Export DWG
Just had to export my files into DWG model space for use by others in AutoCAD. It hasn't gone well...
The end user has to change their background to white if the exported text is black otherwise the text is invisible. Text also can't be changed to "bylayer" or any other colour without editing each piece of text.
The text background masking boxes shrink to tiny rectangles
All text is changed to "Top Left" insertion including text which should have been middle & centre resulting in numerous text clashes.
Linetype scales are incorrect and need setting to drawing scale x 10 to look right eg at 1:50 LTSCALE needs set to 500
Dimensions disintegrate into lines and text
Angular dimensions vanish
Clipped vector scenes unclip & explode
Text leader line arrow heads explode
Anyone know if I'm doing something wrong or if there are workarounds before I'm forced by my client to move to exporting my SU models to DWG and abandon LO for Draftsight?
Nope... that pretty much describes it... useless.
Oh POOP!!! This is taking me back 30 years to AutoBAD 2D land
At least Draftsight is free for now...
yeah... Like SketchUp not importing text from autocad Layout doesn't seem to like exporting text to autocad. maybe they should send each other a text based email and fix it.
And while Trimble are fixing this, would it be too much to ask to be able to export SU to DWG/DXF using SU layers rather than just line, profiles & section cuts?
So we have SU2014 and no movement on this issue. Even changing the object output to colour ByLayer rather than (0,0,0) would be a huge step forward. HOW DO I GET TRIMBLE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS SIMPLE FIX!!!
If i export it to a 2007 versión and open it in Autodesk Autosketch 10, everything works fine, then save it again and open it in Autocad, it works !!!
STRANGE or not ??? -
*puts hand up
This is the one massive issue that prevents my SU/LO workflow being usable for my clients.
@jasonwd said:
*puts hand up
This is the one massive issue that prevents my SU/LO workflow being usable for my clients.
if it's difficult to communicate with other consultants using the exports form software then, well, it's a problem for the person using SU + LO (and as such, less people will be inclined to use SU + LO).
What workarounds are people using?