3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )1The evolution of 3D printing and what it means for the future – Te Punaha Seminar. mbie|
"in in common all be created a 3D printer"
Hasbro Patented A 3D Scanner For Kids That Uses A Smartphone To Digitise Toys. gizmodo|
"3D scanner that digitise small objects a smartphone’s camera and clever software"
BIS speculates 3D Printing industry to exhibit sustained double digit growth till. consumerelectronic|
"to the indus to understand the evolution of the industry and curate a future roadmap"
Morgan Stanley Boosts Stake in ExOne Co (XONE). financial|
"of ExOne worth $2,627,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period"
3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) Sellers Covered 8.54% of Their Shorts. standardtrib|
"from August 13, 2015 and uptrending. It outperformed by 9.35% the S&P500"
Global Additive Manufacturing Market Analysis Processes, Prospects, Key Players. consumerelectronic|
"for industries adopting 3D printing including aerospace, automotive, medical, dental"
ScanSource, Inc. (SCSC) Position Raised by Wells Fargo & Company MN. financial|
"an about 0.15% of ScanSource worth $1,290,000 as of its most recent SEC filing"
More phony $100 bills seen locally. uticaod|
"the most recent version of the $100 bill, said U.S. Secret Service Agent Timothy Kirk"A Way to Benefit From the 3D Printing Rally. gurufocus|
"the rallies to last, I find the rise of ExOne (NASDAQ:XONE) groundless"
7 Fascinating Things You Probably Didn't Know About Walt Disney Co.. fool|
"on March 14, trouncing the broader market's 95% return and richly rewarding many investors"
Investment Management Of Virginia buys $23,833,992 stake in 3D Systems Corpor-. everythinghudson|
"of 23,833,992.3D Systems Corporation makes up approximately 6.09% of Investment Management"
Study indicates 3-D printing could release dangerous toxins. tucsonsentinel|
"an Arizona based manufacturing company, even built a 3-D printed car"
Is Selling Graphene 3D Lab Inc Here a Winning Strategy. standardtrib|
"by Barchart.com. $0.36 PT which if reached, make CVE:GGG worth $1.96M less"
Latest Analysts Reports On Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET). risersandfallers|
"analysts “outperform”, 5 analysts “hold”, 0 analysts “underperform” and 0 analysts “sell”" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Alder Hey Is First UK Hospital to Use 3D Printed Model in Operating Theatre. 3dprint|
"a 3D printed model in an operating theatre. How's that for state of the art"
SLS 3D Ltd. & Replica 3DM Partner to Bring Personalized Healthcare to UK with 3D P. 3dprint|
"to each person from education to treatment plans'and subsequent surgeries"
3D Printing to Save Dentists a Lot of Time During Surgery. mdtmag|
"of dental surgeons adopting new technologies and techniques to provide better service"
3DPrinting Enabling Breakthroughs in Healthcare. inside3dprinting|
"of quickly transformed by 3D printing been the production of hearing aids"
This inventive college student shows us how to straighten teeth without an orthodo. revelist|
"to straight teeth, now the first 3D printed braces, too"
3D printing and virtual reality tech helps MSF build new hospitals. openbiomedical|
"of planned developments for project partners such as local ministries of health"
College Student Uses 3D Printer To Fix Crooked Teeth And Saved Himself About $7K I. brobible|
"a 3D printer. That sound heard a million orthodontists freaking the hell out"Doctors in China have successfully operated on a nine-month-old baby using a 3D-pr. sputniknews|
"a full-sized heart replica modelled the boy's cardiac structure and helped the doctors plan th"
World Breakthrough Medical, Cartilage can be 'printed' With 3D Printer. tabengan|
"of be 'printed' with 3D Printer is being busy discussed on the topic Gadget"
Who Will Lead Healthcare Content Marketing out of the Dark Ages. skyword|
"an exciting event it was also illuminating and frustrating"
A college student has 3D-printed his own braces for less than $60. sciencealert|
"the ones that sell for thousands of dollars - all for less than US$60"
Don't try this at home: Student 3D prints his own braces to fix his crooked teeth. telegraph|
"for student Amos Dudley saved himself around 6,000 by 3D printing own braces"
Supervet uses 3D printing technologies to save pets, says choice to save is a mora. 3ders|
"a pet's life become a moral decision rather than a scientific one"
Crowd4Africa raising 23K to bring 3D printers and 3D printed prostheses to Africa. 3ders|
"the claims help increase and ease adoption of the technology in hospital settings"
3D printers will play increasing role in medicine. auburnpub|
"to liquid plastic (which later hardens) in the shape of the structure directed by the computer"
3D Medical has acquired US diagnostic image management company Mach7 Technologies. zdnet|
"a bid to bolster the global presence of its vendor neutral diagnostic technology"
Caffeine in the 21st century: A review of four delivery methods. gizmag|
"to find out which ones bring the buzz and which simply snoozers"
Miracle Science - Six Amazing Medical Breakthroughs
"of completely transform the way we diagnose, treat and even cure disease"
UTSA biomedical engineering program acquires 3D bioprinter. ksat|
"for bones, skeletal muscle, pancreas tissue and salivary glands with cell samples from rats" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Who Owns the Intellectual Property of Your 3D Prints. materialise|
"of the more frequent questions get. It should not be seen as legal advice"
The Brutal Edit War Over a 3D Printer’s Wikipedia Page. motherboard|
"interface interface might not be pretty, it hides a far uglier part of the site"
Global 3D Printing Market 2016-2025 - Trillion Dollar Oil & Gas Industry is an Eme. prnewswire|
"of the"Global 3D Printing Market Opportunities, Analysis & Trends - Industry Forecast to 2025"
3D Systems celebrates 30 years of 3D printing innovation at AMUG. tctmagazine|
"the Diamond sponsor, the 3D printing frontrunner showcase its diverse range of 3D te"
3D Printing Materials 2015-2025: Status, Opportunities, Market Forecasts. itbusinessnet|
"with 8 industrial end-users describe experiences with 3D printing and give insight into the"
ExOne Co (XONE) Releases Earnings Results, Beats Estimates By $0.07 EPS. hilltopmhc|
"the business’s revenue for the quarter up 2.7% on a year-over-year basis"
Analyst’s Recommendation on 3D Systems Corporation (DDD). cwruobserver|
"of 1 to 5 where 1 stands for strong buy and 5 stands for strong sell"
Stratasys PT Raised to $19 at UBS, Reiterated Sell Rating (NASDAQ:SSYS). sonoranweeklyrevie|
"on the stock to $19 from $16 while reiterating a sell rating"
Is ExOne Finally Turning Around. 247wallst|
"to consensus estimates for a net loss of $0.15 and $14.71 million in revenue"
The Brutal Edit War Over a 3D Printer’s Wikipedia Page. motherboard|
"in wrath rather than in the name of open-source knowledge"
Generation Generative. tctmagazine|
"an influenced by years and years of believing ‘this how something should look’"Analyst Coverage Updates – Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET). risersandfallers|
"at Citigroup. now a USD 5 price target on the stock"
Labour’s international brains trust. nbr|
"the money back to people so buy the technology"
The no growth economic cycle has to be broken. afr|
"to improve economic performance at a time when political instabilit impeding effective poli"
Dynamic Technology Lab Private Ltd buys $1,067,946 stake in ScanSource (SCSC). losangelesmirror|
"at 1,067,946.ScanSource makes up approximately 0.32% of Dynamic Technology Lab Private Ltd’s po"
Morning Buzz: Apple (AAPL), ExOne (XONE), AutoZone (AZO), Credit Suisse (CS), Alph. wallstreetpit|
"in Taiwan expecting 15 million Apple (AAPL) 4-inch iPhone SE shipments in 2016"
CIGI gathers IP and innovation experts to explore how to succeed in the global kno. exchangemagazine|
