3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Semtech Technology Featured in Contest for Building a Safer, Smarter,. investingnews|
"in Kenya, accept solutions from four categories: food, water, health and safety"
3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD), Mobil'nye Telesistemy PAO. sharemarketupdates|
"the numbers of outstanding shares been calculated to be 112.04 million shares"
What Can A World Chess Championship Tournament Teach Us About Gun Sales. seekingalpha|
"a degrees greater than one would assume for two men sitting down to play a board game"
iconnect007 :: Article Improving Test and Inspection. iconnect007|
"to iconnect007 :: Article Improving Test and Inspection. iconnect007|"
IT News 24 is a child, entertainment sport Joy News 24. inews24|
"to actively respond to market needs, including upgrading existing products"
3D Systems' New CFO Is Heavily Incentivized to Drive Stock Price Over $30. fool|
"a chief marketing and chief operating officers; both of those positions as yet unfilled"
Rodman & Renshaw: Nano Dimension Software Final Up; Highly Rewarding Venture. investingnews|
"of its printer to key early development partners later this summer and early fall"
VIDEO: Can the Government Regulate Built-At-Home Automatic Weapons. engineering|
"of the easiest devices to make by anyone with any mechanical aptitude at all"The ExOne Company (NASDAQ:XONE) Stock Rating Update. investornewswire|/
"with and into EXO Acquisitions Inc., which changed its name to The ExOne Company"
Skill India or kill India: How to cope with the impending demographic deluge. indiatimes|
"to the impending demographic deluge for t/oungest major country"
Latest tech far from implementation in many industries. itproportal|
"to legal services and manufacturing industries, on the adoption of nine ‘key’ trends"
Biomaterial Industry in China. businesswire|
"the domestic demand for these products undoubtedly be driven up"
'As A Nationalist, I Am Concerned'. outlookindia|
"to achieve even higher growth of around 8% this fiscal. The worst hopefully behind"
To harness digitisation and start-ups for economic growth, we need to create. dnaindia|
"a networks move faster, know more and react quicker to market demands"
Hot Services Stocks To Watch Right Now: DSW Inc. (DSW), TEGNA Inc. (TGNA). zergwatch|
"of -0.09 percent and -9.23 percent year-to-date as of the recent close"
Prince Harry and disabled veterans win second place for Round the Island yacht race. dailymail|
"in one of the world's biggest yacht races, sailing aboard a vessel named Invictus"
CG Stocks Reports: Ambev SA (ADR) (NYSE:ABEV), Under Armour Inc (NYSE:UA). sharemarketupdates|
"the numbers of outstanding shares been calculated to be 15.69 billion shares"
EMSNow - Industrie 4.0 and the Future of Mobility at the Viscom Technology Forum. emsnow|
"of get-together in the specially erected festival tent comedian Benjamin Tomkins"
Global TV and Movie Merchandise Market to grow at a CAGR of 8.53% during the period. newsmaker|
"a Company, Twentieth Century Fox, Warner Bros., and World Wrestling Entertainment"
Manhattan Associates Announces Date for Reporting Second Quarter 2016 Financial. investingnews|
"for Reporting Second Quarter 2016 Financial Results. investingnews|" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Hospital Rooms: a new project using art and design to improve mental healthcare. co|
"the floors and NHS signage, be home for at least a year, and most likely longer"
The Animal Prosthetics Companies Creating Bionic Donkey Legs and Wheels for Rams. vice|
"a lot of pain or discomfort involved, might decide to it put down"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"for underlying anatomical bone structures based on eye to midline features"
Digital Doctors And Virtual Medicine. wbur|
"on digital Virtual visits, high-tech self-monitoring here. We’ll look at telemedicine"
How technology is helping children in hospitals around the world. stv|
"the stress, from breathing techniques and list-making to visualisation and exercise"
Google experts reveal what it would take to live forever digitally . dailymail|
"to evolve beyond current physical forms and realise these dreams of transcendence"
Lessons learned from"Health Tech Innovators"conference. jdsupra|
"of mouse-trap, this a completely new way to control the rodent problem”. as of"
3D printing breakthrough gives cancer patient new jaw. cbc|
"to lose mandible and Adam's apple, which in turn left without a chin"
Aprecia Pharmaceuticals Enters Debt Financing Agreement With Hercules. 3dprintingindustry|
"the Lewis & Bockius LLP acted as legal advisor to Aprecia for this transaction. as of"
Doctors turn to 3-D printing to give cancer survivor a new jaw. globalnews|
"a chin. thanks to 3-D printing technology, Anderson a reason to smile again"3D printing helping amputees. scoop|
"of Design making the most of 3D printing to improve the lives of amputees"
3D Printing for Healthcare, Trends, R&D and Revenue Forecasts 2016-2026: Explore. prnewswire|
"all developments technology and revenue predictions for uses in healthcare industries"
3D prosthetic printing breathes new life to those in need of limbs. observer|
"on 3D prosthetic printing breathes new life to those in need of limbs. observer|"
Realistic 3D printing helps Baylor doctors train, master complex surgeries. bcm|
"to develop the technology to create realistic human anatomy models,” Zaneveld said"
Two component ‘bio-ink’ could help advance 3D printing of tissues. reporter|
"of tissues as of Two component ‘bio-ink’ could help advance 3D printing of tissues"
Dubai patients to see 3D printed teeth, hearing aids and prosthetic limbs. 3ders|
"the Dh400 (approximately USD $109), and—when the time comes—even 3D printed organs"
How a 3D printer could mean a breakthrough for joint-replacement surgery. nj|
"to do anything, it's passive. want to make it smarter, want it to do more"
Lithuania: Researchers Explore 3D Polymerization via Polarization Control on Nanoscale. 3dprint|
"for so long—from the way roads paved to how doctors perform back surgeries"
Aprecia Pharmaceuticals raises $30M in debt financing. bizjournals|
"to manufacture fast melt pharmaceutical products that disintegrate"
Aprecia Pharmaceuticals raises $30M in debt financing. bizjournals|
"to an additional $10 million if it achieves certain undisclosed performance milestones"
3D Printed Joint Patches Use Ink Made Of Cartilage. reliawire|
"of only one cell type and has no blood vessels within the tissue."
