3D Visuals for Grand Designs Live in London/Bulbgate
If you want some crits, here they are:
-the bulbs look wrong like there is water inside. Also a bit of glare is needed;
-the DOF is distracting and has something strange and a bit unnatural;
-the image is very grainy;
-the brass, copper (?) is too clean;
-the material of the cushions & bed is a bit "evanescent" like you used a lot of translucency;
-the cables of the bulbs are really dark and flat with almost no reflectance;
-finally I don't like very much, in general, the soft focus.
Hope to not sound too harsh, but in minimalistic scenes and when you are so close to objects the details are really important. -
Ok, of course those were personal opinions which wanted to be constructive...But if you take the comments in this way I apologize and I take back what I said.
Hello Anita, I'm really sorry you've taken Massimo's comments as being harsh, but I totally agree with each and every comment he's made. The comments were posted with the best intentions to help you further your knowledge, not as harsh criticism. You'll not find many better examples than his work to guide and inspire you.
Thanks for that comment and your understanding John.
i too think that Massimo's constructive criticism is spot on...
this is a great community where people help each other, always in a positive way... but for that to happen, we gotta have an open mind and accept other peoples opinions
if you think that your work is perfect and can not be criticized, then why post it here?
i guess, when we think so highly of ourselves, the problem is always on others, right?
ok, then i am sorry if you feel that my comment harassed you in some way... it was never with that intention
however, if i may make a sugestion: if you dont want critiques, you should say that upfront in the original post
you know, people in here are so accustomed to post their work so that others can give their opinions and help to improve it, that when someone (like you, for instance) posts something, then other guys (like Massimo) will give you their experienced opinions about it, without you even asking for it, because they are trying to help you achieve even higher
you shouldnt feel like someone is harassing you, or being harsh..
as i said, this is a fantastic comunity and people here are very nice and helpfulonce again, sorry about anything i may have said
Anita, you are wrong. Massimo wasn't negative and harsh. Your attitude......
That kind of feedback, is in fact a privilege. -
I think the image conveyed a nice mood and composition to inspire for a design exhibition. The critiques are technical in nature- (beyond my own capabilities as is your work). I wouldn't let it worry you. You're on the right track.
Thanks, Peter
Its very hard to follow this thread, am I missing something...has everything been removed in relation to the subject?
Hi Jim, I removed all my input to this thread, including my rendered image. I felt that the enjoyment of me wanting to share my image with the forum had been lost somewhat, due to all of the resulting comments
Oh...ok.. sorry about that
Courtesy is of great importance in the written word, people cannot see your facial expressions, they cannot always tell if you are being critical or helpful. As a rule when giving critiques, it's preferred that you first say something polite or complimentary, it puts the mood of the conversation in the right context. Offering several critiques in one shot with nothing complimentary is a bit harsh in my opinion. Especially towards a new member.
That being said, our members come from all over the globe and the differences in language and customs some times get lost in translation. English is not the natural language to many of them and it's work just for them to get their point across. Neets is new here and people should be going out of their way to make her feel welcome, while we old members may raz each other a bit, she does not know us and should not be expected to know our intent. Personally I just realized she was new, for some reason I thought she had been here for ages.
I'm going to say something that I've heard from counselors before; it doesn't matter your intent, what matters is the reception of it. Just because your intent was pure does not invalidate the perception of it by others. This thread has now lost all usefulness aside from a lesson in personal interaction. Of which I am not one to give lessons, I just snapped at Dave the other day, one of my favorite forum members. I'm sure it didn't feel good for either of us.
Bear with us Neets, we might not always come across the right way, but I assure you that almost everyone on the forum is here to help and has no intention to disparage. I know everyone in this thread and can attest to their talent and helpfulness, I hope we can all move past this. I've enjoyed seeing your work and reading your posts.
Go Go Gadget Thread Deleter...
@unknownuser said:
Hi Jim, I removed all my input to this thread, including my rendered image.
I think this is not the right way. No one else will be possible to learn from the comments, and you should see those as a big help. Detailed comments of masters, even if they seem a bit harsh, are a great way to learn the secrets behind great renders for further projects.
Sorry guys, I did not realize I can create such a fuss with a few comments on a render...
I'll be more careful next time.
Anita, I'm not interested at all in imposing my opinion, but I like to help for what I can. Also, usually, if you make some criticism on something is because in some way you are stimulated by that thing. At least this is true for me. So, even if I did not say it explicitly, I think your picture was interesting and had potential. It's indeed a pity that you have removed it.