"the Property Rights and Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution being held in Toronto" -
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Amedica develops world's first 3D printed silicon nitride medical implants. 3ders|
"The printed products been shown to possess similar properties to traditionally manufactured"
[Video] Building an Artificial Intelligence Personal Assistant. iamwire|
"of machines that learn not just like humans rather the capability to go beyond"
Model of tumor spreading may help doctors pinpoint best treatment. medicalxpress|
"to the drugs and learn if and where the tumor likely to spread"How medical robots will change healthcare. cio|
"for treatment no longer optional, theyӲe essential. Robotic health offers some answers"
Chinese OEM Adopts Zecotek's LFS Scintillation Crystal for New Line of Positron Em. calgaryherald|
"the Zecotek's LFS crystals be installed in a Shanghai hospital in July 2016"3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Metals Market to Hit 31.5% CAGR to 2020 Led by Aerospace & Defense Seg. prnewswire|
"of patents, which the key factors that expected to drive the growth"
3D Printing Materials 2015-2025: Status, Opportunities, Market Forecasts. prnewswire|
"with users describe experiences with 3D printing and give insight into needs"
Applications of 3D Printing 2014-2024: Forecasts, Markets, Players. broadwayworld|
"as continue to be, augmented with a wide variety of new applications"
3D Printing of Metals: 2015-2025. prnewswire|
"of 3D printing, with printer sales growing at 48% and material sales growing at 32%"
A New IBISWorld Report Says That 3D Printer Prices Will Continue to Drop in 2016. 3dprint|
"to ask consumers to pay for a machine with a steep learning curve"
With Love, from Your 3D Printed Vagina (NSFW). 3dprint|
"the numerous and unique new ways to celebrate in tech-savvy style"
3D Systems to Celebrate 30 Years of Innovation with Comprehensive Showcase. globenewswire|
"to showcase ultra-fast Stereolithography designed for integration in automated manufacturing en"
The ExOne Company Reports 2015 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results. globenewswire|
"of 16.2 million; Non-machine revenue grew 19% to a record $6.6 million"
Were Analysts Bullish 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) This Week. standardtrib|
"a list of 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) latest ratings and price target changes"
Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft FI Sells 7,702 Shares of 3D Systems Co. (DDD). sfhfm|
"of 3D Systems worth $1,568,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period"
Global 3D Printing Metal Industry Forecast to 2021 with Key Companies Profile, Sup. empowerednews|
"in import/export consumption, supply and demand Figures, cost, price, revenue and gross margins"
3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) Updated Price Targets. sharetrading|
"in ratings and price targets on s consensus ratings and price targets on shares of 3D Systems"
Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) Microspheres Market Worth 191.7 Million USD by 2020. prnewswire|
"in 2014, at a CAGR of 8.5% during the period 2015 to 2020"
New Price Targets On Materialise NV (NASDAQ:MTLS). risersandfallers|
"of strong buy”, 3 analysts “buy”, 2 analysts “neutral”, 0 analysts “sell” and 0 analysts “stron"
Materialise NV (NASDAQ:MTLS) Updated Price Targets. sharetrading|
"of stock market brokerages changed consensus ratings and price targets on shares of"
Global Industrial Brake and Clutche Industry. prnewswire|
"The report profiles 137 companies including many key and niche players such as"
Organovo Holdings Inc Can’t Burn Your Long Portfolio. Has Another Strong Session. smallcapwired|
"by Organovo Holdings Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 0.00% EPS growth"
John J. Ellsworth Sells 2,867 Shares of ScanSource, Inc. (SCSC) Stock. sfhfm|
"in a legal filing with the SEC, which accessible through this hyperlink"
Mid-day Stocks Buzz: Nokia Corporation (NOK), Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. newsoracle|
"of 36.30 billion and a total of 609.12 million outstanding shares"
Growth in manufacturing positive for ESEF. metaalnieuws|
"to the large number of additional activities, conferences and seminars" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )FDA Approved 3D Printed Drug Available In The US. forbes|
"on treat partial onset seizures, myoclonic seizures and primary generalized tonic-clonic seizur"
University of Central Florida Working to Make 3D Printed Heart Models Readily A. 3dprint|
"of the most important technological developments in cardiovascular health 3D printing"
Fred the tortoise's 3D printed shell gets beautiful and realistic hand-painted tre. 3ders|
"to mimic the real-life patterns and colors found in nature"
New 3D printed hydrogel could be cancer treatment of the future. 3ders|
"to create microenvironments or tumor models for testing anti-cancer drugs"
3D printers will play increasing role in medicine. elkodaily|
"the new electronics technology 3D printers. Do any role in medicine"
The First FDA-Approved Drug Manufactured 3D Printing. pharmpro|
"for tonic-clonic seizures. With a sip of liquid, SPRITAM disintegrates in the mouth"
Sports prosthetics funding in Budget welcomed by campaigning Harpenden mum. hertsad|
"for Budget, a Harpenden woman been applauding one major positive funding for children's"
This plaster can actually read your blood sugar levels. t3|
"of sensors that monitor the pH/chemical balance and the temperature of skin"
Conjoined Twins Successfully Separated in China Using 3D Printing. 3dprintingfromscra|
"Conjoined Twins Successfully Separated in China 3D Printing March 21st, 2016 / Catego"Bioprinting & 3D printing in the Life Sciences. uu|
"to include the latest advances within 3D Printing for the Life Science arena"
3D Printers Will Play Increasing Role in Medicine. uexpress|
"the latest"hot"new electronics technology 3D printers. Do any role in medicine"
Chinese doctors complete spinal surgery using 3D printing technology. xinhuanet|
"a surgery 3D printing technology on a man suffering from a spinal deformity"
Orthin and Oceanz let children walk again with 3D printed medical grade leg prosth. 3ders|
"a custom-made leg prosthesis from medical-grade plastic in collaboration with medical 3D print"
Go to the Pharmacy Nah, Just 3D Print Your Pills. pcmag|
"the first of 3D-printed medicine to be approved by the FDA"
New developments in 3D bio-printing may hold the key to curing Alzheimer's disease. 3ders|
"of research being done to understand and combat these diseases every day"
Pharmacy Students' 3D-Printing Invention Benefit Cancer Patients. pharmacytimes|
"the Peopleӳ Choice Award at the schoolӳ 2016 Innovation Challenge"
Transforming lives with 3 D printed hands. wgno|
"with 3D printed limbs, and two New Orleans doctors committed to helping those in need"
The Bioprinted Cyber Patch: Saving Cardiac Patients & Offering Modern Take on Both. 3dprint|
"the one-size-fits-all concept quickly fading in this industryءs well as many others"
3D Printed Structures Help Grow Nerve Cells to Mimic Real Brain. azom|
"in Research (NC3Rs) supported a number of research works looking for other options"
Tissue Engineering Market Worth $11.5 Billion By 2022: Grand View Research, Inc.. prnewswire|
"from Cardio3 Bio NeoStem respectively to reflect focus on immunotherapies" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Global Healthcare 3D Printers, Applications, Products, Services & Ancillary Market. businesswire|
"of service bureau Robtec, resulting in creation of 3D Systems Latin America in the process"
The ExOne Company (NASDAQ:XONE) Price Target Changes. risersandfallers|
"___ rating of “strong buy”, 0 analysts “buy”, 7 analysts “neutral”, 1 analysts “sell” and 0 anal"
Heat Biologics, (NASDAQ:HTBX) Stock Climbed; Amedica Corporation, (NASDAQ:AMDA) Sh. wallstrt24|
