Current news on 3d printing
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )October 21, 2014 NEWS
New family portrait is 3D-printed statue selfies. Monroe News Star|
"It's like a little action figure of myself," the Los Angeles native "
21st Century Self-Portrait by Joshua Harker: Now you too can have your own face 3D printed.|
"to portray us in times when we are in our most basic forms, or perhaps just lonely and bored"
How to ensure your 3D design will 3D print. Design World Network|
"Engineering White Papers DataSheet PRO MCAD Central "
What would you print with a 3D printer?.|as yet unborn future generation. It is the
"Lives have truly been changed by this type of sharing and innovation through open source design"
'Starfish' crystals could lead to 3D-printed pills. Futurity: Research News|
"discovery could one day lead to 3D-printed medications that absorb better into the body"
3D Stuffmaker Launches 4 New 3D Printer Kits From $445. Geeky gadgets (blog)|
"a build volume up to 7 litres, retailing for $595 as well as the portable $695 Creator Gen2 Kit"
Drawing in 3D Using Fused Deposition Modeling with Artist David Lobser.|
"in the output, making the process almost quantum in nature. Lobser explained his process"
Looking Forward to Looking Back: 3D Printed Object in Time Capsule for 2064.|
"unborn future generation. It is the closest we can come as humans to speaking across the ages"
3D printer makes man's heel. Yahoo!7 News|
"to Melbourne to undergo a pioneering procedure using a titanium heel made in a 3D printer"
3D Printed Zortrax Dancing Robots Tip Their Hats to KUKA.|
"performance, modeled in the style of robotics made famous by longstanding German company"
When chocolate gets 3D-printed. Washington Post (blog)|
"Here’s a look at some of the best images from the 3D Printshow in Paris last week"October 22, 2014 NEWS
Forget 3D printing: Carvey 3D wants to domesticize the CNC. SlashGear|
"SlashGear logo through the software and spitting out a carved brass wax stamp"
Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary: Now You Can 3D-print Yourself onto a Ghostbusters. IB Times|
"their photos and the platform instantly shows how they'd look in the familiar grey jumpsuits"Carvey: The desktop 3D carving machine . Gizmag|
"empowers engineers and how it can be used as an essential tool for STEM education"
Exclusive First Look: Inventables' Sleek New “3D Carving. Make|
"a finger at the engineering know-how needed, along with the mess and noise these machines make"
Malden man's 3D-printing studio aims to let you create your own mini-me. Boston Business Journal|
"people from multiple perspectives and turn their image into a sandstone replica of themselves" -
BLOGS & the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Unique Way to Generate G-Code for 3D Printing. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"a wide variety of forms. Each vessel is unique as a result of slight variations in the input"
A Closer Look at 3D Printers: Are They the Future of the Customized Consumer?. Innovation Wired|
"way, 3D printers just might be the future of the everyday, personalization-seeking consumer"
3D Printing a Melodica. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board| Hi all I've been learning about
"a try and build a melodica (musical instrument). It's been quite a steep learning curve for me"
3D Printing Pills - New Research Advances Possibilities. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"are found in things such as the shells of starfish and the rudimentary eyes of Echinoderms"
Touchable Memories. Bored Panda| “Touchable Memories” is an experiment that aims to help the
"Blind people can’t remember all details in photos, which can make visual memories fade by time"
LivePrint, watch 3D printing live in action & vote for the next object to be printed.|
"at home will have stared at one of the many YouTube clips of a printer in action"
This 3D printed frame makes building articulated Lego Mecha super easy. Toybox - io9|
"on which you can build a design using Lego or any other kind of brick-based building toy"3D Printed Spool Holder. Free Thought Designs| As someone who has done a lot of 3D printing
"any support structures too! Initially this was printed in green plastic, then it was painted" -
BLOGS & the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Thread: 3D printing a melodica. 3D Printers and 3D Software Discussion Forums -|
"It's been quite a steep learning curve for me, but things are getting underway"
3D Printed Dielectric Actuators in the Near Future?. Free Thought Designs|
"huge implications, especially when combined with rubber filament in a dual extrusion 3D print"
Makeup as the Killer App for 3D Printing?.|
"bring 3D printers into many homes. But is it the killer app for all of 3D printing"
3D Printing. Vimeo| Video created for 425 Business Attribution "Elles" by Music Komite
"Video created for 425 Business"
