3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Saves Life of Baby Born with Severe Birth Defect. digitaltrends|
"of Baby Born with Severe Birth Defect"
Intermountain surgeons save patient's kidney with 3D printing during dicey. healthcareitnews|
"to maneuver around those areas, remove the tumor and save the patient’s kidney"
3D Printed Frozen-Inspired Prosthetic Arm Brings a Big Smile to a Little Girl’s Face. 3dprint|
"the mother, Maria Mitchell, described the experience while holding back tears of joy"
A Look at Some Small 3D Printed Devices That Make a Huge Difference in the Lives. 3dprint|
"to operate by only the muscles in neck, thanks to a switch on wheelchair"
One Million Stem Cells, One Partnership. 3dprintingindustry|
"to similar abilities to that of embryonic stem cells, bypasses the moral issue"
Haiti: Earthquake Survivor Receives First Medical-Grade 3D Printed Arm from Create. 3dprint|
"of the 3D printed prosthetics breathtaking, really, nearly always brings a tear to eye"Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam tests 3D printed ear models as educational tools. 3ders|
"so far less ‘gross’ than a human cadaver. “A cadaver always covered in bits of tissue.”"
A 3D Printed Solution to Scoliosis. rapidreadytech|
"surgical rods which put in to fix the scoliosis specific to each particular patient"
Revolutionary Bio-ink Could Allow 3D Printing with Stem Cells. cemag|
"to a gel at 37 C, which allowed construction of complex living 3D architectures"
Altem expects all major dental labs to have a 3D printer for accurate teeth models. pharmabiz|
"an transparent implant surgical guides become indispensable in oral healthcare space"
VT engineer 3D prints robotic exoskeleton glove to help cerebral palsy diagnosis. 3ders|
"in 3D printing, a new tactile sensitive glove for early detection being developed" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )TNO closely involved in European Industry"Creating a Smart Europe". emerce|
"a smarter and better Europe can compete globally with Asia and North America"
How worried China against Brexit prospects. kontan|
"as great as Europe, still, the businessman in the Land of the Panda anxious"
Second Chance For Investors Who Missed Micron's Recent Move. seekingalpha|
"the potential reward would meaningfully outweigh the risk for a number of reasons"
Active Watch List: Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:AGIO), Anika. kcregister|
"the maximum hemoglobin increase 3.4 g/dL and ranged from 2.3 g/dL to 4.9 g/dL"
Investors Watch List: Oxford Immunotec Global PLC (NASDAQ:OXFD), Boston Scientific. kcregister|
"a diseases, for $22.2 million in an all cash transaction expected to close on July 1, 2016"
Global 3D printing healthcare market is expected to grow 18.3% in 2020. hc360|
"to gain wider use in the market, this small part also expected to be leaps and bounds"
Analysis of 3D printing in the casting of industrial applications. hc360|
"so that manufacturing enterprises to embark on the road of innovation"
Brit Designer's 3D Printed Lingerie Banishes Offensive Panty Lines. 3dprint|
" with even that tiny raggedy little white tag showing by the clasps."Hot gold industry: 3D printing industry great speed. hc360|
"the Chinese 3D printing technology officially opened the era of artificial vertebral body"
3D printing industry, the first half of 2016 the global top ten news. hc360|
"an 3D broad prospects for development in the printing industry been very clear"
Interpretation of the printing industry development policy to open a new chapter. hc360|
"the industry. Let's see what policy 2015 about the development of the printing industry"
UK latest research report presents future global inkjet printing active growth. hc360|
"with ink jet printing to improve the reliability, quality and a stable productivity"
Brexit Fallout Causes 3D Systems' Stock to Tumble -- The Motley Fool. fool|
"an confirmed, 3D Systems stock lost nearly 16%, while Stratasys lost almost 14%"
2 Beaten-Up 3D Printing Stocks: Are They Bargains. fool|
"for Stratasys (NASDAQ:SSYS) underperformed the S&P 500 by a shocking margin"
Are Short Sellers Ignoring the 3D Printing Stocks. 247wallst|
"from $6.00 to $19.98, and shares closed at $12.95 on Friday, down almost 7% on the day"
lobal 3D Printing Market Anticipated to reach $8,683.7 million by 2020, growing. newsmaker|
"of multiple materials for printing, and competency over traditional techniques" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Daily Exchange - Posting. exchangemagazine|
"a World Economic Forum’s 2016 class of Technology Pioneers, announced today in China"
Global 3D Bioprinting Market Research Report, Regional Analysis, Share, Technologies. newsmaker|
"an consists of tissue printing, tissue creation and surgery. On the basis of end users"
How to spot an ATM skimmer: Security engineer posts video after finding fake card-reader. ibtimes|
"to arrived, however thanks to it removed before any more damage could be done"
How Will Brexit Affect the Tech Industry as the U.K. Leaves the EU. today|
"to expect to receive from U.S. investors, according to a study by Silicon Valley Bank"
The Future Is Arriving Early. huffingtonpost|
"a textbook example of the exponential development of a technology -- and the fallout"Beyond Brexit, Analysts See Huge Upside in 7 Stocks Under $10. 247wallst|
"a spotty track record and it even to do a 1 for 10 reverse stock split back in 2015"
Drugs, and a beach trip, in circuit court – Rappahannock News. rappnews|
"the welfare and lived a peaceful life Crump’s mother and stepfather also live in Hawaii"
Deloitte makes £2.5m investment. bridgingandcommercialdistributor|
"a time dashboard view of how business performing, from finances to web analytics"
5 Top NASDAQ Tech Stocks: Netlist This Week's Top Gainer. investingnews|
"the Asia Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East, Africa and Europe"
Remain's fatal mistake: Brexit 'autopsy' by WPP's Sir Martin Sorrell. thisismoney|
"for advertising giant WPP. this weekend virtually holding head in hands"
NetSol Technologies Retains ICR to Provide Investor Relations Services. investingnews|
"to offices in New York, Norwalk, Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco and Beijing"
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Market Report by Technology, Sensors & Component. einnews|
"in consumer sector and expected to surpass the VR market in near future"
Mitek Added to Russell 2000 Index. investingnews|
"the mobile check deposit and more. Learn more at miteksystems. "
IGEN Networks receives largest single revenue order through its Verizon Channels. investingnews|
"as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law"
Sky-mobi Limited Forms A Special Committee to Review Preliminary Non-Binding. investingnews|
"on circumstances, or changes in its expectations, except as may be required by law"
Can Materialise NV (ADR)'s Tomorrow be Different The Stock Formed a Bullish. engelwooddaily|
"of cardiovascular models. Materialise NV headquartered in Leuven, Belgium.”"