"with 751,981 shares contrast to its average daily volume of 367,421 shares"
Analyst Coverage Updates – 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD). risersandfallers|
"at Deutsche Bank. now a USD 13 price target on the stock"
SmarTech Publishes 3-D-Printed Metals Patent Landscape Analysis. qualitymag|
"for the additive manufacturing sector, published “3D-Printed Metals: A Patent Landscape Analysis"
Crestwood Capital Management Exits Position in 3D Systems Corporation (DDD). thescsucollegian|
"the company sold out 148,395 shares of 3D Systems Corporation which valued"
Amedica Corporation (NASDAQ:AMDA), Atara Biotherapeutics Inc, Asteri. sharemarketupdates|
"the volatility of this stock about 15.06% a week and 14.07% a month"
Security with a government backdoor isn’t secure. adamsmith|
"of the master keys. Near immediately these scanned and run through a 3D printer from those"
Hot News: AudioCodes Ltd, Francesca’s Holdings Corporation (NASDAQ:. stocktranscript|
"in the United States from its headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona"
Shares of Terex Corporation, (NYSE:TEX) and The ExOne Company, Slump. wallstrt24|
"The ExOne Company, Slumped Wednesday Mar 24, 2016Joseph StanleyNews Buzz0 On"
3D printing from cardiac CT data shows potential to aid TAVR. appliedradiology|
"to valve adapt. Additionally if a circumferential seal not achieved, PAR may occur"
Pranksters scammed Nintendo fans with 3D printing and Photoshop. engadget|
"the exactly what two pranksters did the upcoming Nintendo NX as a subject"Nintendo NX Controller: Watch How 3D Printing Fooled Us All. apptrigger|
"the design would give a lot away as to how it will be achieved"
22-year-old designer explains how he leaked a fake Nintendo NX controller. digitaltrends|
"the other option than to use an input method universally despise: touch controls"
Hacker tears down Form 2 3D printer, reveals stunning internal craftsmanship. 3ders|
"to ripping the machine apart with reckless abandon to inspect its every minute detail"
ExOne’s (XONE) “Hold” Rating Reiterated at Canaccord Genuity. financial|
"by researchers at Canaccord Genuity in a report issued on Thursday, AnalystRatings.NET reports"
Latest 3D Printing of Metals Market 2016 : Market Analysis, Share, Regional Outloo. rundirectmagazine|
"of industry expected to grow at the highest CAGR over the forecast period"
Growth vs. political instability. japantimes|
"a time when political instability impeding effective policymaking"
Changes To Broker Targets On Proto Labs, Inc. (NYSE:PRLB). sharetrading|
"Piper Jaffray. now a USD 71 price target on the stock"
#3DBenchy - The jolly 3D printing torture-test. thingiverse|
"on machine one printer.Im looking foward to improve those print issues" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The worldӳ first 3D printed, FDA-approved drug hits the market today. digitaltrends|
"to make 3D printed drug, Spritam, available to the consumers in the United States.Rea"
It Started with a High-Five. portagelife|
"the Portage Township Schools pre-engineering program called the Ԑroject Lead The Way ProgramԮ"
Better Than Ultrasound ֠a 3D Model of a Living Fetus. everydayhealth|
"for doctors, allowing us to see a living fetus inside the womb"
3D printed aortic valves could reduce complications from transcatheter aortic valv. 3ders|
"to the site via a catheter, in a process similar to that of placing a stent within an artery"
3D Technology Ventures Into The Field OF Pharmaceuticals; Worldӳ First 3D Printed. techstory|
"the 3D printed drug, Spritam, available to the consumers in the United States, reported digitalt"
3-D printing helping make prosthetic legs for B.C. tabby. sharemarketupdates|
"on front legs with bum in the air like a Բeverse velociraptor.Ԣ
Tissue Engineering Market Worth $11.5 Billion By 2022: Grand View Research, Inc.. consumerelectronic|
"from Cardio3 Bio NeoStem respectively to reflect focus on immunotherapies"
Enabling disabled children to adapt. rbth|
"to with disability by learning to perform various actions with the other hand"IDC Directions shifts focus to third-platform 'accelerators'. searchmanufacturin|
"the conference held at Boston's Hynes Convention Center and"
The Invent Health Initiative: The 30 Year Evolution of 3D Print Technology. hhs|
"the time, could not conceive the monumental impact it would make in the years that followed"
Go to the Pharmacy Nah, Just 3D Print Your Pills. pcmag|
"the first of 3D-printed medicine to be approved by the FDA"
Back to the Future: The Making of the MakerBot Smart Extruder+. makerbot|
"of engineers, released an extruder that sets a new benchmark for quality"
Weekly Roundup: Ten 3D Printable Things נAssistive & Accessibility Devices for th. 3dprint|
"the light off, it isnӴ going to kill to get some exercise"
Spine and Orthopedic Devices and Implants. beckersspine|
"on complex, 3D structures a 3D printing process called robotic deposition, or robocasting"
Paso Pacifico's 3D printed sea turtle eggs to help track and deter poachers. 3ders|
"piece, and discard of the extras in loca piece, and discard of the extras in local bars for mere cents"
Scientists turn to 3D printing, digital simulations to treat heart disease. theconversation|
"with further testing and user feedback, GPS technology would continue to improve"
e-NABLE Ghana Provides Free 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands. 3dprint|
"the work of e-NABLE Ghana, knew that this a story to cover"
Why DIY braces are actually a terrible, terrible idea. the manufactu|
"to a credentialed orthodontist, and spent a year and a half in treatment"
Polish Artificial Heart 3D printed on Zortrax M200. zortrax|
"a well-functioning device that replace the poorly working organ an urgent need"
Amedica Corporation First To 3D Print Silicon Nitride For Medical Applications. biospace|
"also allowing custom fabrication of bone scaffolds suited for cellular differentiation and neovas"
Medical 3D printing to simulate bone. 3dhubs|
"for orthopedic surgery planning. Does anyone know what material would go about Thanks" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )ExOne Co (XONE) Upgraded at Zacks Investment Research. financial|
"the objective suggests a potential upside of 11.55% from the stock’s current price"
Revenue Update on ExOne Co(NASDAQ:XONE). streetedition|
"of 14.71M. Earnings per share $-0.08. Analysts estimated an EPS of $-0.15"
Tech eases Syrians' trauma in Jordanian refugee camp. ammonnews|
"the camp near the Syrian border in Jordan houses a vibrant community of makers"
AT&T, Inc. (NYSE:T) Saws Confident on Dividend Declaration- 3D Systems (DDD), Qlik. senecaglobe|
"stock outstanding shares 6151.21. How AT&T, Inc. dominated Wall Street through eye catc"
Learn from past mistakes. portstrategy|
"the five most common mistakes that port authorities and terminals companies make"
Recently “leaked” Nintendo DX controller photos were faked. newstonight|
"the photos been faked by them with the help of Photoshop and 3D printing"
Whiskey doesn’t leave behind a “coffee ring” when it evaporates. themarshalltown|
"it dries. Now those same physicists published findings in Physical Review Letters"3D PRINTING BEHIND SECOND FAKE NINTENDO NX CONTROLLER LEAK. luraypagefreepress|
"on who were led astray. Obama speech to Cubans aims at burying cold war tensions"
Analysts Set ExOne Co (NASDAQ:XONE) Target Price at $12.17. financial|
"that have updated their coverage on the stock in the last year $13.00"
Retirement Systems of Alabama Has $1,189,000 Stake in 3D Systems Co. (DD
"of 3D Systems worth $1,189,000 as of its most recent SEC filing"
Top 5 Earnings for the Week Ahead. 247wallst|
"the stock price and trading history, as well as added some additional color on each"
Retirement Systems of Alabama Has $1,189,000 Stake in 3D Systems Co. (DDD). financial|
"of 0.12% of 3D Systems worth $1,189,000 as of its most recent SEC filing"
ScanSource (SCSC) Short Interest Disclosure. thescsucollegian|
"in outstanding. The 52-week low of the share price $27.46"
