New 3d Machines Unveilings & Pens, Scanners, Elements Idems
New 3D Printer Machines unveilings, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idems
( Highlight WeB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the web page )With Worldwide Shipments of 3D Printers Set to Double in 2015, CHGT Preps to Meet. rockhillherald|
"for new 3D printers include lower prices, improved performance and increasing availability"
3D printing market booms. engineering Materials|
"expected to continue throughout all target sectors to reach $20bn by 2025"
MatterControl Touch To Be Unveiled Next Week During 3D Printer World. Geeky Gadgets|
"to control their 3D printer might be interested to know that its creators MatterHackers"
Unilever's 3D printers cut prototype production time by nearly half. PC World India|
"its well-known household care and laundry goods packaging moulds using Stratasy's 3D printing"
World's first 3D printing pen reinvented. Reddit|
"It's still important, but digital tools like screen readers have made it a lot less relevant"
eSun Announces Their New Bronze PLA 3D Printer Filament. 3D Printing Materials Conference|
"created a 3D printing material to reflect that golden hope for a better tomorrow"
Chinese Filament eSUN Adds a New Bronze 3D-Printing PLA Filament. Inside 3D Printing|
"special bronze-colored model of a goat called “San Yang Kai Tai” to honor the Year of the Goat"
3D Printer Heated Bed. Instructables|
"similar problems mainly models shrinking,collapsing or deforming fromuneven cooling of the part"
Japanese Penguin. Kickstarter|
"printing them out, Ariel and Keith decided to adopt them. Then they lived happily ever after"
The Pirx One Printer Mixes High Design And 3D Tech. TechCrunch|
"PLA printer with some seriously classy looks and optional heated bed for ABS support"
Live: are crowdsourcing and 3D printing set to revolutionise society?. European Parliament|
"will discuss the issue today from 14:00 CET. Follow the event live here"
Bronze Filament for 3D Printing. 3D Focus|
"printing firsthand and are able to communicate their vision for creating a better experience"
Atom 2.0 3D Printer & Laser Engraver Launches — 'The Most Refined Delta Printer Yet'.|
"Delta-style printers are extremely capable machines, worth having a look at"-| (blog) Unboxing the LulzBot Mini 3D Printer
"new features that facilitate more consistent, higher quality prints than ever"
892000 Dollar Investment in CreoPop 3D Printing Pens. 3D Printing|
"to CreoPop co-founder Andreas Birnik the “commitments” amount to more than 892,000 dollars"
MakerCare for the MakerBot Replicator 2X 3D Printer.|
"allow for more innovation and creativity in your design process"
"However, we have to consider the costs involved in using a 3D printer"
Canola Oil on filament ends - myth or magic?. Reddit|
"recommendation to dab some canola oil on the end of my filament when loading"
Cube Gen 3 Wiper Set of 6. Fargo 3D Printing|
"comes with two cartridges of PLA plastic to fuel your dual color designs"
Please Do Not Scan or 3D Print the Michelangelo. 3D Printing Industry|
"property, and that he is guilty of copyright infringement. Jerry is bewildered"
-| (blog) Unboxing the LulzBot Mini 3D Printer
New 3D Printer Machines unveilings, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idems
( Highlight WeB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the web page )The CubePro 3D Printer. Fabbaloo|
"a acquired by 3D Systems, who have been improving the technology ever since"
SXSW Finalist CreoPop Gets Major Funding for Their 3D Printing Pen. 3D Printing Industry|
"creativity as they are extremely affordable and do not require any previous CAD skills"
3D Printing. chipKIT Development Platform|
"silly, but kinda fun nevertheless. Download it now and print it today"
Sandvik takes the leap into 3D Printing. Metal Powder Report|
"3D initiatives across the companies business for a range of applications, including tools"
Optomec and 3D Printing Electronics: Interview with IDTechEx. Printed Electronics World|
"This ierview with IDTechEx was taken at Printed Electronics USA, hosted by IDTechEx"
The PIRX: That's One Dreamy 3D Printer. 3D Printing Industry|
"by launching a single color version of its cool looking PIRX one 3D printer"Flexy Hand Remix uses flexible filament #3DThursday #3DPrinting. BLOG - Adafruit|
"Gyrobot shares an optimised flexy hand. This version was printed with flexible materials"
3DCeram Offers CERAMAKER, a 3D Printing Unit Dedicated to Ceramics. Ceramics Expo|
"of materials and processes dedicated to ceramic material and 3D printing of ceramixp arts"
Filament wizard Kai Parthy unveils his new MOLDLAY wax 3D Printing filament.|
"on a SLS or SLA 3D printer to add some variety to your prints"
Certificate of Quality for Your 3D Printing Filament. 3D Printing Industry|
"from Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer for 3D Systems, Michael Marchesan"
How to Create Cheap 3D Printer from Your Old DVD Driver?. 3D Printing Pin|
"you have almost all the hardware component to build your own cheap 3D printer"
3Dprinting. Reddit| assembling 3D printers and my budget is roughly $500-
"heated bed necessary or should I be fine without it on the SImple Metal"
Unboxing the LulzBot Mini 3D Printer. Fargo 3D Printing|
"Our unboxing video will let you know what to expect when yours arrives"
Wax Filament for 3d Printing.|
"a 3D printer and is often at the space willing to tinker with things"
The Element. Kickstarter| Printr is raising funds for The Element - 3D printers'
"to print their own construction without having extensive knowledge of software or hardware"
3D Printed Warframes, Would You Buy? De, Would You Sell?. Warframe Forums|
"Sharing it now. Used the search function, didn't find anything similar"
Full Spectrum Laser debuts 2 3D printers that fit on your desk. Gigaom|
"while other companies are expanding into larger machines, FSL is doing the opposite"
3DT Labs Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Q 3D Printer.|
"quality, along with affordability, the creators of the Q promise you ease"
Stratasys Expands FDM and PolyJet 3D Printing Material Options. Business Wire (press release)|
"flexibility to create colorful parts that are UV resistant, strong and durable"
Stratasys Expands FDM and PolyJet 3D Printing Material Options. MarketWatch|
"introduced new colors for its ASA thermoplastic and expanded its Digital Materials" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveilings, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idems
( Highlight WeB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the web page )The Element Wireless 3D Printer Adapter Launches On Kickstarter (video). Geeky Gadgets|
"to help The Element, which is powered by Formide, go into manufacture"
Graphene 3D Lab to Begin Industrial Scale Production of Graphene 3D Printer Filament.|
"TSX-V: GGG, OTCQB: GPHBF) is one such company"
Graphene 3D Lab Ready for Graphene-Enhanced Filament Production.|
"for the company which is now moving from R&D to revenue production"
Is 3D Printing the Answer to Plastic Waste?. EcoWatch|
"allowing people to create the products and tools they need in their own homes"
Bringing Closed-Loop Control to Desktop 3D Printing. 3D Printing Industry|
"leading to better repeatability and quality assurance in the world of desktop 3D printing"
Meet the Einscan-S, A New White Light 3D Scanner on Kickstarter. 3D Printing Industry|
"3D scanner and is ready for Kickstarter, with a price of $799"
EinScan-S: Fast, Accurate, Safe 3D Scanner for 3D Printing. Kickstarter|
"Laser light is too strong for eyes, especially not safe for Children's eyes"
Graphene 3D Lab Moves from R&D to Revenue Generation.|
