Layout Page Name Export
Have posted about this beofre but I REALLY hope this is a feature of the next version of LO. Am loving being able to define AutoText in LO and hope that in the next version PDFs can be exported as either multi page docs or as single pages where the PDF file name either references the LO doc name and page number or doc name and page name. Plenty of other CAD packages have this feature and it makes error free document management quick easy and intuitive.
I know there are work arounds for this but if you have a 20 to 30 page doc that is being changed on a regular basis, having to strip the pages out and rename them to follow the format of the text in the PDF is a pain and often leads to formatting, spelling or numbering errors. If you only have to put the text in once and can have LO reference it you only need to check on element in the document. -
This would be truly useful and seems to be simple to implement. That's the kind of manual job that I hate and prone to mistakes. It is also where computers are good for automating processes.
Yes this is the way it should be--either combined or separate pdfs. And other applications also have reasonable ways to easily select pages to print in each session--not this "from_ to_" business. They also produce reasonably sized pdf files.
Anyone know if there is likely to be any movement / development on this. Being able to export more than one page of a PDF and being able to do this for individual pages in a sequence (1,5,15) rather than as a run of pages in a sequence (1-15) would be great. Also being able to export by file and page name would be incredibly useful - would save a lot of error prone file renaming (post export) and its a feature that lots of other drafting packages have. Id love to be able to name a file, label the pages and choose what pages to export and whether to export them as individual PDFs that have the file name as a prefix and the page name as a suffix eg,
File name = 123-ABCD-4567
Page name = 01_A_General Arrangement
could export as = 123-ABCD-4567 - 01_A_General ArrangementAt the moment I have to break up my PDFs in Acrobat and manually rename them. On projects that have documents with lots of pages and clients that are forever changing their mind, renaiming all the files is very time consuming and its very easy to make mistakes.