Prensa Latina News Agency. plenglish|
"in 3D-printers to improve treatments against cáncer, it known today" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Tissue Engineering and Regeneration Market. medgadget|
"to immunoisolation technology, cell culture technology and stem cell technology"
ScanSource, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCSC) Updated Price Targets. ftsenews|
"a research report ratings and price targets on shares of ScanSource, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCSC)"
US Death Of Despair Rate: Middle-Aged White Americans Mortality. scienceworldreport|
"from early education up to how the federal government distributes Social Security checks"
Varonis Announces Integration with Global End-to-End Technology Provider. DATA|
"as of Varonis Announces Integration with Global End-to-End Technology Provider"
ParkerVision Closes $3 Million Private Placement of Common Stock. parkervision|
"as of ParkerVision Closes $3 Million Private Placement of Common Stock"
ODCA Expands Cloud Maturity Model with New Usage Model and Planning Tools. investingnews|
"a Analysis Questionnaire in addition to the Executive Overview at the ODCA website"
3D Printing Industry Becomes Target for Cybersecurity Concerns. investingnews|
"on users of the end product, and economic impact in the form of recalls and lawsuits.”"Silicon Motion Announces Preliminary Second Quarter 2016 Revenue and Earnings. investingnews|
"to be in the upper half of the company’s original guidance range of 47% to 49%"
Mitel Responds to Notification from Polycom of Superior Proposal. investingnews|
"the agreement and pay Mitel the $60 million termination fee concurrently termination"
UV curable inks market 2016,global industry analysis, size, share and growth forecasts. whatech|
"a growing awareness and increased focus on improving the safety of packaged foods"
70 million is needed for South East Drenthe and Overijssel. dvhn|
"the chairman pointed to the critical position of this region"
Global 3D Printing Medical/Healthcare Market 2016 Analysis and Forecasts to 2020. newsmaker|
"in 2015 which helps in growing micro-organs, performing tissue repair and so on"
The ExOne Co. (NASDAQ:XONE) Given Average Rating of “Hold” by Analysts. thecerbatgem|
"that The ExOne will post ($0.89) earnings per share for the current fiscal year"
Global and China 3D Printing Market Competitive Analysis by Application. prnewswire|
"on the existing state of the global 3D Printing industry highlighting the Chinese market"
Learn details of the 3D printing market by technology, material used and applications. whatech|
"by successive layering of material under computer control as additive process"
3D-printers: de volgende industriële revolutie. zdnet|
"as of 3D-printers: de volgende industriële revolutie"
Graphene 3D Lab Arranges $602,656 Private Placement. investingnews|
"at a price of $0.16 per Unit to raise aggregate gross proceeds of up to $602,656"
Alcoa Inc (NYSE:AA) & Mylan NV (NASDAQ:MYL) Worth Watching Stocks. newsismoney|
"of technologies to further develop additive processes, product design and qualification" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Systems Announces Conference Call and Webcast to Discuss Second Quarter. yahoo|
"or implied in such statements not be realized, except as may be required by law"
New Report: Outlook of Mergers & Acquisitions, Investments, and Patents. digitaljournal|
"technologies, improvements in materials used, and developments in skilled workforce"
Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB) Current Analyst Ratings. fiscalstandard|
" changed ratings and price targets on shares of Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB)"
Active Runners – Hecla Mining Company, (NYSE:HL), Alcoa, (NYSE:AA) – Hot Stocks. hotstockspoint|
"of technologies to further develop additive processes, product design and qualification"Despite Hiring Jump, No Construction Jobs Were Added: What Gives. yahoo|
"more than the $25.61 private non-farm workers getting. That’s $101 more a week"
Analysts Watching Stocks: Alcoa Inc Cobalt International Energy. streetupdates|
"11.50 and its low price recorded at $6.14. The company a market cap of $12.09B"
New Broker Ratings For Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB). ftsenews|
"updated their outstanding price targets on shares of Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB)"
ARC Group Worldwide Inc. (ARCW) Jumps 9.54% on July 07. equities|
"The stock opened at $2.46 and traded with an intraday range of $2.65 to $2.44"
Broker Outlook For Materialise NV (NASDAQ:MTLS). fiscalstandard|
"so recently amended their target prices on shares of Materialise NV (NASDAQ:MTLS)"
New Broker Ratings For Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET). ftsenews|
"the analysts updated their outstanding price targets on shares of voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET)"
Today's Market View. proactiveinvestors|
"a currency and asset class at times when currency movements seem less predictable"
State of Logistics 2016: Pursue mutual benefit. logisticsmgmt|
"a sudden surge in extra capacity—especially in the $300 billion for-hire truckload market"
Services Stocks To Look Out For: DSW Inc. (DSW), Gannett Co., Inc. (GCI). zergwatch|
"of 3.64 percent and is -7.74 percent year-to-date as of the recent close" -
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Cancer Survivor Gets a Second Shot at Life; Prosthetic Jaw Developed by 3D Printing. hngn|
"from Indiana lost lower jaw to a cancerous lump on tongue"
Osteoarthritis and joint pain may be reduced with new 3D-printed cartilage. belmarrahealth|
"in joints suffer a lot. need a new alternative treatment for this.”"
