Proper Landscape Art - my wife :-)
Many of you know I do a lot of digital landscape art. What you probably don't know is that my wife is also a landscape artist - but in a very non-digital way, working outdoors in oil-paint. After years of working as a designer, like myself, she decided a couple of years ago to pursue her dream of being an artist, and now has work in galleries across the UK and has collectors of her work as far afield as the US and Australia. She has her first solo exhibition in July this year.
Anyway, she has just launched an ambitious Kickstarter project here: to produce a painting every day for a year. I know there are a lot of art enthusiasts amongst us, so I'd really appreciate you taking a look, and perhaps sharing the link with anyone you think might be interested.
I hope you'll forgive this shameless bit of advertising
She's got talent! Her images have a great style, so rich and vibrant! Good luck!
Thanks guys.
Yep, there's no doubt that she's the talented one in this partnership
why not collaborate? SU + oil paints.
Interesting idea. Not sure how it would fit in with her preference for working outdoors though
She is a very competent SketchUp user herself actually, having been a designer for a number of years, but to be honest I think she's enjoying being liberated from mouse & keyboard. If only oil-paints had an 'undo' function.
quote andyc: "If only oil-paints had an 'undo' function."
From what I see here, she don't need no undo. -
365 paintings in 365 days is a huge effort.
Lucky she didn't pick a leap year...!!
Beautiful, totally unafraid of colour, no hesitation and recognisable landscapes - and oils outside (especially on the hill) must be a logistical nightmare, no?
Thank you
Yes 365 is a big number. If she manages to get this funded though it should be amazing: seeing the progression of a whole year, the cycle of the seasons, through the paintings.
Unearthed: yes, as if painting in oils wasn't challenging enough, the issues of working outdoors add a whole new set of complications. Louise has found ways to deal with this, although on occassion she does return home with almost as much paint on her as on the canvas!Thanks for the kind words everyone. It means a lot.