Tech This Week: Cannes, Brexit, Tesla: Full of big strokes. ciol|
"a 3D printing techniques) and other campaigns made the point well in this direction"
Materialise NV Ads (NASDAQ:MTLS) Short Interest Increased By 1.89%. engelwooddaily|
"in November 18, 2015 and downtrending. It underperformed by 9.95% the S&P500"
Linked into Success: Invest Korea’s Kim Yong Kook Talks Business in Korea. koreaittimes|
"by investment story. It’s a nice integration of business, academia, and even culture" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Health News: BIO-PRINTING: From artificial cartilage in 3D for joint repair. santelog|
"of osteoarthritis. A new example of this promising technique in regenerative medicine"
Cow cartilage used in 3D bioprinting bid to create tissue patches. bt|
"in thin tubes three to five hundredths of an inch in diameter made from an algae extract"
Rise of health startups powers nation's innovation. chinadaily|
"of yuan ($33 million) in funding from a local real-estate company seeking to diversify"
3D para la salud| Reporte Indigo. reporteindigo|
"a paciente seguir el tratamiento al reducir el número de tabletas que debe tomar cada día"
3D printing produces cartilage from strands of bioink. psu|
"of chains and about 90 percent water -- that used as a scaffold to grow the tissue"
The future of 3D-printed prosthetics. techcrunch|
"the prosthetics priced from $5,000-$50,000, one almost be considered a luxury"
Aussie Woman Receives New 3D Printed Ear, 55 Years After Car Crash. 3dprint|
"a New 3D Printed Ear, 55 Years After Car Crash"
3D-printed kidney helps doctors remove tumor from woman. upi|
"as needed to be especially careful not to damage the organ during the complex surgery"
Scientists discover how to create living tissue with a 3D printer. express|
"of the body such as knees and hips and eventually the creation of vital organs"
Cancer Survivor with 3D Printed Jaw Prosthesis Feels Good About Life Again, Inspires. 3dprint|
"to less than perfect in terms of comfort. would to find another way for Shirley"3D Printed wheelchairs and other advances announced. digitaljournal|
"a 3-D printed wheelchair. Digital Journal takes a look at the latest 3-D printing news"
domain-b.com : 3-D-printed kidney helps doctors save woman's organ during complicated tumor. b|
"by Transformation Laboratory, to find a solution to unique medical problem" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Do Rig Count Increases Mean Oil is Finally Turning Around -- The Motley Fool. fool|
"to finally surpassed coal as the main source of power for the United States' electricity"
Law firm commits $1M in free legal services. grbj|
"to helped more than 220 emerging companies in over 60 communities across Michigan"
SME’s Media Division Launches New Website for Manufacturing Professionals. prnewswire|
"as the capstone of a series of product changes over the past year"
Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET) Updated Price Targets. ftsenews|
"the research report ratings and price targets on shares of voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET)"
Swiss Re insurance company developing claims program for 3D printing. 3ders|
"so therefore which industries will be most affected by 3D printing technology, and how"
HP Inc: HPQ Stock Building a Future with 3D Printing. investorplace|
"in late 2016 while its peer, Jet Fusion 3D 3200, will hit the market sometime in 2017"Covestro Launches Lab for Wide Range of 3D Printing Materials. engineering|
"on not to be the last 3D printing material to be engineered by the chemical giant"
What impact will Brexit have on the 3D printing industry. 3dprintingindustry|
"for printing industry expressed opinions about UK’s likely place in their future plans"
How 3D Printing Lost Its Momentum. benzinga|
"to 100 per share from late 2013 to late 2014 and is now trading near $20 per share"
PyroGenesis Announces Update on Financing. 3dprintingindustry|
"the necessary government approvals to make a foreign investment into PyroGenesis"
Micro-Cap to Market Giant: The Best Type of 3D Printing Company to Invest In. investingnews|
"to discover your safest bet when it comes to additive manufacturing investing"
Nano Dimension Could Revolutionize PCB Prototyping With Multilayer Circuit Board. investingnews|
"of 3D printing designed specifically for the production of professional multilayer PCBs"
Recent Survey Shows…The Majority of Wisconsin Manufacturers Are Not Using Robotics—Or. 3dprint|
"to soon….that’s what we’ve been thinking and hearing since the advent of Star Trek"
3D Printing Market in Aerospace and Consumer Electronics 2016 Technologies, Materials. netdugout|
"the manufacturing industry is able to design complex designed components"
Global 3D Printing Powder Market To Reach US$265.5 Mln In 2016. plastemart|
"aPacific region to steer the demand for 3D printing powders in the next five years" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Jim Whitehurst: The power of participation. cio|
"the beauty of a live concert, this is the reason you leave your home.”"
EM retail market could top $17.8trn by 2030. tradearabia|
"to a report which depicts four possible scenarios for retail in emerging markets"
How worried is China by the prospect of Brexit. hellenicshippingnews|
"of discussing Britain’s forthcoming departure from the European Union, is pretty gloomy"
CG Stocks in the Rumor: Under Armour Inc (NYSE:UA), General Mills, Inc. sharemarketupdates|
"the best practices and efficient methods for how all Under Armour product is made"
Analysis of Emerging Market Retailing through 2030 Shows $5.5 Trillion Gap between Bestt. zawya|
"a economics, technology, and social change raise important questions about the future"
Internet of Things (IoT) Market Research Report by Industrial Vertical, Technology F. einnews|
"as smart shopping, smart homes, smart healthcare and smart transportation"
Additive Manufacturing legally and technically secure. 3druck|
"on what happens when our 3D models of the reach of counterfeiters or competitors"
Packaging Europe News. packagingeurope|
"to close zippers, in a bid to improve the closure functionality of its packaging range"
Innovate WNY: Post Process. wgrz|
"by another element to 3D printing that has been overlooked to by entire industry"
Report explores the 3D printing market forecast from 2016 to 2021 global and Chinesel. whatech|
"a capacity, production value, and 2011-2016 market shares for each company"
3 Questions to Ask Before Investing in Metal Additive Manufacturing. engineering|
"The unmelted powder is then removed, leaving the 3D-printed part on the build plate"Russia's Ex-Spy Chief Shares Opinions Of His American Counterparts. kunc|
"the man who ran Russia's foreign espionage service offers to buy you a drink" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The Health News – 29 June 2016. [color=#008000:1f7hlxud]"the customer|
"of Depression Strikes Nearly 3 Million U.S. Teens a Year (HealthDay)"
Lab-Grown 'Living' Bones Could Yield Customized Implants. livescience|
"as generating red blood cells and immune cells. [The 9 Most Interesting Transplants"]
Cardiac implant devices market to reach USD 43.4 billion by 2020 according to new. whatech|
"to perform virtual surgeries to optimize percutaneous intervention strategies"
This Girl With A ‘Frozen’-Themed Prosthetic Arm Will Make Your Day. uproxx|
"as they got further involved in the project, they decided she needed a full arm.”"