"with the technology: subverting oppressive regimes"
Proto Labs (PRLB) Short Interest Disclosure. thescsucollegian|
"the 52-week low $51.61. The company a market cap of $1,995 million"
Economics in a time of political instability. neurope|
"to improve economic performance at a time when political instability impeding effective poli"
Nano Dimension Files Patent for 3D Printing of Electrically Shielded Conductive Tr. prnewswire|
"with the proper function of the electric circuit and prevent its proper function"
Imperial Downgrades ExOne, Questions 3D Printing's Adoption Growth. benzinga|
"to Underperform, while raising the price target from $8 to $9"
Luna modular Bicycle is 3D printed on demand, no stock required. 3ders|
"that need to endure a lot of force or face any type of weather"
Liquids like whisky can be industrial coating, ink for 3D printing. hindustantimes|
"to a new type of industrial coating or even ink for 3D printers" -
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )The First 3D Printed Drug Hits the Market. 3dprintingindustry|
"to forge ahead announcing that Spritam officially available to the US market"
Scientists Turn To 3D Printing, Digital Simulations To Treat Heart Disease. iflscience|
"with further testing and user feedback, GPS technology would continue to improve"
FDA Approves First Pill Created With 3D Printing Technology. rightinginjustice|
"for partial onset seizures, myoclonic seizures and primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures"
Qingming Festival is approaching, Japan 3D printing three-dimensional lifelike por. get|
"from Osaka, Japan, ingenuity recently launched a 'three-dimensional portrait urn"
This hip comes from the 3D printer*. 3dfilamenta|
"on on right hip,Ԡsays Peter Ritschl, Medical Director at the Orthopaedic Hospital Gersthof"3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )4 3D Printing Stocks Rising From the Ashes (DDD, SSYS, XONE ,VJET). investorplace|
"of still o investors with the misfortune of still owning 3D printing stocks in their portfolios"
Wave of disruptive technology including 3D printing to hit MRO industry, says Oliv. 3ders|
"as most MRO industry specialists don’t see 3D printing as a viable technology at all"
The Patent System Isn't Broken; We Just Aren't Using It Intelligently. huffingtonpost|
"of them. It's no wonder that patents aren't sources of inspiration for innovation"Quantum Capital Management Nj buys $16.3 Million stake in Proto Labs Inc (PRLB). streetedition|
"the fourth quarter. The investment firm sold 11,565 shares of PRLB which valued $885,763"
The Second Amendment Isn’t Prepared for a 3D-Printed Drone Army. freerepublic|
"to hell with provocative dismiss of the US Constitution"
Two Technology Stocks Are Hot: Zynga, Inc. (ZNGA), Cognizant Technology Solutions. zergwatch|
"of 1.35 percent and -17.91 percent year-to-date as of the recent close"
5 Visions Of The Future Of Sex, From 3-D-Printed Genitals To Teledildonics. fastcoexist|
"a real. Or very own sex bot lying at home under the covers"
Momentum Stocks in Focus: 3D Systems Corporation (DDD), Cognizant Technology Solut. newsoracle|
"The stock edged higher by 2.35% to close previous trading session at USD 14.78"
Healthcare Losers: Sophiris Bio, Inc, Amedica Corporation (NASDAQ:A. benchmarkmonitor|
"from of 2015 increased 112% to $726,000 from $343,000 in the fourth quarter of 2014"
Global 3D Printing Plastic Market Worth USD 692.2 Million by 2020 - Analysis, Tech. erienewsnow|
"the plastics prices, and availability of wide range of grades as per different applications" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Blue Ash Pharma Company Launches 3D Printed Pill. wvxu|
"of its 3D printed pill, the first such pill approved by the FDA"
The new frontier in Generative Orthotics. jeccomposites|
"of orthotics, an area requiring special attention to the main party involved: the patient"
AbilityMate is 3D printing affordable and customized assistive devices for people. 3ders|
"of of accessible 3D printed assistive devices and starting to change the lives of those"
Chinese Doctors Spinal Surgery Using 3D Printing Technology Declared Successful. yibada|
"by doctors from Hunan Province in South China, the Xinhua News Agency reported"
Hi-tech help to repair a dog's knee. itv|
"also 3D printed, to guide when cutting away damaged bone from the joint"
RHS students create 3-D printed prosthetic hands. ricentral|
"by working on creating prosthetic hands through the use of a 3-D printer"
Your own DNA editing on a stick. morgen|
"in real time and continuously be able to monitor and to tailor treatment possible"
This week in patents: Phantom limbs, battling cancer, and more. thenextweb|
"to all five thousand, the PatentYogi team selected the six most interesting patents"
The Quest for Physiologically Relevant In Vitro Assays. genengnews|
"of these companies gave little thought to validating these targets in any disease indication"
Blue Ash Pharma Company Launches 3D Printed Pill. org|
"The Blue Ash facility to get federal approval, and doing test runs"
Italian Hospital Begins Using 3D Printed Prosthetic Bone Implants on Cancer Patien. 3dprint|
"the data to reconstruct the damaged bone and 3D print a custom titanium implant"
Discover The North America 3D Printing Healthcare Industry 2016 Market Research Re. medgadget|
"on the current state of the 3D Printing Healthcare industry"
Blue Ash Pharma Company Launches 3D Printed Pill. wvxu|
"of its 3D printed pill, the first such pill approved by the FDA"
Ali Khademhosseini a Global Leader in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. huffingtonpost|
"the arts and numerous other endeavors. latest interviewee Dr. Ali Khademhosseini"Exclusive: Sonic Sea, Toucan Nation join Discovery Impact. realscreen|
"to air across Discovery Channel's Discovery Impact series later this year"
Jos Bautista Joins GuardLab Advisory Board. prnewswire|
"for an impeccable fit, ultimate protection, improved athletic performance, as well as bespoke pe"
Artist Paula Crown's Outdoor Installation Transposition Ends After a Year. miaminewtimes|
"in new and emerging mediums such as 3D printing and virtual mapping"
3-D printing opens up new dimension for UC Davis surgeons. sacbee|
"The off heart and only 1 1/4 ventricles rather than the usual two"
Organ Harvesting on the Black market seeing the beginning of its demise. linuxmodder|
"a reasonable and sane minded (if that truly be quantified and agreed on) body regul"
New epilepsy therapy drug made using 3d printing. processingmagazine|
"of of 3D printing and formulation science to produce medicines that rapidly disintegrate within" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Why General Electric Invested in This 3D Printing Company. fool|
"with its business roughly evenly split between sales of two patented proprietary systems"
Solidoodle closes its doors for good. 3ders|
"of affordable yet high-quality consumer 3D printers, Solidoodle suspending its operations"
"The UCI study raised concerns that this process might be easier than initially thought"
That Nintendo Controller May Have Been Fake, But The 3D Printing Technology That M. 3dprint|
"buttons appeared it met with a fair bit of well-deserved skepticism"
Whisky's evaporation qualities can inspire new 3D printing inks and industrial coa. 3ders|
"for remarkable evaporation qualities that could lead to new 3D printing inks and even coating"
MIT patent for 3D printed part qualification and removal issued by US patent offic. 3ders|
"in a nutshell, what the latest MIT patent approved by the US patent office all about"
New report: Global 3D printing medical (healthcare) market forecast to 2022. whatech|
"in terms of customization, accuracy and durability the traditional methods being replaced"
HP (HPQ), Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), 3D Systems Corporation (DDD). sharemarketupdates|
"to determine the right print solution for business, not budget.”"