"Sales of conductive graphene filament are expected to begin before the end of March"
" Q " The complete 3D Printing system. Kickstarter|
"take you almost no time to learn and be a real 3D object maker"
3D Print Your Own Filament Counter and Stay On Top of Future Print Jobs. Global Symposium 2011|
"want to keep track of how much filament you used on a given job"
Detecting 3D Printed Guns and Other Highlights from the Museum of Science and Industry. Make|
"the Ferranti Mark I, the world’s first commercially available computer produced in Manchester"
The Micro: The Most Funded Kickstarter 3D Printer. 3D Printing Pin|
"also buy the ABS or PLA filament from the stock available in 12 colors"
Inside 3D Printing. Stratasys'| New 3D Printing Materials Bring Stronger, More Colorful
"end-use parts more efficiently and cost-effectively than traditional manufacturing technologies"Choosing Your 3D Printing Material: It's About More Than Strength!. CAPUniversity - CAPINC|
"printing material is right for you? Which one makes your parts the best"
3Dprinting. Reddit| Hey I've purchased a flux all in one 3D printer
"look and let me know it this printer is capable of producing goods prints"
3D Printing / 3D Scanning Inside Sales. Craigslist|
"products has on opening for a highly motivated, top producing inside sales professional"
Style Your Desk and Increase Productivity with Colorful 3D Printed Statial. 3D Printing Magazine|
"digital design. Since most of us spend a lot of time in the"
Replacing Ceramic Tape on a MakerBot Replicator 2. Fargo 3D Printing|
"can find some here, or purchase a six-pack to stock up"
Tag Archive for. Fargo 3D Printing| From time to time the MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printer
"don’t have time to wait for a part, try manually unclogging it first"
Stratasys Expands FDM and PolyJet 3D Printing Material Options. Robotics Tomorrow|
"introduced new colors for its ASA thermoplastic and expanded its Digital Materials"
Stratasys Expands FDM and Polyjet 3D Printing Material Options. Additive Manufacturing|
"solutions, introduced new colors for its ASA thermoplastic and expanded its Digital Materials" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveilings, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idems
( Highlight WeB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the web page )Delcam to Show ArtCAM JewelSmith 2015, Ember 3D Printer. Ten Links|
"Birmingham, as part of the Spring Fair from February 1 to 5"
EinScan-S White Light 3D Scanner Launches On Kickstarter From $799 (video). Geeky Gadgets|
"the video below to learn more about this innovative and very unique 3D scanner"
Delcam to preview Autodesk's Ember 3D printer and ArtCAM JewelSmith at Spring Fair. The Engineer|
"Birmingham, as part of the Spring Fair from 1–5 February"3
Borneo Bulletin. Full Coverage|
"Full coverage of home,asia, world, weather and sport news"
Graphics Systems Corp. Announces Engineer 3D! Training Conference. Brookfield Elm Grove Now|
"Offset to close 1/9 ... Announces Engineer 3D! Training + Technology"
Stratasys Introduces New Colors for ASA Thermoplastic, Expands Digital Materials.|
"the flexibility to create colorful parts that are UV resistant, strong and durable"
Your Name or Initials 3D Printed. Kickstarter|
"0.19 mm resolution in the color(s) of your choosing"
3Dprinting. Reddit| If I am printing vases or stuff, sometimes I can
"didn't have any problems after leaving one roll out for a couple of months"
Compare MakerBot Replicator 3D Printers. Fargo 3D Printing|
"which MakerBot Replicator 3D printer is right for you with this detailed comparison chart"Makerbot Replicator Z18. Clarity 3D Printing Mumbai| This is Makerbot's largest printer
"USB and ethernet connectivity to make printing your models ultra fast and easy"
3D Printing. YouTube| 3D Printing with Wood Filament on Robo 3D Printer -
"of material it will make your head spin. Wood being one of them"
Hi! I am Steve Taitinger (3D modeling program kickstarter). 3D Printing Forum|
"software has been like or if you would like to talk about anything else"
Evolution 3D Printers. 1Click3DPrint|
"the Evolution Gen2. It has been designed for engineers"
3Dprinting. Reddit| So we just got a 3d printer and after much
"the plastic and the nozzle off of position and screwing the whole thing up"
Replacing A Replicator 2 Heater Block Assembly. Fargo 3D Printing|
"make sure you turn off your machine and unplug it from the wall"
Red. Fargo 3D Printing| red 3d printer filament. Add to cart. Quick View ...
"Replicator. John believes that 3D printing will change the way the world works"
Graphene 3D Ready for Industrial Scale Graphene Filament Production.|
"now operational and has been tested for the production of specialty filaments"
Fast, Accurate, Safe 3D Scanner for 3D Printing. 3D Hubs|
"These types of details will definitely get more people to click your link "
3Dprinting. Reddit| Printed on a Printrbot Simple Metal at 200 C, 200
"C, 200 micron layer resolution, Printrbot PLA, 0.4 nozzle"
Sustainable 3D Printing Filament. Kickstarter|
"process, while creating a feel-good product which should benefit us all" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveilings, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idems
( Highlight WeB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the web page )Graphene 3D Lab to start mass producing graphene 3D printer filament. Graphene Info|
"in the near future, to accommodate the anticipated growing demand for such materials"
3D printing of ceramics. The Rocketry Forum|
"parts. Has anyone used another service to produce high-temperature parts?"
3D Printer. Reichelt| Type: 3D printer. Design: Kit. Obejct size (max.)
"need to know, and which 3D printer is the right one for you"
0. Thingiverse| Simple and quick test file to print. Domed part helps
"helps identify layer height and surface finish issues Bridging test of 10 and 20 mm Circular"
FAQ. Plastibot| Can I order the heated bed at a later time
"workshop we will provide you with all the tools needed to assemble the printer"
Zecotek Announces Breakthrough Manufacturing Technology for Metal Powders. MarketWatch|
"ecological purity and safety of the process among other keyfunctional parameters"
Zecotek is Working on Powders for Laser Sintering 3D Printing Which Use Breakthrough. 3D Print|
"to open up new applications for the technology, and industries which use it"
New metal powder production method for 3D printing announced. Ferret|
"to develop a metal hydrides synthesis method for powder making"
Fargo 3D Printing Provides Incredibly Easy Solution to Clogged MakerBot Smart Extruders. 3D Print|
"looking at these extruders as something that they were not — self-repairing"
Kinpo Group's XYZPrinting Looks Towards 3D Scanning with Intel's RealSense Technology. 3D Print|
"world, the company has already made a name for themselves in the industry"
XYZprinting Hopes to Integrate Intel RealSense 3D Camera into 3D Printers. 3D Printing Industry|
"apply for the scholarships that will benefit a single student and a single professor"
Hueway Technology Unveils and Releases Two New 3D Printers. 3D Print|
"3D printers provide many features new and improved from the company’s previously released"Stratasys Expands FDM And PolyJet 3D Printing Material Options. Jakarta Post|
"the flexibility to create colorful parts that are UV resistant, strong and durable"
Stratasys Expands FDM And PolyJet 3D Printing Material Options. The Independent Singapore News)|
"solutions, introduced new colors for its ASA thermoplastic and expanded its Digital Materials"
3D printing pen CreoPop raises financing round led by 500 startups. DEALSTREETASIA|
"was founded in August 2013 and has developed a variant that resolves this challenge"