Super tiny camera lenses can go inside the body, 'Magic School Bus'-style. mashable|
"a bit since the first digital camera, but until now, the lenses haven't scaled down equally"
Why People Abandon High-Tech Prosthetics. smithsonianmag|
"the human limb. The only way to perform at a human level is to replicate the human form"
New electric mesh device gives the heart an electromechanical hug. eurekalert|
"for damaged cardiac muscle and enabling living heart muscle to work more efficiently"
New 3D printing uses cow cartilage as bio ink to create tissue patches for arthritis. jagran|
"a major public health concern and leading cause of mortality and disability"One Giant Leap for the Future of Safe Drug Delivery. biosciencetechnology|
"to silk swimming devices that are biodegradable and harmless to a biological system"
Tiny 3D-printed medical camera could be deployed from inside a syringe. gizmag|
"a medical imaging, but tiny cameras for everything from drones to slimmer smartphones"
3D printing with bioink may produce cartilage patches for worn out joints. medical|
"the cells and doesn't allow them to communicate as they do in native tissues"
How Desktop 3D Printers Are Changing the Face of Facial Reconstruction. observer|
"to help other patients—representing the latest breakthrough in 3D printing prosthetics"
New 3D-printing uses cow cartilage to create tissue patches for arthritis patients. india
"an advance that may help create tissue patches for worn out joints in arthritis patients"
3D-printed silk 'micro-rockets' that can be safely used for drug delivery. nanowerk|
"the devices are usually less friendly to the biological environment they are placed in"
Paralysed man takes first steps after 3D-printed spinal implant operation – The Sun. thesun|
"a malignant tumour on his spine – along with a large chunk of backbone"
Cartilage Strands used in 3D Bioprinting Offers Potential for Treatment of Joint Diseases. azom|
"on that might lead to the creation of cartilage patches for damaged joints"
Please Join Us For A Reed Smith Webinar On 3D Printing – Will Regulator. lifescienceslegalupdate|
"of 3D printing reimbursement issues for providers and manufacturers including"
3d-printed kidney helps doctors save womans organ during. newswise|
"of 3D kidney to help save a patient's organ during a complicated tumor-removal procedural" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Engineers Build World’s Largest NERF Gun. engineering|
"the picking on, decided to create the world’s largest functional NERF gun.”"
“The content from our print publications has to be ‘translated’". [color=#008000:s3t4dquw]"experiments|
"to print publications to be ‘translated’"
"of polygons which think actually cool only to then ask ‘Can make this now Sir’"Government Urges Owners of Old Hondas To Get Air Bags Fixed. toptechnews|
"an new tests found that Takata air bag inflators extremely dangerous"
Will Fatal Tesla Crash Kill the Driverless Car Craze. today|
"the possible impact on the fast-developing autonomous vehicle industry remains to be seen"
Bioresorbable (Resorbable) Polymers Market To Grow Well Till 2024. plastemart|
"in each case be incorporated much more easily and reliably with 3D printing"
White Hat Hacker Nabs Database of Terror Suspects. today|
"The records belong to World-Check Risk Screening, a division of Thomson Reuters"
Global Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality Market Report 2016-2025. businesswire|
"the new age technologies which change the practices in various industries"
ARC Group Worldwide Inc. (ARCW) Jumps 5.22% on July 01. equities|
"The stock opened at $2.24 and traded with an intraday range of $2.46 to $2.20"
Editor’s Note: Disruptive Technologies Continue to Change the Face of. areadevelopment|
"to become innovative recognized in our Shovel Awards and Leading Locations reports"
Dailytimes| How worried is China by the prospect of Brexit. dailytimes|
"for now that there been a vote for Brexit, the reality beginning to sink in"
Worth Observing Stocks: Eldorado Gold Corp (USA) (NYSE:EGO), Stratasys, Ltd. istreetwire|
"of indicator do not lead us to believe the stock see more gains any time soon"
Millions of Health Records Appear for Sale on Dark Web. today|
"at least 9.3 million patient records being shopped around by an anonymous hacker"
Warning, more Brexit-shockers ahead. inquirer|
"a huge gulf to emerge between them and the electorates meant to serve"
Opportunities for 3D Printing in the Electronics Industry 2016. businesswire|
"at universities carrying out notable R&D in the 3D-printed electronics space"
The Reports of 3D Printing’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated. 3dprint|
"a car or bike or even a 3D printer now—we know it all about the cupholders"
Cartilage printed in a lab could be the first step towards a cure for arthritis. spectator|
"If successful the patches could replace the worn-out cartilage in osteoarthritis sufferers"
3D Scanner Market to Hit 9.6% CAGR to 2022 Led by Portable CMM-based Products. prnewswire|
"industry due to its widely usage for quality control and inspection in manufacturing" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Large Inflow of Money Witnessed in Proto Labs – Market Digest. themarketdigest|
"as clearly indicating that the smart money has been buying into the stock on weakness"
Zecotek Receives Second LFS Scintillation Order for Radiation Safety. prnewswire|
"of government buildings, sports stadiums, conventions centers and other crowded venues"
21Vianet Group, Inc. Announces US$200 Million Share Repurchase Program. investingnews|
"in depending on market conditions and in accordance with applicable rules and regulations"
InterCloud Secures Purchase Orders for Software Defined Networking (SDN) Virtual. investingnews|
"of the art, multi-vendor virtual network function validation services platform, NFVGrid"
Dutch labor force inadequately prepared for disruption. fd|
"a countries are ranked in terms of education, knowledge and labor market participation"
What is disruptive innovation and how does it work. bizjournals|
"of media that “disrupts” the way we use technology, ultimately creating a new demand"
Tech Stocks Reports Analysis: 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD), Juniper. sharemarketupdates|
"the numbers of outstanding shares have been calculated to be 112.04 million shares"
Indonesia's Inflation Rate Picks up to 3.45% in June. beritasatu|
"with May's 3.33 percent and the median forecast in a Reuters poll of 3.38 percent"
The digital gap: Foreign policy, meet the internet. ipolitics|
"of power in the global system; a layer that shares some important characteristics"RIP nominates new candidates for National Icon 2016. tno|
"as at RIP nominates new candidates for National Icon 2016. tno|"
HP Inc (NYSE:HPQ), Applied Materials, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMAT). sharemarketupdates|