4 Comments.| 3D printing is all the rage. 3D printing changes lives.
"have truly been changed by this type of sharing and innovation through open source design"
The Top 10 Best SLS 3D Printed Objects. 3D Systems|
"revolutionary and flat out amazing applications, we’ve narrowed our favorite SLS prints to ten"
8. 3D Printing Blog (8)| good starting point to people that have no previous experience
"based on our experience SketchUp Make could be a great first step in the world of 3D modeling "Storytelling with Stop Motion Film and 3D Printing. Sara Olive|
"stop motion sequence would be King Kong climbing the Empire State Building in 1933"
Print3Duk. 3d printing for everyone!. Kickstarter|
"do you want to turn the things in your mind, into things you can hold"
3D Printing, Tiny Robots, Composites Spotlighted on Product Lifecycle Blog. PTC Creo|
"are 1,024 of them in total, and they’re each about the size of a mint with legs"
These Drawings Were Made By a Machine. 3D Printing|
"the user showed what kinds of drawings a 3D printer can produce. The results are astonishing" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )October 23, 2014 NEWS
The new family portrait? 3D-printed statue selfies. Aiken Standard|
"can get scanned in just a few seconds and get your statue delivered in days"
How 3D-printed makeup is changing the fashion industry. The Week Magazine|
"people the tools to create a customized line of makeup at home, using 3D printing technolog"
3D Printed Power Inverters Soon to Meet or Surpass 2020 DOE Standards.|
"in the US car park, enhancements to their performance will receive special attention"
New 3D printing algorithms speed production, reduce waste. (blog)|
"must be formed using supporting structures – which are later removed"
3D Printing Radically Improves Power Inverter Design.|
"created a power inverter that could make electric vehicles lighter, more powerfule efficient"October 24, 2014 News
Meet the woman who's using 3d printing to make your shoes cool and comfortable. Forbes|
"people everywhere should be empowered to walk further, run faster, jump higher, dance longer"
Acadia Features Intricate 3D-Printed Art Pieces. Computer Graphics World|
"help the homeless around the world as the technology becomes increasingly more affordable"
3D printing and the future of disaster relief. Yahoo! Maktoob news|
"wondered?—?would we one day download our clothes as we do our files"
From metal chopsticks to future fabrics. Inside3dp|
"people everywhere should be empowered to walk further, run faster, jump higher, dance longer"
3D Printed Oreo Cookie Cameos: Artist Hand-Sculpts Creme, Scans and 3D Prints Replicas. 3DPrint|
"showcasing intricate 3D printed designs from furniture, fashion and interactive games"Leading artists showcase intricate pieces achievable with multi-material 3d .... Robotics tomorrow|
"performance, and the design nuances made possible with multi-material and color 3D printing"
3D printed lock-nesters bring puzzles into three dimensions. 3Dprint.Com|
"Hower has designed six 3D puzzles that are available today"
David hasselhoff on gaming, 3d-printed hoff dolls and happiness. Wired.Co.Uk|
"where I can actually sing, and the people explode because they hate my voice"
Goldilocks principle researchers explore new particle manipulation technique. 3Dprint.Com|
"but in the middle — nice and warm and just right. That’s not happening in this case though"
Robots And 3D Printing. Forbes|
"the key sponsors that keep this 8+ month project called rolling along" -
BLOGS & the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Doodler 3d printing pen pack, includes 3doodler 3d printing pen, abs essentials mixed. Amazon.Com|
"This thing is fun and works very well! I have my STEM students using it to make bridges"
Formlabs' amazing new 3d printing resins. Fabbaloo|
"they term they use for the new materials is “new families”, suggesting there’s more to come"There's too many of these 3d printing things. Fabbaloo|
"Let’s look at a few product categories in personal 3D printing:"
Noses of bomb-sniffing dogs recreated with 3d printing. Augmented reality trends|
"artificial noses anatomically correct. The noses were modeled after a female Labrador." -
BLOGS & the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printed Soundwave Jewelry. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"I love you, spoken in a variety of languages, they are now offering a conductor’s baton"
Download. Thingiverse| Gears and pins are seperate from the actual body of
"Description Gears and pins are seperate from the actual body "
3D Printed Gardens. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board| Takeuchi uses a 3D printer to create
"Takeuchi uses a 3D printer to create yarn encasements containing seeds"
Wolfbite - An All-Around Solution to First Layer Adhesion. 3D Printer World|
" Kapton tape with a single, light coat. Each application can be used for several print runs"Action camera accessories. 3D Printing Blog|
"there are also quite a few others that you cannot actually buy"
Mastering 3D Printing. Mutual Mobile| How we're making the most out of our MakerBot
"Area 51 however, none of that can begin until you know where your 3D printer is going to live."
25 Perfect Things To 3D Print For Halloween. Make|
"My favorite thing in the world is sharing the hard work of a maker"
The Art of 3D Printing meet up at LAB Miami. Miami on the Cheap|
"knowing CAD and how to make your own 3D selfies. Megan Innes, 3D Systems will lead the class"
This Spooky 3D Printed Treat Bowl Will Come in Handy for Halloween. 3DP Hobbyist| -
BLOGS & the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Lidar Data Creates Beautiful 3D Printed Topographic Maps. 3DP Hobbyist|
"speed of light, and altitude make an accurate measurement of the z height of any given point."
Best Ever 3d Printed Art I have ever seen. Linus Tech Tips|
"I have been a part of the Indian 3d Printing community for a year or so"
Meet The Woman Who's Using 3D Printing To Make. Decoded Fashion|
"but they meant not being able to wear the shoes I wanted to wear"
Would it be valuable to use structured data to track 3D printing projects that people are. Quora|
"you have a real possibility of overloading the user with too many data fields"
This Artist Uses 3D Printers to Replicate Insanely Amazing Oreo Art.|
"she wanted to give fans with a wide range of budgets the opportunity to purchase her work"
3D printing forms basis of cougar stop-motion animation. GraphicSpeak|
"to take advantage of available technology and do a study on the running motion of a cougarCube 3 Review - Installment 1: General Impressions. Cubify 3D Printing Fans & Fun|
" not an evolution as much as it is a revolution for consumer and educational 3D printing"
3D Printed Jewelery. 3D Printing Forum|
"we see the development of the heart, or heartbeat as the title of the short reveals"
3D printed Skyrim Dragon head. Reddit|
"And now I need to buy a 3d printer"
5 Breathtaking Dresses Made with 3D Printing. i.Materialize - Materialise|
"technology-integrated design. Here’s 5 breathtaking dresses made with 3D printing."
