A few renders.(updated)
It's truly a work of art... the detail is awe inspiring.
It's nice seeing your work again after too long an absence. Thanks.
Another old model of mine (resort) that I once did NPR, decided to play with it again, this time with Thea.
All in Thea4SU, no post processing.
I love this scene. Would love to be there right now.
Paradise on the Earth!
Hotel lobby
Although the composition is well made, this last one feels cold for me. The wood should have helped making the atmosphere warmer, I believe the texture is not right though. Or is it the wide open space ?
Most likely the white flooring gives me that feeling... I tried giving it a brown wood feeling in PS and it looks better !
The Morris house redone with Thea.
he Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, architect: Tadao Ando 2002.
Thorncrown wedding chapel, Eureka springs, Arkansas. Architect: Fay Jones, constructed in 1980.
So envious of your talents. Beautiful!