants could replace tomorrow's factory workers. Industry Leaders Magazine satire|
"years, the animals have included kangaroos, dragonflies, seagulls and floating air jellyfish"
First Jet Engine Parts Built Using 3D Printing will Enter Service this Year. Element14|
"of printed parts for mission- critical applications such as the production of jet engines"
NASA - 3D Printing In Zero-G Technology Demonstration. Geek Infinite|
"sent back to Earth in Feb aboard SpaceX’s fifth contractile resupply mission to the ISS"
ISS Sends 3D Printed Objects Back To NASA. Regal Tribune|
"items or offer logistics support. But 3D printers will make missions easier to perform"
DIY Shooting Range, Robo-Target, Uses 3D Printed Parts.|
"Target is a project for grown-ups, but we’re saying it anyway"
Watch NASA unbox the first-ever parts 3D printed in space. VentureBeat|
"box is the set of the first-ever parts 3D-printed in spac"
Video: NASA unboxes the first 3D-printed objects from space. Bits & Pieces Design World|
"appliances: In the above video, NASA engineers unpack objects not of this Earth"
3D printed Solar-powered toy airplane.|
"go in an entirely different direction, such as this cool solar powered toy airplane"
Pratt & Whitney to Use 3D Printing for Some Engine Parts. Engineering News & Analysis -GlobalSpec|
"1975. Since then Lignomat USA has grown into a company globally recognized and highly"
3D-printed objects arrive from ISS. RedOrbit|
"3-D printing will help NASA explore Mars, asteroids, and other locations"
US Army is Using 3D Printing to Develop Body Armor Inspired by Fish Scales.|
"made of stiff plates while being attached to a highly flexible under-layer"
1st Parts from 3D Printer in Space About to Get a Close-Up (Video).|
"opened up the boxes and took their first looks at the space-printed parts" -
3D Printed RC Car & Other Cars, Boats, or Rockets
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Building a 3D Printed Electric Jet Powered Snowboard. Jude Gomila|
"a 3D printed electric jet-powered snowboard. I chose to do the latter"
What's In the Box? NASA Unboxes the First Objects 3D Printed in Space.|
"the box open and then experiencing the pure joy of stepping on the bubble wrap"
NASA releases the ultimate unboxing video: The first objects 3D printed in space. Washington Post|
"appliances: In the above video, NASA engineers unpack objects not of this Earth"
3D food printing gives glimpse of futuristic food possibilities. SRU The Online Rocket|
"the presses in the U.S. and beyond thanks to 3D printing technology"
Industrial Revolution III 3D Printer Combines Components As it Prints (video). Geeky Gadgets|
"of producing high quality sophisticated fully functional products consisting of multiple part"
Pratt, Whitney uses 3D printing for aero engine parts.|
"engine testing processes similar to the parts made using traditional manufacturing techniques"
Pratt, Whitney supplies 3D printed jet engine parts. Metal Powder Report|
"our suite of technologies and benefits to customers and the global aerospace industry"
Japanese designer Danny Choo creates four-foot tall smart robot using 3D printing.|
"Mirai Suenaga robot as large as 120 cm while maintaining a high print resolution"
3D Printing May Help Develope US Army's Next Body Armor Tech. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"body-armor/ Below is a photo of Professor Stephan Rudykh of Technion"
Meet The First Chinese 3D printed Car. 3D Printing from scratch|
"speed up to 40 km/h. The electric motor drives the whole vehicle"Space Station Ships Back To Earth A Set Of 3D-Printed Tools. Tech Times|
"NASA has just received the first box of 3D printed items from the ISS"
3D Printed Star Wars R6 Droid Electronics with Arduino. Blog - Adafruit|
"This time I’m sorting out electronics mounts and dealing with teh servo mixing using Arduino"
NASA 3D Prints From ISS Received In Huntsville. Clapway|
"the ISS and are eager to see what they reveal to space scientists and researchers"
NASA unboxes 3D printed items from the ISS. The Space Reporter|
"they need without having to wait for the next ground-to-space delivery"
First objects 3D printed in space come to Earth. Times of India|
"SpaceX Dragon. The scientists will now compare the ground controls to the flight parts"
NASA gets practical with 3D printing. |
"supplies for long-term space exploration – think Mars, asteroids, space undiscovered"