"to latest Sustainability Report released. See the full report at http://www.hp.com/sustainability"
Hurom Selects Dassault’s ‘Accelerated Device’. tenlinks|
"that reduce its production lead time and overall costs while improving product quality"
Innovation Lab: Dancing Light, Robot Lawyers and Bomb-sniffing Locusts. mobilemarketingmagazine|
"of animation and combining it with modern techniques of 3D printing.|"
Stocks in the News: Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation (NASDAQ:PPC), 3D Systems Corporation. istreetwire|
"of indicator do not lead us to believe the stock see more gains any time soon"
Analyst Rating Update on 3D Systems Corporation (DDD) – Founders Daily. thefoundersdaily|
"The average broker rating of 14 research analysts 3.29, which indicates as a Hold"
These Three Stocks in Motion: Tripadvisor Inc (NASDAQ:TRIP), 3D Systems Corporation. istreetwire|
"in the United States; and localized versions of the Website in 47 countries"
Short Term Price Target on 3D Systems Corporation (DDD) – Market Digest. themarketdigest|
"on Market Perform rating on the shares. The rating by the firm issued on May 24, 2016"
President Obama Announces Los Angeles-Based Smart Manufacturing Leadership. natlawreview|
"for about SMLC and the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute, continue reading"
Target Drone Market to Reach 5.8 Billion USD by 2021. prnewswire|
"to spread through 160 Pages and an in-depth TOC on"Target Drone Market (2015 - 2021)" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Frozen-Themed, 3-D-Printed Prosthetic Hand. refinery29|
"to pick up objects right arm for the very first time in life"
Roland DGA Strengthens its Dental and 3D Management Teams with Key Personnel. globenewswire|
"to be involved in the management of Roland's dental products as well."
Shedd Aquarium 3D prints prosthetic foot for Hiss Majesty the Caiman lizard. 3ders|
"to 3D printing technologies to create a foot prosthetic for one of resident lizards"
Shedd 3D prints prosthetic foot for 16-year-old lizard, Hiss Majesty. chicagotribune|
"the 16-year-old caiman lizard lost back right foot to cancer last year"
Hiss Majesty, a Shedd aquarium lizard, gets a 3-D prosthetic. redeyechicago|
"the Majesty, the 16-year-old caiman lizard lost back right foot to cancer last year"
Tiny Rocket Could One Day Deliver Meds Or Hunt For Cancer In Your Body. popsci|
"as of Earth's orbit with space junk, these micro-rockets simply biodegrade inside"
Frozen prosthetic arm made for 9-year-old girl born without right hand. ew|
"for 9-year-old girl born without right hand"
Electric mesh helps to improve functionality of damaged hearts. theengineer|
"for damaged cardiac muscle and enabling living heart muscle to work more efficiently"
Healing America's Heroes: Prosthetic alternatives allow mobility, independence. foxnews|
"the transition back to civilian life also includes learning how to manage new limbs"
New Electric Mesh Device Gives Heart an Electromechanical Hug. ecnmag|
"of a heart failure, a major public health concern and leading cause of mortality and disability"
A First in China: Baby’s Birth Defect Reversed and Skull Re-Shaped Thanks to 3D P. 3dprint|
"as well as causing serious developmental delays and the possibility of seizures"Custom Entertainment Solutions Introduces New Mecha X Robotic Hand. digitaljournal|
"to do not the strength of real, solid aluminum parts. SO…why not both"
Sheepdog Knee Replacement Aided by 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"the Sheepdog Knee Replacement Aided by 3D Printing. 3dprint|"
3D Printing Medical Breakthroughs. worldhealth|
"of some examples of how 3D printing currently being used in medicine"
3D Printing for Digital Dentistry. tctmagazine|
"to available recently and transforming the way dental devices being made"
Vascular Simulations Utilizes 3D Printed Vascular Models to Enhance Training and . 3dprint|
"to enhance the training and treatment methods for dealing with cardiovascular disease"
Shirley Anderson, 68, receives a whole new 3D printed jaw after long battle with tongu. 3ders|
"by radiation therapy. The researchers called process the ‘IU Shirley Technique’"
Silk rockets and 3D printing: Engineers work on drug delivery system. pharmatechnologist|
"for Engineers work on drug delivery system"
Man who lost half his face to tongue cancer gets a new 3D-printed jaw. mirror|
"the jaw and Adam’s apple of Shirley Anderson, a 68-year-old retired maintenance mechanic"
Pyrogenesis' Purevap System Exceeds Lab Testing Threshold. 3dprintingindustry|
%(#008000)["by PyroGenesis’ PUREVAPSystem which reflected purity levels in excess of 99.9%"]
Pleurobot the 3D Printed Salamander Yields Helpful Data for Researchers Hoping to Help. 3dprint|
"for electronics to teams of bot spiders working together to complete projects"
Cartilage printed in a lab could be the first step towards a cure for arthritis. spectator|
"patches of cartilage in the lab, raising the prospect of a future cure for osteoarthritis"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"of scans, what about injecting a camera no bigger than a grain of salt into patient"
How 3D Printing Will Revolutionize the Healthcare Industry. consumerelectronicsnet|
"How 3D Printing Revolutionize the Healthcare Industry. consumerelectronicsnet|" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Warning, more Brexit-shockers ahead. nationmultimedia|
"to quit Europe continue to reverberate around the world, including here in Asia"
Can ExOne Co’s Tomorrow be Different The Stock Declines Again. presstelegraph|
"of $9.13 PT which if reached, make NASDAQ:XONE worth $19.62 million less"
Meet the Reading man who sent the first text message. getreading|
"to be the star of a special event, looking at emerging technologies including 3D printing"
Digital transformation disrupting everything... faster. of|
"that it become a challenge to any leadership – it’s an adapt or die situation"
News Buzz: SunTrust Banks Inc (NYSE:STI), FirstEnergy Corp (NYSE:FE), 3D Systems. istreetwire|
"in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and the District of Columbia"
MEA investment in IoT to rise 17.86% to $6.6b this year. gulfnews|
"as in IoT to rise 17.86% to $6.6b this year. gulfnews|"
Broker Outlook For The Week Ahead ScanSource, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCSC). fiscalstandard|
"for recently amended target prices on shares of ScanSource, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCSC)"
ADAPT Additive Manufacturing Consortium Shares Progress, Receives Commitment. satprnews|
"its first six months of work, including a commitment from its first member organization"
Recent report published on augmented reality and virtual reality market. whatech|
"to changed the way of thinking, interacting and decision making of every individual"Ten-year-old creates a gorgeous 120cm tall Eiffel Tower with a 3D printing pen. 3ders|