3D Print a rainbow of colors & material properties with Connex.|
"or less than $3,000, depending on the model you choose"
PolyJet or Fused Deposition Modeling: Which 3D Print Technology is Right for You?. ENGINEERING|
"they need to understand the fundamental differences of the various printing technologies"
Lomiko CEO discusses the Tesla Gigafactory, Graphene 3D printing and energy storage w. CNNMoney|
"Devices (Graphene ESD) will work on the development of a Graphene Supercapacitor"
Bondtech Extruder V2 is Unveiled with a 'Performance that Outclasses All Other Extruders'. 3D Print|
"the 3D printer’s bed, thus building an object up, layer by layer"
Metal Additive Manufacturing: A new magazine for the 3D. Powder Injection Moulding International|
"for serial production of engine components at its facility in Bordes, France"
Graphene-Enhanced 3D Printing Filament is on its Way. 3D Printing Industry|
"graphene filament is due to hit the market by the end of next month"
3D Printed Open Hardware Syringe Yields $800M Value, Study Finds. 3D Printing Industry|
"over time – those savings can result in upwards of $800 million"
Smart Extruder for MakerBot Replicator/Mini. Fargo 3D Printing|
"work best with the MakerBot Replicator 5th Gen and Replicator Mini 3D printers"
MakerBot Y-Axis Secondary for Replicator 2/2X. Fargo 3D Printing|
"a replacement for the left-hand side bracket on the 3D printer"
My Stem Kits: New Kickstarter 3D Printing for Education Initiation. 3D Printing Pin|
"in the Kickstarter 3D printing category is the My Stem Kits project" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveilings, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idems
( Highlight WEB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the WEB page )New 3D Printer Filament Brings Lost-Wax Casting To Your Desktop. Make|
"a new addition to his unique collection of materials with the introduction of Moldlay"
Spectrom's 'Virtual Paintbrush' to Bring Full Color 3D-Printing to the Desk. Inside 3D Printing|
"eliminate bulky model storage – which may contribute to the expansion of digital dentistry"
installing linear bearings. 3D Printing Blog| The MakerBolicator 2 3D printers are
"getting, unless of course if you’ve already had some issues with the bushings"
CreoPop: New 3D Printing Pen with Extended Capabilities. 3D Printing Pin|
"these projects are the 3Doodler and LIX pen that we covered a while ago"
The Element - Intuitive Plug & Play Device for Your 3D Printer. 3Printr. com|
"to “overwhelming settings, hours of trial and error and countless failed prints"
Pens gain traction in 3D printing industry. EE Times India|
"Manufacturing/Packaging How do wide band gap technologies impact power electronics"
Zecotek develops unique way to produce 3D printing powders. Metal Powder Report|
"to the rapid development of additive technologies for 3D rapid manufacturing"
Kickstarter Picks of the Week: Solar System, 3D Printing Tech and Handheld Power. Energy Digital|
"the United States, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration"
The Fabrap 3.0 3D Printer is Unveiled & Expected to be Priced at Around Just $450.|
"offered on crowdfunding sites to early backers, for as low as $149"
Designer Kostas Metaxas is Offering an Upscale 3D Printed Pen on Kickstarter.|
"filmmaker and producer who covers fashion, design, gastronomy, and the arts"
ColorFabb Unveils New Carbon Fiber XT-CF20 3D Printing Filament.|
"Colorfabb, during March of 2013. Now that Colorfabb is run by"
Carbon Fiber XT-CF20 3D Printing Filament Unveiled By ColorFabb. Geeky Gadgets|
"carbon fibre content and takes the form of the new colorFabb XT-CF20"
ColorFabb Releases New XT-CF20 Composite Carbon Fiber Material. 3D Printing Industry|
"integrating as much as 20% carbon fiber into Eastman’s Amphora 3D polymer"
Amphora 3D polymer. 3D Printing Blog|
"in our opinion, was the launch of ColorFabb’s Amphora line of plastic filament"Why 3D printers are 'the sewing machine for the 21st century'. Sydney Morning Herald|
"one fan of the technology is evangelising its use in a more everyday context"
An All New 3D Print Recycler | Introducing The Cruncher!.|
"The Cruncher from ExtrusionBot recycles failed prints into reusable raw materials"
zzyzx Large Area 3d Printer. Kickstarter|
"3d printer, and 2) A partially assembled DIY kit for minimal profit"
Continuous, High-Speed Fab-Grade 3D Printer - Nov. 2014 Update. 3D Systems|
"set to revolutionize manufacturing where 3D printing will become the rule" -
New 3D Printer Stores, Retailers, Dealer, Coumpany's, Services, Ads, Opertunities, Jobs and Funding
( Highlight WEB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the WEB page )DIY 3D Printing Pen. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board| Ever since WobbleWorks raised $2.3 m
"The resin is cured by a UV laser and no heated parts are necessary"
3D Printers. Invention Studio| The 3D printers are machines that build parts by programmatically
"professional and consumer printers, with varying features, reliability, and cost"
3D Printing, Crowdsourcing Offer 'Bold' Opportunities to Profit.|
"challenges because of exponential technology and crowd-powered tools, said Steven Kotler"
Bonsai Lab makes 3D printing fun for the whole family. Gizmag|
"that one left off, offering a simple design aimed at families and children"
Proto Labs launches one day 3D printing service. TCT Magazine|
"production company to ship 3D-printed parts in as fast as one day"Proto Labs Launches Quick-Turn 3D Printing Capabilities. Rock Hill Herald|
"today announced financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2014"
Have a 3D Printer Sitting Idle? Rinkak Will Hire It. 3D Printing Industry|
"customer interaction hassles, such as price quotations, order management, and billing"
New to 3D printing => STOKED. 3D Hubs|
"also provide a budget-friendly alternative for other student engineers at my university"
3DPrinted miniature buildings #3DThursday #3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"was fun, yet when I look back at it, also quite educational"
3D Printing and design lessons. Craigslist|
"with my knowledge and you will learn a lot about this new growing industry"
Cloud 3D Printing with John Dogru. 3D Printer OS|
"Leave a Reply"
Wanted: A 3D Scanning Guru with a Fondness for 200-Thousand-Year-Old Artifa. 3D Printing Industry|
"fossils, the President of the United States, and a whale (deceased"
Canada's largest 3D printer distributor launches express printing service. TCT Magazine|
"modified specifically for the service to deliver affordable 3D printing with industrial technology"
3D Printing for Mass Production. ASME|
"U.K. The biggest resistor is the cost of a part"
BS Toy 3D Printer For Children Unveiled By Bonsai Lab. Geeky Gadgets|
"show is because the printer has been specifically designed to be used by children"
Xavier U launching 3D printing center. Education Dive|
"training, and curriculum development assistance for faculty"
3D Systems Receives Over $ 1 Million for 3D Printing Research. 3Printr. com|
"accuracy, functionality and repeatability specifications demanded for flight worthy aerospace parts"
Which companies are using additive manufacturing (3D printing). Quora|
"public company is Organovo which is actually working on 3d bioprinting of tissues" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveilings, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idems
( Highlight WEB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the WEB page )Research and Markets: Global 3D Printing Market Material Technology Application. Business Wire|
"than 50 major players involved in the 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing industries"