3DPrinted solar-powered toy airplane #3DThursday #3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"different direction, such as this cool solar powered toy airplane by Instructables user JoKu"
3D Printed Lunar Building Block. SpaceRef|
"old fashioned way through mass production will, inevitably, be the best"
19 Robots for the Movie Chappie Were 3D Designed and Printed by Weta .|
"done they set out on a collision course to stop Chappie at all costs"
RedOrbit exclusive: NASA 3D printing and future implications. RedOrbit|
"to inform the masses about this breakthrough technology as it is on the cusp of exploding" -
BLOGS and the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Gigabot Proves Even 3D Printing is Bigger in Texas. Make|
"Gigabot files are being released on Wevolver, a social enterprise for open source hardware"
LinkBits: 3D Printing News for the Week of April 11. 3D Printing Industry|
"another round of LinkBits: your source for brief bits of news from the 3D"
Project Aquero uses 3D printing to create revolutionary freshwater-.|
"within the atmosphere...and they’re able to further develop their product thanks to 3D printing"Revolution 3D Printers. Revolution 3D Printers|
"The 3D Printing Revolution is about to transform our lives"
3D Printing Ally - A Minnesota Startup Presents at 1 Million Cups St. Paul. Hill Reference Library|
"Check out this presentation by 3D Printing Ally at 1 Million Cups St. Paul"
Nightmare Bracelets Created with a New 3D Printing Design Method. The Creators Project - Vice|
"it smartwatches? Virtual reality? How about something more organic, like, say"
Matching 3D printed part to RC servo horn. Instructables|
"could not find anything about it. So I decided to find my own solution"
Gizmo 3D Printers work in progress : Fine jewellery tests. 3D Printing Today|
"videos that will show customers what they can expect when purchasing a Gizmo 3D Printer"
3D Printing. Descendent Studios| 3D Printing - posted in Off-Topic: Hey every
"comparable prices.. Some stuff below i am working on FireDragon"
Flatfish-ish 3D-Printed Lure. Thingiverse|
"but catching any fish at all on a homemade 3D-printed lure is cool"
3D Printing. LinkedIn| View 3D Printing's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the
"inspiring your social network to be creative and bring their own dreams to life"
Seven Inspiring Examples of How 3D Printing is Transforming Lives. A for American Manufacturing|
"Maker Movement and giving entrepreneurs the chance to prototype new products more efficiently"
Additional 3D printing files coming?. Turtle Rock - Turtle Rock Studios|
"but was curious as to whether or not the rest might be coming or not"
Intro to 3D Printing. Fab Lab San Diego|
"engaging students and community to explore ideas through the use of innovative technology"
Give your 3D Printer a Drawing Lesson with this Instructables Project.|
"could be more so if you printed on materials other than paper as Rodley suggests"
Project Aquero is Using 3D Printing to Pull Drinkable Water from Thin Air.|
"where the local water delivery system has been disrupted or the water otherwise contaminated"
Microsoft Unleashes a 3D Printed Yo-yo Collection – Download and 3D Print .|
"of variations on the toy, with kids from every generation having a familiarity"
Digital Synesthesia: REIFY Turns Your Favorite Song into a 3D Printed Sculpture.|
"education in design, technology, programming, and the art of transforming parametric systems"
Using 3D Printing For Solid Tumor Modeling.|
"off on the horizon of time, current applications are already making a big impact" -
3D Printing Trade Shows, Announcements and Upcoming Events
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3DSphere's Vibrant 3D Printed DJ Helmet. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"from ventilation issues to the layout of the electronics to the interior finish details"
NOOB: I'm a noob in the 3D printing world and really want to build a. Reddit|
"do it no matter what because I love the idea of printing my own ideas"
3Dprinting. Reddit| Is there a BOM for all of the non-
"has all of the frame parts, but what about motors and the electronics package"
Culture Japan is 3D Printing a Four Foot Tall Android Doll. 3D Printing Forum|
"easily detailed enough to create a clean mold"
3D printing. Pinterest| Pins about 3D printing hand-picked by Pinner Nicolas
"Gerry Gaughan Reef 3D printed light"
3D Printing Science Technology Workshop The UNC Partnership for National Security U of N Carolina|
"to discuss emerging and future advances in AM technologies that may benefit the Warfighter"