"by hand a 3D printing pen and showcase the boy’s incredible talent"
You Can Now 3D Print Whatever You Want Using Hemp Plastic. greenrushdaily|
"to call HempBioPlastic (HBP), and it’s manufactured by the Italy-based company Kanesis"
Global 3D Printing in Healthcare Market 2016. chollywood|
"in hampering 3D Printing in Healthcare market growth covered in this report"
3D Systems Corp. (DDD) Downgraded by Vetr Inc.. thecerbatgem|
"The acquisition disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, which available at this link"
Broker Outlook For The Week Ahead The ExOne Company (NASDAQ:XONE). fiscalstandard|
"of recently amended target prices on shares of The ExOne Company (NASDAQ:XONE)"
Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET) Broker Price Targets For The Coming Week. fiscalstandard|
"to changed ratings and price targets on shares of voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET)"
Traffic Deaths Surged in 2015 As Driving Hit New Record. today|
"a lower gas prices, according to preliminary government data released Friday"
'Brexit' was not a uniquely British phenomenon. chinapost|
"to be marked with signs that say: Warning, watch out for Brexits ahead"
Under Armour Inc (NYSE:UA), Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F). sharemarketupdates|
"the numbers of outstanding shares been calculated to be 354.13 million shares"
What matters after the election is decided. eurekastreet|
"the disadvantaged people. This the thermometer by which measure the nation's health" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Around the world in health this week. [color=#008000:3ciwqguw]"and support|
"to manufacture, or less friendly to the biological environment they are placed i"
Accuron Technologies Acquires Majority Stake in Aurum Healthcare. yahoo|
"a division within Accuron Technologies, has made in the last two and a half years"
Cancer patient gets 3D printed jaw. bright|
"the jaw longer. Now patients have their jaw usually been put away after a few hours"
Matthew Stone’s Healing With Wounds at Somerset House. wonderlandmagazine|
"to explore the idea of the body in today’s society through Healing With Wounds"
Cancer Survivor Gets 3D-Printed Jaw. fortune|
"For years, Anderson wore a surgical mask in public to conceal his badly scarred face"
Can 3D-Printed Horns Save Rhinos. seeker|
"a printed horns stop their decline Here's how these bioengineers are making this possible"
Walking Again Patient in China Credits Cure to 3D Printing & Spinal Implant Surgery. 3dprint|
"so just took his first steps in quite some time, and is extremely grateful to have done so"
Multi-planar Processing: Rhinoplasty Implant. 3dprintingindustry|
"to create out of the UK with the Picsisma printer by Fripp Design as far back as 2013"
Video Shows Capabilities of Highly Affordable 3D Bioprinter. digitaltrends|
"to print out fully-functioning kidneys from the comfort of our own homes"
Shedd Aquarium: Hiss Majesty Has Growing Collection of 3D Printed Prosthetics. 3dprint|
"to saved, then what 3D printing means to you is something most of us can’t even imagine"
3D Printing and Medicine: Product Design. 3dprintingindustry|
"a product that’ll be looked upon by patients who aren’t qualified medical professionals"One-legged cat given a new lease on life thanks to 3D printing. 3ders|
"on life thanks to the dedication of a team of veterinarians and 3D printing technologies"
Open source news roundup for June 26-July 2, 2016. opensource|
"for project analysis, 3D printed prosthetics, a microbiome forecasting algorithm, and more"
It's time to 3D print your treatment. khaleejtimes|
"the patients will benefit from shorter waiting times and cheaper treatment options"
3D-printed teeth in Dubai within four years. arabianbusiness|
"to the team charged with introducing 3D technology to healthcare in the emirate"
Will 3D-printed casts takeover conventional plaster casts – Biotechin.Asia. biotechin|
"on modernizing the splint that causes external discomfort for a completely internal injury"
Monitor Your Dental Health with Prophix, and It Might Just Keep the Dentist Away. 3dprint|
"of your teeth because getting dental implants is no laughing matter"
Printing 3-D Cartilage Made From Bio-Ink. acsh|
"by about 90 percent water — that is used as a scaffold to grow the tissue"
Premium Beauty News. premiumbeautynews|
"the years, and it is now possible to obtain better and better-performing skin substitutes"
Bionic Donkey Legs and Rams on Wheels: The World of Animal Prosthetics. vice|
"the serve humankind in some capacity – there's usually only one way out: being slaughtered"
New treatment for sleep apnoea O2Vent is a mouthguard to help you breathe easier. dailytelegraph|
"at night, all you need is a second nose" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Radware Announces Second Quarter 2016 Earnings Conference Call. investingnews|
"to organized its earnings call to present its second quarter 2016 financial results"
Opturo Announces Significant Performance Analytics Enhancement. investingnews|
"as now available within the web-based GUI and exportable to Excel"
How to Invest in Cloud Like a Venture Capitalist. investingnews|
"so without further ado, here’s how to invest in cloud like a venture capitalist"
Mumbai-based virtual reality content studio SpectraVR has raised an undisclosed. knowstartup|
"an virtual reality-based content founder of SpectraVR in a statement"
SUNY New Paltz receives grant for 3-D printing technologies. midhudsonnews|
"by supporting the Hudson Valley Advanced Manufacturing Center at SUNY New Paltz"
QPR delivers an integrated management system and professional services. investingnews|
"for purpose and to help identify process bottlenecks and other areas of improvement"
STMicroelectronics Announces Timing for 2nd Quarter 2016 Earnings Release. investingnews|
"to install any necessary audio software. The webcast be available"
Alcoa Opens 3D Printing Metal Powder Plant. yahoo|
"Alcoa Opens 3D Printing Metal Powder Plant. yahoo|"Accuron Technologies Acquires Majority Stake in Aurum Healthcare. 3dprintingindustry|
"Group, a division within Accuron Technologies, made in the last two and a half years"
bizEDGE NZ - Why businesses need to start investing in 3D printing now. bizedge|
" need to imagine it, as the technology already here and readily available"
North America 3D printing market to grow at a CAGR of 14.52 percent ove. medgadget|
"a 3D printing market to grow at a CAGR of 14.52 percent over the period 2016"
Ohio 3D prints life-size bobble heads of Donald Trump to promote local AM. 3ders|
"by Hillary Clinton bobblehead alongside the Trump one at the Dayton Presidential Debates"
2021 forecast research report: global 3D printing continuous carbon fiber composites. whatech|