Nano Dimension Files Patent for 3D Printing of Electrically Shielded Conductive Tr. hardware|
"for the printing of shielded conductors combined in a printed circuit"
ExOne Co (NASDAQ:XONE) Receives $12.17 Average Price Target from Analysts. thevistavoice|
"that updated coverage on the stock in the last year $13.17"
Chronicled and Origin team up to fight counterfeit sneakers.|
"to develop individually-unique security tags for high-value consumer goods"Businessman Paul Nehlen to challenge Paul Ryan from right in primary. washingtontimes|
"the Trans-Pacific Partnership betrays, this district, and this nation,”"
This Weeks Broker Price Targets For Voxeljet AG (NYSE:VJET). sharetrading|
"a analysts “outperform”, 5 analysts “hold”, 0 analysts “underperform” and 0 analysts “sell”"
Tech Stocks News: Cypress Semiconductor (CY), Adobe Systems Incorporated. sharemarketupdates|
"the numbers of outstanding shares been calculated to be 310.94 million shares"
REC firms up S$250m investment plan in S’pore. todayonline|
"for automation technology upgrading and another S$50 million in research and development"
Most Active Stocks Update: Galena Biopharma Inc (GALE), Amedica Corporation (AMDA). newsoracle|
"of 216.28 million and a total of 181.75 million outstanding"
#3DBenchy - The jolly 3D printing torture-test. thingiverse|
"by a 20% extruder temperature: 250°C (first and other layers) bed temperature: 100°C"
#3DBenchy - The jolly 3D printing torture-test. www|
"Description Printed at 100 mm/s"
IDC report shows China's 3D printer market still dominated by foreign companies. 3ders|
"in terms of innovation and becoming increasingly dominant forces within the Chinese market"
Zacks Investment Research Upgrades 3D Systems Co. (DDD) to Buy. financial|
"a potential upside of 11.11% from the company’s current price" -
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Invention On Europe 3D Printing Healthcare Industry 2016: Market Research, Trends,. medgadget|
"to date research on Europe 3D Printing Healthcare Industry 2016 Market Research Report"
How 3D Printing Is Revolutionising Prosthetics. tv|
"of treating forces injuries could look very different"
Little girl gets 3D printed prosthetic hand for free. aol|
"to Texas, Hawaii and all over the East Coast"says Brown"
3 new projects pave the way for growing human organs from scratch. com|
"of human flesh or mechanical parts, and that could replace some of internal components"
3D printed Caravaggio painting allows visually impaired to 'touch' light and shado. 3ders|
"in short, the themes that make a work of art more than just paint on"
Growing 3D Heart Library at Jump Trading. centralillinoispro|
"to be a huge success for heart surgeons, patients"
Chinese Doctors Performs Dangerous Spinal Surgery Using 3D Printed Bone. chinatopix|
"the 2015 IFA consumer electronics and appliances trade fair(Photo : Getty Image"
Biodegradable polymer grafts could grow to fix spine, biocompatible polymer 3D-pr. plastemart|
"of the proper size and shape of damaged vertebrae to fix spinal columns"
A college kid spends $60 to straighten his own teeth. What could possibly go wrong. the Bluffton|
"in dental work after publishing an account of straightening own teeth for $60"
Design Connections Healthcare Recap
"to a place that does not create additional undo stress and supports individual needs"
3D Printing to Guide Ventricular Assist Device Placement in Adults With Congenital. heartfailure|
"in could be utilized, and some background on the cost and procedure associated with this"
3D Printing Is Being Used to Make Prosthetic Bones for Cancer Patients. futurism|
"of bones, requiring them to be removed and replaced with prosthetic"
3D Printed Hearts are Saving Lives. mysteriousuniverse|
"to replicate organs for training, practice, pre-planning surgery and patient education"3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Gases Market by Type, Technology, Storage & Distribution, Function, En. prnewswire|
"for automotive and consumer products in developing countries and the growing healthcare market"
What to Look for in Voxeljet Earnings. 247wallst|
"the previous year a net loss of $0.03 per share on $6.94 million in revenue"
NatureWorks Introduces New PLA-Based ABS Alternative Material Ingeo 3D860. 3dprint|
"of making products made from it a burden on already over-taxed landfills"
3D printing revolution to create silicone implants. west|
"of the patent hopes to market its products from 2017"
Europe 3D Printing Powder Market 2016 Industry Trend and Forecast 2021. orbisresearch|
"an in-depth analysis of the subject matter, bringing to bear unparallel"
Profit From 3D Systems' Insane Rally. investorguide|
"of 3D Systems (DDD) up almost 150% from its all-time lows"
Global 3D Printing Market in Electronics Industry - Market to Grow a CAGR of 18. digitaljournal|
"in Size, Shares, Trends, Growth, Survey and Forecast report"to it's Large Report database"
10 Awesome Horror Themed Examples of 3D Printing. popcornhorror|
"the technology. So here’s 10 examples of creative horror themed 3D printing"ExOne Co (XONE) Downgraded by Zacks Investment Research. thevistavoice|
"a hold” rating in a report released on Wednesday, Analyst Ratings Network.com reports"
3D Printing Materials Market is Expected to Generate a Revenue of 2.15 Billion USD. business|
"from major industries like Consumer, Aerospace and Defense, Automobiles and Others"
Kalyani Group, Italian firm to tie-up for small arms. economictimes|
"The Kalyani Group, Italian firm to tie-up for small arms. econo"
Celebrating Women in Electronics. eetimes|
"on careers, offering business wisdom and a few future-looking predictions"
Broker Changes For ConforMIS, Inc. (NASDAQ:CFMS). risersandfallers|
"the analysts at Canaccord Genuity. now a USD 26 price target on the stock.11/30/20"
Hera Printing Takes Bacardi Poster to New Dimensions with 3D Effects from Scodix. piworld|
"a AT&T Communications, Abbott Laboratories, T-Mobile Communications, and Medical Card System ("
Global 3D Printing Healthcare Market to Reach $2841.2 million by 2022. beforeitsnews|
"in medicine sector where the drug toxicity tested on human tissue instead of animals" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )How 3D printing will change the pharmaceutical world forever. thenextweb|
"for supporting delivery, or helping to research cures. Let's explore how that might work"
NewPro3D speeds up 3D printing process for medical sector. tctmagazine|
"as the fastest 3D printing technology on the market to date"
Hudsonville girl gets 3D printed prosthetic hand for free. fox17online|
" a world create free 3D printed hands and arms for people in need"
3D printed prosthetic leg covering takes e-NABLE to 'Next Step', scoops $10K prize. 3ders|
"by e-NABLE stalwart Frankie Flood, recently received a $10,000 prize from the Infymakers"
3D Printing Technology can help Amputeed Peoples Fairfield Tech Day. albanydailystar|
"of dog, with the greatness of 3D printing now walk and sit naturally"
3D-printed drug wins FDA approval. techcen|
"from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now being shipped to pharmacies"
10-year-old 3D prints prosthetic arm that shoots out glitter with help of Autodesk. 3ders|
"at Autodesk's Pier 9 Superhero Cyborgs 2.0 workshop in San Francisco this past January"
3D Printing Medical Market to Reach $2841.2 million by 2022. newsmaker|
"in medicine sector where the drug toxicity tested on human tissue instead of animals"
Scientists are now capable 3D bioprint bone,mucle and cartilages Charlotte. albanydailystar|