3-D Printed Model Helps Delicate Kidney Surgery. usnews|
"the time helping doctors save a patient's kidney during difficult tumor-removal surgery"
Cancer Breakthrough: 3D Printing Gives Cancer Survivor a Second Chance, Prosthetic. parentherald|
"a treatment and chemotherapy that needed to cure cost lower jaw"
3D printed talus implant helps Chinese patient walk freely again. 3ders|
"a dead joint, which, as one imagine, seriously affects the patient’s quality of life"
Xkelet wins Red Dot award for custom-fitting 3D printed orthosis that optimizes hygien. 3ders|
"from the international design community, just won a Red Dot award in Germany"
Puppy can now eat again after a 3D printed tooth replaces one she broke while chewing. dailymail|
"a design specialist Cicero Moraes produced the digital prosthetic in Chromium and Cobalt"
Animal Avengers Do Good Again: Hanna the Labrador Retriever Receives 3D P, Bionic Tooth. 3dprint|
"a team of Brazilian dentists and scientists at the University in Santos, in Southeast Brazil"John F. Hornick and Kai Rajan, Author at 3D Printing Industry. 3dprintingindustry|
"as of John F. Hornick and Kai Rajan, Author at 3D Printing Industry"
CBMTI Makes Big Strides in Neurosurgery with 3D Printed Training Simulators. 3dprint|
"to be dreamed of previously, pioneers—and to patients, downright rock stars" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Aprecia Pharmaceuticals raises $30 million for 3-D printed medicine. healthcaredive|
"as of Aprecia Pharmaceuticals raises $30 million for 3-D printed medicine"
Artificial jaw made by 3D printer, for cancer patient. naftemporiki|
"an artificial jaw for cancer patient, as reported in a publication of the British Telegraph"
The world's first case of 3D printing talus successful surgery patients walk freely. ntdtv|
"as not basketball soccer and other strenuous exercise would be no big problem"
The world's first case of 3D printing talus successful surgery patients walk. Mobile|
"of 3D printing talus successful surgery patients walk freely Chongqing (vid"
This Parrot Prefers a Pat on the Back. [color=#008000:1a4u45yk]"printing to|
"on the BackThis Parrot Prefers a Pat on the Back"
Swansea University, American Process developing 3D printed tissue cartilage. 3ders|
"to replace missing parts of a patient’s ears or nose following trauma or cancer"
Watch This Amazing 3D Bioprinter Make Artificial Bones From Scratch. singularityhub|
"as of Watch This Amazing 3D Bioprinter Make Artificial Bones From Scratch"
3D printer saves Chinese man from total paralysis. thestar|
"of multiple thoracic and lumbar vertebral bodies, measuring 19cm, inserted into spine"
Bioink Could Bolster 3D Printing for Facial Reconstruction. digitaltrends|
"to capable of being used in a variety of ways as part of facial reconstruction"The Impact of 3D Printing on Prosthetics and Anaplastology. fortune|
"of the prosthetic device. Garcia then uses that to create a mold to cast the silicone part"
Get your Hammertoes fixed, Thanks to 3D Printing. 3dprintingindustry|
"to be approved by the FDA, so it’s great to see that more implants being approved"
The 3D Bioprinting Patent Landscape Takes Shape as IP Leaders Emerge. 3dprintingindustry|
"for intellectual property (IP), given the innovation-rich and young technologies involved"
3D printer saves man from total paralysis-Eastday. eastday|
"to spine, after doctors removed all the five vertebrae bodies"
Hanna the labrador puppy can eat again thanks to a 3D printed tooth implant. 3ders|
"a 15-month-old Labrador puppy to eat again thanks to a custom made 3D printed tooth"
Global 3D Printing Medical/Healthcare Market 2016 Forecasts to 2020. medgadget|
"in 2015 which helps in growing micro-organs, performing tissue repair and so on"
News View The World On Arirang. arirang|
"so when it comes to constructing sustainable and eco-friendly buildings"
Next Big Future: 3D printed Silk Micro-rockets are a major breakthroughery. nextbigfuture|
"of devices usually less friendly to the biological environment placed in" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Sand blasting machines market size is forecast to exceed USD 485 million by 2022. newsmaker|
"a carved or handmade look started adopting the new technology at a fast pace"
GR Pick: DOOM’s BFG Gets 3D Printed as Life-Sized Replica. gamerant|
"a life-sized replica of it, which resulted in the creation of a huge F’ing gun"
Research & Markets Releases Global Perspectives for 2016-2022 on 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"of the technology—making sense considering the 3D printer created in the US"
3D printed skulls help FBI forensic artists create facial approximations of unidentifi. 3ders|
"the 3D printed skulls help FBI forensic artists create facial approximations of unidentifi"Masdar Institute Develops New Approach to 3D Printing. compositesmanufacturingmagazine|
"a much lighter and stronger and improve water production and oil and gas operations"
The State Department Is Quietly Moving To Ban 3D-Printed Guns. uproxx|
"the files need to use a 3D printer to make guns from the Internet"
3D Printing Materials Market to Reach US$ 2.3 Bn by 2023. rundirectmagazine|
"by the ongoing advancements in the materials designed for 3D printing"
DOOM’S BFG Is Even More Badass In Real Life. nerdist|
"The finished product the best BFG replica this (or the demon world) ever seen"
Case Dismissed The Saga of the MakerBot Smart Extruder Lawsuit is Finally Over. 3dprint|
"a faulty product, and demanded that make reparations to investors"
3D Printing Market To Cross US$ 16 Bn By 2023 as per new research Report. rundirectmagazine|
"a significant advantages observed of 3D printing technology listed below"
3D Systems Corp. (DDD) Downgraded by Vetr Inc.. thecerbatgem|
"to be worth $10,187,000 after buying an additional 35,091 shares during the last quarter"
3D Printering: Makerbot’s Class Action Suit Dismissed. hackaday|
"to make them easy to use, and “define the new standard for quality and reliability.”"