"the complex world of Global 3D Printing Continuous Carbon Fiber Composites Industry"
3D Systems Releases Major Update to its Cimatron CAD/CAM for Tooling Software. investingnews|
"to optimize processes and unlock greater productivity on the factory floor"
Medical market inches ahead on using 3-D printing. plasticsnews|
"on materials and service — grew by 30 percent annually from 2012 to 2014" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Semtech Technology Featured in Contest for Building a Safer, Smarter,. investingnews|
"in Kenya, accept solutions from four categories: food, water, health and safety"
3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD), Mobil'nye Telesistemy PAO. sharemarketupdates|
"the numbers of outstanding shares been calculated to be 112.04 million shares"
What Can A World Chess Championship Tournament Teach Us About Gun Sales. seekingalpha|
"a degrees greater than one would assume for two men sitting down to play a board game"
iconnect007 :: Article Improving Test and Inspection. iconnect007|
"to iconnect007 :: Article Improving Test and Inspection. iconnect007|"
IT News 24 is a child, entertainment sport Joy News 24. inews24|
"to actively respond to market needs, including upgrading existing products"
3D Systems' New CFO Is Heavily Incentivized to Drive Stock Price Over $30. fool|
"a chief marketing and chief operating officers; both of those positions as yet unfilled"
Rodman & Renshaw: Nano Dimension Software Final Up; Highly Rewarding Venture. investingnews|
"of its printer to key early development partners later this summer and early fall"
VIDEO: Can the Government Regulate Built-At-Home Automatic Weapons. engineering|
"of the easiest devices to make by anyone with any mechanical aptitude at all"The ExOne Company (NASDAQ:XONE) Stock Rating Update. investornewswire|/
"with and into EXO Acquisitions Inc., which changed its name to The ExOne Company"
Skill India or kill India: How to cope with the impending demographic deluge. indiatimes|
"to the impending demographic deluge for t/oungest major country"
Latest tech far from implementation in many industries. itproportal|
"to legal services and manufacturing industries, on the adoption of nine ‘key’ trends"
Biomaterial Industry in China. businesswire|
"the domestic demand for these products undoubtedly be driven up"
'As A Nationalist, I Am Concerned'. outlookindia|
"to achieve even higher growth of around 8% this fiscal. The worst hopefully behind"
To harness digitisation and start-ups for economic growth, we need to create. dnaindia|
"a networks move faster, know more and react quicker to market demands"
Hot Services Stocks To Watch Right Now: DSW Inc. (DSW), TEGNA Inc. (TGNA). zergwatch|
"of -0.09 percent and -9.23 percent year-to-date as of the recent close"
Prince Harry and disabled veterans win second place for Round the Island yacht race. dailymail|
"in one of the world's biggest yacht races, sailing aboard a vessel named Invictus"
CG Stocks Reports: Ambev SA (ADR) (NYSE:ABEV), Under Armour Inc (NYSE:UA). sharemarketupdates|
"the numbers of outstanding shares been calculated to be 15.69 billion shares"
EMSNow - Industrie 4.0 and the Future of Mobility at the Viscom Technology Forum. emsnow|
"of get-together in the specially erected festival tent comedian Benjamin Tomkins"
Global TV and Movie Merchandise Market to grow at a CAGR of 8.53% during the period. newsmaker|
"a Company, Twentieth Century Fox, Warner Bros., and World Wrestling Entertainment"
Manhattan Associates Announces Date for Reporting Second Quarter 2016 Financial. investingnews|
"for Reporting Second Quarter 2016 Financial Results. investingnews|" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Hospital Rooms: a new project using art and design to improve mental healthcare. co|
"the floors and NHS signage, be home for at least a year, and most likely longer"
The Animal Prosthetics Companies Creating Bionic Donkey Legs and Wheels for Rams. vice|
"a lot of pain or discomfort involved, might decide to it put down"
Lifeboat News: The Blog. lifeboat|
"for underlying anatomical bone structures based on eye to midline features"
Digital Doctors And Virtual Medicine. wbur|
"on digital Virtual visits, high-tech self-monitoring here. We’ll look at telemedicine"
How technology is helping children in hospitals around the world. stv|
"the stress, from breathing techniques and list-making to visualisation and exercise"
Google experts reveal what it would take to live forever digitally . dailymail|
"to evolve beyond current physical forms and realise these dreams of transcendence"
Lessons learned from"Health Tech Innovators"conference. jdsupra|
"of mouse-trap, this a completely new way to control the rodent problem”. as of"
3D printing breakthrough gives cancer patient new jaw. cbc|
"to lose mandible and Adam's apple, which in turn left without a chin"
Aprecia Pharmaceuticals Enters Debt Financing Agreement With Hercules. 3dprintingindustry|
"the Lewis & Bockius LLP acted as legal advisor to Aprecia for this transaction. as of"
Doctors turn to 3-D printing to give cancer survivor a new jaw. globalnews|
"a chin. thanks to 3-D printing technology, Anderson a reason to smile again"3D printing helping amputees. scoop|
"of Design making the most of 3D printing to improve the lives of amputees"
3D Printing for Healthcare, Trends, R&D and Revenue Forecasts 2016-2026: Explore. prnewswire|
"all developments technology and revenue predictions for uses in healthcare industries"
3D prosthetic printing breathes new life to those in need of limbs. observer|
"on 3D prosthetic printing breathes new life to those in need of limbs. observer|"
Realistic 3D printing helps Baylor doctors train, master complex surgeries. bcm|
"to develop the technology to create realistic human anatomy models,” Zaneveld said"
Two component ‘bio-ink’ could help advance 3D printing of tissues. reporter|
"of tissues as of Two component ‘bio-ink’ could help advance 3D printing of tissues"
Dubai patients to see 3D printed teeth, hearing aids and prosthetic limbs. 3ders|
"the Dh400 (approximately USD $109), and—when the time comes—even 3D printed organs"
How a 3D printer could mean a breakthrough for joint-replacement surgery. nj|
"to do anything, it's passive. want to make it smarter, want it to do more"
Lithuania: Researchers Explore 3D Polymerization via Polarization Control on Nanoscale. 3dprint|
"for so long—from the way roads paved to how doctors perform back surgeries"
Aprecia Pharmaceuticals raises $30M in debt financing. bizjournals|
"to manufacture fast melt pharmaceutical products that disintegrate"
Aprecia Pharmaceuticals raises $30M in debt financing. bizjournals|
"to an additional $10 million if it achieves certain undisclosed performance milestones"
3D Printed Joint Patches Use Ink Made Of Cartilage. reliawire|
"of only one cell type and has no blood vessels within the tissue."
