WebDialog and external Javascript Libraries
Hi all, I'm leraning to use Web Dialogs and Javascript. I would like to use an external Javascript Library, such as Threejs or Kineticjs. But in my Windows 7 64bit I have ie8. I'm planning to install ie11. Any warning?
I have the same OS. I upgraded to IE11, no problems so far.
@bomastudio said:
Hi all, I'm leraning to use Web Dialogs and Javascript. I would like to use an external Javascript Library, such as Threejs or Kineticjs. But in my Windows 7 64bit I have ie8. I'm planning to install ie11. Any warning?
Note that embedded IE is much more conservative than the browser version. If you want to make the webdialog use the new features you need to include a META tag in your HTML header:
https://github.com/thomthom/sketchup-webdialogs-the-lost-manual/wiki/Doctype---Quirks-vs-Standard-vs-Superstandard<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>