Sketchup To CNC Routering
Hello All.
How do I take my sketch up model, have its components or groups pulled apart to give the exploded effect, and then flatten it on a plane to get it ready to be cnc`ed. -
So far I've been doing it manually.
You should also consider the fact that the contours will not work with the CNC because they are fragmented(they need to be polylines). The guy I work with is redrawing them in Autocad. Or, at least this is how they do. -
Similar here -
We use an SU plugin from 'Flight of Ideas' that lets you export the outline of any individual planar face as an SVG file - then import the SVGs into a vector graphics program to arrange the individual outlines into a single file ready for machining.
If you don't already have a 2D vector drawing program, a very good free-ware option is InkScape. -
Aidan from the Sketchup team wrote a detailed blog post about laser cutting (basically the same process as CNC routing) a model here:
- 2 months later
I draw a rough rectangle push/puled to its actual material thickness (down to 0.002") then component each part. one copy of the part can sit flat and get auto-updated as you work on the assembled view. Working on the copies of the parts assembled allows you to see every intersection easily. The ones flat on the xy axis are ready for my 3axis cnc for export. Keeping everything in the same file, I hide every other part except the one I need to the cnc via dxf to Thermwood CAM.;t=51468
In my guide I wrote I cover just about everything you need to do to bring 2d sketchup dxf to a format that can be easily machined with another CAM program. It explains how to deal with segmented curves, what plugins to use for welding curves, making higher rez text shapes etc. -
How I wish I had noticed your guide before! I've spent the last few months commissioning a new CNC router at work, and have really struggled piecing together a work-flow for migrating our existing CAD. Your time and energy spent putting together such a clear guide are much appreciated. Thankyou very much indeed! -
I am working on a project right now
I use the PHLAT BOYZS plug in( (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Google/Google%20SketchUp%208/Plugins/Phlatboyz/html/help.html)
The tool path is produced then the gcode is saved
gcode in text
GCODE SAMPLE2 things the plugin works best in V8
and lots of sides on circles and arcs