Prensa Latina News Agency. plenglish|
"in 3D-printers to improve treatments against cáncer, it known today" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Tissue Engineering and Regeneration Market. medgadget|
"to immunoisolation technology, cell culture technology and stem cell technology"
ScanSource, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCSC) Updated Price Targets. ftsenews|
"a research report ratings and price targets on shares of ScanSource, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCSC)"
US Death Of Despair Rate: Middle-Aged White Americans Mortality. scienceworldreport|
"from early education up to how the federal government distributes Social Security checks"
Varonis Announces Integration with Global End-to-End Technology Provider. DATA|
"as of Varonis Announces Integration with Global End-to-End Technology Provider"
ParkerVision Closes $3 Million Private Placement of Common Stock. parkervision|
"as of ParkerVision Closes $3 Million Private Placement of Common Stock"
ODCA Expands Cloud Maturity Model with New Usage Model and Planning Tools. investingnews|
"a Analysis Questionnaire in addition to the Executive Overview at the ODCA website"
3D Printing Industry Becomes Target for Cybersecurity Concerns. investingnews|
"on users of the end product, and economic impact in the form of recalls and lawsuits.”"Silicon Motion Announces Preliminary Second Quarter 2016 Revenue and Earnings. investingnews|
"to be in the upper half of the company’s original guidance range of 47% to 49%"
Mitel Responds to Notification from Polycom of Superior Proposal. investingnews|
"the agreement and pay Mitel the $60 million termination fee concurrently termination"
UV curable inks market 2016,global industry analysis, size, share and growth forecasts. whatech|
"a growing awareness and increased focus on improving the safety of packaged foods"
70 million is needed for South East Drenthe and Overijssel. dvhn|
"the chairman pointed to the critical position of this region"
Global 3D Printing Medical/Healthcare Market 2016 Analysis and Forecasts to 2020. newsmaker|
"in 2015 which helps in growing micro-organs, performing tissue repair and so on"
The ExOne Co. (NASDAQ:XONE) Given Average Rating of “Hold” by Analysts. thecerbatgem|
"that The ExOne will post ($0.89) earnings per share for the current fiscal year"
Global and China 3D Printing Market Competitive Analysis by Application. prnewswire|
"on the existing state of the global 3D Printing industry highlighting the Chinese market"
Learn details of the 3D printing market by technology, material used and applications. whatech|
"by successive layering of material under computer control as additive process"
3D-printers: de volgende industriële revolutie. zdnet|
"as of 3D-printers: de volgende industriële revolutie"
Graphene 3D Lab Arranges $602,656 Private Placement. investingnews|
"at a price of $0.16 per Unit to raise aggregate gross proceeds of up to $602,656"
Alcoa Inc (NYSE:AA) & Mylan NV (NASDAQ:MYL) Worth Watching Stocks. newsismoney|
"of technologies to further develop additive processes, product design and qualification" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Systems Announces Conference Call and Webcast to Discuss Second Quarter. yahoo|
"or implied in such statements not be realized, except as may be required by law"
New Report: Outlook of Mergers & Acquisitions, Investments, and Patents. digitaljournal|
"technologies, improvements in materials used, and developments in skilled workforce"
Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB) Current Analyst Ratings. fiscalstandard|
" changed ratings and price targets on shares of Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB)"
Active Runners – Hecla Mining Company, (NYSE:HL), Alcoa, (NYSE:AA) – Hot Stocks. hotstockspoint|
"of technologies to further develop additive processes, product design and qualification"Despite Hiring Jump, No Construction Jobs Were Added: What Gives. yahoo|
"more than the $25.61 private non-farm workers getting. That’s $101 more a week"
Analysts Watching Stocks: Alcoa Inc Cobalt International Energy. streetupdates|
"11.50 and its low price recorded at $6.14. The company a market cap of $12.09B"
New Broker Ratings For Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB). ftsenews|
"updated their outstanding price targets on shares of Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB)"
ARC Group Worldwide Inc. (ARCW) Jumps 9.54% on July 07. equities|
"The stock opened at $2.46 and traded with an intraday range of $2.65 to $2.44"
Broker Outlook For Materialise NV (NASDAQ:MTLS). fiscalstandard|
"so recently amended their target prices on shares of Materialise NV (NASDAQ:MTLS)"
New Broker Ratings For Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET). ftsenews|
"the analysts updated their outstanding price targets on shares of voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET)"
Today's Market View. proactiveinvestors|
"a currency and asset class at times when currency movements seem less predictable"
State of Logistics 2016: Pursue mutual benefit. logisticsmgmt|
"a sudden surge in extra capacity—especially in the $300 billion for-hire truckload market"
Services Stocks To Look Out For: DSW Inc. (DSW), Gannett Co., Inc. (GCI). zergwatch|
"of 3.64 percent and is -7.74 percent year-to-date as of the recent close" -
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Cancer Survivor Gets a Second Shot at Life; Prosthetic Jaw Developed by 3D Printing. hngn|
"from Indiana lost lower jaw to a cancerous lump on tongue"
Osteoarthritis and joint pain may be reduced with new 3D-printed cartilage. belmarrahealth|
"in joints suffer a lot. need a new alternative treatment for this.”"
