Anyone want a fight ?
Thanks again everyone.
Mike, you'll be correct about her height in the water, I know zilch about boats.
I've been asked to make a walk-through by Bryan and a couple of others, so after the weekend I'm going to start The Bismark so will keep images as I progress. She seems much more complex than the Hood.An reenactment of that famous battle sounds good! maybe I'll change history or cause another war
John -
Hey John,
I actually forgot to reply to your question "Anyone want a fight?" in my earlier post.
So how about I send in my alien spaceships? But to be fair, I will have my other military submarines and planes to help out your HMS Hood fight the alien invasion?
How does it sound? Ready for war?
Have a great day!
@daniel said:
I didn't think it possible, but you've outdone yourself, John.
AGREED! this really takes it up a notch...
@mike amos said:
Sorry mate but Hood took between three and five shells depending on which report you take most relevence from, the germans think three shells the Royal navy think five. The shot that killed Hood just happened to benefit from the lack of depth to the armoured deck and exploded inside the aft 15" magazine which rather bent the ship out of shape. There is a similarity to the loss of the USS Arizona where what was considered to be one explosion in the aft magazine was in fact a number of conflagrations involving the stern AND the bow magazines, some say due to improper safety installations.
I stand corrected. Thank you.
Just the polygons on the hull alone would have destroyed my PC.
@unknownuser said:
@mike amos said:
Sorry mate but Hood took between three and five shells depending on which report you take most relevence from, the germans think three shells the Royal navy think five. The shot that killed Hood just happened to benefit from the lack of depth to the armoured deck and exploded inside the aft 15" magazine which rather bent the ship out of shape. There is a similarity to the loss of the USS Arizona where what was considered to be one explosion in the aft magazine was in fact a number of conflagrations involving the stern AND the bow magazines, some say due to improper safety installations.
I stand corrected. Thank you.
No worries mate, fair exchange is no robbery and thanks for your help with rendering, much easier when someone like yourself does the hard work first.
This is really cool. Nicely done!
Grew up on stories of the Hood / Bismark battle John, so it's really great to see this incredible piece. I knew you weren't just another pretty face!
Cheers -
in a word I do not have words...
Thank you everyone, glad you all like her.
Ken, sounds good! a mother of all battles.
Dale, fantastic story, I've spent most of the weekend researching. There's quite a lot on youtube. The Bismarck looks formidable although they are similar in size, the names Battleship and Battle-cruiser just about sum it up.thank you
John -
Wow John you've excelled yourself this time. I'm interested in the sea texture and the wake in particular can you explain the process or link to the texture ?
Now "Sink The Bismarck !" (watched it last week)
Thanks Simon, the texture is all done in PS, just layered (PM sent),.
"Sink The Bismarck !" I watched it Sat night
John -
@tadema said:
Thanks Simon, the texture is all done in PS, just layered (PM sent),.
"Sink The Bismarck !" I watched it Sat night
JohnGreat movie. Kenneth More, Dana Winter. One of my faves.
jaw dropping brilliant mate.
@unknownuser said:
@tadema said:
Thanks Simon, the texture is all done in PS, just layered (PM sent),.
"Sink The Bismarck !" I watched it Sat night
JohnGreat movie. Kenneth More, Dana Winter. One of my faves.
An absolute classic.
I'll keep these two together.
The Bismarck... I can smell trouble brewing between these two
Been working on these two models for almost two weeks now and Sketchup has never once crashed or shown the slightest sign of slowing down, even with both models combined. It seems SU has come on leaps and bounds lately!
Bryan, If I e-mailed you the file i would bet it would work just fine on your computer. I'm still using SU8, see no point in upgrading yet.
David, think I'll take a break from the ships for a while.Gotcha!
I know it was the other way around
John -
And how does your computer handle this load? Are you using the latest version of SU?
Wow! Great battle scene!
Yeah, I'm beginning to think I have a bad install. I have all kinds of "glitchy" thing happen and it really slows down my modeling.