3d printing accessories buisness. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"the price for your models. Choose from a large selection of materials and colors, "
SHeLvEd - GoEngineer's 3D Printed Stop-motion Film. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"3D Printer Accessories "
How to Make Scary glow-in-the-dark Ghost Fridge Magnets for Halloween. 3D Printing for Beginners|
"The video is only 3 minutes long but took 3200 still and 7 hours to of filming to complete"
Ceramic 3D Printing. Skutt| 3D Printing - Ceramics - Kilns | Ceramic Pottery Kiln,
"modifiable 3D designs. That latest is one completed by GoEngineer, and it is quite phenomenal" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )OCTOBER 25, 2014 NEWS
Leading artists showcase intricate pieces achievable with multi-material 3d. Artfixdaily|
"showcasing intricate 3D printed designs from furniture, fashion and interactive games"
In pictures: the high-end results of multi-material 3d printing . Factor|
"Los Angeles in order to demonstrate just how intricate 3D printed objects can now be"3D printed instruments make sweet music in sweden. Reuters|
"allows musicians to design an instrument to their exact specifications. Matthew Stock reports."
3D-printing miracle. Whosay|
"extremely functional. You can activate the fingers by just moving your wrist "
The joy complex 3d prints conductors' batons from beethoven's notes. 3Dprint.Com|
"it’s hard to convey in writing, so here is the visual as annotated in musical notation"
3D printed scaffolding implant used to help realign patient's eyes after tumor. 3Dprint.Com|
"doctors will continue exploring similar uses of 3D printed medical models and devices"
H+ magazine | 3d printing -- state of the art update at mecklermedia inside 3d. H+ magazine|
"the early 1990s Meckler Virtual reality conferences that were key events in the early history "
Where the 3d printing revolution falls short. Inside3dp|
"is slow hardware development cycles. That’s where 3D printing can make a major difference"
Swiss firms slow to embrace digital revolution. Swissinfo.Ch|
"they are slow to introduce them, the report published on Friday showed"
Small business expert: answers to your startup financing questions. Forbes|
"an entrepreneur who wants to build a whole company around it"
This canarsie wood artist found inspiration in 3d modeling. Technical.Ly brooklyn|
"they are slow to introduce them, the report published on Friday showed"
Architecturally designed 3d printed jewelry from lace. Forbes|
"much potential in the technology that she created a line of 3D printed jewelry called LACE"OCTOBER 26, 2014 NEWS
The barmy inventions that time forgot. Telegraph.Co.Uk|
"sought to resolve larger problems associated with the expanse of empire"
Print a realistic 3d copy of yourself using shapify. Chinatopix|
"the world's first full human body scanning technology in the U.S"
Custom urns courtesy of company's 3-d printer. Town hall|
"objects that were important to the person whose remains they hold"
Goengineer's 3d printed stop-motion video shelved is about 3d printing, love & explosion. 3Dprint|
" to bring those animations into the real world via printed renditions of those animations"
3D systems appoints new vp of consumer products business. 3Dprint.Com|
"will lead the expansion of the company’s consumer products into new retail markets"OCTOBER 27, 2014 NEWS
3D printing a single pixel camera. 3Dprint.Com|
" two new members to their team at the Connecticut-based materials technology company"
Photo gallery: sew fashionable . Miamiherald.Com|
"at DesignLab Miami, in North Miami, on Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014."
Best of the news blog this week. Cosmos|
"folding 4D printing that combines plastic and smart, memory materials "
Technology of the future: self-assembling is new 4d mantra. Emirates 24/7|
"your body and release just the required amount of payload of medication necessary to heal"
Treats and technology at halloween bash. Examiner.Com|
"costumes and candy as technology and creativity were added into the cauldron"
Jersey city artists use 3d printer to showcase portrait studio of the future. The jersey journal|
"schools, at the Miami Children’s Museum and at local organizations’ fund-raisers"
Designlab miami spinning out young fashion designers. Miamiherald.Com|
"schools, at the Miami Children’s Museum and at local organizations’ fund-raisers" -
BLOGS & the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Intro to 3d printing session 3. Eventbrite|
"Wednesday, November 19, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM (PST)"
Pipe cutting 45 degree guide 3d-printed. Grabcad|
"back of the guide to know where to cut other end of pipe to have a specific length 45 degree pipe"
Delta vs cartesian. Reddit| If i wanted to print a plate of parts quickly
"with a good degree of accuracy and consistency, which is the better option"
6 Comments. Reddit| I'm about to pull the trigger on buying one of
"that the final price including shipping and tax? if not what can I expect the final price to be"
Picsima video illustrates low temperature resilience - proforma 3d printing. Proforma 3d printing|
"the second one concentrates on what happens when the printing materials reach freezing point"
3Dprinting. Reddit| I don't have a printer, but i have a ton
"Who does this well? Who are the best vendors to work with when cost isn't really an issue"
How to build your own 3d printed jewelry. Brit + co|
"the Texan maker and see where she finds inspiration and what advice she has for makers alike"3D printing videos. About 3d printers| Below you can watch 3d printing videos from media outlets
"contains one of the most thorough explanations of how the 3D printing process works" -
BLOGS & the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Art & Sculpture 3D Printing Industry.|
"now here are Phil Nolan’s latest 3D printable sculptures, once again on a Shapeways store"
3D Printing 3D Printers News Jobs Directory Shop.|
"University of Sheffield graduates Mahdi Hosseini Sophie Findlay and Justas Cernas performed this j" - 3D Printer & 3D Printing News.|
"developing advanced innovative solutions in the recycling and waste management field" - 3D printer and 3D printing news,|
"he needed to do a few things on his annual stage that he 3D printed"
Meet Poppy, the 3-D printed robot set to inspire innovation
"the opportunity to experiment and program 3D printed robots with various characteristics"
BernieDawg OmniDawg for Primus OmnifuelStove Home.|
"OmniDawg 2 caps can be used with kerosene, Coleman fuel or isobutane canisters"
Multi-material 3D-printed designs by Zaha Hadid and Dezeen Magazine|
"technologies, including a chair by architect Zaha Hadid that can be 3D-printed on-demand"
Edible Growth: Food Printing’s Next Big Thing?.|
"Dutch industrial design student Chloé Rutzerveld comes up with something newsworthy"
Full Color 3D Printed Selfies with Just One Photo.|
"each can be outfitted with the hairstyle of your choice and extra accessories"3D printer and 3D printing news, trends and.|
"replica of the brain of a fruit fly, and has incorporated lighting effects to mimic brain activity"
Learn Jewelry CAD Now and Create Your Masterpieces.|
"October 28th, 2014 by NYJDI. Custom designed jewelry is comparatively a new hype in the ..."