CTC 3D Printer Climbs to the No. 2 Spot on 3D Hubs' List of Desktop Printers. PR Newswire|
"CTC 3D printer as No. 2 for the month and the product is seen as a black horse in the sector"
The Cube 3 is a cute 3D printer to say the least. CNET|
"First Look: The Cube 3 is a cute 3D printer to say the least"
3D Systems Cube 3 review: An excellent compact printer for making small 3D objects. CNET UK|
"excellently and is inexpensive for a printer that can print with two materials in the same job"
Large Print Volume Delta 3D Printer Unveiled By 16Hertz. Geeky Gadgets|
"designed to provide a large print area and has been targeted towards STEM education"Matterlab's Robert Cicetti develops hemp and tagua-based FDM 3D printer filaments.|
"failed prints don’t end up in some eternal pile of rubbish is quite comforting"
India's 3D-ing Releases Their Extremely Affordable $325 FabX 3D Printer.|
"GDP at purchasing power parity could overtake that of the United States by 2045"
New filament aims to bring sustainability to 3D printing. Plastics Today|
"now successfully developed a product that is refined and ready to bring to market"
Funding for 3D printers. Bucks Herald|
"use as part of a course designed to help students build a printer kit"
Something3D's 'Full Color' ST3D Chameleon 3D Printer Is On Its Way.|
"not just color, but with “intricate textures” as well"
Breakthrough Manufacturing Technology for Metal Powders used with 3D Printers. t3Dmc|
"develop a new manufacturing technology for metal powders to be integrated with 3D printers"
Rubicon Italy Releases First, Exclusive Images of New Portable 3D Scanner. 3D Printing Industry|
"installed base, so the dynamics are still fluid enough for new players to enter the market"
BS Toy is a kid-friendly 3D printer. Bits & Pieces from the Embedded Design World|
"with extreme temperatures could be a bit hazardous. A problem Bonsai Labs hopes to solve"
LulzBot Mini 3D Printer In Action. Fargo 3D Printing|
"Highlights include the self-cleaning nozzle, self-leveling sequence and 3D printed hardware"
Proudly Presenting Precious Plated 3D Printing from Shapeways. Shapeways|
"cost sensitive? We’re excited to announce our new price-friendly Precious Plated Metal finishe"
FabX 3D Printer Launches For $325 (video). Geeky Gadgets|
"to learn more about the FabX 3D Printer and see it in action, Krishna Kumar of 3D-ing explains"
Reduce and Reuse: ExtrusionBot's 'Cruncher' Recycles and Pelletizes 3D Printing.|
"device has just been launched on Kickstarter with a goal of $20K — and good progress so far"
Navigating Through the Selection of 3D Printing Materials: Know Your Strengths!.|
"grind, extrude and 3D print with recycled coffee cups (Try that one on for size, skeptics"
LPW Technology Continues to Excel in Metal Powder Production for 3D|
"not only celebrates intelligence in metals, but they also celebrate quality assurance in"
Indian Startup 3D-ing Unveils The Most Affordable 3D Printer For Just $325. (blog)|
"fastest growing and third largest Startup ecosystem in the world just behind the US" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveilings, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idems
( Highlight WEB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the WEB page )Fonon Awarded Laser-Based 3D Subtractive Materials Contract.|
"the company required a high throughput rate marking system to meet the demands of their client"
EinScan-S: The World's First White Light Desktop 3D Scanner. Press Release Rocket|
"attracted more than 80 backers, the EinScan-S Kickstarter project still has 25 days to go"
OmniDynamics's Strooder Unveils New Details Including Method for Full-Color Filament.|
"a company named OmniDynamics, and their new filament extruder, called the Strooder"
EinScan-S: The World's First White Light Desktop 3D Scanner.|
"applications EinScan-S desktop 3D scanner funding goal reached in 3 days on Kickstarter"
3D Printing.|
"fully assembled minus electronics install. hoping for test print monday"
New infographic details how to pick the right 3D printing filament for your next.|
"of ezxtract and spread the information with ease, regardless of what government decrees"
3D Printers. RoboSavvy| MakerBotReplicator
2X Experimental 3D Printer Quick View · MakerBot
"fans of Katy Perry, and some are not. But everyone’s looking to make a statement or a buck"
Know Your 3D Printing Materials. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"of us can easily think of at least one time when traveling sound created neighborly conflict"
Build Anything with UberBlox, Including a 3D. 3D Printing Industry|
"while it's a free download from its current home, you'll have to handle the printing yourself"
3D Printed Chinese Oriental Folding Fan. Instructables|
"fan calligraphy describes a prosperous and fortune abundance during this Year Of The Goat"
MakerBot Gets Busy: Rolls Out MakerBot Mobile 2.0, Desktop 3.5 & Firmware 1.6.|
"providing a rapid way to report problems or issues which MakerBot may have overlooked"
Choosing Your 3D Printing Material: It's About More Than Strength!.|
"released an infographic that'll make your job of understanding 3D printing materials much easier"
Crowdfunding Mailbox Root GP3D Printer CarVi Driving Assistant ExoDrive MicroSD. crowdfundInsider|
"ExoDrive a case that adds memory to your smartphone when you run low"Stop being “archaic and manual”! Evolve to electronic price tags!. Appliance Retailer|
"esLabels for digital in-store pricing, according to marketing manager Ruth Hurley"
Makerbot 5th Generation 3D Printers. PicoTurbine|
"Makerbot 5th Generation Replicator 3D Printer, NJ Jersey City"
IT 103-2D1 Miao Zhang-3D printing technology. Zotero|
"includes three articals about 3D printing technology that I will use for my research "
Sunwin 3D Printer Pen Nozzle 0.7mm 3D Crafting Tool For 3D Printer. 3D Printers Direct|
"no need software, you can draw what you want,easy use"
Portabee 3D Printer Kit. The 3D Printer Blog|
"of its own parts build your own 3D printer from scratch"
The Prusa Mendel 3D Printer. The 3D Printer Blog|
"a printed plastic belt guide was designed to replace the large M8x30 fender washers" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveilings, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idems
( Highlight WEB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the WEB page )The Cobblebot 3D printer price. The 3D Printer Blog|
"standard, which is expandable up to X10 x Y10 x Z10"
Cubify 380144 Cube 3D Printer Cartridge - PLA Blue.|
"11 hrs 46 mins and choose One-Day Delivery at checkout. Details"
3D Printing & Rapid Prototyping. Capture 3D| 3D Printing & Rapid Prototyping A high quality
"3D printed shoes, and even a 3D printed vacuum cleaner that doubles as a flower pot"So I heard you guys love 3D printing. Here is my 500x300x300mm printer I built from scratch. 9Gag|
"yet apart from the bits for that printer and is it expensive to run ( for the filament etc"
3Dprinting. Reddit| My simple metal kit is missing the trapezoidal aluminum plate
"be honest, because for $550, I would have expected the parts to be in the damn box"
3D Printing Scanner. Smart printing| Taking 3d Printing into uncharted territory. Home 3D Printing
"simple words, its the transfer of matter from one point to another. We have"
Indian 3D Printing Pioneer Aha 3D Launches Their ProtoCentre 1M Industrial Grade Pri.|
"into 3D printing technologies, and as a result of that work the company"
3D Printing Materials - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth. PR Newswire
"turn, is expected to provide new opportunities for the 3D printing materials market"
3D Printing Materials.|
"regulations and their effects on the 3D printing materials market were studied in detail"
Cheetah 3.1 3D Printer Now Available for Purchase – 10Xs Faster, More Affordable.|