"that printers, it uses biomaterials that very similar to functioning living tissue"A helping hand: MMS students make prosthetic limb. journal|
"the started in January and finished up just prior to last week's spring break"
Handheld surgical 'pen' prints human stem cells. healthcanal|
"to surgery. This makes it extremely difficult to pre-prepare an artificial cartilage"
Handheld surgical 'pen' prints human stem cells. healthcanal|
"to allow surgeons to sculpt customised cartilage implants during surgery"
IoT-focused SmarTEX Exhibit to Debut at COMPUTEX 2016. businesswire|
"of throughout COMPUTEX 2016, taking place May 31 to June 4 in Taipei"
Scientists found how different kinds of blood cells form quickly from the stem. albanydailystar|
"a embryos develop) and regenerative medicine (providing cells, tissues, or organs to treat dis"
Superhero wearables with an emotional touch, for ones who need. digit|
"to upper-limb differences, either been born without one or lost one"
Dental Radiology Equipment Market : Current Trends, Competition & Companies involv. medgadget|
"a gold standard for final representation of diagnostics until the arrival of advanced digital"
"an epidemic of this kind could bring a city like New York to its knees"
Materialise and HOYA Partner to Deliver 3D-Printed, Vision Examination System and. businesswire|
"a complete vision examination system with a new method to detect and correct fixation disparit"
Futuristic 3D printed YouBionic prosthetic now available for pre-order. 3ders|
"for pre-order. And at a fraction of the cost of a conventional bionic hand"
One Boy's 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Leads to Another's. 3dprint|
"to a particularly beautiful sort of sub-network that of children helping children" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Metal Market to 2020 - Drives Include Expiry of Patents for Selective Laser. businesswire|
"of the global 3D printing metals market from the revenue of key market"
3D printing, counterfeit pharma and crypto CCTV highlighted at Digital Catapult. ibtimes|
"as 10 blockchain startups hawked wares at London's Digital Catapult"
MarkAny develops DRM and piracy protection for 3D print files. 3ders|
"for purchase and digital consumption played with DRM to protect intellectual property"What Analyst’s have to say about 3D Systems Corporation. cwruobserver|
"of 1 to 5 where 1 stands for strong buy and 5 stands for strong sell"
voxeljet AG Reports Financial Results for the Fourth Quarter and Full Year Ended 2015. finance|
"to secure future growth plans. reaffirm full year 2016 guidanc"
$2.8 Billion Global 3D Printing Medical/Healthcare Market 2016-2022 Featuring. itbusinessnet|
"in terms of customization, accuracy and durability, the traditional methods being replaced"
Equities Analysts Issue Forecasts for ExOne Co’s Q1 2016 Earnings (XONE. thevistavoice|
"at 0.04) EPS, Q4 2017 earnings at ($0.01) EPS and FY2017 earnings at ($0.34) EPS"
3D Systems Corporation Has Another Very Negative Options Trading Session. smallcapwired|
"on August 24, 2015 and uptrending. It outperformed by 16.53% the S&P500"
Invention On Europe 3D Printing For Healthcare Industry 2016: Market Research, Trends. Invention|
"of new report Europe 3D Printing For Healthcare Industry 2016 Market Research Report"
Scorching Hot Tech Stocks Tape: 3D Systems (DDD), Fortinet (FTNT. zergwatch|
"a weekly performance of 7.13 percent and is 78.02 percent year-to-date as of the recent close"
4Q Results: Voxeljet AG (VJET. sharemarketupdates|
"in the fourth quarter of 2015 compared to 61.2% in the previous fourth quarter" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday Wednesday And
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Chinese Funeral Home 3D Prints Body Parts For Damaged Corpses. huffingtonpost|
"to repair damaged corpses, Chinese broadcaster China Radio International reported Thursday"
NASA researchers pioneer plasma 3D nanoprinting technique for use on flexible surfaces. 3ders|
"ClipWait e pioneered a new plasma-based 3D printing technology that capable"
Doctors Without Borders Testing 3D Printing, VR to Deploy and Design Hospitals. curbed|
"the reality as new means to help them design, build, and deploy even faster"
3D printed surgical guide helps treat man with severely deformed spine. 3ders|
"in place ensuring that even the doctor’s carefully trained hands would not slip"
3D printing continues to grow in healthcare. searchhealthit|
"of healthcare and health IT, and now a Research and Markets report confirms this"
healthcaredailyonline. healthcaredailyonl|
"from active epilepsy. Almost 16% of those active sufferers children"
AM - 3D bio-printing providing hope for sufferers of gum disease. abc|
"at sing 3D printing technology in the treatment of gum disease"
Handheld surgical 'pen' prints human stem cells. nanowerk|
"to ‘draw’ human stem cells in freeform patterns with extremely high survival rates"
3D-printing: Drømmen om å bygge en nyre. aftenposten|
"of mer 3D-printing: Drømmen om å bygge en nyre. aftenposten|"
This 10-year-old girl creates her own prosthetic arm that shoots sparkles. techworm|
"a old from Columbia, Missouri, designed own prosthetic arm that shoots glitter"
Emerging Biotechnologies Are Changing Pediatric Care. medscape|
"in about how research changing trends in pediatrics. Dr Kraft, tell us about yourself"
Northwell Health Launches Contest to Fund Next Medical Breakthrough. longisland|
"for favorite idea in which think Northwell Health should invest"
Chinese funeral home can restore corpses with 3D printing. newstalk|
"of reports from the state-owned China Radio International on Thursday"3D printed ovary implants to treat female infertility successfully tested in mice. www|
"with reduced ovarian function and experiencing infertility as a result"
Metal 3D Printing In The Benelux: FMI Instrumed As First Provider Of Orthopedic. orthospinenews|
"with peration, metal 3D printing where it’s at primarily for one reason: strength"
Transforming Dentistry: Australian Researcher Uses BioPrinting to Engineer New Jaw & Gum. 3dprint|
"to find help from own cells, thanks to new discoveries coming out of Australia"
3D Printing Technology can help Amputeed Peoples. albanydailystar|
"on dog, with the greatness of 3D printing, now walk and sit naturally"
Healthcare 3D Printing Market Will Grow Rapidly Owing To Increased Demand. pressreleaserocket|
"in increasing demand.The market estimated to be worth USD 1.13 billion by 2020"
Futuristic TeleDentistry Startup Disrupting Orthodontics In the UK. www|
%(#008000)["an system, Straight Teeth Directmakes high quality invisible"]
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Imperial Capital Comments on ExOne Co’s Q1 2016 Earnings (XONE). sfhfm|
"of EPS, Q4 2017 earnings at ($0.01) EPS and FY2017 earnings at ($0.34) EPS"
Miura Global Management Exits Position in 3D Systems Corporation (DDD). thescsucollegian|
"the company sold out 130,000 shares of 3D Systems Corporation which valued at $1.9 Mil"
China Innovation Power: Far Out-Ranks U.S. And Japan In New Patent Applications. forbes|
"to attract more up and comers to base headquarters in turf – all familiar themes"
Most Trending Healthcare Stock Despite of Its Low Volume: Amedica Corporation. wallstrt24|
"to achieve similar theoretical density and microstructure attributes to traditionally"
Series 2009 $100 notes entering circulation, five years late. coinworld|