Meetup Groups - Meetup.|
"this is the group for you. We want to help foster a group of people "
group gathers on Thursday… Meetup topics:. 'Out to See' Brings Makers, Artists. bedfordandbowery|
"of course we'll talk a lot about data (if you're interested in all things data, check out "
Shapeways Blog - Designer Spotlight: Wesley Günter.|
"shapes to create a fabulous line of jewelry that we’ve been gawking at for quite some time now"
DIY Matte Black Pumpkin.|
"For those who are inclined to get philosophical about their fears this Halloween"
XRobots blog Things I saw that I want to share.|
"Either way, the results will look surprisingly fun and creepy!"
Official New BalanceSite.|
"3D printing demo next month, but there’s no power!. How long can I run a 3D printer on batteries"
3d Printing · Business ETC.|
"coloured materials – cyan, magnenta and yellow – to print out as many as 46 colours into one model"
Art & Sculpture - 3D Printing Industry.|
"now here are Phil Nolan’s latest 3D printable sculptures, once again on a Shapeways store."
Multi-material 3D-printed designs by Zaha Hadid.|
"sinuous chair using multi-material 3D-printing that can be produced on-demand" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )October 28, 2014 NEWS
A New Dimension: Three Quarters of 3D Printer Owners Report High Daily. Robotics Tomorrow|
"on consumer awareness and perceptions, price sensitivity and potential applications"
T-Rex Skull Shower Heads Justify the Existence of 3D Printers. Gizmodo|
"that without 3D printing technology we may never have had a T-Rex shower head"
3D printed guitars hit road with Klaxons. University of Sheffield News|
"dream of a personalised guitar was financially out of his reach – unless he could get one printed."
Unlocking innovation with 3D printing -. Inside3DP|
" As a result, I don’t believe either application will lead to widespread adoption anytime soon"
William Gibson's 'The Peripheral' stars a plucky female gamer with 3D printing. Washington Post|
"through the techniques of fiction, highly bioavailable to other brains"
SweetHearts Offers 3D Printed Chocolates as Reward in New Diet and Exercise Concept.|
"exercise scene as well. Nothing revs up a boring routine like something new and exciting, and tasty"
Australian Re-Election Campaign Woos Voters, Promises 3D Printing Programs in All Victoria.3DPrint|
"be around US$1.9 million, roughly to giving 3D printers to schools, if he is re-elected on November 29"
Soon-to-launch 3D Printing Marketplace Goes All Out for Halloween With Unique MakerBot an. 3DPrint|
"walking around this year with at least part of their costumes 3D printed."
3D Printing Takes the Place of Traditional Clay Modeling in Forensic Facial Reconstruct. 3DPrint|
"anthropologists and archaeologists when remains of ancient humans and homonids are discovered"October 29, 2014 NEWS
PAGING PDS: 3D printing could be the wave of the future. Packet Online|
"solid objects from digital designs, to bring various design and artistic ideas to life"
Rock Band Use 3D-Printed Guitars for the First Time.|
"the required stability to ensure that the guitar worked perfectly"
Italian Designer Creates Tiny Open Source Vases for Roadside Flowers Received from his. 3DPrint|
"the market expands, and designers continue to innovate, this will gradually change"
While Arcam AB Soars, 3D Systems Languishes. Seeking Alpha (registration)|
"They actually tend to help if most people"
3D-printing factory Belgium - ABC News Australian.|
"Materialise, which operates in Belgium, is one of the world's largest 3D printing factories."