"his 3D printed shoes, and even a 3D printed vacuum cleaner that doubles as a flower pot"
3D PotterBot Clay Delta-Style 3D Printer Launches with RAM Extruder & Innovative New.|
"the only method that provides increased control over the extrusion process of paste materials"
ZYYX 3D Printer Improvements Focus on Higher Quality Prints, Failure and Waste Pre.|
"which can detract from the fun and creativity involved in the 3D printing process"
3D-printing with graphene. Nanowerk|
"they are limited to building simple shapes, for example cylinders or cubes"
Shapeways Introduces Precious Plated 3D Printing. 3Printr. com|
"finished by adding a 0.5 micron layer of precious alloy on top"
SolidWorks World 2015 showcasing upgrades to 3D printers. Manufacturers' Monthly|
"3D printed nearly entirely out of ABS plastic reinforced with carbon fibre"
The PIRX One 3D Printer Launches For $1360 (video). Geeky Gadgets|
"to checks the bed height at several locations on its surface before the printable begins"
3D Printable OwnFone Unleashes Kickstarter with Massive Line-Up. 3D Printing Industry|
"that they were not yet available outside of the domestic UK market"
Autodesk Well Positioned in 3D Printing Market. Spectra3D Technologies|
"software in development, Autodesk is charging head first into the 3D printing market"
3d PotterBot - Clay 3D Printer. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"extruder while the delta arms move the build plate, allowing for unprecedented control"
Israels' something3D Announces New Full-Color FFF 3D Printer. Inside 3D Printing|
"white filaments into any number of color combinations depending on a user’s color needs" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveilings, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idems
( Highlight WEB title. line|, right click the mouse, click on search provider and goto the WEB page )Is the Printrbot Metal Simple a good starter printer?. Reddit|
"Do people own it? Is it reliable? Easy to set up"
Not Your Father's 3D Printer. Wired|
"good batting average when it comes to the next big things in business and technology"
Airwolf 3D Releases WolfBox — Wireless Slicing and Control of Your Airwolf 3D.|
"announcing features and hardware which can set their products apart from their competitors"
Lower-cost metal 3D printing solution available. Nanowerk|
"on the 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing website until March 10, 2015"
3D Printing Materials - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth. Consumer Electronics Net|
"turn, is expected to provide new opportunities for the 3D printing materials market"
Zecotek Launches New Metal 3D Printing Powder Production Method. 3D Printing Industry|
"deep cleaning of hydrogen, plus use of expensive fine metal powder under hydrogenation"
Voltera V-One 3D Circuit Board Printer Launches on Kickstarter.|
"to allow individuals and small businesses to bring the prototyping process in-house"
KeyMe iOS app can 3D print replicas of any key photographed, but. International Business Times UK|
"authentication and request to have the stored key printed out in front of them"Chameleon Full Color Desktop 3D Printer Unveiled By Something3D. Geeky Gadgets|
"to provide a maximum 3D printing size of 300 x 300 x 340 mm"
Unique pastes for graphene 3D printing. Graphene Info|
"chemical switch to formulate water based ink or pastes for 3D printing applications"
Not Your Father's 3D Printer. Phil Simon|
"magazine. It turned out to be the more appropriate platform for his startup"
New Matter raises $6.5 million, preps to deliver its sub-$300 3D printer this Spring. PandoDaily|
"with prices declining and quality rising rapidly over an incredibly short period of time"
Hans Fouche's Cheetah 3.1 3D Printer is Now Available for Pur. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"(approximately $8,600 USD), and he is shipping it worldwide"
3D Printing Chemistry Driven Sensors. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"in a variety of applications, from construction and infrastructure to sports or medicine"
DeltaBots launches 3D PotterBot Clay 3D printer with constant flow RAM extruder.|
"technology are changing the way individuals view traditional manufacturing and creation processes"
The ZYYX 3D Printer Gets Even More Hassle Free with New Features. 3D Printing Industry|
"the Pasadena-based startup has also raised funding through independent investors"
Enhanced version of Strooder 3D printing filament extruder nearly ready for release.|
"truly consumer-oriented filament extruder, is now almost ready to be released" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveiling, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idem
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )How It Is Made: 3D Printing Filament. YouTube|
"Filament is the material that 3D printers use to make objects"
UK Publishes Two Qualitative Studies About the IP Implications of 3D Printing. Inside 3D Printing|
"at Inhorgenta Munich, which takes place Feb. 20-23 in Munich"
eSUN presents the new bronze PLA 3D printer filament. 3D Printing from scratch|
"of other filaments. It is advisable to use a 60°C heated"
Dimension Polymers Launches Recycled 3D Printer Filament. Fabbaloo|
"extruded into fresh filament - or third world ventures involving recycling of scrap plastic"3D PotterBot: New Clay 3D Printer from DeltaBots. 3D Printing Pin|
"presented to 3D printing using different materials such as metal, food and clay"
Limited: 2.85mm High-Modulus Carbon Fiber 3D Printing Filament. 3DXTech|
"high modulus, excellent surface quality, light weight, and ease of printing"
XYZ Da Vinci 3D printing revolutionises production for Hawke's Bay manufacturer. XYZ Printing|
"the previous solution, accelerating the design and production of finished goods"
Combining metal with 3d printing filament.. 3D Hubs|
"the previous solution, accelerating the design and production of finished goods"
RIT/NTID lecture series features talk on impact of 3D printing. Rochester Institute of Technology|
"free presentation, which is part of this year’s Edmund Lyon Memorial Lectureship Series"
3DPrinted PCB Holder #3DThursday #3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers"
Stratasys Deepens Footprint in China. Inside 3D Printing|
"ICT will continue to cooperate with Stratasys on 3D-printing related opportunities in the future"
XT filament. 3D Printing Blog| Since our MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printer does not come
"brings is that it is stronger and resists higher temperatures as compared to PLA"
3D printing porcelain. ProtoSpace|
"etc. But I would like to challenge them to make different materials printable"
Voltera V-One 3D Circuit Board Printer Launches on Kickstart. 3D Printing Electronics Conference|
"is in essence a 3D printer which can print two-layer circuit boards"
Shiprock High 3D Printer Takes Creativity to New Level. Central Consolidated School District|
"the 3D printer. The printer molded the design into shape using plastic filament"
The 3D Printer That Makes Custom Electronics. Function One|
"helped create a new kind of 3D printer, one that can print electronics"
How It Is Made: 3D Printing Filament. Make|
"owner of, points out in the video, there is a bit more magic to it"
The V-One Wants to Print Your Next 3D Printer's Circuit Board. 3D Printing Industry|
"circuit traces and, then, an insulating ink as a mask between layers" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveiling, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Idem
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )photovoltaic cells are just a few in a long list of ways in which the material may be used.