"the troubled Series 2009 $100 Federal Reserve notes finally turning up in circulation"Company Shares of The ExOne Company (NASDAQ:XONE) Rally 2.71%. thescsucollegian|
"The stock recorded a 20-day Moving Average of 9.95% and the 50-Day Moving Average"
Company Shares of 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) Rally 2.44%. losangelesmirror|
"a 20-day Moving Average of 10.35% and the 50-Day Moving Average"
Global Healthcare 3D Printers, Applications, Products, Services & An. marketwired|
"that previously indicated slow growth of the market in real world scenario"
3D Systems Co. (DDD) Receives “Hold” Rating from Jefferies Group. thevistavoice|
"consensus rating of Hold and a consensus price target of $18.48"
"of the next Nintendo console controller, The Nintendo NX. There so many pictures, it ju"
Recent study: 3D printing in healthcare market to generate 1.2 billi. www|
"for designing customized medical devices, prosthesis which includes prosthetic limbs,"
Stratasys Invents 3D Printing Again With Transformational, Market. a chemically|
"The Stratasys J750 a game-changer for both OtterBox and the 3D printing industry"
Stratasys Invents 3D Printing Again With Transformational, Market. manufacturingtomor|
"the Stratasys J750 a game-changer for both OtterBox and the 3D printing industry"
Now, BBM update gives enhanced privacy, control over content. timesofindia|
"that provide users enhanced privacy and control over messages and content" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On
Monday Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Chinese morticians restore bodies with 3D printing. upi|
"to restore and reconstruct the bodies of its clients"
Handheld 3D printing ‘BioPen’ to allow doctors print human stem cells during surgery. bgr|
"to surgery. makes it extremely difficult to pre-prepare an artificial cartilage implant"
Scientists create 3D printed electronic egg that spy on endangered vulture nests. 3ders|
"for turtle eggs equipped with GSM to help track and take down turtle egg poachers"
Hy5 receives Eurostar funding for titanium 3D printed myoelectric prosthetic hands. 3ders|
"in_program and additional invesments, Hy5 now nearly ready to bring 3D printed prosthe"
3D Printing Technology can help Amputeed Peoples – Visalia Daily News. albanydailystar|
"on a dog, with the greatness of 3D printing, now walk and sit naturally"
SSHS freshman is recipient of prosthetic created by 3D printer. myssnews|
"the past year, goal been to change the lives of people in community"
Smallest photo printed by Nano 3D Printer achieved enter Guinness Book of World. albanydailystar|
"The measures only 0.0092 mm2 which as small as the cross-sectional area of a human hair"
Doctors in Jaipur use revolutionary 3D technology in neurosurgery. sirg|
"to the 3D printing technique been used in the country for neurosurgery"
Life-saving overdose teatment naloxone gets user-friendly 3D printed redesign. 3ders|
"as certainly rather, as a mere “user experience” issue, the kind trained to solve"
Chinese funeral parlor repairs the dead via 3D printing. digitaltrends|
"of limbs severed and bones crushed. It’s not pretty, and it shows at the funera"New 3D 'splints' being tested at Morriston Hospital. southwales|
"latest helping hand at Morriston Hospital the latest 3D printing technology"
Technology Meets the Dead: 3D Printing Enhances Someone’s Remains
"of a body part, families may choose to the coffin of loved one closed"
Understanding the 3D Printing Market for Dental Devices. investingnews|
"to orthodontic sector Dentistry as a whole benefiting from the specificity and speed of"
Biopen' lets doctors 3D print cartilage during surgery. engadget|
"the device, surgeons precisely customize the joint to the patient with"
The 3D-printed eggs that could save vultures from extinction. engadget|
"to temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, carbon dioxide, light and rotation data"
How innovative 3D printing technology is offering a helping hand to. walesonline|
"to help people damaged brachial plexus – which connects the spine to the upper l"
Accurate, Less Time, More Success: Jaipur Doctors Used 3D Printed Mo. thebetterindia|
"in mind the exact location of nerves and CV Junction, which to be operated.”"
Your personal 3D Figure. 3faktur|
"of keeping a memory fresh - capture latest outfit, engagement, wedding" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Intellectual Property Lawyer Sees 3D Printing as a Game-Changer. itbusinessedge|
"of the world’s most knowledgeable resources on the topic"
Why 3D Systems Stock Surged 36.9% in March. fool|
"by fourth-quarter earnings that exceeded Wall Street revenue expectations. Rival Stratasys"
Former Head of HP's Printing Business is New 3D Systems (DDD) CEO - Needham. streetinsider|
"to to Buy rating the PT goes to $17 from $16 on a higher multiple"
Anyone can steal 3D-printed products by just listening to the sounds the printer. sciencealert|
"from races to body parts and even the world's lightest material. This all stuff use"
3D Printing Raises New Legal Questions. industryweek|
"To commonly referred to as 3D printing – taking over the world no understatement"
Mega Breakout In 3D Printing Bellwether Stratasys, Ltd.(NASDAQ:SSYS). etfdailynews|
"of ctor it all comes down like a house of cards. And when nobody pays attention anymore"
United States 3D Printing Medical Devices Industry 2016 Market Research Reporthd. medgadget|
"in depth study on the current state of the 3D Printing Medical Devices industry"
United States 3D Printing in Dentistry Industry Analysis 2016 Market Research. medgadget|
"a al and in-depth study on the current state of the 3D Printing in Dentistry industry"
Jefferies Group Reiterates Hold Rating for ExOne Co (XONE). sfhfm|
"an average rating of “Hold” and an average target price of $13.0"
3D Printing Services Market to Grow Globally at a CAGR of 48.64% During. digitaljournal|
"in would increase the importance of adoption of new technologies such as 3D printing"
3D Printing Services Market to Grow Globally at a CAGR of 48.64% During. digitaljournal|
"to , which in turn would increase the importance of adoption of new technologies such a"
3DP Industry Expanded 25.9% in 2015, Topping $5 Billion. americanmachinist|
"of the numerous manufacturers of AM/3DP systems profiled, too"
The 5 Risks That Plague Stratasys. tcbmag|
"of challenges in the 3D printing and additive manufacturing market"
Report: Underground markets ‘booming’ amid fierce competition. washingtontimes|
"for being offered alongside stolen identities and forged documents at cut-throat prices"Top 3 trends impacting global machine tools market. onlinetmd|
"to exceed $120 billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of more than 6%"
Desktop 3D printer sales up 22%, continue to lead global market as industrial 3D print. 3ders|
"the top global 3D printer market trends for Q4 and full year 2015 to give us just the in"
3D Systems’ (DDD) Hold Rating Reaffirmed at Canaccord Genuity. financial|
"a 13.00 price target on the 3D printing company’s stock"
3D-printed designs could be stolen from noisy blabbermouth printers. alphr|
"for room where doodles kept. Thieves get hold of design by listening t"
Why Stratasys Stock Jumped 27.9% in March. fool|
"to 3D printing stocks. Stratasys' stock gained 27.9%, while shares of 3D Systems ended"
Why Proto Labs Inc. Stock Jumped Nearly 15% in March. fool|
"to 3D printing. Even Proto Labs which only generates about 10% of its revenue from 3D p"
The High-Tech, High Design World of Sex To. wired|
"to technology available at the time. And as technology advanced, so sex toy de"