3D printed bionic hand 'fits like a glove' - Telegraph.|
"3 hours ago - NewSearch ... 3D printed bionic hand 'fits like a glove"
Can 3D Printing Make Economical Automotive Parts|
"design validation and implementation cycles and helps release new part versions "
HP looks to 3D printing market to boost performance. BBC News|
"The firm is hoping the products will help stir up a stagnant PC market"
HP Reveals New, Ultra-Fast 3D-Printing System. PC Magazine|
"Ultra-Fast Commercial 3D Printing System. HP today announced Multi Jet Fusion, a new 3D-printing"
HP dives into 3D printing with Multi Jet Fusion - CNET.|
"Multi Jet Fusion technology that will power new 3D commercial and manufacturing printers"BBC News - HP looks to 3D printing market to boost.|
"unveiled a new computer with built-in scanner, projector and touchpad at an event in New York" -
BLOGS & the WEB Wednesday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printed Seattle Skyline Wall Art - 3D Printing Industry.|
"The prop gun took over a week to print and used over five and a half pounds of filament"
3D Software - 3D Printing Industry.|
"Jobs-ian paradigm of man as a tool builder, with computers being the ultimate tool"
i.materialise 3D Printing Service Blog.|
"3D printer! We look forward to collaborating with them to bring meaningful applications to users"
MAKE DIY projects, how-tos, and inspiration from geeks.|
"Junkyard and helped San Francisco’s collaborative art community build their dreams."
Creative Bloq Your daily dose of design tips and inspiration.|
"costumes, some are getting really rather tired. These paper art masks will change all that"The Creators Project | Technology and the Brightest Young.|
"Make It Wearable (MIW) Challenge with the goal of inspiring the next big idea in wearables."
Dezeen - architecture and design magazine.|
"components by wrapping sticks in stretchy fabric and using them to cast concrete"
3D printed housing showcased at Downtown Design -|
"Problems, the fact that the cost of plastic is rising and that only 50% of it gets recycled"
3D Printing: The 3rd Dimension of Mobile Marketing.|
" content in a physical, tactile way and therefore become an unprecedented marketing tool"
German Scientists Study Possibility of Textiles Made via 3D.|
"echniques inherent in additive manufacturing is clearly a much newer technology to be adapted"
HP leans on old tech to make the leap into 3D printing - Instant.|
"will use HP Thermal Inkjet arrays to apply multiple print materials at once, in liquid form"
3D Printed Fashion Does this mean we all get... - For the.|
"Does this mean we all get lingerie that actually fits!?"
E-nabling The Future | A network of passionate volunteers.|
"turned near sightedness and far sightedness into a nuisance, when it used to be a disability"
TCT - 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing and Product.|
"careers in technology but feel they are not being given the right tools in the classroom"
H-P unveils 3D printing tech; 3D printer makers sell off.|
"allow objects to be printed more than 10x faster than conventional approaches" | The Engineer's Ultimate Resource Tool.|
"may be able to make planes more fuel efficient by simply reducing the size of their tails"
Fabbaloo.| Find out the latest events and announcements in 3D printing,
"of speculation and rumor, HP took to a stage today and announced something about 3D printing"
TCT - 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing and Product.
"record smashed for TCT Show as the facts and figures from this year's show prove a hit yet again" -
BLOGS & the WEB Thursday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D printed bionic hand fits like a glove.|
"Bristol scientist creates robotic hand using a scanner and a 3D printer to copy man's good "
Hewlett-Packard 3D Printing Foray Expected To Start Slow HPQ. Investor's Business Daily|
"also unveiled Sprout by HP, a computing platform that includes a 3D scanner and projector"
Yale University and OPM Collaborate on Ten 3D Printing Projects to Further Biomedical|
"^and OPM’s high performance polymer, poly-ether-ketone-ketone (PEKK)."
Oxford Performance Materials, Yale University partner for 3D printing. Becker's Orthopedic & Spine|
"faculty members, and will explore a range of biomedical applications for 3D printing and PEKK "
3D Printer Hack Makes Automatic Tattoo Machine. PSFK (blog)|
"Audiences made that final step by hacking a 3D printer and turning it into a tattoo gun."
3D Systems Corporation, Stratasys, Ltd.: The Future Of 3D Printing Is Bright. ETF Daily News|
"Minghao would became the world’s first patient to receive an artificial vertebrae made with "
Analysts differ on potential expansion direction of niche 3D printing market. Taipei Times|
"as the firm predicts worldwide shipments of 3D printers to be just 2.3 million in 2018"
3D printing in graphene is coming and it will be big. Inside3DP|
"regarded as a substitute for silicon – being stronger, more flexible and a much better conductor"Building houses with 3D printing technology. South China Morning Post|
"British architects Foster + Partners is going even further - it is printing a house for the moon"
Absurd Gains for 3D Printing Stocks. Wall Street Sector Selector|
"stocks were ready for another momentum battle against the solar sector."