3D Printing Club. Centre For Innovation| The 3D Printing Club at CFI houses multiple 3D Printers,
"semi-professional 3D Printers and 2 RepRap printers that were made in-house"
Oslo, 3D printed, as decision-making tool that can be used in aiding urban. 3DDE Conference|
"well as a decision-making tool that can be used in aiding urban planning"
SME's RAPID 2015: Largest 3D Printing Event to Date. Midland Daily News|
"Latest Guide - Choose the Right 3D Printer for Your"
3D Printing using SketchUp. SketchUp Community|
"4. Import/open the .stl file into Makerbot Desktop on your compute"3D Print Fashion Show at Inside 3D Printing New York in Exhibit Hall April 16. Inside 3D Printing|
"fine art and fashion through carefully-curated displays runway events and more"
The 3D Printed Dog Game. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"the treat is hidden under a more tricky piece. To complicate the game"
SMEs RAPID 2015: Largest 3D Printing Event to Date. SteamFeed|
"the future of the industry through interactive experiences and keynotes from industry leaders"
Five 3D Prints To Celebrate International TableTop Day. Shapeways|
"card games, these 3D prints are sure to impress your family and friends"
3D Print. Pinterest| Explore Akshata Ladwa's board 3D Print on Pinterest, a visual
"board 3DPrint on Pinterest, a visual - did not match any documents"
3D Printing at Gadget Show Live 2015. gamegrin|
"affordable ranges for consumers, with some models coming in at less than £300"
FabLab San Diego XYZprinting to Offer Historical 3D Printing Workshop with.|
"introduction you really want–and perhaps need–into the world of 3D printing"
Showing them a new way of life. The Hindu|
"or a farmer using a pilotless plane to monitor crop health in his remote village"
IT innovations conference takes off at Kyiv's Olimpiysky Stadium. Kyiv Post|
"is a graduate of the Economics Faculty of Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv"
3D Printing Screw Threads. SketchUp Community|
"but it would also not be suitable for 3D printing in the first place"
World 3D Printing Technology Industry Conference, Expo at Chengdu,. TP Systems Inc.|
"of the investment environment of Xiaoshan District and Hangzhou Shining 3D Technology co" -
New 3D Printer Stores, Retails, Farms, Funds & Jobs
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Krumm-tec's Industrial 3D Print Cleaners. Fabbaloo|
"specialized tank designed to quickly clean off support material generated by Stratasys FDM"
3D Printing Show and Tell Calgary. 3D Hubs|
"enthusiasts, have a beverage and snacks, and get introduced to the brand new Wearables Lab"
MakerBot Begins Selling Compact 3D Printer at Sam's Club Locations. Inside 3D Printing|
"educators, entrepreneurs, and home buyers who want to experience the technology for themselves"
3D Printing and plastic waste. 3D Hubs|
"using virgin plastic filaments? What if we could really make a difference this time"
Discussion on 3D Printing Service Bureaus, CAD Files and the 3D Printing Process. 3D PPodcast|
"on the 3D Printing Industry can be found at the Association of 3D Printing"
The new home of additive manufacturing. The 3D Printing Association|
"of an object with its integrated 3D imager, send it to a 3D printer"
Indian Company 3D Prints Incredible Ornamental 24K Gold, Ruby Hindu Temple.|
"parts of the globe, as individuals share their designs, techniques, and tips"Intel Shrinks RealSense 3D Scanning Technology into Smartphones.|
"also hand and finger tracking, facial analysis, speech recognition, and augmented reality"
iMakr Launches Cubicon 3D Printer. 3D Printing Industry|
"along with the Cubicon 3D scanner, represents the company’s “3D business” division"
Buy 3D Filament Fun Pack The ORIGINAL (#1 best seller).|
"Says SOLD BY Supplies3D to get the original Fun Pack shipped right away by Amazon"
Indian Company 3D Prints Incredible 24K Gold Hindu Temple. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"one piece via SLS technology and sits on a base made with FFF 3D printing"
CEO of Kinpo Group Says China Will Install 3D Printer in 400000 Elementary. Inside 3D Printing|
"It will be our growth driver of the third quarter and fourth quarters"
It's 3D Print Show-time, New York!. 3D Hubs|
"supply chains" as he walks us through the possibilities of factories of the future"
TyPhone the 3D printed Raspberry Pi Phone. Blog - Adafruit|
"The tyfone uses the Raspberry Pi for processing and has a 3.5in touchscreen"