Global TV and Movie Merchandise Market to Grow 8.53% by 2020. prnewswire|
"of consider revenue generated from the sales of the following licensed merchandise"
StockNewsNow Publishes New SNNLive Video Interview with Nano Dimension Ltd. yahoo|
"to engage directly and share the information provided through social media"
Company Shares of 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) Rally 5.29%. tradecalls|
"as the stock moves higher, suggesting a strong appetite for the stock"
Arcus 3D printable rubber band machine gun can fire 48 shots in seconds. 3ders|
"to fully 3D printed rubber band gatling gun instantly reminds of the classic phrase"
Next Weeks Broker Price Targets For 3D Systems Corporation . fiscalstandard|
"to amended target prices on shares of 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD)"
Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB) Broker Price Targets For The Coming Week. fiscalstandard|
"the changed ratings and price targets on shares of Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB)" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )5 Top NASDAQ Tech Stocks: ARI Network Services This Week’s Top Gainer. investingnews|
"to learn about the companies which saw the top growth"
Hot News: RPM International Inc. (NYSE:RPM), Gilead Sciences Inc. kcregister|
"the week, following the purchase of an Australian waterproofing products manufacturer"
Stocks in Focus: Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), HP Inc. (NYSE:HPQ. benchmarkmonitor|
"a EPS growth this year and EPS growth next year -43.80%, 8.56% respectively"
Rolls-Royce (OTCMKTS:RYCEY) buys rest of ITP for EUR720 million: Alcoa. kcregister|
"to further develop additive processes, product design and qualification"
How to make your company secure in today’s digital age. livemint|
"of the digital era. Here edited excerpts from the two keynotes and round-table discussion"Morning Watch List: Alcoa Inc. (NYSE:AA), The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE:DOW. kcregister|
"of excellent operational reliability, and inherent safety and environmental features"
Don’t Miss: Evoke Pharma, Inc. (NASDAQ:EVOK), Alcoa Inc. (NYSE:AA). (NY. kcregister|
"to further develop additive processes, product design and qualification"
O2Micro to Announce Second Quarter 2016 Results. investingnews|
"for the second quarter, ended June 30, 2016, on Wednesday, August 3, 2016"
Synaptics ClearPad S3706 Touch Controller Offers Flagship Performance, Low Power. investingnews|
"to address noise generated by displays that feature Full HD, WQHD, or 4K resolution"
Harvest Exchange Boosts Software, Data Science Teams to Accelerate Growth, Enhance. investingnews|
"on hires reflect the prioritization of securing the highest level of technical talent"
Immunomedics Inc. (NASDAQ:IMMU) went up 4.64%: Euro Tech Holdings Company. kcregister|
"for its OEM plants in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Zhengzhou, China"
World graphene market expected to reach $151.4 million by 2021 according to new. whatech|
"with its mass production principle factors that hinders the growth of the industry"
Young entrepreneurs can apply for Starters Price municipality Stadska. westerwoldeactueel|
"to themselves completely on business, now with much success"
Global Digital Transformation Market in Manufacturing 2016 Analysis and Forecast to 2020. newsmaker|
"a digital transformation market with smart machines and cloud based data systems" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Molder, packaging giant wrap up multiple deals so far in 2016. plasticsnews|
"in Mexico, allowing Quantum to operate there for the first time"
Hologram trade body claims 86% of counterfeit goods come from China. beveragedaily|
"as of Hologram trade body claims 86% of counterfeit goods come from China"
Re-embarked Stocks in News Highlights- Alcoa (NYSE:AA), Exxon Mobil Corporation. senecaglobe|
"to over 190 feet of oil-bearing sandstone reservoirs in Upper Cretaceous formations"
Top Technology Stock Picking: NCR Corporation (NCR), Stratasys Ltd. (SSYS). zergwatch|
"of 5.47 percent and 19.75 percent year-to-date as of the recent close"
Transocean (NYSE:RIG) prices $1.25 bln of senior unsecured notes due 2023: Alcoa. kcregister|
"a 10.80%. Transocean Ltd. (NYSE:RIG) -29.38% away from its 52 week high"
Online Childrens Apparel Market to Grow at 8.76% CAGR to 2020 Driven by America. yahoo|
"for adults, and this contributes significantly to year-over-year growth of the market"
European ADRs Edge Higher as British Banks Rally. [color=#008000:3urqy4g0]"for adults,|
"as British Banks Rally as of European ADRs Edge Higher as British Banks Rally"
Alcoa Inc (AA): AA Stock Takes a (Small) Step Forward. investorplace|
"by enough to send AA stock higher to the tune of 4% in after-hours trading"
Trader’s Buzzers – Alcoa, (NYSE:AA), RR Donnelley, (NASDAQ:RRD) – Hot Stocks. hotstockspoint|
"to further develop additive processes, product design and qualification. "MedTech Industry Stock Outlook. zacks|
"in common: meant to transform the way MedTech reaches the consumer"
Services Stocks Worth Chasing: Tiffany & Co. (TIF), DSW Inc. (DSW). zergwatch|
"of 1.17 percent and -18.53 percent year-to-date as of the recent close"
Prediction affliction: Can tech analysts remain relevant in 2016. crn|
"the smart lawn mowers be an all-pervasive, US$625 billion a year global market"
ScanSource, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCSC) Broker Price Targets For The Coming Week. fiscalstandard|
"to a ratings and price targets on shares of ScanSource, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCSC)"
Basic Materials Actives: Alcoa Inc. (NYSE:AA), Chesapeake Energy Corporation. benchmarkmonitor|
"to challenges Chesapeake’s transportation fees and net royalty interest calculations"
Alcoa Inc. (NYSE:AA) increased 5.14%: American Lorain Corporation. benchmarkmonitor|
"a public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016"
5 Stocks Under Wall Street’s Radar: InVivo Therapeutics (NASDAQ:NVIV), Everi. kcregister|
"the Robust Online Client (ROC), Spin Games’ HTML5 remote gaming server" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )DARPA-funded prosthetic arm set to go on sale later this year. theverge|
"the DEKA arm) says it be ready for"commercial introduction"in late 2016"
Maalaimalar News: 3D printing the artificial ear nose Product. maalaimalar|
"of cells '3-D' be produced. Experts say the tissues that produce 12 to 15 minutes"
Maalaimalar News: 3D printing the artificial ear nose Product. maalaimalar|
"of Rs 1 lakh 20 thousand to Rs 80 thousand to produce cost"
Advanced prosthetic named after Luke Skywalker will be available this year. cnet|
"to be available this year (Tomorrow Daily 388): Tomorrow Daily"
How to Rebuild a Face With Jawbone Grown in the Lab. singularityhub|
"the original anatomical structure, and transplanted the bones into jaws"
Playful puppy has a new lease of life thanks to cutting edge bionic dental. cosmeticdentistryguide|
"from the University of Santos, Hanna back to energetic self"
Lost ear or nose Get new ones 3D printed. indiatimes|