3D printing DRM could open new age of consumerism. SlashGear|
"with MakerBot using the system for the first time with Sesame Street characters"
Zortrax Gains Global Momentum, Makes History Opening First 3D Printing Store and Hub in. 3DPrint|
"such as: Business, Design, Press/media, Investment, Mentoring and International Distribution"
German Scientists Study Possibility of Textiles Made via 3D Printing, Find Surprising. 3DPrint
"techniques inherent in additive manufacturing is clearly a much newer technology to be adapted"
HP Tiptoes Into 3D Printers. EE Times|
"in an effort to create printers 10 times faster and more flexible than today’s models"
Ball State University Students Recreate 3D Model of Demolished Landmark with 3D Printing. 3DPrint|
"3D printing definitely provides a new hands-on approach to educating our future workforce" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )3D Printing Revealed As Major Technology Behind Guardians of the Galaxy's Costumes. 3DPrint|
"printing extensively in the production of numerous props and costumes within the movie"
HP's 3D Print Breakthrough Could Push Rivals 'Out of Business'. Forbes|
"l be competitive. We do know the company really has developed a new 3D printing technique that"
HP promises a fast enterprise 3D printer for 2016 that will cost…something - Gigaom. Biz Break|
"We still don’t know what it will cost, though HP says the price will be competitive"
After More Than 20 Years, Man Finally Gets Diagnosis After 3D Printing His Own CT Scans. 3DPrint|
decided to takes thing into his own hands and use his knowledge of 3D imaging to do so
Hewlett-Packard jumps into 3D printing, computing with Sprout system - San Jose Mercury News|
"to wait a little longer to buy the product -- it doesn't become generally available until 2016"
HP dives into 3D printing with Multi Jet Fusion. CNET|
"the company’s new HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D printer. Multi-Jet Fusion printers will be sold to"
First Look: HP pushes into 3D printing, Blended Reality - USA TODAY. Mashable|
"part of everyday production, especially for intricate, customized items"
It will takes 15 min to make this model. and hp said this machine is coming and be ready in 20163D Printing Revealed As Major Technology Behind Guardians of the Galaxy's Costumes.3DPrint|
"3D printing extensively in the production of numerous props and costumes within the movie"
After More Than 20 Years, Man Finally Gets Diagnosis After 3D Printing His Own CT Scans. 3DPrint|
"had gone 20 years without a diagnosis for a problem which was causing him significant pain"
CGTrader Sees 10000% Growth Over Two Years – 3D Printing Leading the Charge.|
"In fact iTunes was what drove iPod sales. Without content there would not have been a market."
3D Printing: The 3rd Dimension of Mobile Marketing. VisionMobile|
"consume content in a physical, tactile way and therefore become an unprecedented marketing tool"
Calling All Makers: Announcing the First-Ever White House 3D-Printed Ornament. The White House|
"lights and ornaments, the holidays will be filled with wonder, delight, and excitement"October 31, 2014 NEWS
Calling All Makers: Announcing the First-Ever White House 3D-Printed Ornament. The White House|
"lights and ornaments, the holidays will be filled with wonder, delight, and excitement"
The White House is getting a 3D-printed Christmas ornament. Washington Post| WH launches contest
"constant stream of questions he gets from wannabe 3D printing operators who are afraid to jump in"
3D Prints World's Best Inverter. EE Times|
"it's building a portfolio of intellectual property (IP) to have them ready when that time comes"
Metro Vancouver pair makes 3D printing accessible to all (with video). Vancouver Sun|
"the medical industry on the innovative process and its radical impact on manufactur"
Stratasys And Worrell Accelerate Medical Device Development With 3D Printed Injection.| Stratasys
"big smiles in small gifts’ and look to continue the tradition with a new generation of makers"
Hello Kitty! MakerBot and Sanrio Team to Bring the Japanese Kitty to Life via 3D Printing. 3DPrint|
"MakerBot and Sanrio Team to Bring the Japanese Kitty to Life via 3D Printing. 3DPrint|"
Sharon Hospital Donates 3D Printer To Robotics And Beyond. Litchfield County Times|
"development, manufacturing and medicine has been the focus of many articles in print and online"
Future reimagined: Airbus in 3D print. Emirates 24/7|
"According to Airbus its a whole new flying experience inspired by nature"
Why is 3D printing such a powerful way to make solid objects?. Inside3DP|
"‘fitted like a glove’ last week. 23 year-old Daniel Melville saw an appeal"
White House Announces 3D Printed Ornament Design Chage.|llen
"We cover all the latest, breaking news surrounding 3D printing and 3D scanning" -
BLOGS & the WEB Friday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )HP unveils speedier 3D printing technology. HEXUS|
"intuitive and convenient way of scanning and digitizing objects for duplication or repairs"
Homework Hotline • 3D Printing. E-nabling The Future| If I didn't have glasses in a world in which
"turned near sightedness and far sightedness into a nuisance, when it used to be a disability"
3D Printing – Wellington Innovation. (press release)|
"exhibited at the highly successful 3D printing lecture series at Hutt City Libraries"
Introduction to 3D Printing. Pinshape Blog| We've all heard it, “3D printing is the future” –
"What is 3D printing? Here’s an introduction to 3D printing to help you get started"About 3D Printing.|
"printing services. From prototypes to final products we can help bring your"
Setting Up Octoprint web interface for 3d printer on Cubietruck. Instructables|
"some GPIO ports. So, I thought why not try out the Octoprint. Let's get started"
Virtual-Strategy Magazine. MakerBot and Sanrio Collaborate to Bring Hello Kitty Into the. |
"MakerBot PrintShop app are designed specifically for use with MakerBot Replicator 3D Printers"
How 3D Printing Works. ALA TechSource|
"in a process like milling, lathing, or CNC (computing numerical control) machines."