Creative Tools Release #3DBenchy – The Coolest 3D Printer Calibration & Benchmarking .|
"excited to hear requests for more ways to creatively take hold of how your photos look and feel"
How to 3D print your future business. Fortune|
"The tyfone uses the Raspberry Pi for processing and has a 3.5in touchscreen"
An Electroic Business Card Holder is 3D Printed to Impress a Boss. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"gears, teeth, and a servo motor, to open and close the drawer" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am: Monday
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )
Current news on 3d Printing 2014:;t=55904April 11, 2015 NEWS
3D Printed Mash-Up: Imperial Storm Mickey & Minnie Mouse from Designer .|
"printable Air Racers, and since then he has come up with numerous other designs"
The Spectator's View: A welcome coup for Mohawk's 3D printing lab. Hamilton Spectator|
"dig deeper into the possibilities for this transformational technology"
Face the Future: 5 Questions on the MODA 3D Makeup Printer.|
"few brands like L’Oreal and mass retailer Sephora are leading the charge in beauty innovation"
The week in Reviewed: Lab-grown burger edition. USA TODAY|
"well, neat, and a new pair of on-ear headphones from Sony"
Forget the legit Apple Watch; this is the only timepiece you need. Mashable|
"looking retro timepiece and you have a month of free time on your hands"
Emily Biondo's Interactive Art Exhibit Turns to Stratasys 3D Printing. 3D Printing Forum|
"of ABSplus material ensured the pieces' durability for the much-manhandled interactive exhibit"April 12, 2015 NEWS
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn't Cover This Week — April 11, 2015.|
"to express its dedication to customers as the 3D printing technology develops and evolves"
Voovo Marketplace Makes 3D Printing Accessible. Tech Cocktail|
"to quickly crowdsource job quotes that independent owners of 3D printers can facilitate"
Mark Bern Takes His 2-Dimensional Pixel Art and Prints it in 3D.|
"we envision, more than likely it isn’t a piece of 3D printed art work"
Can't Buy An Apple Watch? You Can 3D Print An Apple II Watch. Tech Times|
"refers to the popular 8-bit computer Apple began mass producing in the seventies"
Pittsburgh-area jewelry makers create pieces that really 'pop'. Tribune-Review|
"Hampton often turns to pop culture when making necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets"
Microsoft Helps Area Youth Be Future Techies. KVRR|
"from six elementary and middle schools spent the day at the Microsoft Executive Briefing Center"
Origami and More: Incredible Solar Panel and Wind Turbine Design. Energy Digital|
"perhaps the two most iconic images that come to mind when thinking about renewable energy"
Deck The Halls. Airwolf 3D|
"go to the CCSS website and find the one that matched your students the best"April 13, 2015 NEWS
These 3D Printed Fun House Lenses Will Distort Your Face & Shock Your Friends.|
"an index of refraction of 1.63 worked best for designing for 3D printing"Future fashion: 3D printing, from Haute Couture to Ready-to-. Retail Gazette (blog)|
"3D printing and its potential revolution of customised pieces within ready-to-wear"
Saving history with digital technology. BBC News|
"to online footage that showed members of Islamic State vandalising the Mosul Museum in Iraq"
UNG, AMBUCS To Customize AmTrykes with 3D Printing, Providing Trikes for.|
"how to ride a bike, or were not able to due to a disability"
Adam Proctor's 3D Footprint Keepsake is The Perfect Gift For New Parents.|
"pink PLA plastic–and then presented it in gratitude to that great nursing staff"
Portland Made: Working Together ADX + Togetherfarm. GoLocalPDX|
"so I decided to write about it with my friend and colleague Kelly Rodgers"
Reinventing fashion with a Silicon Valley twist. The Leader|
"the Silicon Valley playbook and supporting fellow fashion designers who are starting their own"
Game of Thrones Season 5 Premieres Tonight & You Can 3D Print This Wildling.|
"the Silicon Valley playbook and supporting fellow fashion designers who are starting their own"
TechShop: Warm welcome to weird and wonderful world of welding. Irish Times|
"training and equipment in more traditional technologies such as welding, woodwork and sewing"
Futurist Jack Uldrich: Yesterday's Lessons, Today's Visions, Tomorrow's Reality. V-S Magazine|
"to take the world of manufacturing, and that, he says is out of this world and into outer space"