"of Warwick, has created a graphene 3D printing material that they have printed"
Graphene structures created with 3D printing. CNET|
"photovoltaic cells are just a few in a long list of ways in which the material may be used"
Reduce and Reuse: ExtrusionBot's 'Cruncher' Recycles and Pellet. 3D Printing Materials Conference|
"with innovations for user filament production, and always leaving a smaller footprint"
NovaCopy Named Flagship Reseller for Mark One Carbon Fiber 3D Printer, Expands Pro. 3DPrint|
"with the needed reinforcement to create functional parts. When MarkForged announced"
Manufacturing And 3D Printing. Business 2 Community|
"can use fabric, ceramic material, wood and even glass are being developed"PRINTinZ Printer Plate Announces New Formulation and Texture. 3DPrint|
"they say “that’s the price for receiving perfectly flat bottoms to your prints"
Cheetah 3.1 3D Printer With Massive Build Area Launches For $8600. Geeky Gadgets|
"Fouche explains a little more about the market for his new 3D printer"
FLUX and the Incubation of the Consumer 3D Printer Industry. CTIMES|
"students who recently made headlines by raising more than US$1million through"
LulzBot Mini 3D Printer. PC Magazine|
"types and comes in at a much lower price. It's our first Editors' Choice midrange 3D printer"
LulzBot TAZ 5 3D Printer With 300°C Hexagon Nozzle Unveiled By Aleph Objects. Geeky Gadgets|
"a better writing surface without the need to use glue, tape or other solvents"
LulzBot TAZ 5 3D Printer. LulzBot|
"in Toronto (Canada) and London (United Kindgom) shortly, contact us for updates on availability"
Aleph Objects announces LulzBot TAZ 5 3D printer and partnership with filament.|
"2014 have enabled the company to develop and launch the new LulzBot TAZ 5 desktop 3D printer"
Substrate release mechanisms lower cost of metal 3D printing. Eureka|
"3D-printed aluminum parts from the reusable substrate on which they are deposited"
3D Printing in Metal, What's New?. WeaponsMan|
"(or at least prosumer) 3D printing in structural metals was a possibility"
3Dprinting. Reddit| I manually edited the gcode to increase the temperature by
"light but otherwise there's pretty much no difference between 180 and 225 degrees"
CNET. Facebook| The first steps towards 3D printing with graphene, the wonder
"The first steps towards 3D printing with graphene, the wonder material of the future"
Support. Simplify3D| Explore our support options to fine-tune your capabilities
"to fine-tune your capabilities and get more from your 3D printer than you thought imaginable"
Autodesk Ember 3D Printer Opens Up for Public Purchase Tomorrow. 3D Printing Industry|
"starting tomorrow you will be able to buy the Autodesk Ember for $5995"
The Vellemann Vertex 3D Printer. Fabbaloo|
"help reduce ABS warping, however. The Vertex’s build volume is a healthy 180 x 200 x 190mm"
DYNAMO3D Brings Ultra Fast Evo 3D Printer to the US. 3D Printing Forum|
"the D3D Evo is coming to the US through 3D printer retailer DesignBox3D" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveiling, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Items
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Bonsai Lab Invents New Family-friendly 3D Printer. Inventionland|
"kids in order to let them creatively express themselves with a boost from technology"
New Stratasys 3D Printing Materials: Endur and ASA Color. CAPUniversity - CAPINC|
"Engineers, Engineering and Services Managers, Product Specialists and others"
Aleph Objects launches the LulzBot TAZ 5 3D Printer. Bits & Pieces from the Embedded Design World|
"heat up to 300°C (572°F), and is capable of printing in even more materials than ever before"
Be our Valentine?. Airwolf 3D| Throughout the month of February just send us a little
%(#008000)["your Airwolf 3D printer, and we’ll send you a bottle of Wolfbiteadhesion solution in return"]
Formfutura Rolls Out ClearScent: Odorless and Virtually Transparent 3D Printing ABS. 3DPrint|
"best 3D printing experience possible for all of the designers who use their products"
Large Outflow of Money Witnessed in 3D Systems Corporation. Stafford Daily|
"The global 3D printing market comprised 3D printers, printing materials, and"
3D Printing Market (Technology, Materials & Application) worth $8.43 Billion by. Digital Journal|
"money flow for the block trade was $(-3.79) million"
iOS app itSeez3D transforms iPad into full-body scanner for 3D. International Business Times UK|
"on the SpaceX Dragon cargo vehicle earlier this week, NASA officials confirmed in a statement"
STACKER to Launch Kickstarter Campaign for Extremely Modular and Unique New 3D Printer. 3DPrint|
"on some of the other top 3D printers on the market today. Some of these features include:"Singapore International 3D Printing Competition for 3D Printed Toys. Google Groups|
"this year's competition theme is dear to our hearts: 3D printed toys"
Tan. Fargo 3D Printing| Fargo 3D Printing 3D Printing Is Our Core
"3D printer. Make sure to never run out of filament and stock up"
Raising the Bar for 3D Printed Precious Metals: Introducing 18K Gold. i.Materialize - Materialise|
"to the ideal size, and order as many copies as you want"
New iglidur 3D Printing Filament Produces Friction-Free Parts. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"also to be made with the inclusion of components 3D printed with iglidur filament"
Bringing Industrial Manufacturing to the Desktop with New MoldLay 3D. 3D Printing Industry|
"main limitations to desktop FFF 3D printing’s use is often a filament’s material properties"
ColorFabb Partners with Stacker for Some Serious Professional 3D Printing. 3D Printing Industry|
"Now, Parthy has come up with a revolutionary new material called: MoldLay"
Welcome to RoBo 3D. Robo 3D|
"Getting Started Videos included! Ships in 1-2 Business Days"
Autodesk's Ember 3D Printer Is Now Available to the Masses. SolidSmack|
"created to be a 3D Printer for everyone so anyone can easily physicalize models via"
3dprinting with lasers @autodesk @adafruit #ember. Blog - Adafruit|
"excellent to each other" comment policy. Help us keep the community here positive "
Mcor Makes 3D Printing Improvements that Aren't Paper-Thin. Dan Herzberg|
"repeat to create complex geometry with only the most basic building materials" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveiling, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Items
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Research May Lead to Low Cost 3D Metal Printing. Fabbaloo|
"cost open source metal 3D printers that we've previously reported, but difficulties remain"
Now at Filimprimante3D: iglidur 3D Printing Filament Produces Friction-Free Bearing. 3DPrint|
"also to be made with the inclusion of components 3D printed with iglidur filament"
Worlds first compact rotary 3D printer-cum-scanner is finally here!. Deccan Chronicle|
"production was financed through a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, was recently unveiled at"
Autodesk's Ember 3D Printer Now Available for Order. 3DPrint|
"the horse as they got all their technology in line before releasing it"
NovaCopy to sell Mark One 3D printer. High Performance Composites|
"standard for fiberglass grating with an eye for expanding the industrial composites market"
World's first compact rotary 3-D printer-cum-scanner developed. Free press journal|
"that can also scan items into digitised models has been developed. The user-friendly device"
Smart materials: Why the future face of manufacturing matters to investors. CITY A.M.|
"prices, including oil and gold, declined because of uncertainties and increased supply"
Millennia-Old Evaporative Cooling Technology/Principle Mixed With 3D Printing. Before It's News|
"to everything that makes comfortable middle class people uneasy"
Reveal Series Rogue prusa i3 3D Printer purchasing advice needed please. 3D Printing Forum|
"guessing If anyone has any feedback on this or advice, I would appreciate any help I can get"
World's 1st compact rotary 3D printer-cum-scanner unveiled in California. RT|
"the help of a crowdfunding campaign, doesn’t require much knowledge of 3D software"World's first rotary 3-D printer-cum-scanner unveiled. Moneycontrol|
"their aim is to make 3D printing easy and accessible to the average consumers"
World's 1st compact rotary 3D printer-cum-scanner unveiled in California. GuerillaMediaNetwork|
"of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in San Jose, California on Saturday"
Millennia-Old Evaporative Cooling Technology/Principle Mixed With 3D Printing. CleanTechnica|
"to make more sense than simple solutions using local materials and know-how"
Uberblox: The Lego of the 3D printer age?. Gizmag|
"barrier of entry of something like Lego with the higher technical needs of a typical maker"
The Ilios Photon 3D Printer is a Burly, Accurate DLP Machine From Cyprus. 3DPrint|
"Open Source Remote Control System led to the creation of this burly DLP system"
Compact 3D-Printer-Scanner Unveiled at AAAS. Product Design & Development|
"have two times more detailing in comparison to rival 3D printers"
World's First Compact Rotary 3D Printer and Scanner Unveiled by NTU Startup. Inside 3D Printing|
"innovative rotary platform for its printing and scanning, unlike other commercial 3D printers"
ZeGo Robotics LLC Building Proof-of-Concept 3D Printer for Graphene 3D Lab, Inc.. 3DPrint|
"as combine electronic components with 3D printing, Graphene has chosen ZeGo Robotics LLC"
Graphene 3D Lab signs contract with ZeGo Robotics to develop 3D printer prototype. Graphene Info|
"company's conductive graphene filament and other functionally-enhanced composite materials"
3D printing stocks hammered. Seeking Alpha (registration)|
"seen above-average volume, while Stratasys and ExOne have seen below-average volume"
Is It Over for the 3D Printing Stocks?. 24/7 Wall St.|
"industries. In other words, they are boosting spending to maintain growth" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveiling, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Items
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Autodesk is now selling an open-source 3D printer. Gigaom|
"perfect exhibitor for its open-source Spark 3D printing software, which is currently in beta"
Autodesk Ember 3D printer now available to order. TCT Magazine|
"Harrington Au at CES 2015 about how the Spark platform is designed to bring all elements of 3D"Enter Now! 32 LulzBot 3D Printers to be Given Away in Fourth Annual Lulzbot Hackerspace. 3DPrint|
"otified by email, as well as having their names announced on the LulzBot blog and social media"
Best 3D Printer for value of USD 3000. 3D Printing Forum|
"Printer for USD 3000. Please suggest the brand. What about makerbot"
STACKER: A 3D Printer For Professionals. Fabbaloo|
"are facing in the run up to releasing the commercial product in May"
3D Printing / 3D Scanning / 3D Prototyping Equipment Sales. Craigslist|
"who enjoys selling high tech products that are in demand to other businesses"
Rapide Lite 200XL Desktop Plus 3D Printer. The Gadget Flow|
"one of the first to get great savings on retail pricing at launch"
Nylon €39.00. Leapfrog| It can also be dyed after printing and there
"soon. The filament has a diameter of 1.75 mm"
What Material Should I Use For 3D Printing? – Advanced Materials Review |3. 3D Printing Forum|
"lot easier to use. Enough reason to put it to the test!"