"that cap away coming weekend when new 3D-printed ear arrives from Mumbai"
3D printed cartilage to change the face of surgery. 3dprintingindustry|
"to be about to change facial reconstruction surgery forever"
3D Printing Moves Healthcare to a New Era. td|"by a computer, many industry experts calling this the “third industrial revolution.“"
Innventia Heads up the AMPOFORM Project to Manufacture 3D Printed Prostheses Using. 3dprint|
"to both the chemistry of bio-based materials and 3D printing technology"
3D printing: Why What How. timesofmalta|
"of, the pizza share with best friends or even a functional human heart"
3D printed Hibbot walker is teaching Cerebral Palsy patients to walk one step at a tim. 3ders|
"to enable hands-free walking and keep the child’s legs and hips in constant alignment"
3-D Printed Model Helps Delicate Kidney Surgery. poststar|
"by helping doctors save a patient's kidney during difficult tumor-removal surgery"
Watch This Amazing 3D Bioprinter Make Artificial Bones From Scratch. huffingtonpost|
"that include synthetic bone, conductive ink, stem cells and graphene oxide"
SunLive - Printing up artificial limbs. sunlive|
"of Design making the most of 3D printing to improve the lives of amputees"
3-D printer saves man stricken with cancer in spine from paralysis, Health Health News. asiaone|
"a lumbar vertebral bodies, measuring 19 centimeters, inserted into spine" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Why it’s time to stop using regulations as an excuse. bizjournals|
"to feel that by expanding in to this new market, grow by 74 percent.”"
Larimore and Riddle: FDA loses a First Amendment challenge. theindianalawyer|
"a statements that the court agreed both “presently truthful and non-misleading.”"
Short Term Rating on 3D Systems Corporation (DDD) – Trade Calls. tradecalls|
"the stock overvalued at current levels and advises a Strong Sell on the stock"
Nuxeo Snaps Up 3D Content Management Software Company InEvo. kmworld|
"to development team join the Nuxeo R&D team and remain based in Portugal"
Letter: Moral decline leads to the fall of empires. The Greenville News
"to many people driven by pride, greed and a lust for public acclaim"
a BSA - The Software Alliance's survey, here are the top 10 states for software jobs. cio|
"of software jobs created and total number of software, software-related and software-adjacent jobs"
Watch: Online communities and the future of national security. csmonitor|
"a challenges posed by disruptive technologies and self-regulating online communities"
Jill Smart Joins EPAM’s Board of Directors. investingnews|
"of forward to working closely with such a seasoned and expert management team.”"
Rockaway Twp. schools: If NJ won't pay for gifted, dyslexic programs, neither should we. nj1015|
"with dyslexia, or invalidate requirements that be provided"
Northcoast Research Weighs in on ScanSource Inc.’s FY2016 Earnings (SCSC). thecerbatgem|
"at $1,375,764.93. The disclosure for this sale be found here"
Govts must explain, explain, explain. Potential beneficiaries. indianexpress|
"the last couple of decades, whenever a fresh round of reforms been attempted"
Today's Stock Market News and Analysis. nasdaq|
"to account for about 25 percent of global consumption by 2040"
IN PICTURES: The Glasgow Barras 1940. eveningtimes|
"at the forefront of one of the city's biggest regeneration movements"
Amazon's counterfeit problem exacerbated by Chinese manufacturers. luxurydaily|
"to particularly when fakes sold on Amazon usually discounted by 10-15 percent"ANSYS to Release Second Quarter 2016 Earnings on August 4, 2016. investingnews|
"an email with the dial in number and a calendar invitation for the event"
Nokia strengthens public safety in San Diego with advanced communications network. investingnews|
"by providing highly secure, resilient and reliable data transport capabilities"
Global Digital Transformation Market in Manufacturing 2016 Share, Trend, Segmentation. einnews|
"the Vertical Networking, Constant Engineering and Technological Acceleration"
Xplore Technologies Announces Preliminary Fiscal First Quarter Results, Expects. investingnews|
"in AUSTIN, Texas, a global leader in rugged computing, today reported prelimina"
CH2M’s Neil Reynolds: The man who means business in the Middle East. meconstructionnews|
"as senior vice president and managing director of CH2M in the MENA region" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Researchers report cybersecurity risks in 3D printing. phys|
"the, trusted, partially trusted, and untrusted parties part of a global supply chain"
Market Research Reports Adds Two New Reports on the Rapidly Growing Chinese 3D. 3dprint|
"the beginning, it taken a lot longer than expected for China to get on board"
BMW Group to expand 3D printing for series components with planar 3D printing. 3ders|
"The planar 3D printing method expected to further reduce costs and production for auto parts"
Global 3D Printer Market Up +9% in Q1’16 but Industrial Segment Sees Decline. prnewswire|
"on metal 3D Printers showing the relevance of this segment to the overall market"
3D Printed 'Gatling Gun' Will Fire 48 Rubber Bands In Seconds. digitaltrends|
"the dream of one day printing out working organs for life-saving treatment"Short Sellers Mixed on 3D Printing Stocks. 247wallst|
"the range $6.00 to $19.76, and shares closed at $14.69 on Tuesday, up 7.3% on the day"
Nano Dimension Files Patent Application for New Nanometric Conductive Ink. con|
"to solid conductive trace), leading to an even higher level of conductivity"
This Under-the-Radar Stock the Best-Kept Secret in Augmented Reality. madison|
"the AR essentially puts virtual"stuff"into a user's real world, enhancing it"
Channel EMEA. channelemea|
"a segment markets by regions, types, applications and companies also discussed" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Cartilage grown using algae scaffold. labnews|
"the cells grown in the gel found to not sufficient mechanical integrity"
Prosthetic Arm Created By Segway Inventor Will Go On Sale This Year The highly advanced. ar|
"the Dean Kamen finally set to go on sale nearly ten years after it first conceived"
Silk MicroRockets Provide Safe Drug Delivery. hospimedica|
"a major barrier to micro-rockets becoming a reality outside of the laboratory"
3D Printing in Dentistry. indiatimes|
"a clear growth area for 3-D printing, according to tech research firm IDTechEx"
Bioprinted Liver Tissues Generate Organ-Level Responses. 3dprintingindustry|
"of mimicking human drug response in a known target organ at the tissue level"
3D Printed Turtle Eggs May Help to Stop Poaching. 3dprint|
"to maintaining animal populations and preventing endangerment or extinction"Finally Medical Students Have Realistic ‘Arm’ to Practice on with 3D Printed IV Injection. 3dprint|
"of probably tired of offering up arm to be jabbed by a novice with a syringe"
Scientists Use 3D Printers to Successfully Grow Living Animal. gossiponthis|
"the skeletal system and living rat heart cells giving it the ability to move on its own"