3D Printed Halloween – It's Scary How Good It's Getting!. Stratasys Blog|
"beloved mixed breed pup developed a limp after surgery which left him unable to run and play"
HP unveils speedier 3D printing technology - . HEXUS|
"intuitive and convenient way of scanning and digitizing objects for duplication or repairs" -
BLOGS & the WEB Saturday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )White House Announces the First-Ever 3D-Printed Ornament Challenge. CAPUniversity - CAPINC|
"people can find details on the challenge and submit their designs at Instructables"
3D Printed Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes. American Chemical Society Publications|
"been demonstrated to date and is capable of integrating many distinct classes of materials"
Amazing 3D Printing Technology. The Meta Picture|
"The post Amazing 3D Printing Technology appeared first on The Meta Picture."
CNC Machining Vs. 3D Printing. MEMA Engineering, LLC|
"talk about 3D printing and machining since these two are the most used in prototyping"
Top 3 Ways to Prepare to be a 3D Printing Ready Mechanical Engineer.|
"at the top three ways you can be prepared to enter the job market of 3D printing"Make Your Halloween Sinister and Spooky with These 3D Printed Project. Materials - Materialise|
"3D printing will help you put your unique spin on one of the funnest times of the yea"
Competition Heats Up In 3D Printing Arena. Consumers' Research|
"expect growth in the 3D printing industry to $21 billion in 2020 from $3 billion last year"
Tip of the Day: 3D Printing (no glasses required). TechNet Blogs|
"the file is sent to a 2D printer or 3D printer, either a 2D image or 3D model is printed"
Afillia Lamp Collection Featuring Original 3D Printed Lace-Like Diffusers. Freshome|
"that change the perception of volumes of an existing structure “In this case a viewpoint "
Introduction to 3D printing. Illinois MakerLab|
"a nominal charge of $10, which includes cost for materials and instruction during the workshop" -
BLOGS & the WEB Sunday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Mark Peeters. Make| 3D printing is a lot of things to a lot
"some very impressive results that seem nearly impossible to your typical 3D printing hobbyist"
Dita von teese Makes 3D Printing Look Effortless. FashInvest|
"about in the last couple months since 3D-printing has blown up in the fashion tech press"
SRIRAM's IAS. Facebook| Q&A S&T. Q. How does 3D printing technology help in
"give patients far better outcomes in dealing with a wide range of illnesses and injuries"
3D Printing Solutions. Nextline Manufacturing| Industrial 3D printing solutions for functional
"parts and prototypes, across 40+ metal and plastic materials. Our services include"
iMakr & Le Bon Marché team to offer 3D printed 'Mini-You' candles.|
"iMakr will be creating bespoke, one-of-a-kind candles from a 3D printed version of you"3D Printing. Pinterest| Pins about 3D Printing hand-picked by Pinner Tiffany
"We just had to share this one too!"
Download the full article. Deloitte| The technology that supports additive manufacturing
"desired material in successive layers to create a physical object from a digital file"
Scientist Deliberately Pirates Art on a Nanoscopic Scale. TorrentFreak|
"still and moving images, and even physical items are easily cloned using 3D printing techniques" -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )November 1, 2014 NEWS
iMakr and Le Bon Marché Team to Offer Scandles, The 3D Printed Scented Candle Mini-You. 3DPrint|
"athlete or superhero, 3D printed mini-me’s are certainly conversation pieces, if nothing else"
Meet the maker whose 3D printed Jack-O-Lantern will make your Halloween. Inside3DP|
"thing but never realized I would one day be using very similar technologies in my own home"
3D printing incorporates quasicrystals for stronger manufacturing products. Nanowerk|
"properties, can be useful in the design of new composite materials for this purpose"
Waganari Melds Art and Technology with Dark, Ethereal 3D Printed Wire Sculptures.|
"artist shares with you — and sometimes even invites you to interact with these creations"November 2, 2014 NEWS
BUSINESS Q and A: Foust talks about Clarksville's famed foundry. Clarksville Leaf Chronicle|
"my grandfather was superintendent for them, then he acquired it from them"
Election Column: Gimmick items dominate Victorian campaigns. The Age|
"is not one of those problems. Right now 3D printing is just an interesting toy"
Egg-shaped pavilion is world's largest collectively 3D printed project. USA NEWS|
"as a way to help visualise the potential of open-source and collaborative 3D printing design"
3D Christmas challenge, a GSA cloud deal and 'improper gratuities'.|
"the Smithsonian are pairing up for a holiday ornament contest "
3D Printing and the Age of Disruption. Center for Research on Globalization|
"other industries beyond the digital world and within the physical, tangible world"3D Printing Incorporates Quasicrystals for Stronger Manufacturing Products. NewsMaker|
"crystal-like properties can be useful in the design of new composite materials for this purpose"
Oreo the Dog Running Again Thanks to His 3D Printed Kneecap.|
"there at all — but created a new one as Oreo then walked with a limp that would never go away"
Green Thumb Whimsy: Designer Colleen Jordan Creates 3D Printed Wearable Plant Serie. 3DPrint|
"created the 3D printed planters for Atlanta’s Sopo Bicycle Cooperative Art Bikes Show"
Project EGG is the biggest collaborative 3D printed structure ever made. Shiny Shiny|
"Although the design’s the same in each case, each stone came out differently"November 3, 2014 NEWS
Purple 3D printer unique in color and tech, say creators. The Times of Israel|
"those offered by companies like MakerBot for the same price that we are charging"
KramCo3D's Founder 3D Prints a Ninjaflex Mask of Himself to Wear for Halloween.|
"Later in the week I will discuss more about the conversation that I had with him"
Why CES remains a critical weather vane for our tech lives. TechRadar UK|
"touch point for the industry as we look to the big-ticket technologies for the coming year"
3D Printing and the Age of Disruption - . Land Destroyer|
"out for far cheaper than it would be to buy them from a traditional manufacturer"
B P Collins advises on sale of prop maker for Hollywood films. Insider Media|
"charity sectors and is a keen member of the firm's cross practice advisory groups."