3-D Printed Model Helps Delicate Kidney Surgery. usnews|
"the time helping doctors save a patient's kidney during difficult tumor-removal surgery"
Cancer Breakthrough: 3D Printing Gives Cancer Survivor a Second Chance, Prosthetic. parentherald|
"a treatment and chemotherapy that needed to cure cost lower jaw"
3D printed talus implant helps Chinese patient walk freely again. 3ders|
"a dead joint, which, as one imagine, seriously affects the patient’s quality of life"
Xkelet wins Red Dot award for custom-fitting 3D printed orthosis that optimizes hygien. 3ders|
"from the international design community, just won a Red Dot award in Germany"
Puppy can now eat again after a 3D printed tooth replaces one she broke while chewing. dailymail|
"a design specialist Cicero Moraes produced the digital prosthetic in Chromium and Cobalt"
Animal Avengers Do Good Again: Hanna the Labrador Retriever Receives 3D P, Bionic Tooth. 3dprint|
"a team of Brazilian dentists and scientists at the University in Santos, in Southeast Brazil"John F. Hornick and Kai Rajan, Author at 3D Printing Industry. 3dprintingindustry|
"as of John F. Hornick and Kai Rajan, Author at 3D Printing Industry"
CBMTI Makes Big Strides in Neurosurgery with 3D Printed Training Simulators. 3dprint|
"to be dreamed of previously, pioneers—and to patients, downright rock stars" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Aprecia Pharmaceuticals raises $30 million for 3-D printed medicine. healthcaredive|
"as of Aprecia Pharmaceuticals raises $30 million for 3-D printed medicine"
Artificial jaw made by 3D printer, for cancer patient. naftemporiki|
"an artificial jaw for cancer patient, as reported in a publication of the British Telegraph"
The world's first case of 3D printing talus successful surgery patients walk freely. ntdtv|
"as not basketball soccer and other strenuous exercise would be no big problem"
The world's first case of 3D printing talus successful surgery patients walk. Mobile|
"of 3D printing talus successful surgery patients walk freely Chongqing (vid"
This Parrot Prefers a Pat on the Back. [color=#008000:1a4u45yk]"printing to|
"on the BackThis Parrot Prefers a Pat on the Back"
Swansea University, American Process developing 3D printed tissue cartilage. 3ders|
"to replace missing parts of a patient’s ears or nose following trauma or cancer"
Watch This Amazing 3D Bioprinter Make Artificial Bones From Scratch. singularityhub|
"as of Watch This Amazing 3D Bioprinter Make Artificial Bones From Scratch"
3D printer saves Chinese man from total paralysis. thestar|
"of multiple thoracic and lumbar vertebral bodies, measuring 19cm, inserted into spine"
Bioink Could Bolster 3D Printing for Facial Reconstruction. digitaltrends|
"to capable of being used in a variety of ways as part of facial reconstruction"The Impact of 3D Printing on Prosthetics and Anaplastology. fortune|
"of the prosthetic device. Garcia then uses that to create a mold to cast the silicone part"
Get your Hammertoes fixed, Thanks to 3D Printing. 3dprintingindustry|
"to be approved by the FDA, so it’s great to see that more implants being approved"
The 3D Bioprinting Patent Landscape Takes Shape as IP Leaders Emerge. 3dprintingindustry|
"for intellectual property (IP), given the innovation-rich and young technologies involved"
3D printer saves man from total paralysis-Eastday. eastday|
"to spine, after doctors removed all the five vertebrae bodies"
Hanna the labrador puppy can eat again thanks to a 3D printed tooth implant. 3ders|
"a 15-month-old Labrador puppy to eat again thanks to a custom made 3D printed tooth"
Global 3D Printing Medical/Healthcare Market 2016 Forecasts to 2020. medgadget|
"in 2015 which helps in growing micro-organs, performing tissue repair and so on"
News View The World On Arirang. arirang|
"so when it comes to constructing sustainable and eco-friendly buildings"
Next Big Future: 3D printed Silk Micro-rockets are a major breakthroughery. nextbigfuture|
"of devices usually less friendly to the biological environment placed in" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Sand blasting machines market size is forecast to exceed USD 485 million by 2022. newsmaker|
"a carved or handmade look started adopting the new technology at a fast pace"
GR Pick: DOOM’s BFG Gets 3D Printed as Life-Sized Replica. gamerant|
"a life-sized replica of it, which resulted in the creation of a huge F’ing gun"
Research & Markets Releases Global Perspectives for 2016-2022 on 3D Printing. 3dprint|
"of the technology—making sense considering the 3D printer created in the US"
3D printed skulls help FBI forensic artists create facial approximations of unidentifi. 3ders|
"the 3D printed skulls help FBI forensic artists create facial approximations of unidentifi"Masdar Institute Develops New Approach to 3D Printing. compositesmanufacturingmagazine|
"a much lighter and stronger and improve water production and oil and gas operations"
The State Department Is Quietly Moving To Ban 3D-Printed Guns. uproxx|
"the files need to use a 3D printer to make guns from the Internet"
3D Printing Materials Market to Reach US$ 2.3 Bn by 2023. rundirectmagazine|
"by the ongoing advancements in the materials designed for 3D printing"
DOOM’S BFG Is Even More Badass In Real Life. nerdist|
"The finished product the best BFG replica this (or the demon world) ever seen"
Case Dismissed The Saga of the MakerBot Smart Extruder Lawsuit is Finally Over. 3dprint|
"a faulty product, and demanded that make reparations to investors"
3D Printing Market To Cross US$ 16 Bn By 2023 as per new research Report. rundirectmagazine|
"a significant advantages observed of 3D printing technology listed below"
3D Systems Corp. (DDD) Downgraded by Vetr Inc.. thecerbatgem|
"to be worth $10,187,000 after buying an additional 35,091 shares during the last quarter"
3D Printering: Makerbot’s Class Action Suit Dismissed. hackaday|
"to make them easy to use, and “define the new standard for quality and reliability.”"
Global TV and Movie Merchandise Market to Grow 8.53% by 2020. prnewswire|
"of consider revenue generated from the sales of the following licensed merchandise"
StockNewsNow Publishes New SNNLive Video Interview with Nano Dimension Ltd. yahoo|
"to engage directly and share the information provided through social media"
Company Shares of 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) Rally 5.29%. tradecalls|
"as the stock moves higher, suggesting a strong appetite for the stock"
Arcus 3D printable rubber band machine gun can fire 48 shots in seconds. 3ders|
"to fully 3D printed rubber band gatling gun instantly reminds of the classic phrase"
Next Weeks Broker Price Targets For 3D Systems Corporation . fiscalstandard|
"to amended target prices on shares of 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD)"
Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB) Broker Price Targets For The Coming Week. fiscalstandard|
"the changed ratings and price targets on shares of Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB)"