Organ-specific SPECT activity calibration using 3D printed phantoms for molecular radio. 7thspace|
"to predicted values from calculations a Gaussian kernel" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Allegion (NYSE:ALLE) increased 0.81%: The Procter & Gamble Company (NYSE:PG), Alcoa Inc. kcregister|
"to further develop additive processes, product design and qualification"
Cloud Security Innovator Avanan Opens D.C. and Philadelphia Sales & Marketing. investingnews|
"the world’s leading security companies, and emerging tech startup hub Philadelphia"
Global UV Curable Inks Market 2016: Industry Demand, Insight, Profile and Research. digitaljournal|
"a UV Curable Inks Market 2016 Research, Price And Growth To 2020 Just Published"
AMT strengthens its position in the medical technology sector. international|
"a division within Accuron Technologies, made in the last two and a half years"
Market research study on global polylactic acid (pla) industry, 2014-2020 just published. whatech|
"from PLA 3D printing Filaments driving the construction material segment"
Is 3D printing an open invitation for industrial sabotage. 3dprintingindustry|
"to a new level of industrial sabotage on a scale simply haven’t seen before"FDA touts 3D printing in personalized medicine. thehill|
"on 3D-printed devices in May, which currently open for comment until Aug. 8"
Director's Forum: A Blog from USPTO's Leadership. uspto|
"a future, copies of protected products may be easier than ever for anyone to make"
3D-Printed Gatling Gun Fires 48 Rubber Bands in Mere Seconds. gizmodo|
"a rubber band blaster what finally makes us want to put a 3D printer on desks"
NYU study finds cybersecurity threats in 3D printing. educationdive|
"to be disrupted — an extension of learning and credentialing in cybersecurity"
Discover the global 3D printing in healthcare market research outlook, 2015-2021. whatech|
"to grow at a CAGR of over 21% for the forecasted period of 2015-2021"
Photos of the Day: 3D Printed, Spinning Rubber Band Gun. pddnet|
"on the 3D pattern forum instructables by user Matthew Davis"
Global 3D printer market grows. opi|
"in desktop market, while Stratasys turned its focus to the MakerBot business"
Graphene 3D Lab Co-CEO Daniel Stolyarov to Present at SEMICON West Advanced. investingnews|
"a working prototype of a battery as well as a 3D printed OLED light source"
Regional Chamber unveils life-sized Donald Trump bobblehead. wkbn|
"the manufacturing business. It took more than a month to design, print and assemble"
Research and Markets. prnewswire|
"The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market"
Industrial 3D Printing Sales Global Market Research Report 2021. con|
"an plans discussed as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures"
New Take on Lightweighting Materials. rapidreadytech|
"to effectively change those properties for a given material by altering geometries" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Yee Lee 'buy', Globetronics 'hold' shipping and ports 'Neutral'. thestar|
"in consumer sentiment in the near term created uncertainty in the growth quantum"
3D Systems Corporation (DDD): Price Target and June Short Interest Disclosure. themarketdigest|
"by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc (FINRA) on June 12th"
Stratasys Ltd.: Stratasys Conference Call to Discuss Second Quarter 2016 Financial Results. twst|
"to hold the conference call to discuss its second quarter financial results"
The 2016 Report on 3D Bioprinting World Market Segmentation and Major Players. einnews|
"the materials now recognize and respond to surrounding environment"
Brokers Issue Average Price Target Of 17.60 On The ExOne Company (NASDAQ:XONE). fiscalstandard|
"from brokers issued for The ExOne Company (NASDAQ:XONE) included below"
New Broker Ratings For Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB). ftsenews|
"to updated outstanding price targets on shares of Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB)"
Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET) Updated Price Targets. ftsenews|
research report ratings and price targets on shares of voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET)"
iTWire - You need a HEERO. itwire|
"to suspect develop to include a lot of other surveillance tools and alerts"
Large Cap Active Stocks: Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:SIRI), Alcoa Inc. benchmarkmonitor|
"the “Recapitalization”), which previously announced on Friday, May 13, 2016"
Stocks Swings: KeyCorp. (NYSE:KEY), Halliburton Company (NYSE:HAL), Magic. benchmarkmonitor|
"a weekly performance 3.57% while year to date (YTD) performance 34.11%"
ScanSource Inc. Forecasted to Earn Q4 2017 Earnings of $0.81 Per Share (SCSC). thecerbatgem|
"the $37.05. ScanSource a 52-week low of $27.46 and a 52-week high of $42.54"
ScanSource, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCSC) Updated Price Targets. ftsenews|
"on ratings and price targets on shares of ScanSource, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCSC)"
President Frank Underwood dropped wisdom at Cisco Live on tech, risk taking. techrepublic|
"of a alter ego, Frank Underwood, gave advice in an off-color speech at Cisco Live"
American Beacon Advisors Announces Completion of Investment In ARK Investment. benzinga|
"a cultural fit that been looking for in an investment opportunity"
InterCloud Completes Over $3.8 Million of New Professional Services. investingnews|
"to customers. This work started and completed during the second quarter 2016”"
Tissue Engineering and Regeneration Market. medgadget|
"the global tissue engineering and regeneration market expected to impede"Numerex Wins IoT Evolution 2016 Battle of the Platforms Award. investingnews|
"of judges and a live audience at this year’s Battle of the Platforms held in Las Vegas"
Semtech to Participate in LoRa AllianceMember’s Meeting and Open House. investingnews|
"to All Members Meeting and Open House on July 19-21 at the Hilton Munich" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )My Body Got 3D Scanned in the Blink of an Eye in the 3D Elements Dagubert. i4u|
"a startup, 3D Elements, just released a 3D Photo studio at an reasonable price"
Printable prosthetics. eurekalert|
"as one of 100 projects in Germany as a 'Landmark in the Land of Ideas'"
Designing Joint Implants That Enhance Patient Satisfaction. mddionline|
"of everything look great, with perfect X rays—and still an unhappy patient"
Not your father's spine surgery: Dr. John Peloza on MIS technique growth. beckersspine|
"To paraphrase an old car commercial; this isn't father's spine surgery"
Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh observes National Plastic and Reconstructive. medicaldialogues|
"as specified by WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health)"
Evonik developing biodegradable 3D printing composites for bone fracture implants. 3ders|
"to eventually replace the metals traditionally used to fabricate implants"Team Unlimbited releases Alfie Edition, 3D printed parametric e-NABLE arm for children. 3ders|
"with Ivan Owen on an elbow driven design and I set about to do something to help.”"