Tech Stocks Review: Xerox (XRX), Centurylink (CTL), 3D Systems (DDD). sharemarketupdates|
"a n intraday high of $11.03 and the price vacillated in this range throughout the day" -
3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts :: Life Science and Wild West News Bar( Must Be 21 )
Posted: On Monday
Wednesday And Friday
3D Bioengineering Synthetic Body Parts, Organs, Limbs, Bones, Teeth, Eyes, Prosthesis, Device
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Global 3D-Printed Medical Prosthetics Markets 2015-2020. marketwired|
"From nted Prosthetics, Orthotics and Ophthalmic Applications Expected to Reach $310 Million"
Could 3D-printed ovaries help treat infertility. gizmag|
"to prosthetic ovary, which successfully implanted into mice, allowing them to bear"
MediPrint's 3D-printed NovaCast is breathable and lightweight, could replace itchy, sm. 3ders|
"for casts that be washed and weighs up to ten times less than plaster"
3D Printing Technology can help Amputeed Peoples – Gilbert Daily Science. albanydailystar|
"on a dog, with the greatness of 3D printing, now walk and sit naturally"
3D-Printed Satellite Antenna Is Just One Piece. designnews|
"an Antenna Test Facility, located at ESA’s ESTEC technical center in the Netherlands"
Funeral parlor 3D prints new faces for disfigured corpses. boingboing|
"to improve the appearance of the deceased during viewing"
3D bioprinter prints living cells. online|
"of tissues and possibly regenerate organs. The acquired device a new development"
A view from the frontier: turning hospitals into factories. manmonthly|
"with better off except for global manufacturers of “off the shelf” devices and implants"
3D printing BioPen lets surgeons draw with stem cells. mashable|
"for performing these surgeries today may be about to change, thanks to new research"
The world's first 3D-printed drug just been unveiled. sciencealert|
"of what was once expensive and inaccessible now cost-efficient and available to many"
3D Printing for Healthcare, Trends, R&D and Revenue Forecasts 2016-2026: Explore. prnewswire|
"of data and analysis, letting explore developments, technology and revenue predicti"
Pioneering 3D printing technology allows damaged corpses to have new faces and feature. mirror|
"a ground-breaking funeral home a 3D printer to recreate the faces of damaged"
3D Printed Ovary from Northwestern Could Help Restore Fertility. chicagoinno|
"of Northwestern could use 3D printing to benefit women lost fertility"
3D Printed Heart Model Gives a Five-Year-Old Girl a Good Chance for a Long Life. 3dprint|
"to even be attempted, with 3D printed surgical models that allow surgeons to study"Community-Based Personalized Healthcare: A Few Questions For Neurosurgeon Paul D’Urso. 3dprint|
"for Australia in the Inside 3D Printing Conference and Expo series, which see shows"
Havenlabs to help US war veterans with flexible & customizable 3D printed prosth. 3ders|
"a Google office scholarship for a free office space over the summer. also"
Korean Medical Team Successfully Transplants 3D Printed Skull. koreabizwire|
"a Korean medical team succeeded in transplanting a 3D printed skull, drawing the a"
HHS CTO: Technology in healthcare is a Trojan Horse for culture change. mobihealthnews|
"in anthropology, not technology. thinks it's also illustrative of the role tech"
New 3D bioprinter print implants from patient cells. bitemagazine|
"the body parts could revolutionise the dental industry and help rural communities receiv"3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Technology Sector in Focus: Stratasys (SSYS), Infinera (INFN). newsoracle|
"with average trading volume of 1.51 Million. The total number of Outstanding Shares Held"
Technology Sector in Focus: Stratasys (SSYS), Infinera (INFN). newsoracle|
"an average trading volume of 1.51 Million. The total number of Outstanding Shares Held"
Global additive manufacturing market tops £3.6bn. prw|
"by more than 278,000 desktop printers, those priced under $5,000 (£3,500) – according t"
Active Tech Stock News: VMware, Inc. (VMW), Stratasys Ltd. (SSYS). zergwatch|
"The stock a weekly performance of -1.3 percent and -10.38 percent year-to-date as"
Update: Federal Circuit Declines to Reconsider ITC Jurisdiction over Electronic. jdsupra|
"to Supreme Court may be forthcoming. Shortly after the Order issued, Align Technolo" -
3D Printers Public Wild West News Bar ( Must Be 21 ) Money, Laws, Guns and Oddities
( Highlight WEB title line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )3D Printing Raises New Legal Questions, IndustryWeek. lexology|
"with this explosive growth come many unanswered legal questions for manufacturers"
What NOT to Do When Using Sculpteoâ€s 3D Printing Services. 3dprint|
"a look at what these 5 things (and, of course, try to avoid doing them in the future"
3D Printing Metal Market by Form, by Type, by Application, and by Region - Global Fo. prnewswire|
"the factors that expected to drive the growth of the 3D printing metals marke"
ExOne Co. Stock Rose Nearly 36% in March. fool|
"of ExOne (NASDAQ:XONE) rose nearly 36% higher, while 3D Systems rose 37%"
Global 3D Printing Plastic Market 2016 Industry Growth, Analysis, Research, Developm. digitaljournal|
"of the key players operating in the market and provides insightful information about the"
Stocks Within Analysts Screening: Symantec Corporation (NASDAQ:SYMC) 3D Systems. streetupdates|
"as its lowest price. The previous close of the stock price registered at $18.37"
Recent Analysts’ Ratings Changes for 3D Systems (DDD). webbreakingnews|
"in addition to macroeconomic factors such as slowing growth and currency fluctuations"
These Tech Stocks are Trending: 3D Systems Corporation (DDD), Hewlett Packard Enterp. newsoracle|
"of 4.47Million. The total number of Outstanding Shares Held by the company 111.45 Million"
Broker Roundup For 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD). sharetrading|
"the 3D Systems Corporation a holding company. The Company a provider of three-dimensional"
Are Sex Robots Unethical or Just Unimaginative as Hell. jezebel|
"for creation of a life- sized robot called Mark 1, which modeled after Scarlett"
$60 Million Merger Completed with 3D Medical, Mach7 Technologies Formed. 3dprint|
"as Mach7 Technologies Limited, the new company begin trading on the Australian Stock"Triangle headlines: DeSimone's fast 3D printer; TransEnterix surgical bots advance;. wraltechwire|
"for An RTP diagnostics firm sold for $65 million"
4WEB Medical Expands IP Portfolio Further with Patent for Truss Implant Technology,. 3dprint|
"as implants and renowned as the world’s first FDA-approved provider of such 3D printed"
Canaccord Genuity Reaffirms “Hold” Rating for 3D Systems Co. (DDD). webbreakingnews|
"on Tuesday, Market Beat reports. currently a $13.00 target price on the 3D printing"
Market Report"3D Printing Metal Market - Global Forecast to 2020", Published. digitaljournal|
"of Metal Market - Global Forecast to 2020", on comprehensive research portal"
The Hype Cycle: Why Tech Goes Through Booms and Busts. fool|
"at technologies more impartially, and avoid those that might be near a bust"
Stocks Within Analysts Screening: SunEdison, Inc. (NYSE:SUNE) , 3D Systems Corporati. Analysts|
"of $127.01M. It twelve month low of $0.200 and twelve month high of $33.450"
Beyond Digital Study: A Fifth of UK Businesses to Trade in Digital Currencies. bitcoinmagazine|
"to organizations be accepting Bitcoin and similar digital currencies as payment by 202"