Rebuilding A Broken Family 'In Plain Sight'. North Country Public Radio|
"not to come home: His novel had caused a stir, and authorities were looking for him"
Hello Kitty launches 3D printed collectibles. The Star Online|
"designers to create rings in the ring maker module of PrintShop that feature Hello Kitty"
Inhabitat's Week in Green: Long-range EVs, vegetable biofuel and a wearable for. Engadget|
"electric sports car with a 0-60MPH time of just 3.7 seconds and a top speed of 155MPH" -
BLOGS & the WEB Monday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )Resources. 3D Print HQ| Our 3D printing resources page for all the coolest products
"Club initiative and get access to printers, supplies, program activities, trainings and more"
3d printing. Pinterest| Pins about 3d printing hand-picked by Pinner Xiaojun
"by Pinner James Range | See more about powerlifting, weight lifting and olympic weightlifting."
Aligning Form and Function with the flexFORM 3D Printer. ProForma 3D Printing|
"promises plug-and-play capabilities to make desktop 3D printing as painless as possible"
HP's 3D Print Quantum Leap And It's Affect On Gartner Hype Cycle. LinkedIn|
"believe will push rivals "out of business" and quickly gain a considerable market share"
"printing process. To get a feel for just how big the head is, take a look at the photo below"
HP sets sights on 3D printing again with homegrown technology. GraphicSpeak|
"beta testers early in 2015. Full commercial distribution is not expected until early 2016"
Join the White House 3D-Printed Ornament Challenge!. Etsy|
"your own design in the White House this holiday season? Now is your chance to make that happen"
3D Printing Of Concertina Nova Has Begun.|
"to create a better kind of 'people's' concertina - it's the start of my Concertina Nova project"
Look what the world can do with 3D Printers.| Looking back over the year in tech, one
"in place in your mind between printing and two-dimensional shapes on sheets of A4 paper"
Bradley Rothenberg 3D Printed Fabrics. StartUp FASHION|
"just so cool! But as amazing as 3D printing is now, remember that this is only the beginning"3D print. Almost looks like work| I saw an article on the Guardian website here on
"a projected image with coordinates , can we work out the pattern of shapes cut into the sphere" -
BLOGS & the WEB Tuesday
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )MAKE DIY projects, how-tos, and inspiration from geeks.|
"printers work to unique and innovative applications and finishing techniques"
First Layer Problems: Quick Tips For 3D Printing Beginners.|
"this video. I know I would have appreciated this when I was just starting out."
Startup insaniToy Shows Off Their Incredible 3D Printed.|
"opting to continue to discuss the company’s plans and inner workings with their founder"
FirstBuild Thingiverse Design Challenge - MakerBot.|
"The possibilities are endless! We’re excited to see what innovative ideas you come up with"
The First-Ever White House 3D-Printed Ornament Challenge.|
"ds to lights and ornaments, the holidays will be filled with wonder, delight, and excitement"
Tech the Halls: Target's 3-D Printed Holiday Gifts.|
"ansform what you thought you knew about shopping, style and the power of technology"
Auto Industry Revs Up 3D Printing Capabilities - The Experts.|
"AM vendors working to overcome these challenges are making strides in the following key areas"
3D Printing Industry - 3D Printer News, Reports, Directory.|
"how to exist in three dimensions, resembling a glitched model"
Quadruped Run Cycle 3D Printing - 3D Printing Industry.|
"oped Run Cycle,’ with all it’s componant parts printed on a Stratasys Fortus 360mc"
3D printing industry - 3d printer news, reports, directory. 3Dprintingindustry.Com|
"of these systems, I know I took a while to absorb all the information"
Printing textiles: bradley rothenberg : 3d printshow. 3Dprintshow.Com|
"we caught up with the designer to learn more about his projects"
ansform what you thought you knew about shopping, style and the power of technology
"to transform what you thought you knew about shopping, style and the power of technology"
Dezeen - architecture and design magazine. Dezeen.Com|
"house, set into a steep rock face in Mexico City by local studio 3archlab"
Makers meetup groups - meetup. Makers.Meetup.Com|
"in Northern Virginia. Everyone with a passion and interest in making things is welcome to join"
Autodesk to invest $100 million in 3d printing. 3Dprinting.Com |
"This can be seen as the first 3D printing investment program of the world"
Fashion designers network project using - autodesk 123d. 123Dapp.Com|
"great video their latest project. Scroll down for everything you need to build it yourself"
3Ders.Org - 3d printer and 3d printing news, trends and. 3Ders.Org|
"prototypes, production aids and manufactured parts"
3D printing - community - google+. plus.Google.Com|
"I won't be able to write it up properly until tomorrow evening"
Frothers unite! Uk • view topic - guy prints a 40k army:. Frothersunite.Com|
"some of the other printed minis I've seen. Not perfect by a long way but certainly improving"
Most downloaded models - grabcad. Grabcad.Com|
"Recently added Most liked Most downloaded Most commented"