Dog walks again with 3D printed paws after lawnmower accident. dailymail|
"as technology, d surgery to attach new plastic paws to help walk again" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )1.5 million gold dust covered the entire cylinder precious metal 3D printing you play in this game. sohu|
"so predicted that by 2024 the market capacity climb to $ 4.1 billion"
Stratasys, 3D Systems Face 'Significant Slowdown' In 3D Printers. investors|
"that revealed a"significant slowdown"in product demand in the second quarter"
Global 3D printing market up +9% in Q1’16, expected to reach $18.4 billion by 2020. 3ders|
"a rise in 3D printer shipments of +9% in Quarter 1 2016 since last year"
Global 3D Printing Materials Market Report 2014-2020. businesswire|
benchmarked based on market size, growth rate and general attractiveness"
3D printed office warfare: rubber band edition. 3dprintingindustry|
"to take away these worries, with the help of copious amounts of rubber bands"
Four areas for 3D printing in government. govinsider|
"to be felt as the cost of 3D printers dropped and become more prevalent"
Bethesda and MyMiniFactory Collaborate to 3D Print Replica Gun from DOOM Video Game. 3dprint|
"by cosplay, some of which been produced with the help of 3D printing technology"
3D printed gatling gun unloads 48 rubber bands in seconds (VIDEO). guns|
"to used so that when pull the trigger the barrels start the rotation"
The Disruptive Technologies Portfolio. seekingalpha|
"the oil industry. The EV trend disrupt the ICE car businesses and the oil industry"SecurityBrief Australia. securitybrief|
"a printer-head orientation, malefactors could alter the process without being detected"
BlackRock Fund Advisors Has $61,452,000 Position in 3D Systems Corp. (DDD). baseballnewssource|
"of new stake in 3D Systems Corp. during the first quarter valued at about $2,665,000"
Industrial 3D printing market (3D manufacturing) research report by process. whatech|
"the industry and potential to enhance the manufacturing and supply chain management"
Explore Worldwide 3D printing market in aerospace and consumer electronics to grow. whatech|
"a consumer electronics technology market to reach $3,629.5 million by 2022"
Medical first: UZ Leuven develops eye prosthesis with 3D print. hln|
"of uitgeprint. Resultaat: een prothese op maat van de patiënt, zonder vormafdruk"
3D Systems to expand in Lawrenceburg. columbiadailyherald|
"to expand manufacturing capabilities,” Lawrence County Mayor T.R. Williams said"
Recent research into the 3D Printing of Metals shared in new report. newsmaker|
"a market share, for each manufacturer in 2015 and 2016. Top players, covering"
Three Stocks to Watch Today According to Bloomberg TV. thestreet|
"for the second quarter, the stock last peaked in 2014"Doolittle reported"
Trump bobblehead headed to Cleveland. kztv10|
"a life-sized version of Donald Trump as a bobble head Saturday morning"
Thrive Capital receives $700M in capital commitments for fifth fund. bizjournals|
"to be used to"support transformative businesses at all investment stages" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The ExOne Company (NASDAQ:XONE) Broker Price Targets For The Coming Week. fiscalstandard|
"the ratings and price targets on shares of The ExOne Company (NASDAQ:XONE)"
Okaloosa entrepreneur receives Senate majority leader’s support of STEM. crestviewbulletin|
"to receive the Senate majority leader’s support for STEM education"
Proto Labs Inc. (PRLB) Shares Bought by BlackRock Institutional Trust. baseballnewssource|
"of Proto Labs worth $44,995,000 as of its most recent SEC filing"
Piper Jaffray Downgrades Stratasys Inc. (SSYS) to Neutral; System Demand At All. streetinsider|
"of also lowered from $32 to $24, which in-line with current market levels"
External Battery Hackaday. hackaday|
"a drones deliver an increase of 1.3 percent over last year’s industry revenues"
Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET) Broker Price Targets For The Coming Week. fiscalstandard|
"to change ratings and price targets on shares of voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET)"
Jim Cramer -- 'Powerhouse' Downgrades Weigh on Monster, 3-D Printing Stocks. thestreet|
"to allowed Monster to use Coca-Cola's distribution network to boost its results"
Why Sprint, Ferro, and 3D Systems Slumped Today -- The Motley Fool. fool|
"to see proof of that from Sprint before get excited about the stock"SoftBank Places Big Bet on Industrial IoT. Here are the stats. epsnews|
"the same period, translating into a growth rate of about six percent"
MZI Resources Ltd receives increased volume demand from off-take customer. proactiveinvestors|
"at Keysbrook, and strong relationships with blue-chip offtake customers"
Next Weeks Broker Price Targets For Materialise NV (NASDAQ:MTLS). fiscalstandard|
"to recently amended target prices on shares of Materialise NV (NASDAQ:MTLS)"
5 Top NASDAQ Tech Stocks: Netlist This Week’s Top Gainer. investingnews|
"by Lionbridge Technologies a good month, seeing 9.29-percent boost"
5 Stocks Under Wall Street’s Radar: BP p.l.c. (NYSE:BP), Qihoo 360 Technology. kcregister|
"to further develop additive processes, product design and qualification"
Destination Weddings Report Details 2016 Trends and Statistics. benzinga|