Using PET 3D Printer Filament - Cheaply. Fabbaloo|
"properties of PET, but it’s often too expensive. Or is it"
Advanced Materials Review |3 - ABS+ from Trideus. 3D Printing for Beginners|
"high strength parts for an acceptable price of 29 EUR (33 $)"
i.materialise Now Offers 18K Gold 3D Printing and Faster Pro. 3D Printing Materials Conference|
"three colors and you can do it in both 14K and now 18K gold"
Sculpteo Blog. Sculpteo| For our metal materials, we use a lost-
"plating options on brass : pink gold, white rhodium and black rhodium"
LulzBot launches fourth annual hackerspace 3D printer giveaway. TCT Magazine|
"30 of the LulzBot Mini and LulzBot TAZ printers ready to be won"
ExOne Announces Six New Printable Materials for Use in Company's 3D Printing Systems. CNNMoney|
"to utilize the wide variety of new materials, each offering unique properties and uses"
Andiamo Launching Kickstarter Campaign to Add More Patients to 3D Printed Orthotics. 3DPrint|
"bring streamlined, mobile 3D printing services for orthotics to kids in need everywhere"
ISG 3D Unveils the ISG 11 3D Printer — To Be Released within 2 Weeks for Just $899. 3DPrint|
"market as a 3D printer manufacturer, of course my inner obsession took over"
Autodesk Ember 3D printer is now available for purchase. SlashGear|
"which may very well make Ember an enticing purchase for makers and creators"
Autodesk's Ember 3D Printer Available to Order. Inside 3D Printing|
"proving highly valuable in areas such as the jewelery industry through software collaborations"
Sculpteo Announces New Pink Gold, Black Rhodium, White Rhodium Material Options. 3DPrint|
"of the first order,” and the group of Ivy Leaguers say they’re dedicated" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveiling, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Items
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )German RepRap Offers Protos v3 3D Printer Base, Full Kits. Ten Links|
"versions: the PRotos v3 Base Kit and the PRotos v3 Full Kit"
World's First 3DPrinter-Cum-Scanner Makes its Debut. ENGINEERING|
"edit the digitised model on the computer and print it out in 3D"
Blacksmith Builds a Dual 3D Scanner-Printer for Your Home. PSFK (blog)|
"to take the screenshot—but that changes with screenshot-like speed"
Rhino Industrial Grade 3D Printer. Kickstarter|
"different 3D printers with price ranges from 500 to 10,000$"
Multi Material (Composite) 3D Printing Discussion. 3D Hubs|
"-material printing will let everyone create an entirely new range of objects"
Materials. ExOne| The advantage of using a common material such as
"material such as silica sand for 3D printing is that it requires no"
The Polar3D 3D Printer. Fabbaloo|
"to the entire printing area, as seen in our short video here"Previously unattainable metal components designed and produced directly. The 3D Printing Association|
"recently created a new filter,using additive manufacturing (AM) technology"
3Dprinting. Reddit| Chart of Popular, Proven 3D printers currently available. Need
"Proven 3D printers currently available. Need help troubleshooting your printer"
M-Print. ExOne| The M-Print Industrial 3D printer is the
"Click to learn if M-Print is right for your project"
3D Printing and Scanning. Torklift Central| We have the 3D printer and 3D scanner capabilities
"meet your needs, we can help plan and produce one that will"
Ortho. EnvisionTEC| Xtreme
Ortho large format 3D printers allow
"it one of the most competitive 3D printers on the market today"
3-D Printer Creates Superstrong Material Mixing Metal Ceramics PLA. 3D Printing Materials Conference|
"material is one-of-a-kind, lightweight and superstrong"
Rhino 3D Printer. 3D Printing Forum| Monirad Robotics has just unveiled a new 3D printer
"convenient mobile app and quick setup put your Cube to work quickly"
3DPrinted Snake box 3DThursday 3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers"
CNET : HD-R 3D printer can print lots of materials. Airwolf 3D|
"and accessories to show off its new AW3D HD-R 3D printer"
Filament Holder for Type A Series 1 3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"filament is very large. and the spool holder cannot hold that size spool"
Paper 3D printer. Paper 3D printer| 3d-printer. You are here: Home; 3d-
"devices and products, such as cars, smartphones as well as lamps"
NTU start-up uncovers compact rotary 3D printer-scanner. (subscription)|
"edit the digitised model on the computer and print it out in 3"
Filaments and Refillable Cartridges offer sustainable options.. ThomasNet News (blog)|
"enjoy my take on the industrial world" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveiling, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Items
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Piranha Fx All-in-one 3D Printer/Laser Engraver/CNC Machine Launches on Kickstarter. 3DPrint|
"that combines carving, engraving, and 3D printing all in one place"
ExOne Announces Six New Alloys and Materials Providing Unique New Versatility. 3DPrint|
"millions of dollars for the research of both metal and glass 3D printing"
How ExOne Co.'s Technology Is Different From the Competition's. Motley Fool|
"to applications that other 3D printing technologies wouldn't be able to compete against"
Polar3D 3D Printer is one that can literally take you for a Spin. Smart printing|
"forward and backward to provide the extruder with access to the entire printing area"
3D Printing industry. Spark - Autodesk| I
"essentials, including janitorial supplies, workplace safety products, office supplies"
Sharkie Dual Extrusion 3DThursday 3DPrinting. Blog - Adafruit|
"it into two printable meshes suitable for dual extrusion or multi color printing"
3D Printers Expand Beyond Prototyping To Transform Manufacturing. Spark - Autodesk|
"implications of integrating 3D printing into manufacturing to optimize current processes"
3D printing produces a perfect replica of a sixth-century sword - CNET. the Trendy Things|
"been revolting against Rome, and the pressure finally proved too much to bear"
3D Printing. MBX Systems|
"the FilaBot, FilaMaker and Filastruder — to create new 3D-printing filament"
NEWS Rhino 3D Printer, An Industrial Printer at a Consumer-level Price, Hits Kickstarter. 3DPrint|
"extremely affordable 3D printer which also is incredibly robust and feature-packed"ExtrusionBot Seeking Kickstarter Funding for Miniaturized Pelletizer Recycle. Inside 3D Printing|
"biggest tech fad since the fax machine. It’s actually a little of each"
Autodesk starts selling an open-source 3D printer. Inside3DP|
"to encourage innovations in 3D printing design, materials, hardware and software"
Cruncher - The New 3D Print Recycler. 3D Printing Forum|
"momentum with innovations for user filament production, and always leaving a smaller footprint"
ColorFabb Releases new Carbon Fiber Composite 3D Printing Filament. 3D Printing from scratch|
"integrating as much as 20% carbon Fiber into Eastman Amphora 3D polyme"
XTC-3D High Performance 3D Print Coating - 24oz. Unit. GetPrinting3D|
"urethane foam as well as wood, plaster, fabric, cardboard and paper"
ABS Red Archives - Believe 3D Printing. Believe 3D Printing|
"12 Products · Show 24 Products · Show 36 Products · sense 3D Scanner"
Cheap 3D Printer – Cheap 3D Printing 2015 is a Fact!. 3Dfilamenta|