"with guests staying an average of four days, and the couple for seven"
Top News: Alcoa Inc. (NYSE:AA), Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE:LUV), Progress. kcregister|
"a potential upside of 29.94% from the company’s previous close"
Appriss' VINE Solution named a Winner of the City on a Cloud Innovation Challenge. investingnews|
"the system to continue to meet the needs of victims of crime across the country" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Middle School Students Design and 3D Print an Orthotic Boot for an Injured Penguin. 3dprint|
"in one poor little penguin hobbling around with an injured flexor tendon"
3D Printed Living, Moving Stingray. 3dprintingindustry|
"a project, where used 3D printing and genetic engineering to create a biohybrid animal"
Director of DHA is 3D printing healthcare in Dubai. 3dprintingindustry|
"of technology especially 3D printing in diagnosing, preventing and treating patients"
Oventus will soon stop sleep apnea globally. 3dprintingindustry|
"on saliva injector tubes, into a mouth-guard shaped device 3D printed with titanium"
Maker Generation's version of virtual pet gets 3D printing treatment. 3ders|
"all the rage and Nintendo shot last decade with pet simulator Nintendogs"The FDA’s Principal Investigator for 3D Printed Medical Devices is Looking for Industry. 3Dprint|
"to not create mass produced products for the average patient as now"
Four areas for 3D printing in government. govinsider|
"a hybrid critter, capable of swimming in a sinuous manner, almost, like the real deal"
Five-Year-Old Boy Becomes First Child in Pakistan to Receive a 3D Printed. 3dprint|
"in option for Bayyaan, whose forearm stops right above where the wrist would be"
Alex Czech’s Sci-Fi 3D Printed Exoskeleton Continues to Grow—Download to Don Legs. 3dprint|
"the images to see that anyone would feel pretty powerful wearing this sturdy getup"
3D Printed Skulls Prepare New Doctors. scienceblog|
"a camera with a long scope on the end and inserting it into a patient’s nasal cavity"
Health centres in Dubai embrace smart technology. gulfnews|
"as all the capabilities to join the world drive of 3D printing in dental care" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )2016 Malware Levels Now Stand at Nearly Four Times 2015 Totals. investingnews|
"an average of 43 million unique threats daily throughout the second quarter"
Adesto Technologies to Announce Second Quarter 2016 Financial Results on August 9. investingnews|
"at 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time (10:00 a.m. Eastern Time) to discuss the financial results"
BroadVision Releases Productivity and Worker Engagement Infographic. investingnews|
"in one platform, built Vmoso to address each of these challenges.”"
3D Systems and Stratasys Stock Downgraded: 3 Things You Need to Know -- The Motley Fool. fool|
"in second-quarter 2016 survey results"the poorest seen in recent memory"
3D printing: a new threat to gun control and security policy. theconversation|
"with a “makeshift gun” despite the United Kingdom’s restrictive gun-control laws"
Industry Pioneers Introduce RizeOne, Breakthrough 3D Printing Technology. prnewswire|
"as currently entering beta with Reebok. It be available later this year"
3D Printing Medical/Healthcare Global Market. prnewswire|
"in 2015 which helps in growing micro-organs, performing tissue repair and so on"
EU sees 3D Printing as Key Technology for Economic Growth. 3dprintingindustry|
"to accelerate the development and application of new technologies in Europe"
Materialise announces opening of new DLP 3D Printing Centre of Excellence in Malaysia. 3ders|
"the transition from a purely R&D activity to a full distributed manufacturing process"Could 3D printing trigger World War 3 Expert warns technology could allow rogue. dailymail|
"of gun violence, another recent shooting highlighted some limitations of regulation"
Criminals using 3D printing present growing threat to global shipping. hellenicshippingnews|
"of pounds rather than hundreds of thousands, putting it within reach of cargo thieves"
Will A 3D-Printed Nuclear Destroy Us. valuewalk|
"of technical convenience with potential political and religious radicalism"
Nano Dimension Adds Electricity to Multimaterial 3D Printing. investingnews|
"to increase the speed and size of such a system, add more printheads.”"
3D Platform Takes the 3DP Workbench on the Road for the 3DP Roadshow. 3dprint|
"to 3D Platform it’s been selling very well in the six months since its release"
3D Concrete Printing Market is Expected to Cross $70 Million By 2022: Credence. pressreleaserocket|
"the Architectural) – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2016 -2023”"
3D Printing Healthcare 2016 Market Evaluated at $579.0 million And Grow At CAGR. einnews|
"a new avenues for the 3D printing technology for use in the pharmaceutical industry"
Increased Government Funding to Encourage Demand for 3D Printing Materials. openpr|
"the degree of competition likely to remain high in the coming years"
Regional Chamber’s Trump bobblehead attracts many at RNC. wkbn|
"to show off Youngstown as a hub for 3D printing in the United States"
Increased Government Funding to Encourage Demand for 3D Printing Materials. openpr|
"the degree of competition likely to remain high in the coming years"