"3D-printing. Compared to traditional on-line stores, 3Dfilamenta marketplace facilitates B2C"
Thread: 3D Systems SENSE 3D SCANNER. 3D Printing Forum|
"presents to you 3D System's SENSE 3D SCANNER 3D Systems SENSE 3D SCANNER"
ExOne Announces Six New Printable Materials for Use in Company's 3D Printing Systems. ExOne|
"the wide variety of new materials, each offering unique properties and uses"
3D Printing industry. Spark - Autodesk| In addition to purely leveraging 3D printing for the
"methods of 3D printing to bring more magic into the movies people love"
Second Prototype of Upcoming Modular, High-Speed Krak3n 3D Printer. 3D Printing Forum|
"paste extruder, a chocolate extruder, and a CNC engraver as well"
XTC 3D Print Coating. GetPrinting3D|
"covers 100+ square inches) and adding colors and metal effects is easy" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveiling, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Items
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )NTU Start-Up Launches 2-In-1 3D Printer Scanner. Asian Scientist Magazine|
"The all-in-one 3D printer and scanner was unveiled at …"
First 3D printed skiboot uses carbon fiber and wins ISPO award. High Performance Composites|
"Fitness and Sourcing at ISPO Munich, Germany to over 81,000 visitors"
A 3D printer with a twist. Inside3DP|
"down on Z axis and almost all building plates are rectangle in shape"
Kibaran Resources study shows high quality graphite at Merelani. Proactive Investors Australia|
"its key tenements located approximately 10 kilometers north-east Kabanga Nickel deposit"
3D Printers for Purchase. 3D-Fuel|
"capture a level of detail that you’d expect from an industrial-grade scanner"
Wanted: 3D printer under $1000. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"there. I'd like to get my hands on one that is slightly used"
3D Printing Materials. Blu-Bin|
"everything in-between that you need to know to start making 3D stuff"
ExOne unveils new 3D printer for R D. Metal Powder Report|
"lab machine platform size when compared to other industrial-grade 3D printers"
GP3D's Root 3D Printer Re-Launched on Kickstart-er, Available to Early Birds at $375. 3DPrint|
"user-friendliness should be a good draw for families and schools as well"
Layer Height, Speed, And Quality On The Ember 3D Printer. Instructables|
"ability to structure material with far more precision than many other 3D printers"Beware the Krak3n 3D Printer, a Monster In Development. 3DPrint|
"eliminates linear carriages, and they refer to it as The Building Monster"
The Case-Rap 3D Printer Doesn't Fit in a Suitcase, It Is One!. 3DPrint|
"decided to use his skills to ‘make’ a very unique 3D printer"
Graphene 3D Lab to develop proof-of-concept 3D printer to test conductive materials. TCT Magazine|
"celebrates 25 year milestone with 25 of the most creative visual artists under 25"
How 3D Printer Filament Is Made (video). Geeky Gadgets|
"created by MAKE in an interview with filament maker at Maker Geeks, Joshua"
The Virtual Foundry Launches Filament, Metal Composite ABS and PLA 3D Printer Filaments. 3DPrint|
"spa days where he laughs jovially with his completely non-existent political allies"
XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0.|
"patience – it’s just not as easy as you think it should be"
Civil Bytes: With 3D Scanning, There's No Place to Hide. Honolulu Civil Beat|
"a filament which can print objects which appear to be fabricated with pure metal"
Manufacturing And 3D Printing. Sitepronews|
"can use fabric, ceramic material, wood and even glass are being developed" Gives $25 3D Printer Shop Websites Away For $5 For A Limited Time. Steamfeed|
"for free to attract fans and embedding Google AdSense ads to monetize the visitors"
Make A 3D Printer Using Legos. Blog - Adafruit|
"printed objects are better than in the previous version, although far from perfection" -
New 3D Printer Machines unveiling, Pens, Scanners, elements and other 3D Machines Items
( Highlight WEB title. line right click the mouse, click on search provider and go to the WEB page )Filamet 3D Printing Filament Is So Metal. 3D Printing Industry|
"less white bread. The right filament can elevate a project to art"
News. Velleman Vertex 3D Printer - K8400| On Tuesday 3, Wednesday 4 And Thursday 5 March
"You can attend both the trade fair and the conference free of charge"
Legos + Ev3 = 3D Printer. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"powerful spiderwebs, we can learn a thing or two from mother nature"
Spark! Celebration Of Innovation Event: From Imagination To Creation.|
"3D selfie, and experience the first 3D-printed fashion show in Minnesota"
Oneplus Partners With Ultimaker For Latest Contest While Giving Away Freel. Android Headlines|
"over the past year or so, this latest is really intriguing and in some ways almost admirable"
Is 3D Systems A Risk Worth Taking?. (Registration)|
"2015 and that 3D Systems ought to base in the following couple of weeks"
All-in-one Product Development Firm, Prototype House, Launches In South Florida. Tech Cocktail|
"CAD Engineering, 3D printing & prototyping, through to design validation and production"
3D Printer Doubles As A Scanner. Eureka|
"the printer which aims to make 3D printing more streamlined and more user friendly"
Hermle Builds Hybrid 5-Axis Cnc Mill + 3D Printing Marvel – The Mpa 40. 3Dprint|
"methods such as machining to create a single machine tool of unparalleled capability"Build Your Own 3D Printer From Lego Blocks + Ev3 Servo Motors. 3Dprint|
"it further and now has opened it up for feedback from the Instructables community"
3Dprintclean Enclosure Offers 2-Step Filtration To Clean Up 3D Printing Process, 3Dprint|
"of additive manufacturing, including the effects the process has on the surrounding environment"
Nvbots Wants To Make 3D Printers As Easy As Toasters. Techcrunch|
"3D printers, the NVPRO can be as simple to use as a copier"
Tomorrow Daily 133: Spider-like 3D Printing, The Youtube Kids App And More. Cnet|
"too big already for a Kickstarter campaign, but Ashley seems intrigued"
The Open Source Autodesk Ember 3D Printer Is Open For Sale. Siliconangle (Blog)|
"based on Digital Light Processing Stereolithography technology"
3D Builder Tutorial Part 5: 3D Scanning With Kinect V2. Microsoft - Channel 9 (Blog)|
"it into a portable 3D scanning setup using the latest version of 3D Builder"
Globalfsd Announces That Anyone Can Now Purchase Filament Samples With The Change In. 3Dprint|
"enabling anyone with a 3D printer to indulge in the wonderful world of filament"
Nvbots Unveils Nvpro 3D Printer Designed To Run 24/7 (Video). Geeky Gadgets|
"testers working with the company to finalise and tweak their new 3D printer design"
Stratasys Combines Three 3D Printing Groups. Product Design + Development|
"Modeling and PolyJet printing, plus more related to manufacturing and rapid prototyping"
Krak3n 3D Printer Preparing For Kickstarter Launch In April. Geeky Gadgets|
"being designed to provide users with a high-speed 3D printing system"
Da Vinci 1.0 Aio: The World's First Personal 3D Scanner And Printer Is Coming To Aust. Pc World|
"printing is said to be achievable with a minimum of software knowledge"
3D Filament From Recycled Plastics. Rapid Ready Technology|
"for example, has developed a 3D printing filament made from recycled plastic"